Inferiority complex in men: why such a man is dangerous

  • Description
  • Common Fears
    • Bad Lover
  • Relationships with women
  • henpecked
  • Deliverance
  • Male complexes are not a fiction. Many representatives of the stronger sex suffer from complexes and fears, but are afraid to admit it even to themselves.

    Complexes in men are quite common


    First of all, a person with a complex has low self-esteem.

    If a man is constantly depressed, has neuroses, and increasingly lashes out at you, you should sound the alarm.

    These are the main signs of an inferiority complex.

    From the name itself it follows that a person does not feel whole, he is constantly dissatisfied with this or that action, in a word.

    Every year, many people turn to specialists with this problem. But there are also those who try to cope with the problem on their own. They read specialized literature on psychology and study the issue from all sides.

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    Male complexes: how to deal with them

    The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. You can be guided by this principle. Or you can help your partner cope with their fears. It is not necessary to be a nanny for him and feel sorry for the poor fellow.

    You girls have great power hidden within you. You can motivate and inspire a man. I have already devoted many articles to this topic under the heading “Ideal love relationships.” Visit the official website of the Pavel Rakov shopping center and study useful information. In the meantime, I will present you with ready-made recommendations on how to support your lover.

    1. Pamper your chosen one with compliments more often.
      Warm words fill you with strength and confidence. But reproaches and insults, on the contrary, squeeze out all the juice. Tell your man that you believe in him and know that he is capable of more.
    2. Use the Pendulum technique.
      That is, first you praise, then you scold, then you praise again. But this needs to be done as constructively as possible, without getting personal. Example: “Dear, I know that you are an excellent specialist and love your job. But I think it's important for you to realize your full potential. It's time to stop complaining about incompetent management and start looking for a new place. I believe that you will be able to achieve excellent results in a larger company.”
    3. If you understand that your partner has complexes about his appearance, sign up for a fitness club together.
      Physical activity not only tidies up your figure, but also allows you to get rid of negative thoughts.

    Body-oriented practices help to cope with various pressures and fears.
    We study them at Summer Camp. This is a unique event that will eliminate psychological barriers and allow you to better understand yourself and your partner. You will look at your relationship differently and breathe new life into it. Girls, where do you think male complexes come from, and how to deal with them?


    However, in order to understand what exactly is at the origins of the problem, and what contributed to the formation of the complex, it is worthwhile to thoroughly understand the reasons for its occurrence.

    Among them:

    • External defects and physical imperfections;
    • Inconsistency with one's expectations, lack of self-realization;
    • Discrimination;
    • Overprotection in family and education;
    • Psycho-emotional trauma;
    • Lack of parental love and attention.

    Diagnosis of an inferiority complex and ways to overcome it

    In order to determine the presence of an inferiority complex, you need to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. In an individual conversation, the specialist will ask several questions and listen to the client’s complaints, which can easily be used to determine low self-esteem and complexities. To diagnose an inferiority complex, psychologists use a special questionnaire presented in the psychodiagnostic textbook by N. P. Fetiskin. The technique consists of 30 questions; if the subject scored less than 40 points, it makes sense to talk about an inferiority complex as a diagnosis that requires psychodiagnostic correction.

    The following character traits are fertile ground for the development of an inferiority complex in men:

    • emotionality;
    • isolation;
    • sudden change of mood;
    • shyness

    Why is such a man dangerous?

    A man is a person who is a support for a woman. If he exhibits the above signs, you should not hesitate and act quickly.

    How to treat the complex? Love and attention if a person suffered psychological trauma in childhood. If he was overprotected in the family, he must be given freedom. Let him feel the right to choose, feel like a full-fledged man.

    In a word, it is necessary to compensate for those needs that a person needs most.

    But if a man becomes more and more aggressive, and your support does not help, you should contact a specialist. This condition is not just unpleasant, it is dangerous. And this is not an exaggeration.

    Self-satisfaction can easily turn into anger and then into domestic violence.

    So you shouldn’t delay making a decision.


    It is not easy to identify complexes in men: they skillfully hide them. Men's fears are usually called whatever they want: bad character, psychological characteristics, odd behavior. The main thing is to hide the fear, hide it behind any other word. It’s easy to notice fear if you take a closer look at the man and analyze his behavior. There is nothing special or scary about fear. If men’s complexes concern women and family matters, we need to figure it out and help the man.

