Couples where the girl is taller, what are the advantages, getting rid of complexes

The question seems strange, but understandable. Most men love little girls. Of course, there is no arguing about tastes, but according to static data, only 17% prefer tall women. Therefore, the question of why men love tall women is relevant and requires an answer. Is this preference given only because of physical characteristics?

Men like tall women

Couples where the girl is taller than the guy, a lot
Long legs look beautiful, are a fetish for many guys. When researching surveys, representatives of the stronger sex want to see a tall, slender young lady next to them. There are men who choose exclusively tall partners. Magazine covers are full of tall beauties in different outfits, guys love girls from pictures - an indisputable fact.

The disadvantages are that shy gentlemen will be afraid to meet a bright young lady for fear of refusal; it is easier for them to admire her from the side. Afraid of hearing “no,” many begin to write messages as if on behalf of another person.

The showiness of a woman is a reason for jealousy, since there will always be many admirers near the person. Ladies who know their worth often turn out to be cold and calculating.

They are difficult to manage, and for most men, leadership in relationships is important. For these reasons, beautiful, tall young ladies do not find love for a long time.

What character of girls attracts guys?

If we talk about female character, then according to their preferences, men in this regard are divided into three camps. The first will include men who prefer exclusively quiet and calm girls. This is due to the fact that the man himself is looking for stability for himself, and thereby seeks it out from his chosen one. He likes a measured life, without surprises and unexpected turns - this is what a man seeks from his companion.

The second camp is distinguished by its activity and inconstancy. Men will look for an active girl - a “lighter”, who today runs in the mountains and tomorrow goes diving. She is able to organize her own active leisure time, taking her man with her, invigorating him and bringing new and bright colors to life. The third camp is the so-called golden mean. Representatives of the third camp firmly believe that a girl should be quiet in society and active at home (also vice versa). This is the case when peace and tranquility are compensated for by activity and changes in female behavior. By the way, these are the girls that attract guys more than others, because they know how to sense the situation and mood of a man, and adapt to him.

Pleasant manners and behavior of girls appeal to guys

It doesn't make much sense to talk about generally accepted behavior patterns. Obviously, a girl must have a sense of tact in conversation and actions, and correctly express the appropriate attitude towards certain people. A man really values ​​behavior in society in girls. If we talk about personality traits, it is worth noting patience, restraint and a moderate sense of humor. A man will definitely make mistakes when trying to win the favor of his chosen one, and it will be very difficult to do without patience and humor. But rest assured that when he wins a woman’s heart, the reward will exceed all expectations. Therefore, it is very important to present yourself culturally in public, and especially among your man’s family and friends - he will value their opinion most of all. You should not be pretentious, too noisy and mannered - this often irritates a man. Also, in society you should never speak negatively about your man, or demonstrate behavior that can be called disrespectful towards your chosen one. He will quickly notice this and draw not the most positive conclusions.

Personal qualities of girls that influence a man’s choice

When choosing his other half, a man undoubtedly takes into account her personal qualities. A real girl should always be faithful - betrayal or betrayal for a man will be the strongest blow, an indicator that he does not suit the girl and could not win her affection. Very often, after such situations, men cannot successfully form a good relationship for a long time. Another important quality for a girl is the ability to care, because a man sees her as not only the keeper of the hearth, but also the mother of his future children. Caring will play a significant role for a man. Another quality that male representatives pay attention to is the girl’s stability. Men are mostly conservative and prefer to know a girl as closely as possible, to have confidence in her behavior, tastes, and communication manners. Therefore, it is much easier for them to build relationships with girls who are prone to stability in life.

A woman is taller than a man: what to do?

Some individuals deliberately ignore sympathy for a partner of inappropriate height. The reason is related to the instilled stereotypes that against the background of a tall young lady, the partner looks weak.

In reality, people understand that this is an invention of notorious people. A man who chooses a taller woman is brave and confident. A weak, withdrawn person will not approach such a girl for fear of getting lost against the background of his beloved.

If a couple loves each other, but experiences psychological problems associated with growth, you can visually adjust the centimeters:

  1. In order not to appear even taller, the young lady needs to avoid heels, platforms, and outfits with vertical stripes.
  2. It is better for a man to choose shoes with wide soles or a slight rise, and clothes that visually elongate the silhouette.

Male psychology2

Attraction to tall women does not mean that height is the only criterion for selection. Men like any girl with a “zest”, but still some fundamentally do not notice small women and choose only by height.

How can one explain why men love tall women? Indeed, in this case, the male habit of dominating often does not work. It's simple: men are simply turned on by girls with above average height.

Height, of course, is not the most important aspect in choosing a partner, and many do not pay attention to this criterion. Unfortunately, there are few of them. Men subconsciously think that a tall wife is healthier, which will affect the desired offspring. In addition, a tall girl looks presentable in any clothes, attracting attention to herself, which flatters her companion.

But still, why guys are taller than girls, we read further in our article at the link.

Getting rid of complexes

The main decoration of a couple is a sense of confidence, then they will look harmonious.
To get rid of complexes, you need confidence, which will come after the girl sees her merits. Long-legged young ladies stand out against the background of average and short girls.

