Life after a divorce from your husband: recommendations from a psychologist

12/24/20205 minutes read 2512

Divorce is a very difficult experience in a woman’s life, even if it was expected, even if she initiated it herself. By divorce we mean both the dissolution of an official marriage and the breakup of a long-term relationship. After all, it is not the legal status that is important, but the time, feelings, hopes, and serious plans associated with this relationship.

Divorce is the collapse of a woman’s entire previous life, a transition to a new stage and, like any transition, is accompanied by stress, nerves, and if you don’t pull yourself together in time, the stress can become chronic and develop into a full-fledged protracted depression.

We’ll talk about how a woman should behave after a divorce in order to prevent depression and recover as soon as possible in this article.

Gestalt prayer “I do my job, and you do your job.

I don't live in this world to live up to your expectations

and you don’t live in this world to live up to mine.

You are you.

And I am me.

If we meet each other by chance, it's wonderful.

And if not, so be it.”

Psychology of divorce for women

Times are changing and today people are much more relaxed about divorce than before. The psychology of an emancipated woman allows her to feel like a full-fledged member of society, even if she is not in a relationship. Indeed, women get an education, can get their dream job and do not depend on their father or spouse.

But, although, from a financial point of view, a breakup is no longer a ruin for a woman, the moral side of the issue is still painful, the burden of the problems experienced is as great as it was a hundred, two hundred years ago. The psychology of love and affection remains the same; issues of raising children also need to be resolved without harming the latter. Society, although it does not put pressure as much as before, still remains quite skeletal in matters of family and looks with distrust and condemnation at women of a certain age who have never married or are divorced.

Quote I have never been married, but I always say that I am divorced, otherwise people will think that there is something wrong with me.

Elaine Busler

What happens to the human psyche during divorce?

Everyone experiences divorce differently. This depends on many reasons: whether you were the initiator or the decision was made by the ex-partner, what the marriage was like, whether there are children, whether there was infidelity, problems with alcohol in one of the spouses, and so on. The paradox is that even if you got rid of a toxic relationship, codependency, or left an alcoholic spouse who had exhausted all your nerves, hasn’t worked for the last 10 years, and so on, you don’t need to think that happiness will cover you headlong at that very second. Stress, and even depression, is still guaranteed.

This is due to a change in the usual way of life and leaving the comfort zone. Getting rid of unhappiness does not guarantee happiness. It’s unclear what’s next, you don’t want to do anything, and purely everyday issues (moving, dividing property) can be seriously stressful. There are exceptions, for example, when one of the spouses immediately leaves for another family, where everything is fine. But much more often, partners go nowhere because they can no longer be together.

5 stages of grief acceptance

The experiences that a person feels at this time fit into 5 stages of accepting negative changes, I will talk about them in detail. Note: the theory of the 5 stages of grief acceptance was developed in 1969 by the doctor of psychology Elisabeth Kübler-Ross to help dying patients. Later it turned out that the concept can be successfully applied in other situations when people find themselves in a difficult situation, for example, divorce, which in terms of the intensity of the experience is quite comparable to the loss of a loved one.

  1. Shock, denial. At this stage, the person still does not believe that what is happening to him is real: “This is not happening to me, this cannot happen! Just another crisis, things will get better!”
  2. Anger. At this stage, the person realizes the reality of the situation and begins to look for the culprit, who usually turns out to be a partner. “How could he do this? Why me?" Anger can also be directed to the outside world: a person lashes out at children, relatives, quarrels with work colleagues, and so on. You can learn more about anger and how to deal with it here.
  3. Depression. A person becomes despondent, everything is indifferent to him, he gives up. “Why do anything, nothing will change anyway.” You can learn about depression and how to deal with it here.
  4. Bargain. Crucial moment. The person realizes that divorce is real, but still tries to avoid it. “Let’s try for another six months, if anything happens, we’ll get a divorce. Give me one last chance."
  5. Adoption. A person understands that he needs to live and move on, accepts the situation as it is.

The stages of grief do not follow one another in chronological order. They can change places, get confused, mix up, and so on. A person who accepted the situation yesterday and came to terms with his situation, today may again return to the stage of anger or denial, and all this will be accompanied by prolonged depression.

