How to start a relationship with a girl, develop and maintain: secrets of successful relationships

If a man likes a girl, he should carefully think through a plan to win her, which consists of several points - acquaintance, the beginning of a relationship, its development and further preservation. But not all guys at the right time have the knowledge and skills of how to start a relationship with a girl, even if they don’t know her. You can find answers to questions about how to adequately go through all stages of relationship development in the psychology of relationships.

The main responsibility for a relationship with a girl still lies on the shoulders of the man, since representatives of the stronger sex by nature are conquerors and conquerors. Despite this, even experienced and mature men do not always know how to build relationships, as a result of which they constantly change partners, but do not start families. Psychology considers several basic rules on how to behave with a girl at different stages of a relationship with her.

Keep the girl in the spotlight

Ladies love to talk about themselves. They enjoy telling real-life stories and are delighted when they find an attentive listener who is genuinely interested in what they have to say. How to develop a relationship with a girl? Give her a chance to speak. Let your lady of the heart say what she considers necessary. Your task is to listen carefully to everything that the charming person says. All people are used to talking about what worries them. If a lady tells you about her dog, it means she is a caring owner. If a girl talks enthusiastically about her work, it means she loves what she does. Develop the topics that your interlocutor suggests to you. When a girl starts a conversation on her own, she wants the topic to be developed. Do not deviate from the course that the lady has set. She will be pleased by the fact that you can carry on a conversation on any topic.

Don't shout "me too" at every opportunity.

The first time you met a lady is a thing of the past and you are now at a stage where people start to learn more about each other. How to develop a relationship with a girl? You must become an attentive listener. Don't interrupt your chosen one. Episodes often happen when a girl starts telling you about something, and the phrase literally comes out of her mouth: great, me too. For example, if a lady started talking about how she went to a concert of her favorite band last weekend, and you were there too, your task is to let the girl finish her thought and share her impressions. If you interrupt her story with an exclamation: I was there too, the lady will not be able to finish her story. The girl may be embarrassed and ask you to tell her impressions of the concert. So take your time. Listen to the impressions of your chosen one, and then tell her that you are also delighted with the musical group and can now go to concerts together.

Find out more about the girl's interests

When meeting a lady, be sure to ask her about her interests. How will this help in the future? You will find out whether you have common ground, and you will also have the opportunity to learn a little more about the hobbies of your chosen one. How to develop a relationship with a girl? For example, a lady said that she is interested in skiing. You have never skated and do not have friends with similar interests. Then consult Google what types of skis exist, find out the names of the athletes and the places closest to the city where you can ski. On your next date, casually mention the topic of alpine skiing and tell the lady that you have always wanted to learn how to ski downhill and even watch competitions in this sport from time to time. You can mention the names of athletes you have recently met. The girl will be pleased that her chosen one shares interests, and the lady can offer you her instructor services. Your next date will be guaranteed.

Stage 1: first steps

Of course, the first step in a relationship will be the very fact of dating and initial courtship. The recommendations above will help you here. It is also important to conduct dating and courtship from a position of strength. Demonstrate to a girl, no matter how successful and cool she may be, that she has a strong, mature man with her, next to whom she can hide her balls of steel and be a girl.

Women are captivated by this position and fall in love. But remember: playing strong and being really strong inside are two big differences, with a huge gap between them.

Don't be afraid to ask

How to properly develop a relationship with a girl? She must become interested in you. This will be easy to achieve if you ask questions about topics that interest you. Are you afraid that you will offend your chosen one with a question? Nothing bad will happen. A smart girl will be able to joke about a sensitive topic and will not be offended by your curiosity. You have nothing to lose by asking what interests you. If a girl is willing to share personal information with you, she will do it. It is conversations on frank topics that bring people closer. But don't go too far. Frankness can be achieved over time. You should not demand from a girl that she open her soul to you on the second date.

When asking questions, be polite. If the girl changed the topic or did not directly answer the question asked, you should not repeat it. The lady understood what you meant, but did not want to share the information with you. Have respect for a person's privacy and do not interfere in personal space if you are not allowed there.

How to set your intentions

This is the most important and responsible point. To prevent your meetings with a girl from turning into endless friendly get-togethers, let her know that you expect more. Let's figure out how.

Nonverbal cues

It is best to demonstrate your sympathy using nonverbals: gaze, voice, gestures, light touches. If you are lost, watch how the heroes of romance films do it and learn from them. You can even practice in front of a mirror.

Monitor the girl's reaction to your signals, learn to see feedback. Try to take her hand, put your arm around her waist. If she doesn't pull away immediately, it means she enjoys your touch.

