What kind of guys do girls like and why am I not one of them?

Situations often happen when people fall unrequitedly in love. When we like those who don't like us. However, it also happens that a girl may stop liking a guy after some time in the relationship, and not just at the initial stage. Why is this happening? Sometimes guys have the question “why don’t girls like me as a stronger sex, what’s wrong with me?” This will be discussed below.

The guy is too soft

At all times, girls have been attracted to courageous, determined and persistent guys. Those who have a commanding intonation in their voice, a steely gaze, and a strong-willed chin are doomed to success with women. Yes, a guy should also be sensitive and gentle, but just a little.

A girl should look at a man and understand that he is the one she dreamed of. The one behind whose back she feels comfortable and protected. The one who will never give offense and will not offend himself. And qualities that are on the opposite side are usually characterized as a sign of weakness and lack of self-confidence. You can be friends with such kind and gentle guys, but nothing more. For serious relationships, girls prefer those who are courageous and powerful.

Why do beautiful women choose ugly men?

In our ruthless world, homely men instinctively know that intelligence, humor and romanticism more than compensate for their ugly appearance.

This inner feeling has been scientifically confirmed in an unusual study.

Sociologists have found that average men become more attractive if they have acting talent and can spark a little imagination in women.

First, the scientists invited a group of women who were shown photographs of men and asked to rate each of them based solely on their appearance.

Armed with their findings, they showed the same photographs to another group of women, but this time they gave clues about the subjects' creativity.

Mini-imagination exercises were attached to each picture.

The guy is acting withdrawn2

It’s very difficult for a girl to feel comfortable on a date with a guy who can’t find a topic for conversation or put two words together. Sometimes such people even answer the girl’s questions as if his answers will be used against him. Of course, girls are repulsed by this behavior. Because she is determined to be entertained and captivated, but she has to drag out the entire conversation and date on herself. You need to be sociable, find out facts about the girl, ask her questions, find common topics for conversation.

The guy often criticizes the girl4

He can always look for a catch and think stereotypically. Perhaps sometimes this skill is useful. But only for those who have it. Girls are unpleasant about the fact of having such a life partner nearby, who is always unhappy with something and doesn’t like it. Therefore, girls are uncomfortable in such relationships and there is no incentive to continue them further.

Surreal test

One test featured a 100-word text based on René Magritte's surreal painting The Lovers, in which a couple kisses while their heads are covered with a white cloth.

Half of the text accompanying the photos was boring or factual.

And the other half was inspiring or romantic.

This worked as an indicator that determines personality.

The test results allowed scientists to understand how to please a beautiful girl without having an outstanding appearance.

First of all, they showed that men with less attractive faces become more popular with women if they are creative.

Why do women rate men's creative abilities so highly?

This points to evolutionary biology - hidden criteria that force girls to look for the best partner for the birth of healthy offspring and the survival of the family.

Women are more selective when it comes to choosing sexual partners. And imagination and acting abilities are a clear indicator of intelligence.

Creative nature is considered to be a signal that a person can put time and effort into solving a specific problem or can see things from a new perspective, achieve what he wants in new ways, all of which are very useful for survival in modern conditions.

Even if you don’t know how to please a very beautiful girl without being handsome, know that if you have charisma and innovative thinking, you will succeed intuitively.

What we can conclude from all this is that nerds and romantics are at a disadvantage on social media and dating sites, where decisions are often based solely on visual perception.

Therefore, you should not be afraid to leave the house and communicate with girls live.

This is the only way you can show your individuality, artistry, charisma, intelligence and other valuable masculine qualities.

Creative charm is not limited to the choice of a potential girlfriend, it also extends to the choice of potential friends.

The guy often complains about something or someone5

Nobody likes whiners. The guy must understand that he must pull himself together and deal with the problems that have arisen in life. If you constantly complain about a problem and do nothing to solve it, then nothing will change.

Girls want relationships in which there is joy, and not daily indignation about the rise in gasoline prices or the lack of fairness at work. Yes, the girl will calm you down and provide moral support, but someday her strength will run out and then she will leave for a more confident and independent man.

