A tall man and a short woman: such couples are considered one of the happiest. Scientists have determined the ideal height difference

Today we will talk about why guys like short girls. After all, as you know, all people are different. Some are taller, some are a little short, others are too thin or too fat. Each person has his own body structure and his own shape. But there are still men who like a certain type of woman more, and they prefer to build relationships only with them. But I want to say right away that it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside. It's what's inside that matters.

Perhaps you are a very tall or too short girl. In any case, you will find a person who will appreciate and love you for who you are. Therefore, there is no need to be embarrassed by your appearance and try to change it somehow. Better work on your inner qualities, and you will definitely find your soul mate.

But let's get back to our topic and talk about why do guys like short girls? This question can often be heard from the lips of a slightly shy tall lady, but before moving on to our answers, I want to point out why being a tall girl is great. If you are very tall, then in any case you will meet a guy who will be taller than you, and you will be perfect for each other. Besides, many men actually like tall and slender ladies. Of course, strangers may make fun of you from time to time. But there is no need to worry or be ashamed. After all, remember the same models, who are all, as a rule, very tall. Therefore, love yourself as you are. And don't pay attention to the opinions of others.

Social status

Scientists from a South Korean university supported their statements with some studies conducted in other educational institutions. For example, at the University of Groningen they proved that tall men have a more assertive character. This allows them to achieve a good social position. They are more assertive and consistent in their actions. Naturally, this makes them more attractive in the eyes of girls.

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Reasons why guys like short girls

It improves their self-esteem

Of course, every guy is different, and each guy may have his own reasons, but I think there is one main reason that stands out the most, and that is a person's self-esteem. Some guys themselves are not as tall as they would like, so they are much more comfortable being around a short girl because she makes him feel more confident and boosts his ego. In other words, men like short women because they are short. Conversely, quite often very short girls prefer to have a short guy next to them because they feel insecure when a tall man is around.

Famous short men

Famous short men feel absolutely normal around tall women, not because of the amount of money in their pocket, fame or universal love, but because they are confident in themselves and their abilities. The list of the most successful “short guys” includes:

  1. Denis de Vito. His height is 152 cm. This “shortcoming” did not become an obstacle to success in cinema and theater.
  2. Pablo Picasso. The famous artist only grew to 162 cm.
  3. Martin Scorsese. Writer, director, actor and producer with a height of 163 cm.
  4. Nicolas Sarkozy. The mark of the French president on the height meter is 163 cm.
  5. Dustin Hoffman. Famous American actor, director, height 166 cm.
  6. Bruno Mars. He stretched up to 170 cm, but received the title of “Smallest Star” from MTV in 2009.
  7. Prince. 157 cm did not prevent the singer from having numerous affairs and becoming famous all over the world.
  8. Tom Cruise. 170 cm is not a critical figure, but all the wives and girlfriends were 5-10 cm taller, so Tom looked much shorter next to him.
  9. Woody Allen. The thin, frail actor, 165 cm tall, made women fall in love with him thanks to his talent and unforgettable charm.
  10. Elijah Wood. He is known for his role as a short hobbit in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, but in real life the artist is not tall: only 168 cm.

Famous actors, musicians, singers, directors of short stature do not suffer from complexes. They prove their worth through countless affairs with models, outrageous behavior and, of course, a successful career.

How can a girl look shorter?

If a lady tends to perceive her taller height as a disadvantage, you can use several techniques to make it less conspicuous: refuse high-heeled shoes and choose models with flat soles. High hairstyles should not be worn.

What to do if the guy is shorter than the girl and she doesn’t really like it? You need to pay attention to your wardrobe and make some adjustments to it. Vertical striped clothing has no place in it. Tight models of skirts and dresses make the girl visually taller. If you want to appear shorter, you should give preference to loose styles. Bright accessories: a wide belt, an unusual bag, extravagant shoes – they catch the eye. Therefore, few people pay attention to growth. A young man can wear shoes with a small platform, which will make him a couple of centimeters taller.

The easiest way to hide the fact that a guy is shorter than a girl is a photo taken using small tricks. For example, a girl might stand one step lower if a couple is taking a photo on the stairs.

No matter how much girls argue about their preferences and dream of tall, handsome men who will always carry them in their arms and bring a lot of love and money into their lives, reality confirms that one gentleman almost never combines all the positive qualities. And ideals change over time and experience. But when a guy is shorter than a girl and this is a problem for some of them, then this means that people are not suitable for each other.

Love has no growth requirements

As you can see, there are different reasons why guys like short girls, but you should always remember that love has no height requirements, and completely different people can become an ideal couple. And, if you are a tall woman, then you should not worry. After all, every man has his own preferences when it comes to appearance or character. And for many men, height and size don’t matter at all. They value your inner qualities. And many guys know that it doesn’t matter what a girl’s height or weight is, what matters is what kind of soul and heart she has.

Are you a tall or short girl?

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Want to know how to achieve your life goal? This blog will help you learn how to apply psychology to your relationships, health and well-being. My goal is to teach my readers how to maximize their effectiveness in life.

When there are feelings

If people are attracted to each other and have mutual interests, then they will not pay attention to physical data. By the way, to start a relationship, you need to get to know each other. And to do this you need to pay attention to a specific person. For this to happen, it must be different from others. For example, emotional displays that attract people and charisma. Or, conversely, sadness and immersion in one’s own thoughts. The image of a person consists of many parts. Clothes, hairstyle, physical characteristics - all this is perceived as a whole, together with the manner of communication.