First kiss

When can you kiss a girl? There is no universal rule for everyone, look at the circumstances. If she has given the go-ahead for touching and hugging, then you can try your luck on the first date. If your attempt is unsuccessful, it’s okay. Your lady may not be ready for such a sharp rapprochement, try it next time.

But in the case of the third or fourth refusal, you should be wary, especially when you have already spent money on general leisure. Feel free to ask what caused the refusal. If the answer is unclear, tell the girl: “It’s a pity. So you didn’t like me” and leave. Rest assured, she will find a way to convince you if you are wrong. And if you’re right, well, at least you’ll save your nerves and money.

Material investments

This is a rather slippery topic. No guy wants to be used. It can be difficult to determine where this fine line lies between adequate and unjustified investments. Let's figure it out.

It just so happens in our society that in cafes, restaurants, and cinemas, a man pays for a girl. A lady will be happy to pay for herself on dates in the only case - when she likes you much more than you like her. But this is not our case; we still proceed from the assumption that initially the sympathy and initiative were yours.

If you really like a girl, you should pay for her leisure time on the first dates. At the same time, it must be within your means - do not try to show off.

Now about the gifts. While you are not yet a couple, they should be purely symbolic and not expensive. A bouquet of flowers, a teddy bear, some useful little thing. Remember - your goal is not to buy the favor of your passion, but to show sympathy and attention.

If after three or four dates the girl has not made a single step towards you, close up shop. A step can be considered an initiative to communicate, a kiss, closer physical contact.

Tell us about yourself

Many guys are afraid of frankness. They don't understand how to develop a relationship with a girl from scratch. You need to trust your interlocutor. Tell her about your childhood and your attitude towards life. The more trust you create, the more you will receive in return. Don't be afraid to seem stupid or funny. No one will think badly of you if you speak sincerely. There is no need to invent imaginary outcomes of events. Someone else's soul is darkness. It will not be possible to understand them immediately after meeting them. Therefore, cast aside your doubts. There is no need to tell secrets to your interlocutor. But you have to bare your soul. Tell us about your childhood, your youth and what you are afraid of. You can talk about your failures. If you manage to get a girl to have a frank conversation, consider it your success. Don't try to put on a mask of indifference. Girls know how to feel their interlocutor, and a lie will not escape them.

Rules for confident behavior

The young man must take full responsibility for what is happening. You should focus on your own positive experience in order to make the right impression and be able to arouse sympathy for yourself. There are several rules to take into account. If you try to follow them, you can easily improve your personal life, find happiness and joy.

  1. Meaningful statements. Girls love to speak in riddles. While relationships are just forming, it is necessary to constantly stir up interest in each other. Some things need to be said carefully veiled. Direct phrases are sometimes frightening and create unnecessary tension. Instead of joy, disappointment appears.
  2. Attractive stories. Girls love to listen to interesting things. They find them funny and interesting, while guys may give them a wide berth. It is not necessary to share only purely personal experiences. Take stories from books you read, borrow stories told by friends. Strive to speak more, and in metaphorical language, with many beautiful speech patterns. This technique will make the right impression.
  3. Demonstrate ease, sincerity, openness, and a desire to communicate. The more a young man tries to please, the more stable the result will be. You need to be easy-going, show cheerfulness, and embark on funny adventures. Don't be afraid to experiment and create an intoxicating mood.

To start dating a girl, you need to take the initiative. You will have to try, but then you will gain self-confidence and a pleasant result. Representatives of the fairer sex expect attention, affection, gifts, kind attitude and respect. If a guy understands these needs, he will not remain lonely.

Meeting friends

How does Capricorn develop relationships with girls? Men of this zodiac sign are straightforward. They are used to getting their way in every possible way. One of them is complete frankness. If you want to develop a relationship, then you will have to open up to the girl. The easiest way is to introduce a lady into your social circle. You can get to know a person better by getting to know his friends. Go to parties more often with your chosen one. Such events will allow the girl to better understand you and your lifestyle. And this knowledge will not give her a reason for jealousy in the future.

After introducing the lady to your friends, try to enter the girl’s social circle. Ask her to arrange a meeting with her friends. Such an acquaintance will allow you to find out what kind of people the girl likes and in what environment she is. Be polite to your friends, but don't flirt with them. Your chosen one should be completely confident in you, so don’t give her another reason to be jealous.

Attention to appearance

Met a girl? How to develop relationships in the future? Pay attention to your appearance. Girls love with their ears, but they pay great attention to the visual image. There is no need to change your clothing style, but you should dress more carefully. Iron items before wearing them. Shower before you go on a date. It would be a good idea to brush your teeth and style your hair. It's stupid to think that you should be loved for who you are. An unkempt person causes antipathy. If a person does not pay attention to his appearance, then the girl will get the impression that you are inattentive to details. And for ladies this is very important. Therefore, take a look in the mirror once again before going out. But don't become a Narcissist. Pompous guys who are confident in their irresistibility cause more antipathy than those types who attach no importance to their appearance.