Stages of grief according to Kübler-Ross

Everything I wrote will not necessarily start minute by minute after the divorce. Often, the stages of experiencing begin at the moment one of the spouses makes the decision to divorce and continues for some time after all the formalities have been settled.

Why did I write all this? So that you understand: no matter how hard it is now, everything will end in acceptance anyway , it cannot be any other way. You can even reassure yourself with this thought: “Yes, today I am depressed and despondent, but soon everything will definitely get better, I’m not the first, I won’t be the last.” This is a very important thought, it can make life a lot easier.

If nothing helps, you are left with a feeling of brokenness in your soul and inner emptiness, this may indicate depression caused by divorce (read more about depression here), and this is a reason to contact a specialist. Do not hesitate and contact a qualified psychologist who will help you find a way out of the situation.

The main reasons for divorce among women

Although psychologists advocate harmonious relationships and will never push a woman towards divorce, there are reasons why separation is the best, and sometimes the only, option.

  1. Early marriage.

    Young people without life experience can rarely create a strong family.

  2. The feelings have faded.

    Yes, passion like in the first three years rarely lasts for decades, but still, a feeling of deep love and affection should always be present. If there are no feelings, and you understand that a stranger is nearby, you should not hold on to the cold coals, you should give both yourself and your spouse a chance to live life in love, even if not with each other.

  3. There are no joint affairs or plans.

    For some time, raising a child may become a common bonding activity. But this is very unreliable and unstable - the children grow up, and the family, if nothing else connects the man and woman, falls apart.

  4. Treason.

    A man constantly cheats or a woman constantly cheats - it doesn’t matter that much. If this is not a mutual agreement: an open relationship, a guest marriage, etc., then betrayal, jealousy, and deception are not the best companions of family life.

  5. Bad habits.

    Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction - all this is a reason to break up a relationship. You can give a person one chance and help him get out of addiction, but you shouldn’t put your life (and especially the lives of your children) on a sacrificial altar.

  6. Violence in relationships.

    There are no options here. The first aggressive physical impact against a woman should be the last. You can't give a chance, you can't forgive. This should be the end of the relationship.

  7. Sexual incompatibility

    The reasons may be different: mismatch of temperaments, pregnancy and childbirth, hormonal changes, diseases. Most of them can be solved independently or with the involvement of a psychologist or sexologist. But, if the years go by and there is no intimate life, it’s worth, after weighing all the pros and cons, to still give each other a chance to have sex, with other partners. The exception, perhaps, is a successfully matched asexual couple.

Quote Divorce probably appeared at the same time as marriage. The marriage is probably only a few weeks older.


How much time should you give yourself to live through suffering?

Each representative of the fair sex experiences separation differently.
It only takes a few weeks for one woman to come to her senses . For another, even a year is not enough to start life from scratch.

The main thing is to understand that life after a breakup does not have to be wonderful and easy right away. At some point, you need to begin to realize the opportunities that a breakup can open up.

Even if it doesn't mean getting rid of a toxic or unhappy relationship, you may be able to uncover something in yourself that wasn't there before.

How can a woman cope with a divorce?

Divorce, as mentioned above, is very stressful, even if the woman initiated it herself, but by following these tips, you can significantly reduce its harmful effects and recover faster.

  • When you leave, go away

    Solve all matters, understand the rights and responsibilities regarding children, joint property, business, cat and hamster. And leave, you don’t need to play on your and his nerves. Divorce - if there is no violence or other serious reasons for immediate flight - is the same case when measure seven times, cut once. But you still have to cut it.

  • Minimum communication

    To implement the first point as quickly as possible, try to reduce communication to the necessary minimum. The time when you will visit each other with your new halves will come. Maybe. But now, while the wounds are fresh, there is no need to pick at them with daily communication.

  • Don't keep your emotions to yourself

    Suppressed emotions are the main cause of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Cry, sob, complain to your loved ones. A breakup is a difficult experience, you really need support, and you really shouldn't hold your face at all costs right now.

  • Introduce a moratorium on advice

    Give yourself time and don’t listen to anyone’s advice and recommendations just yet. Human psychology under stress is malleable and unstable. Just don’t make sudden movements and don’t listen to anyone until your emotions cool down a little and your ability to think rationally returns to you.

