12 reasons to date older women who will change your ideas about them (13 photos)

Author: Felis Catus

01 March 2021 15:24

Tags: older women love relationships sex  



If you are a man, you probably have in your head the ideal image of a woman with whom you would like to date without obligations or, conversely, spend the rest of your days. Usually this image is complemented by the fact that your chosen one “should be young.” But life makes its own adjustments: dating twenty-year-old girls is not always the best choice, no matter how attractive they are. Why can older women be better life partners? Read in the post!



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You can talk to them


You can chat with young girls about this and that, but you can only talk with a woman who has seen a lot in her life. Listening to a young girl chatter about her interests and impressions may well be interesting, but a conversation with a mature lady turns out to be deeper and more intellectual - due to her life experience.


Reasons for the developing union

What pushes a man to create a union of different ages? When a woman is older than her partner, she is considered more experienced and wise in life. For many men this is a significant advantage.

In most cases, a woman marries a younger man when she has a second marriage. She has already decided what she wants from life and has life experience. She will not hide her aspirations, which makes it interesting for a man to be with such a woman. Such a union is perceived by a man as a life school of a certain format.

In some situations, a guy may fall in love with a girl who is 7, 8 or 10 years older than himself, when he is not popular with girls of equal age. But don’t overthink things; such marriages can be very successful and strong.

They know how to present their partner with what they have


If you see a beautiful young lady in a beautiful dress, miniskirt or T-shirt and shorts, most likely she got this beauty just like that, along with “lucky” genes. On the contrary, the beauty of a mature woman is a sign that this woman loves herself and knows how to work with herself. After 30 years, female beauty is a very definite skill, the mastery of which characterizes a woman positively!

Attitudes towards parenthood

As a rule, a man matures significantly later for fatherhood than a woman for motherhood. And if the wife is 10 years older than her husband, then this problem gets even worse. A mature woman has an urgent need to become a mother and give birth to a child. But the future father, most likely, believes that he still needs to “live for himself,” that he is “not ready” or “hasn’t gotten back on his feet.”

Well, if the child does appear, then the man who is accustomed to the tender care of his beloved suddenly discovers that he lacks attention. This fact is a classic cause of intrafamily conflicts.

They are most likely career oriented.


Older women are not always career-focused, but many of them really are. And career-oriented ladies know very well what they want - unlike young girls who are focused on finding themselves (and after this search, you may not find a place in their life)! In contrast, older ladies will easily be able to fit you into their established and established life.

Material side

If a woman is 10 years older than a man, then she is most likely already established professionally and has managed to achieve success by climbing the career ladder. A good job allows her to be financially independent and not need financial support from her husband.

How is this issue addressed in psychology? A woman 10 years older than a man, with her financial independence, will definitely act as a teacher. Her partner will play the role of a student. In other words, in such relationships, desires that are unconscious to both partners will always be realized. One of them (namely a woman) will strive for leadership, and the second (a man) will strive for submission. In cases where both partners have precisely such motives, their relationship will be quite comfortable.

This is a valuable experience


One of the most fun parts of any relationship is getting to know each other and getting used to “teamwork.” With a woman at an age when you yourself are young, it is more exciting than with someone your same age: it is as if two different worlds, two generations in your person are trying to understand each other while you stay together, and this is a useful experience in destroying stereotypes and understanding the differences between people.

Difference in interests

If a woman is 10 years older, the compatibility of the spouses is sometimes questionable due to the fact that they are not representatives of the same generation. So, a young husband may like noisy companies, where he will strive with all his heart. The wife will like quiet evenings and home comfort.

Or she prefers the theater, and he loves computer games, etc. If there are no common interests, then such a fact will certainly make the age difference even more noticeable. In this case, there is a high probability of significant disagreements between the spouses.

They are who they are and they like it that way.


Young women often lack self-confidence. This can be seen in their appearance, it comes through in their behavior - sometimes the smell of fear and uncertainty seems to emanate from them! Yes, there are confident young girls, but statistically they are rare. Older women have a better understanding of who they are, where they are going and what they want. But this is precisely this - certainty - that is one of the fundamental elements of a successful relationship!

Maternal instinct

This point also explains the appearance of marriages with a difference of 10 or more years. In scientific terms, such a nuance is called hypertrophied maternal instinct. The woman seems to be an adult and independent, but could not realize herself as a mother; if there were children, then they are already adults and no longer need her care. As a result, the young man who enters into a relationship with her takes on the role of a child who will be taken care of.

Such a marriage is considered complementary. Relationships develop according to the “mother and child” scenario. In simple terms, a woman performs the functions of a parent over her young man.