Help solve problems

Strong and confident men always attract girls. Representatives of the fair sex want to see next to them a person who can solve all their problems. How to develop a relationship with a girl after meeting? Help the lady whenever you can. A girl wants to go to some event outside the city, but she doesn’t have personal transport? Offer her your services as a driver. Has your lady's faucet broken, or does she need to hammer a nail into the wall to hang a picture? Show the girl that your hands are growing from the right place. But don’t be too zealous in serving your chosen one. Otherwise, you risk falling into the friend zone. Help when you have the time and desire to do something nice for the girl or when the lady of your heart really finds herself in a difficult life situation. There is no point in fulfilling stupid whims. If a girl needs to go to a store that is a five-minute walk from her house, there is no need to give her a ride by car. She will be able to buy bread without your intervention.

What is a relationship?

Let's start with the most important question, which is not always understood by young people: what is a love relationship? It seems as if a love union begins when two partners meet and decide to be together. In reality, everything is much more complicated. In a love relationship, the main thing is not just to find each other and unite under the influence of passions, but also to find a common language, accept each other with all the advantages and disadvantages, understand the partner and learn to coexist with him, especially when disagreements and contradictions arise.

A love relationship is the union of two people who want to be together and learn to get along together. Since a guy and a girl are initially different from each other in some ways, conflicts can naturally arise between them. A quarrel is a difference in opinions and desires, which is natural if people are different. The guy wants one thing, and the girl wants another. If you learn to live peacefully even with different desires, interests and habits, then it is truly about love.

Relationships are the efforts of both partners. It is not just one who tries to develop, preserve and protect them, but both. A guy must learn one thing: if he tries to please a girl, but she won’t do anything for him, then it’s better to break up with her. She does not build a relationship, but takes advantage of the fact that the guy wants to be with her. At any opportunity, such a girl will leave for another in order to build a relationship with him, invest in it, develop it.

Show concern more often

How to develop a relationship with a girl at a distance? Show attention and care to your chosen one. If you went on a business trip to another city, this should not be a reason to stop communicating. Call the girl every other day, take an interest in her affairs and help her with advice. Representatives of the fair sex love signs of attention. Therefore, you can please the girl with a bouquet that the courier will give her. You can surprise a girl in different ways, even when you are apart from her. For example, you can write a song or poem and dedicate your creation to the muse. The girl will be surprised and pleasantly shocked that you do not forget about her and she serves as an object of creative inspiration for you.

If you are not separated, you can show concern more often. For example, while walking in the park in the evening, offer her your jacket. A girl may feel chills, but tolerate the cold so as not to rush home, but spend more time with you.

Topics for conversation

When communicating with a girl you know, it’s easy to find a topic for conversation:

  • general work or study;
  • hobbies and hobbies;
  • travel and recreation;
  • music, stars, club life;
  • sport and healthy lifestyle;
  • dreams, plans for the future;
  • anecdotes, jokes, funny stories;
  • Pets;
  • How was your day;
  • childhood, shared memories.

The list goes on. An attractive topic depends on interests, type of activity, level of communication. In any case, do not forget to control the reaction of your interlocutor. If you notice that the conversation is unpleasant, causing stiffness, embarrassment, awkwardness, take the conversation in a different direction. Try to get the lady to talk. If the topic turns out to be interesting, the partner will be happy to support the conversation and, perhaps, tell a lot of interesting things.

Compliments are a win-win topic. Tell her what attracts you to her, what you admire, how pleasant it is to spend time with her, how cool she is, and that you only dream of such a girl. It will melt her heart.

But it’s better not to talk about past relationships, flaws in appearance and figure, family problems, sexual experience, and financial situation. Usually these topics cause distaste.

Be romantic

How to develop a relationship with a girl with a child after meeting? A lady who has children needs romantic actions just as much as a girl who is not burdened with anything. Any representative of the fair sex wants to feel desired and special. Give the lady the opportunity to feel your sympathy. Arrange romantic dinners for your beloved. You can spend time with a pretty person while walking along the embankment in the evening. Don't forget to give flowers and mark all significant dates on your calendar. The girl will be pleased that you remember the day you met. At first, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to satisfy all the lady’s desires. Performing romantic acts does not mean showering your chosen one with expensive gifts. You can sing a lyrical serenade while standing under the window, or write something nice with chalk on the asphalt in front of the girl’s windows. Be creative. It will bring you good dividends in the future.

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