What kind of girls do guys like - TOP 10 body parts, character, appearance and clothes

Redheads, blondes and brunettes, slender women and ladies with a body - all girls are individual in their own way and differ in both appearance and character. Of course, such significant differences force the fair sex to constantly wonder what kind of girls guys like and what needs to be changed in themselves in order to win the favor of a handsome young man.

There is no denying that men love with their eyes and a woman’s appearance plays a significant role for them. At the same time, a man’s tastes can be influenced not only by his own preferences, but also by pressure from society, as well as established stereotypes. Therefore, it will be useful to read about a variety of aspects of female appearance and discover some secrets of male choice that you can use in the future.

What kind of girls do guys really like?

Every girl, starting from high school, dreams of beauty and attractiveness in order to attract and conquer the opposite sex. Looking at herself in the mirror, every young lady looks for strengths and weaknesses. If her collarbones protrude unnaturally, and her body cannot acquire the desired rounded shape, she wonders: will a guy fall in love with her? If the height is below average, and the legs do not seem so slender, she is looking for flaws in herself.

There are no unambiguous criteria for a girl by which the degree of her attractiveness is determined, just as there are no men who know exactly their type of girl.

Height, breasts and female legs

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A woman's height also attracts people in different ways. Tall women seem more independent to men. Those who are looking for a caring soul mate choose women of average and below average height. The ideal height of a woman, according to a survey, is from 164 to 178 cm. But the legs should be of a harmonious length; too long and too short will be repulsive. So don't envy top models with legs from their ears. The most attractive breast size for men is C. And not at all an A or higher, as some people mistakenly believe.

What kind of girls do guys like by character?

Guys love to dominate, they love to lead not only like-minded people, but also a woman. A man will give preference to a girl who is balanced, holistic, who knows what she wants and what a man wants. A girl should exude peace and kindness, but she should not be a defenseless lamb. A dream girl is the one who leads a man to victory, walking next to him. A cheerful, smiling girl will also not leave a guy indifferent.

Expert opinion

Anna Kolyada

Psychologist, poet and just a good person

We are all selfish by nature and this is not a bad thing at all. Men are also selfish natures. A man, first of all, likes his condition next to a woman; if he is in a state of some kind of happiness, then it will definitely not be easy for him to remain without you.


Representatives of the fair sex devote a lot of time to a voluminous hairstyle, and it is not in vain that they do this. Men's eyes are attracted to healthy, well-groomed hair with natural shades. The length may vary depending on height. Based on data from a survey of four hundred men: 31% voted for blondes, the same number voted for brunettes, the rest reported the insignificance of this factor.

Who do men prefer: blondes or brunettes? More about this in our article, follow the link.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their appearance?

“They greet you by their clothes.” No matter how rude it may sound, it is true. First of all, a man evaluates a girl’s appearance, then – her content. It is impossible to define a common ideal for all men, but is that a bad thing? Scientists have proven that there are some preferred features in appearance that are inherent in men at the genetic level.

What is important is a well-groomed appearance, shaved legs, armpits, hairstyle, outfit - everything should be neat.

What size girls do men like?

There is an opinion that men will rarely choose a tall girl, but this is not so. This world is built on balance. That is why a short man will subconsciously look for a taller girl in order to somehow “enrich” his offspring, and overly tall men will look at girls a little shorter than themselves.

If we talk about comfort, then a man will be much more comfortable communicating and building a relationship with a girl shorter or of the same height as him - this way he will feel that his chosen one is “on the same wavelength” with him or under his protection.

What hair color do guys like girls with?

Preferences for hair color are formed in the same way as preferences for skin color - topographically. Slavic men prefer fair-haired girls, Caucasians prefer brunettes... Mentality forms the basis, while the top is our perception and society.

A number of studies have confirmed that a man chooses a girl in most cases according to his color type: a burning brunette will choose a girl with dark hair, I assume that hair color directly shows the impulsiveness of her character; the peaceful blond prefers a fair-haired, radiant companion, also believing that her color type reflects character traits.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their figure?

Everyone has long known that health is something that needs to be protected. Men prefer girls who are in full health - fit and well-groomed. The most ideal figure, from the point of view of men, is an hourglass. And 90:60:90 is not at all important, the whole point is in proportionality. The hips and bust in such a figure should be approximately the same volume, and the waist should be clearly defined.

Expert opinion

Anna Kolyada

Psychologist, poet and just a good person

According to scientists, men subconsciously pay attention to the pelvis; if it is too narrow, it leads them to the conclusion that childbirth with such parameters will be difficult. But in general, a man cares about silhouette and proportions .

What kind of guys like chubby girls?

Plump girls attract guys who are focused on creating a family, for whom home and harmony in this home are always a priority. Like a balance beam, a skinny man will choose curvier girls.

What kind of men like skinny girls?

Skinny girls attract ambitious guys who can’t sit still and are always striving for something. Subconsciously, such girls form an opinion of themselves as lively and active, which is why active men, extreme men like them.

Male psychology in relation to the female gender

What kind of girls</p>

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