Qualities that turn girls off

Before you read further, ask yourself – do girls really not like you? If the only beauty you tried to approach rejected you, do not rush to despair. You can sound the alarm only when problems have been haunting you for a long time.

Carefully study the qualities that irritate and repel women. Try to honestly reflect on their presence in yourself - this will be the first step to success.


Without exception, all men love a girl to be well-groomed. But for some reason, not everyone makes similar demands on themselves. Dirty hair, sweaty armpits, holey socks, worn-out T-shirts, bad breath - all this repels the fair sex.

If at least once a lady finds you in an unsightly state, it’s a big deal. It will be very difficult to erase the negative impression about yourself.

The simplest thing you can do to increase girls' loyalty is to clean yourself up. A flawless appearance is just a set of healthy habits. Three weeks is enough to completely reconsider your approach to cleanliness and tidiness.

Imagine that every day during these three weeks you have to attend important and special events: a job interview, an important exam, a friend’s birthday, etc. Therefore, you must be in full dress.

It is not necessary to dress up in classic suits; it is enough that the clothes are washed and properly ironed, and the shoes shine clean. Take a shower twice a day, watch your facial hair, wear a pleasant perfume. You will feel the effect of these simple actions immediately - I assure you.


Decisiveness is traditionally considered a “masculine” quality. Its absence deprives a man of his masculinity, making him weak and cowardly in the eyes of a woman. This happens on a subconscious level. Often girls themselves cannot understand why a handsome, smart and well-mannered guy does not evoke any emotions in them.

Therefore, my advice to you is that if you really like a girl and want to start dating her, you shouldn’t beat around the bush. Take initiative without fear of rejection. She probably notices your sympathy, and therefore your mental anguish and fear of taking the first step. The longer you hang in this position, the more unpleasant your image becomes.

Even if the girl’s sympathy is not enough to give you consent, you will remain a brave and daring guy in her eyes.

Lack of interests

If a guy is not interested in anything, girls will be bored with him. They want to be charged with the energy of activity, be inspired and discover something new.

The fuller and richer your life, the more people will be drawn to you, including representatives of the opposite sex. A passionate person has a lot of energy and spontaneity, which he is happy to share. Pick up some interesting hobby, and you won't have to do anything else to get girls' sympathy.

Great options for a guy are sports, activities where you need to work with your hands, playing musical instruments (for example, the guitar or drums), and tourism. But you don’t have to limit yourself to them.


It's no secret that girls are obsessed with bad guys. Men feel this and try to put on the mask of a bully, having no idea about the psychological subtleties of this phenomenon. They become rude, arrogant, cynical towards girls and, naturally, get their irritation.

In fact, women are attracted to completely different qualities in bad guys: independence, courage, firmness, moderate audacity. A “bad” guy should be towards the world, not towards her. Deep down, every beauty who has her eye on a bad guy dreams of melting his heart and healing his wounded soul.

So, get rid of the rudeness, stop looking down on girls and treat them with respect. If you don't look like a bad guy at all, don't try to pretend to be one. There are many other masculine archetypes that attract women. Identify your strengths and choose the right role.

Low self-esteem

If a person does not respect himself, then he should not expect respect from others. This simple truth has been passed on from mouth to mouth by all psychologists in the world over the past decades. But for some reason many still ignore it.

High self-esteem means that a person will never betray or humiliate himself under any circumstances. He will not run after an indifferent girl in the hope of earning her favor. Will not tolerate betrayal, neglect, rudeness. He will not sit in the friend zone for years and listen to stories about other men from the lips of the friend with whom he is in love.

Women despise men without self-respect. They consider them weak-willed wimps and do not hesitate to use them to their advantage. Don’t expect that by fulfilling all the whims of the next “princess” you will be able to win her heart.


Do you know the proof of the Huygens-Steiner theorem by heart? Your physics teacher will be delighted with you! But the girl you like is unlikely. Especially if you force her to listen to this evidence.

Girls don't like guys who make them boring. They want to feel excitement, laugh heartily, listen to exciting stories with their mouths open. Emotions are the drug that all ladies, without exception, become addicted to. A guy who is unable to give a girl emotions is doomed to failure.

What to do if you don’t have the gift of eloquence, are not interested in anything exciting and have a poor sense of humor? Upgrading all these options - that's what! It's difficult, but quite possible. Set a goal for yourself and confidently go towards it.