Typically they are:

  1. They look confident. The opinion is formed thanks to a free gait and control of one’s own body.
  2. Noticeable . Thanks to the girls’ height, it’s clear that people inevitably pay attention to them.
  3. Attracts male gazes. Men love to have glances at his chosen one, which increases his self-esteem.
  4. They have an appearance close to that of a model. Long-legged young ladies are usually slender and beautiful.
  5. Feminine. Graceful movements are associated with gentleness of character.

Tall women have a number of advantages:

  • long legs allow you to walk on flat soles;
  • any items fit perfectly;
  • there is a chance to build a career in the fashion industry and basketball.

In fact, external data is secondary, the main thing is your own attitude towards them, the ability to present yourself.

Good humor about loving tall women3

Many people believe that the main reason for such love is that their hugs are more comfortable. There are, of course, other factors:

  • In the photo they are always from behind so that the short ones are clearly visible.
  • They are reliable and will never get lost in the crowd.
  • Sometimes they are charmingly clumsy. Even if they touch their heads to the ceiling, this enhances their charm.

  • Tall girls have long arms, which allows them to take better selfies.
  • Girls with long legs are always on time.
  • Tall women need large beds that will be pleasant...
  • You don't have to bend over to kiss her.
  • Tall women are incredibly patient as they spend hours in fitting rooms looking for clothes and shoes.
  • Special sexual positions are available with such a woman.

In addition, they have a wonderful sense of humor, which is honed by the witticisms of people who commented on her growth.

A woman is taller than a man: advantages

It is believed that tall, athletic guys are much more selfish because of their confidence in irresistibility. Short men, according to women, have more positive qualities.

They don’t get anything easily; they have to achieve everything through the development of charisma, charm, sexuality, and courage. It is widely believed that they are skilled lovers, possessors of great “dignity”. Short guys are sensitive, attentive, caring, have a good sense of humor, and a sharp mind.

Short men do more around the house

Women note that short husbands are hardworking and can easily shift some of the household chores onto themselves.

Indeed, a similar study was conducted in the USA, only it was not about household duties (washing, cooking, cleaning), but about men’s work (fixing, repairs). Thus, short representatives of the stronger sex spent, on average, an hour more time on housework than tall ones.

What attracts guys to girls

The question of the relationship between a man and a woman always remains open. Over time, fashion, communication norms and rules of behavior change, and as a result, men’s preferences in choosing a partner also change. History is clear proof of this. In the time of da Vinci, men liked the splendor of girls - in many of the works of the great artist, women are depicted as very plump. Nowadays, men are increasingly looking at slender girls, because they are constantly shown on TV, they do not leave fashion catwalks, and the whole world is on diets for a slim figure. Thanks to changes in art and fashion, the general attitude towards beauty and beauty has also changed.

Nowadays, the criteria for choosing a partner have not decreased at all, but on the contrary, they have expanded to their full extent. Nowadays, attractive appearance alone is worth little to a man. Character, lifestyle, interests, aspirations, psychology and much more will be on par with a charming appearance. The fair half of humanity, as a rule, is more susceptible to emotionality. Therefore, a girl’s attitude towards something is quite easy to understand by the emotion she shows, be it embarrassment or a feeling of falling in love. But the male half of humanity is a mystery for any lady. Composure, restraint, stinginess of emotions - all this makes it difficult for girls to understand the preferences of men. Sometimes we can only guess, but we can assume that men care about a girl’s appearance, clothes, makeup, and demeanor.

Examples: couples where the girl is taller

Gradually, people are moving away from stereotypes regarding the height of partners. There are more couples where the woman is a head taller.

Take the example of celebrity unions, for which height is not a hindrance, but a reason for pride, while the man is not always short, just the chosen one is taller.

Fyodor Bondarchuk – Paulina Andreeva

Mikhail Galustyan – Victoria Galustyan

Nicole Kidman – Keith Urban

Evgeny Stychkin – Olga Sutulova

Alexander Tsekalo – Victoria Galushka

As you can see, couples can be happy, but the topic of physical data is not interesting to them.

Girls boldly put on heels, straighten their backs, smile, all this allows their partners to look harmonious.

Which appearance is more attractive to men?

Are you familiar with the phrase: “Men love with their eyes, but women love with their ears”? This is the very case when the secret of the phrase is hidden precisely in its literal sense. It is useless to show a man your inner world, versatility and excessive kindness without showing him in all your beauty. No matter how kind and generous a girl is, the first thing a man pays attention to is external beauty. Consider this a calling card for any girl. Appearance tells a lot about a person, much more than any conversations and correspondence: a man evaluates the ability to take care of himself, sense of taste and style, features of the figure, and even the girl’s height. It is enough just to look at a girl, and a man already forms the first, most important visual impression of her in his head.

What should you pay attention to in your appearance so as not to lose face? You only need to include a couple of points - vigilance and imagination. Then you will always attract male attention. And then your task is to maintain and increase this attention. Vigilance will consist in the ability to timely assess a man’s reaction to your appearance, and imagination will help correct those moments that you would like to correct in order to achieve an enthusiastic male gaze. It is worth paying attention to the following important points.


