Suicidal thoughts: ice cubes, aromatherapy, jokes, headstands and other ways to get rid of them

About 3,000 people die from suicide around the world every day. These sad statistics could have been avoided if everyone had been able to recognize the signs of self-destructive behavior. Why do they appear? suicidal thoughts? How to deal with them, how to treat them, and is it possible to cope with the problem on your own? Unfortunately, many people never get answers to these questions. The best option in such a situation is to contact a specialized specialist. If you yourself suffer from obsessive thoughts of suicide, do not see the meaning in life, and cannot find a way out of a difficult situation, come to. Our psychiatrists will help you cope with the problem that is destroying your life!

Causes of suicide and risk factors

Thoughts of suicidal behavior can occur at any age, regardless of a person's gender. As statistics confirm, most often they end in suicide in adolescents and young people aged 15 to 25 years. The next age threshold for the risk zone is from 40 to 60 years. High mortality rates are also observed in patients over 70 years of age. Among men, such cases occur 4 times more often than among women.

The reasons why suicidal thoughts arise are varied:

  • misunderstanding in the family;
  • alcohol abuse or drug addiction;
  • immoral behavior and tyranny on the part of the spouse;
  • living in a state of constant conflict;
  • divorce, infidelity or betrayal;
  • serious problems with children (including their illnesses);
  • separation from a loved one (in particular, due to his death);
  • death or serious illness of family members;
  • unsuccessful or unrequited love (both in adolescents and adults);
  • sexual violence;
  • peer bullying;
  • serious business failures, financial losses, etc.

In addition, obsessive suicidal thoughts often arise against the background of loneliness - due to a feeling of uselessness. Sometimes this is caused by an extreme situation that a person is not able to cope with on his own. The reason for thoughts of suicide is often the disclosure of confidential information about a person.

The risk of thinking about leaving life increases against the background of such health problems as:

  • HIV infection;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • schizophrenia;
  • severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially if they are fraught with disability;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • prolonged depression;
  • bipolar affective disorder;
  • panic attacks;
  • cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Sometimes the desire to commit suicide is a side effect of treatment with certain types of drugs. We are talking about certain antipsychotics, corticosteroids, anticancer drugs, antidepressants.

In adolescence, constant thoughts of suicide are often associated with demonstrative behavior and the desire to change the attitude of parents or peers towards oneself.

Treatment of child suicide anonymously in Moscow

For suicidal tendencies in children, it is recommended to seek professional medical help. By providing timely psychological assistance, suicide is prevented and the child’s life is preserved. The Moscow clinic employs highly qualified psychologists and psychotherapists who initially diagnose the child’s condition. Thanks to the use of special techniques, they find out the causes of suicidal tendencies and develop an effective treatment regimen that is aimed at eliminating them.

During the diagnosis, neuropsychic disorders, mental disorders and psychosomatic diseases are determined, against the background of which suicidal thoughts appear. Their treatment requires taking medications and using psychocorrection.

Treatment of children is carried out in a hospital setting, which eliminates the possibility of suicide. The clinic employs qualified and communicative staff who provide 24-hour patient support. To treat a child, universal psychocorrectional techniques, individual and group lessons are used. If necessary, drug therapy is used. The choice of treatment method is made by the doctor in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the pathology.

How to recognize the onset of suicidal thoughts

Understanding that your loved one is haunted by thoughts of suicide can sometimes be very difficult, since people often prefer to keep silent about this. The first “bell” is the patient’s constant depression, reluctance to do what he loves, and lack of plans for the future. Symptoms confirming the presence of suicidal thoughts are classified as follows:

  1. Emotional and mental signs.
  2. Behavioral signs.

By recognizing them, you can promptly provide help to a person with suicidal thoughts.


If you have suicidal thoughts, first of all you can take a test yourself to understand how dangerous they are and whether the situation is advanced. The Beck Suicidal Ideation Scale provides fairly accurate results. Its author is a famous American psychotherapist, professor of psychiatry, creator of cognitive psychotherapy, and a leading expert in the treatment of depression.

Each question has several alternative answers. You need to select only one and enter the score indicated next to it.

Interpretation of results:

  • 0-9 points - normal state, suicidal thoughts - an accident;
  • 10-18 - moderate depression, the risk of suicide is minimal;
  • 19-29 - moderate depression, thoughts, although they are passive, already significantly reduce the quality of life;
  • 30-63 - severe depression, ideation can lead to a suicide attempt.

If the Beck Scale scores more than 19 points, psychotherapeutic treatment is simply necessary.

Emotional and mental symptoms

Pay attention to the thinking model of your relative or friend. Signs such as:

  • obsessive thoughts;
  • lack of hope for the future;
  • pronounced problems with concentration;
  • frequent mention of words such as “my existence is meaningless”, “I no longer control my life”, etc.

Suicidal tendencies can also be determined by psycho-emotional state. Suicide is often preceded by the following symptoms:

  • great feelings of shame, humiliation or guilt;
  • feeling like a burden to loved ones;
  • rage, aggression, desire for revenge;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • serious concern about something;
  • excessive irritability;
  • feeling of loneliness even among family and friends;

Potential suicides, when on the verge, often use specific words or expressions:

  • “I’m tired of living”;
  • “I can’t live like this anymore”;
  • "nobody needs me";
  • “I don’t see any point in living further”;
  • “if I disappear, it will only be better for everyone”;
  • "no body understands me";
  • “I just want the pain to stop.”