Pessimism and whining

Most women look for support in a man, even if they try to hide it in every possible way. They want to be able to sometimes be a weak little girl and not worry about their problems. And if such behavior is excusable for women, then for men it is taboo.

As soon as a guy starts whining and complaining about life, he immediately loses his masculinity in the eyes of others. No one wants to babysit a grown man who imagines himself to be a little boy. Therefore, remember an important rule - under no circumstances show your weakness.

I'll tell you an incident from my life. Recently I met an old friend of mine on the street, whom I had not seen for more than a year. We got to talking, discussed the latest news, and remembered moments from the past. Already when they were saying goodbye, he mentioned that he was going to fill out documents at the registry office. I asked what kind of documents they were. It turned out that his mother, brother and grandmother had died of pneumonia over the past month, and he was going to get death certificates.

At the same time, he behaved so steadfastly, did not betray his grief in any way and did not seek sympathy. Instinctively, I wanted to feel sorry for him, but I quickly realized that he didn’t need my pity. After that, I began to respect him even more for his incredible fortitude and endurance, characteristic only of real men.


There is a category of guys who are sure that girls themselves should pursue them. “Because according to statistics, there are nine guys for ten girls” - they remember this line from the song well and are guided by it when communicating with the opposite sex.

Often these are guys with an attractive appearance, so they still get the initial attention of girls. But the ladies quickly get tired of the role of the conqueror, and they freeze off.

Therefore, if you want to be successful with women, stop considering yourself a treasure and your mother's candy. With this attitude, you can only count on the sympathy of girls with less attractive appearance and lower social status.

Lack of life goals

Many guys complain about the commercialism of girls. Of course, there is a category of women who primarily pay attention to the thickness of their wallet, but they are by no means the majority.

Normal girls are not looking for a sponsor, they are looking for a companion with whom they can grow and develop together, including financially. It is important for them to see that a man has ambitions, a desire to arrange his life as best as possible, and a willingness to work hard to achieve his goals.

Those who are ready to be content with the life of a dull average peasant just to keep their butt off the sofa do not arouse sympathy among women. Therefore, set goals - life, professional, material - and work to achieve them.

Bad Education

Being next to a guy, a girl doesn’t want to blush for him. If you constantly swear, throw garbage on the street, make troubles for any reason, show disrespect for elders, then you can only count on the sympathy of girls of your own level. Don't like these? Then you'll have to work on your manners.

Watch how and what you say, follow the rules of politeness, be gallant. After all, it doesn’t cost you anything to open the door for a girl and let her through. Even if it's just a stranger you'll never see again, her little sympathy will add points to your piggy bank.

The guy is passive6

Girls expect guys to conquer them. They want beautiful deeds, decisive actions. But some men don't think this is necessary. There is an answer to the question “why don’t girls like me as a stronger sex” and it’s simple. There is a reason for this and it is one of the most significant. It is necessary to constantly please and surprise your lady, regardless of how long the relationship lasts - two months or two years.

Signs of an Attractive Partner

Let's look at what kind of guys girls like based on their appearance.

  1. Clean face, no acne.
  2. Slightly unshaven or clean-shaven face. If you have a beard, it should be well-groomed and neat.
  3. With a well-groomed hairstyle, washed hair, an interesting haircut.
  4. Be sure to have clean, neatly trimmed nails
  5. A man should have a pleasant aroma of perfume and fresh breath.
  6. Polished shoes.
  7. Clean clothes, ironed, always chosen for the occasion and weather, suitable in size. The right taste in choosing clothing items is also of great importance.

In a word, girls are attracted to neat, neat and well-groomed young men.

Let's look at what kind of guys girls like based on their character:

  • caring;
  • attentive;
  • erudite;
  • generous;
  • With a good sense of humor;
  • purposeful;
  • self-confident;
  • romance.

The guy doesn't love himself8

In order for others to love you, you must love yourself, first of all. Of course, there are limits. You can’t get arrogant and be too narcissistic and narcissistic. It is necessary to find a “golden mean”. If a guy perceives himself as worthless, then why should a girl like him and perceive him differently?

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