A girl should always take care of herself, in any situation and at any time of the day. Any man will appreciate a girl's cleanliness and neatness. It is advisable to pay attention even to the little things: hair, nails, eyelids, hands and neck. Hangnails or peeling nail polish, a dirty head or an unkempt hairstyle - all this is unlikely to make a man want to be with you, touch and hug you. And if you think that a man will not notice any little thing, then rest assured that he will notice it faster than you have time to think about it.


Not every girl is satisfied with her natural beauty; she wants to improve some aspects - lengthen her eyelashes, even out her skin tone, add shine to her lips. This is understandable. But when, in a rush to achieve the ideal, the makeup on the face becomes many times larger - this is a mess, a man is put off by the “mask” of makeup on a woman’s face, because not everyone likes to kiss a girl and feel the taste of foundation instead of the warmth of her skin. Remember that beauty should not be flashy and intrusive, and makeup should discreetly highlight your strengths. It is the sense of modesty and restraint of makeup that particularly attracts men in terms of women's appearance. Therefore, for example, instead of bright shadows, prefer classic black eyeliners; they highlight the eyes much more and at the same time do not cling so much to the male gaze, creating a more natural effect. It is also better to leave lipstick for special occasions - men love to kiss women's lips without tasting the lipstick.


For many girls, this is a sore subject (there is nothing to wear, it is difficult to choose things that would hide figure flaws, etc.), but meanwhile, men very often pay attention first to how their companion is dressed. And the main problem of some girls is the inability to dress properly. Some people don’t follow the color balance, others choose the wrong style, and others don’t dress according to the situation at all. For example, they come to the theater in jeans and a sweatshirt. In general, if there are such gaps, launching them is more expensive. Choose an outfit that suits the situation, hide your flaws and emphasize the strengths of your body, choose the appropriate colors and style of clothing and, having done this, calmly enjoy men’s attention to you. By following these simple rules when choosing clothes, a girl’s success will be guaranteed. By the way, the rule of well-grooming also applies to clothes - they must be clean, ironed, and in no case torn. Otherwise, the chances of getting male attention will clearly be much less.

Reasons for love

To understand what exactly makes most men meet tall girls, just look at the owner of the following parameters:

  • often ideal proportions, endless legs, chiseled waist, athletic figure, this is every guy’s dream, always visually attractive, a designer dress fits wonderfully, and on the beach, without heels or platforms, at low speed, she will look like a goddess, a perfect glossy picture, like with magazine covers beckon;
  • the male psychology of a hunter forces him to seek and conquer the best, as proof of his leadership abilities and success in life; beauty contests are held all over the world, where girls are selected according to strict criteria, where height is also crucial, which is why a strong associative connection has arisen between female attractiveness and body length;
  • formed model stereotypes that came about fifty years ago, thanks to the gurus of textile art, who made owners of 180 cm and above into celestials, and the tastes of guys are nurtured by the mass media - films, talk shows and magazines, where Candice Swanepoel and Natalya Vodianova overshadow with their beauty;
  • plasticity and grace are more the prerogative of tall beauties, a long, elongated body is more aesthetically pleasing and harmonious, the proportions between the waist and hips are respected;
  • the instinct of procreation forces one to choose stately representatives of the fairer sex, the desire to preserve the Atlantean parameters in future children, selecting in advance more suitable candidates;
  • the complexes of insecure guys are also reflected in their personal lives; unfulfilled ambitions and desires to reach the heights of success can be replaced by a relationship with a tall girl.

Success and Harmony

In different countries and continents, the concepts of big/small and thin/fat are completely different. In our native open spaces, especially in small provincial towns, any parameters different from the norm will be discussed by the entire village. But as soon as the unsightly ugly duckling escapes, somewhere in France, she’s already flaunting herself on the catwalk, representing the Dior line.

External data is always a gift from nature, but without internal work they become worthless. The tale of Cinderella ends with a wedding with a prince; to become this princess in life, height alone is not enough:

  • read, study and read more, without a quality education it is quite difficult to achieve success, you can become a one-day doll accompanying an influential boyfriend, but tomorrow he will pick up a new passion that is in harmony with his new car;
  • find a suitable sport - dancing, strip plastic, tennis, swimming, running, water polo, yes, the kilograms are always less noticeable on tall people, but with them you can become like a skyscraper without an elegant waist and slender luxurious legs;
  • strengthen your back, watch your posture, the subconscious desire to be like everyone else makes you constantly slouch, what kind of beauty and attractiveness can we talk about, even Adriana Lima with a hump growing behind her back was hardly a success;
  • learn to dress stylishly, emphasizing your advantages - it is on tall people that both skinnies and boyfriends look perfect; a little black dress will harmonize with comfortable ballet flats;
  • increase and improve your self-esteem, there are a lot of trainings that allow you to love yourself, unshakable confidence will allow you to reach sky-high heights.

And when the external and internal pictures coincide, then there will be no end to a variety of guys.

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