Such phrases, often heard from a loved one, should be a reason to immediately seek help from a specialist, since it is very difficult to cope with such conditions without a psychologist.

If you notice that a person has changed dramatically, has become cheerful, do not stop watching him. Sometimes this is a dangerous symptom that he has come to terms with the idea of ​​suicide and is ready to carry out his plans.

What behavioral signs indicate readiness for suicide?

Quite often, when planning to commit suicide, patients strive to complete all their affairs as quickly as possible. This may manifest itself as follows:

  1. The emergence of a desire to give away one's property.
  2. Drawing up a will.
  3. An unexpected farewell to loved ones that has no justified reason (that is, no one is leaving), etc.

Another sign is reckless behavior bordering on life-threatening. For example, your friend, who has always driven a car carefully, suddenly deliberately puts himself at risk: he drives at high speed, gets behind the wheel while drunk. This can also manifest itself as a sudden love for extreme forms of entertainment.

A sign that a person is on the edge may be the unexpected acquisition of weapons or powerful medications.

If you feel that your friend or relative needs help, but he refuses to communicate and asks to be left alone, do not allow social isolation and immediately contact specialists.

Also pay attention to:

  1. A sharp decline in your favorite hobby.
  2. Rare trips outside, self-isolation.
  3. Uncharacteristic apathy (loss of energy, decreased libido, difficulty making decisions).

Independent struggle

To organize the most effective treatment of suicidal conditions, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  1. Organize communication with new people. To radically change your lifestyle, it is important not only to eradicate bad habits, but also to expand your social circle. A new and fresh look at old problems will help improve your psychological state, as well as jointly organize an effective fight
  2. A change of scenery. Traveling is one of the best types of self-therapy, allowing you to get new positive emotions, start an affair or communicate with new people.
  3. Change your place of work. It is optimal to resolve this issue without material losses. Sometimes a person cannot really assess his own abilities and does not continue to develop himself
  4. Change your place of residence. To start life with a new leaf, changing the city, region, region will also be beneficial. Although a person may experience stress as a result of moving, such a decision often has a beneficial effect
  5. Self-hypnosis. This will require internal moral strength to set the right attitude for yourself. Training experts recommend fighting such emotional manifestations as anger, cruelty, and hatred.

However, such methods are, as a rule, additional methods that support the work of specialists or medication treatment.

Special symptoms of suicidal behavior in adolescents

In addition to all the signs described above, adolescents planning to commit suicide may experience the following changes in character and behavior:

  • frequent conflicts with parents, mutual misunderstanding;
  • drawings depicting scenes of death;
  • troubles with the law;
  • impulsive overeating or, conversely, manifestations of anorexia;
  • failure to enroll in a university;
  • breakup with friends or girlfriend;
  • refusal to maintain hygiene.

If the child has already tried to commit suicide, be careful and do not refuse psychotherapy sessions, even if he now feels well. Almost every fifth teenager tries to commit suicide again after an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

Forced treatment

In accordance with the current legislation of our country, compulsory treatment is allowed after a suicide attempt. if relatives try, they are advised to call an ambulance. The patient is hospitalized in a hospital. He is undergoing treatment in the psychosomatic department.

During the first few days, relatives and friends are not allowed to see the patient. After the patient regains consciousness and recovers a little, he can be visited in the presence of a medical professional. First, the doctor gives recommendations to relatives on how to behave with the patient. After a certain time, the clinic staff will establish contact with the patient and instill in him a desire for life, thanks to the use of special psychotherapeutic techniques. Compulsory treatment after suicide is recommended to be carried out without fail, which will eliminate the possibility of relapse.

Cost of services

Initial consultation with a psychiatrist (60 min.)6,000 rub.
Repeated consultation5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist (60 min.)5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychologist3,500 rub.
Consultation with Gromova E.V. (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (session)7,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (5 sessions)30,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (10 sessions)60,000 rub.
Group psychotherapy (3-7 people)3,500 rub.
Psychotherapy session with E.V. Gromova (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.
Ward for 4 persons10,000 rub./day
Ward for 3 persons13,000 rub./day
Ward 1 bed VIP23,000 rub./day
Individual post5,000 rub.
PETE15,000 rub./day

This list does not contain all prices for services provided by our clinic. The full price list can be found on the “Prices” , or by calling: 8(969)060-93-93. Initial consultation is FREE!

How to help with suicidal thoughts

What to do if you feel like life is going down the drain? Who to turn to if every day you realize that you no longer have the strength to live? Be sure to make an appointment with a psychiatrist, since it is almost impossible to get rid of thoughts of suicide without psychotherapy sessions and antidepressants!

We are consulted by highly qualified specialists who are always ready to help. There is no need to be embarrassed about visiting a doctor or afraid of being judged by others. We know how to find an approach to even the most private patient, and we are ready to provide you with complete anonymity of treatment! Call us any time by phone 8(969)060-93-93.

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