  • Take care of yourself

    Love yourself, give yourself as much time as possible, eat right, play sports, meditate, read, watch movies, walk more often, go for a massage. The body and psyche are interconnected; when one suffers, taking care of the other will help relieve stress.

  • Live your life

    If you worked and studied, continue to develop in this direction. If you lived the life of a family, a loved one, now is definitely the time to start doing something for yourself - find a job, start doing what you love, expand your social circle, etc.

Stages of divorce

Breaking up a relationship is a trauma and requires several stages to get over it. All complex stressful circumstances associated with loss, be it divorce, death, loss of wealth or job, are experienced in approximately the same way.

Psychologists identify five stages of loss, the main thing is to go through each of them sequentially, without overstepping or staying too long at any one.

The experience of breaking up is individual, and it is impossible to accurately determine the time spent going through each stage. The stronger the shock, the more difficult and lengthy the process will be. On average it takes from one to three years.

There are five stages of experiencing divorce:

Shock and denial

When a person is burned or cut, he does not feel anything for the first seconds, and only after a few moments does severe pain begin. In this case it's about the same. The body’s psychological defenses are activated: the woman lives in the illusion of the past and refuses to believe what happened.

The main emotion at this stage is fear of the inevitability of separation.

During this period, it is necessary to find the potential that will make it possible to overcome the fear of loss. We need unobtrusive and correct care from loved ones. In a supportive environment, release your tears and feelings.

At this stage, you can write a letter to yourself: “How will I live in the future without my husband.”

Anger and resentment

After a certain period, a person comes to the realization that nothing will change and divorce is inevitable. Despair and sadness transform into deep resentment. Anger towards the initiator of the separation grows. The question “For what?” Everyone asks themselves - the main thing at this stage is not to get hung up in search of an answer. Because he doesn't exist. A combination of different circumstances led to what happened.

At this stage, you cannot keep anger and anger to yourself, but this does not mean that you need to start a fight or create scandals. Cry, scream into the void, break dishes, constantly express your feelings, don’t be silent.

At this stage, you can analyze the situation in writing. Describe in detail the emotions and reasons for resentment and anger. Try to calm down, for example, with the help of art therapy, neurography, putting together puzzles and mosaics.

Compromise and the stage of guilt

During this period, there is a willingness to return the relationship and the other half in any way. Only the positive qualities of the partner are remembered. The abandoned wife decides to make changes, for example, change her image, lose extra pounds. A person is ready to humiliate himself, turn to astrologers, fortune-tellers, negotiate with either God or the devil - just to return the initiator of the divorce.

First of all, you need to understand whether your family life was going well, whether you really experienced happiness and whether the love was mutual. You cannot keep a person close against his will.

At this stage, work on your mistakes in writing. Describe how to fix it in the future.


The most difficult and lengthy stage is when suffering reaches its maximum. Powerlessness develops, a feeling of loss takes over, there is no longer any hope that everything will return to normal. There is a need to cut off the emotional connection with a partner, that is, to “let go” of a once close person.

At this stage, you can write a letter to your ex-half (no need to send it), indicating all the advantages of family life and the positive aspects. At the end, thank him for all the good things you had and say goodbye.


This is the final period of separation with emotional recovery. A new life begins. It becomes clear how to live outside of marriage. Further goals and opportunities appear. Undoubtedly, a deep scar will remain on my heart forever. It is important to make it a symbol of invaluable experience and victory over the situation.

Typically, the initiator of the separation, unlike the partner, experiences the first stage even before the divorce is announced. It is precisely due to the fact that ex-spouses are at different stages of coping with the loss that during separation it can be difficult for them to agree, hear and understand each other. This is something to keep in mind.

If you understand that the periods of experiencing divorce are dragging on and you do not have the strength to get out of depression on your own, seek help from a psychotherapist.

What should a woman not do after a divorce?

