Stereotypic behavior - automatic, repetitive actions of a person every day
Stereotypes as a problem for a happy life. How to get rid of it?
Stereotypes of behavior are behavioral cliches, simplified standards of behavior, a stereotyped, sometimes distorted idea of
Hypnophobia is a fear that prevents you from sleeping. Is it possible to get rid of it?
June 23, 2021 Quality sleep is extremely important for the body. This affects the psychological
I'm very afraid of having a second child.
It was so difficult with my first child that I was afraid to give birth to a second one. The story of one mother
The baby is one month old: “I will never give birth again!” One year old child: “It’s so hard, like women
Self-help for panic attacks
"Anaprilin" for panic attacks: features of use, effectiveness and reviews
: Reading time: About effective self-help methods for panic attacks, how they
The disease of excellent students: how to cope with an eating disorder
Complications of bulimia Treatment of bulimia How to treat bulimia? Methods of treating bulimia Self-treatment of bulimia in
MRI of the brain and blood vessels
MRI of the brain and cerebral vessels
MRI of the head and cervical spine is a method for diagnosing diseases of the brain and neck.
Diabetic polyneuropathy - symptoms and treatment
The functioning of the organs and systems of our body is regulated by nerve impulses - signals emanating from the brain.
why don't girls like me
What kind of guys do girls like and why am I not one of them?
Situations often happen when people fall unrequitedly in love. When we like those who don't like us.
Facial nerve paralysis
Cortical and brainstem gaze palsy
Bell's palsy is a sudden facial paralysis that usually affects all or part of the face
Male complexes
Inferiority complex in men: why such a man is dangerous
Description Common fears Bad lover Relationships with women Henpecked Deliverance Male complexes are
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