    From childhood, a guy should be the very best: do everything faster, more dexterously, more courageously. It so happens that the stronger sex is the benefactor of the family, the protector. A representative of the stronger sex has no right to be weak and sensitive. Men's complexes are their fear of being weak and not earning money for their family. Basic complexes for guys:

    • inconsistency with the woman and her needs;
    • fear of being unnecessary;
    • fear of female beauty.

    The most common complexes

    Often the most common symptoms in men are self-dissatisfaction and constant self-criticism. Due to failures at work or in their personal lives, many become isolated.

    A woman's criticism can suppress a man's desire, and intimate life will become an unpleasant topic.

    More than 50% of men experienced a feeling of dissatisfaction in bed.

    And we are talking about the psychological factor here. If a man sees that he has not made the right impression on a woman, then his self-esteem can be seriously undermined.

    Thus, the opinion is formed that sex life cannot be successful. Hence the low opinion of oneself.

    Perhaps the most serious cause of the complex is excessive family care. For men, this is a mother who loves her child so much that she is not ready to let him go either at 30 or 40 years old.

    This becomes a serious problem for a man, since it is extremely difficult to build a family with such influence from the mother.

    This connection has a detrimental effect on all serious relationships of a man. Jealousy on the part of the mother and the constant desire to control her child is extremely difficult to remove.

    Therefore, if you see that such a problem exists, think several times before entering into such a relationship.

    Male complexes: what is it and why do they appear?

    Men and women are built differently. It is not considered shameful for girls to discuss their shortcomings or complain to a friend that she has gained weight again or her skin has become dull. For a guy, such “whining” is unacceptable. After all, his parents taught him to persevere through all hardships.

    So he goes through life with his head held high, but with fears hidden somewhere in the depths of his consciousness. After all, if something is wrong, he is immediately a weak man. I will name common reasons for this behavior.

    1. Upbringing and family traditions.
      Children copy their parents' behavior. If, for example, the boy’s father did not know how to make decisions and shifted responsibility to the mother, it is likely that the son will grow up the same way. Or another option. The woman raised the child alone, constantly compared him with other children, scolded him for any mistake. As a result, a person has a whole bunch of “problems”.
    2. Failures in various areas.
      They are the ones who most often give rise to male complexes. A man becomes weak if he does not realize himself in his profession, or when he experiences a series of failed acquaintances with girls. These guys have low self-esteem, which they try to level out with lies, boasting or selfishness.
    3. Harsh criticism.
      Perhaps, as a teenager, the young man was attacked by his peers. They teased him and called him names. Teachers and relatives also made their contribution, always giving them labels: “incompetent”, “loafer”, “mattress”.

    The vulnerable psyche could not withstand such an onslaught, so at the end we have a “bouquet” of the most common male complexes. Which ones?

    Financial insolvency

    Any self-respecting man strives for a decent existence. He wants to provide for himself and his loved ones. But there are people who are fixated only on earning material wealth. They are afraid of being left without work, they are afraid of default - everything that could lead them to financial ruin. The psychology of this male complex is clear. It is believed that no one needs guys without money.

    Social pressure is especially strong. If a man earns less than a certain amount, he immediately falls into the category of “poor”. Everyone deals with the problem differently. Someone goes to a paid but unloved job. Someone develops, trying to overcome their fears.

    Sexual problems

    The most pressing topic for the stronger sex. Guys are terribly afraid of failing in bed. By the time of puberty, every teenager is sure that both the level of popularity with women and success in life in general depend on his sexual exploits.

    When a guy is tense and timid and doesn’t know how to pick up girls, he is immediately given the status of “loser.” And if suddenly an embarrassment occurs during intimacy, it unsettles the man for a long time.

    Not bright enough appearance

    While ladies worry about cellulite and split ends, brave guys also find something to think about. What are some male complexes about appearance? Let's say some guys don't like their own nose or are embarrassed by the bald spot on the back of their head.

    And to impress women with their pumped up bodies, men storm gyms and drink protein shakes. In pursuit of an ideal appearance, fashionistas visit barbershops and follow the style. Guys are also worried about short stature, because it is believed that girls prefer broad-shouldered and tall athletes.