But when feelings pass, dissatisfaction and irritation appear, then every little thing will be a disadvantage. Even those qualities that were advantages yesterday will seem like serious disadvantages today.

Literary examples

If you look for other examples to prove the stated topic, then turning to the literature will give you what you are looking for. “...Sometimes a little foot walks here, a golden curl curls,” writes A.S. Pushkin about female charm in one of his poems. A small leg is a small maiden. And then the imagination will recreate the whole image without much difficulty: a short, well-shaped figure with a thin waist, blond hair, perhaps curly, a slightly flirtatious look of gray eyes from under thick eyelashes...

I can’t help but remember the portrait of the young Countess Maria Lopukhina. The famous Russian artist of the 18th century Vladimir Borovikovsky created the image of a small, charming, childishly defenseless girl. She is all like an elegant figurine. However, the young countess is aware of her attractiveness. One can feel the depth and complexity of her nature. One can see yet undisclosed sexual energy, which she is ready to give to her chosen one.

Let us allow ourselves one more literary example. And again about women's legs. The 18th-century French novelist Retief de la Bretonne effusively praised their virtues. To see a gentleman’s leg, and even a tiny one, suddenly flashing from under a lady’s long dress while dancing is a rare happiness! Fantasy will immediately complete the rest of the seductive female figure.

You see: in the 18th and 19th centuries, men also admired miniature women!

But what about in our time? Modernity corrects the idea of ​​beauty and femininity. But if the issue of the love of representatives of the stronger half of humanity for miniature ladies is still being discussed, then this is relevant.

Girl behavior

Girls' dissatisfaction with the physical characteristics of their boyfriend usually arises under public pressure. When friends and mother tell a girl that her boyfriend is short, what is better when a man is taller than his companion. The lady begins to try to visually hide this defect. She stops wearing high heels and begins to slouch, trying to appear shorter. But from the outside there is a feeling of pretense. Embarrassment and attempts to appear shorter are very noticeable. In such cases, the couple may look inharmonious, even if the guy is only a couple of centimeters shorter than the girl.

Famous couples

As an example of couples where the girl is taller than the guy, we can cite the following star unions:

  1. Vika Stefanets, height 167 cm, and Misha Galustyan, height 160 cm.
  2. Evgeny Stychkin - 162 cm, and Olga Sutulova - 168 cm.
  3. Victoria Galushka - 173 cm, Alexander Tsekalo - 167 cm.
  4. Nicolas Sarkozy - 165 cm, Carla Bruni - 175 cm.
  5. Daniel Radcliffe - 165 cm, Erin Dark - 170 cm.
  6. Keith Urban - 178 cm, Nicole Kidman - 180 cm.

The difference in height does not prevent famous couples from tying the knot, having children and being absolutely happy together. At the same time, most ladies, for example, Nicole Kidman, Vika Stefanets, cannot do without heels. Such shoes make their appearance more slender, and the difference in height with their loved ones becomes even more noticeable. But no one thinks of having a complex or being shy. Couples enjoy participating in photo shoots, posting photos on Instagram, collecting tons of likes and compliments.

It’s normal to love a tall girl or a short guy if your perfect height marks do not correspond to generally accepted stereotypes. And it doesn’t matter how big the difference is. The most important thing is to be happy, stop forcibly ignoring sympathy because of growth problems. And for this you do not need to seek help from a psychologist. All you have to do is pluck up the courage to invite a model-looking beauty to a good restaurant and respond correctly to the curious glances of others.

Science and nature i

Thanks to science and the development of medicine, it became known to a wide circle of the public that in the female body all organs are also smaller in size compared to men: the male heart is 10-15% larger, the brain is 15% larger, the male blood is also almost a liter larger ...

Despite the fact that a healthy man consumes 700 calories more per day than a woman, his metabolism occurs faster in his body. In terms of weight, the male skeleton is also heavier than the female (its individual parts). Perhaps this is the answer to why guys are taller than girls.

Surprisingly, even the man’s nose is larger and heavier. This is not because nature is concerned with preserving the proportions of a man’s face. Everything is much simpler - since the male body is larger, it needs more oxygen to breathe. Moreover, on average, a woman is 15 cm shorter than a man. No equality or justice, even initially inherent in nature and at the genetic level.

The mystery lies in one remarkable gene between men and women, namely the X chromosome. This gene is contained in a single copy in a man’s chromosome, and in a double copy in a woman’s chromosome, due to which girls stop growing at a certain stage. This is very noticeable at school, among children under 14 years of age.

It is at this age that boys begin to overtake their classmates. Probably everyone remembers those school times when you say goodbye to your classmates for the summer as children, and after three summer holidays you hardly recognize them.

French researchers conducted another survey, which found that men need significantly more food than women. If a woman can have dinner with just a salad, the man will ask for more in the form of cutlets, chicken, sausage, or whatever else is edible in the house.

It seems that no sane woman would feed a man only salad (vegetarians on a health diet are not taken into account).

For many centuries, in ancient times, men consumed more food than women. This was explained by the need for strength and endurance when hunting. The days of hunting mammoths are long gone, but the habit of eating well and thoroughly among men remains.

Research shows that it is predominantly women who suffer from malnutrition worldwide. Naturally, all this cannot but affect the overall development of a man, his growth. With a lack of food, the body saves energy necessary for the existence of organs important for life, so some body functions stop developing. For example, skeletal growth stops.

If earlier this was a necessary measure for the survival of people, today there is a strong stereotype that boys need to be well and tightly fed from childhood. This explains why the man is taller.

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