  • Don't bring up the past. Thank your husband and life for the experience you have and let go.
  • Don't try to restore the relationship. As we said above, before breaking, you need to weigh everything very well and not cut from the shoulder. Don't let your emotions change your decision. You can’t mend a broken cup; trying to get everything back doesn’t lead to anything good, but only exhausts and completely destroys the relationship.
  • If your husband has left for someone else or simply left, there is no need to return him and keep him with blackmail and threats. Deceive and manipulate diseases. The truth will be revealed sooner or later, but it will take a long time to restore self-esteem and your own psyche after such games.
  • Don't throw yourself into the pool headlong. Do not immediately look for a replacement, and especially do not enter into casual relationships, as in the previous example - the price is too high.

Main mistakes

The main mistakes of women going through a breakup:

  1. New relationships too fast. There is no need to force yourself into a new romantic relationship that may fail in a short period of time. It is more advisable to find a place where you will feel good: among friends, family and acquaintances. Show yourself to others not as half, but as a whole person who also feels complete without a relationship.
  2. Revenge for an insult. If the breakup was due to the fault of a man, many women are influenced by negative emotions and go to extremes. Be above your pride, because by realizing the desire to “annoy” your ex, you will only deserve disdain in return.
  3. Continued communication with the man. This gives extremely unnecessary emotions. It is much better to keep conversations to a minimum, and if possible, limit them altogether.
  4. Closure “in grief” and four walls. This is pure masochism. Neither friends nor relatives are to blame for what happened.

How to behave with your husband after a divorce?

The first time after you have made a decision: that’s it - we’re getting a divorce, it’s better not to communicate at all, if communication is inevitable - to support it only on business. Over time, the passions will subside and you will be able to talk and communicate without getting personal, without tears and hysterics, forget the grievances, and if everything is done correctly and you have saved face and self-respect, then in the future you can become friends if you want.

Quote If you want to get to know someone really well, divorce them.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Behavior of a woman after divorce if there are no children

Divorce is much easier if the couple has no children. When there are no obligations and additional responsibility, everything can be solved much easier.

  • You can give free rein to your feelings. With children, a woman will have to restrain herself and behave calmly; recovery may take longer because of this. Alone, you can cry heartily, cut up photographs and shirts, drown everything in the nearest pond and forget.
  • A woman can change everything completely. Throw away all the things that remind you of your loved one, rearrange and repair.
  • You can meet new love faster. Yes, you shouldn’t expect that your second husband will appear as soon as the door slams behind the first one, but you can meet and start communicating with a new man much faster if you don’t have small children.

Behavior of a woman after divorce when there are children

Everything becomes more complicated if there are children, especially very small ones, and the woman becomes the main caregiver. What should you do in this case? As much as possible, preferably together with your ex-husband, provide them with peace of mind and minimize the consequences of your divorce. Children whose parents divorced often feel guilty about it. Your task is to convey to them that this is not so, that divorce is the decision of adults, and that you, having become ex-spouses, will forever remain their mom and dad.

Try to change their life, place of residence, school, clubs, and leisure activities as little as possible. If dad took his son to the pool on Sundays, the path remains the same. And joint trips and entertainment, if any, return as soon as possible.

Never, unless your husband is a rapist, speak badly about him to your children or in front of them. A father is part of a child’s personality; by throwing mud at your husband, you lower your child’s self-esteem. “If my father is so bad, then I am his flesh and blood, not a very good person.” Yes, a small child does not formulate it this way, but this is exactly how he feels.

And this is not very good for a woman either. After all, if she chose, lived, loved and gave birth to “such a goat,” then who is she?

Your husband is your choice and a big part of your life, he will forever remain the father of your children, this is what made you a mother. At least for the sake of this, it is worth separating peacefully, maintaining love and respect for each other as parents.

Quote After a breakup, children should live with the parent who respects their ex-partner more in their children.

Bert Hellinger

Stage 4: Learn to build new relationships

Often after a divorce, women are eager to occupy themselves with new relationships and are ready to literally disappear into a new man. The author of the book “Alone and Happy” honestly admits that she herself made some of the mistakes described. Tamsin Fedel had the strength to pull herself together. Invaluable experience helped her develop several tips that will save women from disappointment.

Be self sufficient

Don't be humiliated. If he doesn't call, he's not interested in you. There are no other options.

Keep your distance

Don’t make a man your best friend, much less a vest for tears.

Don't become a mommy

If you took care of your ex-husband, brought him slippers and tea in bed, do not rush to do the same with a new man. Have you caught yourself doing something like this? Get a dog and leave the man alone.