The reason for the emergence of such a union lies in the personality of each partner. In most cases, such a union is created by people who are dependent on relationships and have unmet needs associated with parental love.

They want to be your date


Maybe this is due to the greater desire to start a family in older age, but the fact remains that older women want your couple to be a real team. This trait is ideal for those looking for a long-term relationship. Young girls, unfortunately, are more focused on themselves and their feelings in relationships.

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They appreciate you


Many older women simply do not dare to ask young guys to date. Why? Because society convinces them that this is not accepted and indecent. So, if you take the first step, such a woman will appreciate you more. Don’t think that she will strive to keep you at any cost as a “last chance” - she is far from stupid and knows how to distinguish serious intentions from an affair. But remember: the first step means a lot to her!

False stereotypes

Society has formed opinions about a couple of different ages, in which the woman is older. They can be easily refuted.

  1. “A young man will eventually get tired of his old woman and leave for a young beauty.” In fact, if a couple breaks up, it is not dictated by the age difference. Do not forget that peers also disagree for many reasons.
  2. “It is a woman’s prerogative to have a young man.” In fact, it is young guys who are the first to take the initiative and try to woo an older woman. Even in kindergarten, boys fall in love with teachers, at school with teachers, at university with teachers. And if a guy grew up with a domineering mother, then he especially needs a mature woman.
  3. “This relationship has no future, it is fleeting.” This opinion is wrong, because on average they live together for at least 13 years. And some of these couples are together until the end.

They are calm and balanced


Young women are very emotional creatures. They are not yet mature enough to manage their emotions wisely, so their flow can simply sweep away a person who is not prepared for this. Over the years, girls learn to cope with emotions and manage them so as not to inadvertently destroy existing relationships.


According to scientific research, a man needs more time to mature for fatherhood than a girl to become a mother. When the girl is significantly older than the guy, this problem becomes even more complicated. An adult woman has an urgent need to give birth to a baby. While the young spouse will believe that the time for children has not yet come and he wants to live for himself for a while.

If the baby is nevertheless born, then the guy, accustomed to receiving all the care and affection from his wife, suddenly realizes that he no longer gets all the attention, and even becomes completely deprived. This nuance can be attributed to the classic reason for the emergence of conflict situations within the family.

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They know what passion is


Older women know how difficult life can be, and they know how not to take its gifts for granted, but to be fully grateful for them. When you date a mature woman, for her you are not just another victory and an asterisk on the fuselage, but an open door behind which lies a new unknown world. The passion mentioned in the title is not just about sex: the whole point is that older women love life and know how to enjoy it. With true passion!

intimate side

It is known that sexual relations play an important role in any marriage, including those of different ages. What does psychology say about this side of the issue? A woman 10 years older than a man, with a fiery temperament, needs the attention of her partner. Her desire to have an active sex life is not always able to be satisfied by her peers. That is why, most often on a subconscious level, such a woman begins to search for a young partner. Moreover, during intimate meetings she is not at all a passive participant. Most often, such ladies act as an equal partner or even a leader.

They are independent


Have you ever dated a girl who tends to control everything? She wants to follow you everywhere, know what you are doing, and constantly write you thousands of SMS and messenger messages. And she, as a rule, is very young. Some people feel comfortable in such relationships, while others are scared by them. For them, there are older women who are not “hanging on your tail” - they don’t need it, because even without you they are completely self-sufficient. And that's great!


If people love each other, they should not be ashamed of their feelings, despite the large age difference

  1. Don't pay attention to public opinion. There is no need to worry about whether it is normal for the man you love to be younger than his woman. Don’t think about how your loved ones and relatives will react. The main thing is that you love and you are loved too.
  2. There is no need to be jealous of your young man. Jealousy is a feeling that gives rise to self-doubt. Realize that it was you who became his choice, increase your self-esteem.
  3. Such relationships are beneficial to both parties, because the woman has richer life experience, and the man has a greater supply of vital energy. By combining their efforts, they can achieve a lot in life.
  4. A woman should not treat her husband like a child, showing excessive care and depriving a man of his independence. The exception is cases with mama's boys.
  5. Leave the pangs of conscience behind. Don't do anything terrible.
  6. Your current relationship can give you something that you did not find in previous meetings with peers.
  7. Don’t be afraid to make joint plans for the future and dream about children.
  8. Build a serious relationship if you are completely confident in the sincerity of your partner’s feelings. You should turn to statistics and find out that about 53% of unions in which a guy and a girl are the same age break up after just three years. While couples in which the woman is older do not break up for at least 12 years.

My father married for the second time to a woman who is 8 years older than him. Their marriage can be called happy. Their union has existed for 23 years.

