Treatment of ischemic neuropathy in Moscow
Peroneal nerve neuropathy - how to recognize and treat
Pathology of the optic nerve associated with circulatory disorders in the intraorbital or intrabulbar region is called ischemic
Pain in the shoulder joint: a neurologist's approach
Types Idiopathic brachial neuritis Idiopathic brachial neuritis is a disorder of unknown etiology with asymmetric
Relax during sex
I can't relax during sex. How to learn to enjoy sex
Many of our fellow citizens are trying to convince others, and themselves in particular, of their
Expansion of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces of the brain
Treatment of external hydrocephalus of the brain in adults
Cerebrospinal fluid continuously circulates in a closed system, maintaining stable intracranial pressure. Expansion of external cerebrospinal fluid
“Everything pisses me off!”, or How to cope with irritability
Some emotions help us, while others drive us crazy and prevent us from making the right decisions.
Pictures upon request MRI asymmetry of the lateral ventricles
Asymmetry of the ventricles of the brain in adults: causes and treatment
MRI for asymmetry of the lateral ventricles The ventricles of the brain are designed to regulate the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
how to stop arguing with your husband over trifles
10 tips on how to stop arguing with your husband over trifles?
You will learn in this article how to stop arguing over trifles with your husband, become calmer,
manipulation of people
Antisocial personality: definition, types, signs, methods of behavior correction
In a certain group of people, the dominant and most frequently manifested personal motives are the lack of morality,
Deja vu effect
Dialogue: Deja vu: pathology or norm?
Déjà vu is a common phenomenon that can be heard from people of all ages and
“My man calls me only by my first and patronymic names. What does it mean?"
“The young man calls me by my first name and patronymic.” We have been dating for more than a year, all this time the young man
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