Accept his habits

It is useless to try to break and change another person. You are both established individuals, and if his slurping at the table bothers you, then you should think twice before moving in together. Either accept the man along with his habits, even those that infuriate you, or break up.

Looking for a free man

This is really very important, and there can be no options here: “almost divorced,” “we’ll file documents tomorrow,” “we live for the sake of the children.” Otherwise, you risk falling into a trap and turning into a banal mistress.

How to get your ex-husband back after divorce and is it worth doing?

According to statistics, such attempts rarely end in success. But, in rare cases, you can still step into the same river and give the relationship a chance.

  • Your husband cheated on you or seriously offended you (without serious insults or assault), but he actively repents and is ready to change.
  • You still didn’t measure as well as you thought before cutting and after time, you both realize that you got carried away. It's important that you both understand.
  • Many years have passed since the divorce, you have become different people, matured, rethought a lot, lost your youthful impulsiveness, but gained wisdom.

These are, perhaps, the main reasons to return the relationship, which, theoretically, can be crowned with success.

Quote Divorce is an emergency exit in case of fire. When a house is on fire, it doesn't matter who set it on fire. If there is no emergency exit, everything will burn out!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

How to forget your ex-husband after divorce?

Don't forget your ex-husband - this is a big part of your life. Thank him for the experience you have had, for the person you have become, let go of the past and move on.

But if you have become a victim of an abuser, rapist, emotional blackmailer, then you need to get out of this as soon as possible. The most important thing in this case is to restore self-esteem, which suffers greatly in abusive relationships. Consult a psychologist, find help groups, go to loved ones, don't be alone and don't let relationships renew.

In this article

We have collected useful specialized resources to help you survive violence in a relationship.

List of common mistakes that absolutely should not be made

These are mistakes that many women who have gone through divorce make, and that we hope you won't make.

  1. Trying to return everything because of the fear of being alone.
  2. Rush in search of new relationships.
  3. Try to restrain your emotions, put on a mask of confidence and cheerfulness.
  4. Turning children against their father.
  5. Blackmail and manipulate children, health.
  6. Take revenge on your ex-husband.
  7. Give in to bad habits, drown the pain in alcohol, eat stress with junk food, start smoking.
  8. Don't take care of yourself. Don’t sleep at night, give up on your body, take medications uncontrollably.

Take the Beck Test

to determine depression

Stage 2: Learn to communicate with your ex-husband

Communication with an ex-husband is one of the most difficult moments in the life of every second divorced woman. It is difficult to resist the obsessive thoughts of having a heart-to-heart talk with your ex and still find out the reasons for the discord in the family. Unpleasant thoughts constantly swirl in my head: “I was too cold, or fat, or ugly, or inconsiderate, or unsexy.” Tamsin Fedel advises not to share thoughts about your ex-husband (especially negative ones) with others, and also to adhere to a few simple rules.

Don't look for meetings

A good reason for personal communication is the fate of children. Decide everything else through intermediaries, friends or lawyers.

Don't keep his things

He has already taken everything he needs. Everything else doesn’t interest him now and certainly won’t interest him in a year. It is advisable to get rid of things.

Don't follow him on social media

Remove him from your friends list and don’t poison your soul. Do this immediately after the divorce.

Don't paint a false picture of your ex-husband

It is human nature to remember only the good. Let go of the memories at least for a while. Later, when the wounds heal, you will take out these photographs and letters, remember the lovely family evenings.

Don't use children as a shield

Or as a loophole to get information. Don't turn children against their father. Your emotions will subside, but the children’s attitude towards their father will remain.

Don't speak badly about your ex

This is perhaps one of the most difficult tips. The author of the book honestly admits that she herself committed similar sins. More than once she caught herself thinking that she was happy to remember her ex-husband with strong words. However, you should not do this, especially in the presence of potential partners.

How to become happy after a divorce and return to a normal life?

The first time will be the hardest; you shouldn’t be too demanding of yourself during this period. But you need to understand that relief will definitely come and you will become happy. Time heals even other wounds, everything will calm down, the resentment will pass, a new life will begin. It is important not to mess things up, maintain self-respect, restore self-esteem if it has been greatly shaken by divorce and believe in the best, which is just around the corner.