Now you know, if a girl is older than a guy, this does not mean that such a relationship can be given up and that it has no future. Quite the opposite. In addition, we should not forget about the category of men who are looking for women older than them, looking for those who resemble their mother. Such unions are especially strong.

They don't play riddles with you


Young girls often tend to expect men to guess their slightest desires and literally read their thoughts. It’s as if men have a microchip built into their brains from birth, responsible for ideal relationships! Older women are not like that: they know what they want, know how to voice it in time, and tend to build relationships based on the principle of reciprocity.

Wife's leadership

Is it worth building a relationship with a woman 10 years older? Many young men are attracted to such ladies by their self-confidence, self-reliance and independence. But it is worth keeping in mind that these qualities are not always a positive side for family life. In a house where matriarchy reigns, a man unwittingly plays second roles. Of course, for the time being this may suit him completely. However, after the spouse feels sufficiently mature and self-sufficient, conflicts will certainly arise.

There is one more point that has to do with children. If mom is 10 years older than dad and controls him, then the child will certainly feel the decline in his father’s authority. Naturally, this will definitely affect his relationship with him. At the same time, the man’s self-esteem as a father will also suffer.

Children from a previous marriage

When a marriage is concluded with a lady older than a boy, most likely she already has experience of married life. Therefore, it is very likely that there is a child. The situation is not supernatural. However, a child can act as a catalyst for family relationships. This is clearly expressed when disagreements occur between spouses, and the presence of children greatly aggravates such conflicts. And very often, when a woman loves a man, and a man loves a woman, they sincerely want to be together, but are not able to overcome the “difficulty” of having a child from a previous marriage.

A man 10 years younger than a woman: psychology

The difference in a couple of 10 years looks more complicated, because... the man and woman are in different age categories. This is noticeable both externally and in behavior. While the boy was a first-grader, his chosen one was finishing school.

The comparison shows how large the time range is in the pair. Psychologists are trying to figure out what was the main trigger. Which made me choose the opposite sex with a big difference.

Such unions are explained by certain difficulties in families, and now both realize and satisfy psychological role needs:

  1. The guy is looking for his wife-mother.
  2. A woman is looking for a husband-son.

Due to lack of fulfillment in the above roles, people try to fill them with an unequal union or marriage. But there are families that live together for a long time, although this is rare.

Common causes of ruptures are:

  • Inability to get pregnant due to age.
  • Reluctance to put up with men's parties, because the guy didn't have time to walk around.
  • A woman gets tired of being a “mom”, solving household and financial problems for two.

Common tips recommended for women who decide to connect their lives with men younger than themselves:

  1. You shouldn’t try to look like a teenager in order to visually match your husband.
  2. There is no need to be endlessly jealous and keep him close, fearing that young rivals will take him away. This can seriously impair mental health.
  3. Jealousy of young girls is an absolutely useless story. A man at any age prefers to watch young ladies, this is his nature, you need to come to terms with it.
  4. It is important to prepare yourself in advance: any relationship is work, and in unequal marriages it is the most difficult and difficult.

Why do mature women prefer relationships with younger guys?

More often than not, young guys are chosen by people who look slim and young.

The reasons that became the basis for the choice of the young chosen one:

  • Adds self-confidence.
  • Creates a feeling of youth, thanks to novelty and emotionality.
  • New emotions and states, because young people are open, cheerful and sensual. And for girls at any age, the emotional component is important.
  • Communication with a young company and being in the environment of such a party makes you return to your youth and receive a lot of positive things.
  • Creative representatives of the fairer sex are inspired to create new masterpieces thanks to the freshness of their thinking.

Positive points

A young man who appears in the life of a woman of Balzac’s age is an additional incentive to look her 100, but not in age, but in percent. The result will be a continuous chain: she is for him, he is to keep up, she is to do even better. That's why a lady who has a young admirer always looks better than her peers.

An adult partner is much wiser, sharper, has rich life experience, is more serious, is not capricious and tries not to show her dissatisfaction. Giving your younger companion practical advice, warning him against possible wrong decisions, will help him achieve great success on his life’s path.

In such a union, he will not be distracted by a young, inexperienced wife and crying small children. Also, an older woman is able to avoid unnecessary quarrels in the family.

As women age, they are more involved in the home and creating coziness and comfort in it than in their young, cheerful years. All men love to relax in a clean and comfortable house where it smells like pies, especially since these laws have already been established here.

A woman's sexual experience accumulates around the age of 30, and a man gains strength by the age of 23. This is a favorable combination for obtaining maximum sexual satisfaction for both partners.

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