    Lack of own housing

    Representatives of the stronger sex have clearly understood the truth - if you don’t have your own apartment, then the chances of attracting a girl’s interest are close to zero. Like, living with your parents is generally something terrible. Rented housing is also not suitable.

    Of course, a worthy man will try to get a roof over his head. For this he will work and set goals. But when a young man does nothing but is only afraid, this speaks of complexes and banal laziness.

    Fear of Rejection

    Insecure men are very worried when ladies refuse their advances. The modest guy thinks that he doesn’t look smart or charismatic enough in the eyes of women. Hence the male complex. Perhaps a series of unsuccessful acquaintances has significantly shaken the self-esteem of the desperate gentleman, and from now on he meekly puts up with loneliness, afraid to enter into a serious relationship.

    Effective treatment

    The psychotherapist recommends improving your life in every possible way.

    Working on yourself can be both psychological and physical.

    Here are some of the most effective methods that will help you overcome your inferiority complex:

    • Be proud of your own achievements and do not look up to others;
    • Stop blaming yourself for every failure. They learn from mistakes and become better;
    • Don't dwell on past hurts. Start a new life;
    • Develop as a person. Find something you like.

    Exercising is another very effective method that works flawlessly, especially with men. Proper nutrition and adherence to a daily routine help normalize your psychological state and get out of depression.

    Relationships with women

    Many guys have a complex in front of beautiful girls. Men's complexes towards women are a very common problem of the stronger sex. They, without realizing it, may suffer from an inferiority complex in relationships. Fear of the fair sex can manifest itself at the moment when a man meets a very beautiful girl. Women are surprised by such a complex.

    A guy sees a beauty on the street. His reaction is to cross to the other side so as not to meet her. He believes that she is not for him and does not get to know her. All because the guy considers himself not handsome enough for her.

    Even a man who married a very beautiful girl can have a complex. He thinks that she will leave him and marry a more lucrative rival.

    Everything happens because the male complex does not allow one to escape from the fear of being unloved, unwanted and rejected. Guys are afraid to marry beautiful women because they are sure that cheating is inevitable.


    Men's fears regarding women are associated with the fear of becoming henpecked. It seems to a man that fulfilling all the requests of his beloved means becoming a weak-willed henpecked man.

    The complex comes from childhood and adolescence. Reasons for its appearance:

    1. Peers making fun of boys who look after girls, helping to carry a briefcase or treating them to chocolate.
    2. The problem of mother and child. There may be a conflict between a boy and his mother, who demands that her son obey her rules, but he persists and does everything in defiance. If a boy cannot outgrow an important period and understand what his mother wants from him, in adulthood he will tyrannize his wife for any reason.

    The degree of danger of such a complex in relation to women is very high and depends on how susceptible the man is to the fear of becoming henpecked. Fears can manifest themselves in a mild form: a man politely insists that he is right. Complexes can manifest themselves in the form of aggression for any reason. A man who obviously knows that he is wrong in front of a woman, but stands his ground, behaves especially aggressively.

    Fear of being henpecked can lead to aggression

    Where do deviations in the reproductive system begin?

    It may seem trivial to say that all male diseases begin with an incorrect lifestyle, but this is often true. Poor sleep, poor nutrition, and stress at work sooner or later lead to a number of pathologies, including the genitourinary system. Violation of potency can occur for various reasons, often emotional, psychological, but the length of the penis is almost never to blame, as some incorrectly assume. The size of a man’s manhood depends on genetics, body type, age and many other factors. As a rule, you can influence the natural growth of the penis with the help of hormonal drugs, but other organs will also grow. In some cases, the opposite effect occurs, so doctors rarely recommend medicinal methods of enlargement, and it must be added that their effectiveness is still a big question.

    What do men pay attention to?

    The tendency is that the stronger half pays least attention to the condition of the testicles and their size, although it would seem that it is there that sperm mature, and also the glands are located, which, according to modern science, produce the hormone testosterone, which, in turn, determines the strength and structure of the male body as a whole. (This is why bodybuilders take an artificial analogue of this hormone or stimulate its production with special drugs.) But at the same time, the testicles are still of little interest to their owners. The most important parameters of the phallus are its size, thickness, and length. Moreover, for many, these “problems” are more important than the functionality of the organ, that is, good erection hardness, a long time before ejaculation, a vivid orgasm.

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