To recover quickly from a divorce, you need to solve all the pressing problems as efficiently as possible. Sit down and think carefully about what tasks your ex-husband performed and what you now have to do yourself. Write down all the problems and ways to solve them. When you realize that you can handle most tasks on your own, this will fill you with confidence and contribute to the speedy restoration of self-esteem and return to normal life.

Quote Frustration will either destroy you or lead you to success - it all depends on what you choose.

Karen Covey.

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How to let go of grievances and stop suffering?

Parting definitely affects the perception of the world , because the woman additionally compares herself with a specific person - the one who destroyed the relationship. She wonders: what is someone better than her at, what can someone else give that I couldn’t, where a mistake was made, when vigilance was lost.

Although at this moment you mostly want to blame your ex-partner, who turned out to be unfaithful or unworthy, somewhere inside your head a feeling of guilt arises because you failed to make your loved one happy.

The question of how to let go of grievances and get out of suffering can be answered in different ways. It all depends on the situation you find yourself in, but there are a few key tips that should guide you toward getting your life back and not thinking of a breakup as a major setback:

  1. Work on negative emotions .
    The first step to “healing” after a breakup is overcoming negative emotions. These feelings include suffering, disappointment, regret, low self-esteem, anger and sadness. It is also a feeling of loneliness and the meaninglessness of life. They are absolutely justified and normal, so you should not deny them, but accept, re- and live and, finally, elevate them so that they do not remain with you forever.
  2. Enjoy the benefits of a free life . At the next stage, the task is to accept the changes and find yourself in a new role. This new role actually brings you back to who you are, to the core of your identity. By discovering and recognizing this, you have the opportunity to notice the positive aspects of loneliness.

  3. Love solitude .
    It is also worth starting to appreciate the moments when you are alone - the only full owner of your own life. This is an opportunity to think, plan something, take care of yourself and love your “I”.

    If you feel as comfortable in these moments as you do with other people, you will gain complete emotional independence, which will allow you to be more in control of how you feel and why.

  4. Start looking for and taking advantage of opportunities . Once you have managed to dispel the cloud of negative emotions, distance yourself from your previous relationships and fully experience the benefits of being single, then you are ready to begin a new phase of your life. It is important that your disappointment in your old relationship does not become stronger, because love does not always lead to suffering.
  5. Be patient and watch others . Let people give you something that we may not have received before. Discover pleasures that give you positive emotions: get a dog or cat that your partner was allergic to, change your hairstyle to your taste, and not according to the man’s wishes, etc.

Help from a psychologist after a divorce from her husband

It is very important after a divorce to finally understand what you really want. Often we don’t know the answer to this question and therefore we find people next to us with whom we are not on the same path, and we live with a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Now, left alone with yourself, you should decide once and for all what you want. The answer: “I don’t know” is not accepted. Get rid of the female choir of voices in your head: mothers, friends, teachers and neighbors and listen to yourself. If it doesn’t work out, a psychologist can help.

Almost every person needs psychological help after a breakup, and to understand oneself, decide on desires and goals - this is where advice from a psychologist after a divorce from a husband is irreplaceable.

What a man needs to be prepared for after a divorce

Breaking up a relationship is a test for you and your spouse. Women and men experience stress differently. Wives usually share their experiences with others and express their pain. Husbands keep the pain to themselves, and their emotions may seem less acute - they are often accused of indifference. This is a misconception. From childhood, boys are taught to be more restrained in their feelings - these attitudes persist into adulthood.

Statistics show that divorces more often occur on the initiative of women, despite the fact that they more often strive to start a family. The stronger sex is more difficult to prepare for marriage, and it is very difficult to give up what he so thoroughly worked towards.

If the separation occurred because of a man, then going through a divorce from his wife is also not easy for him. Usually they go to a new chosen one. The hardest thing to get through is the first month after a divorce.

Typical behavior of men after divorce

Regardless of what life was like in marriage, after a divorce a man looks for the advantages of the new situation and finds them. Depression bypasses him at the initial stage. He enjoys freedom of choice, and does not yet think that going through a divorce from his wife will be difficult. Those around him are convinced: the divorce is indifferent to him, he is happy and satisfied.

For a long period, a divorced person is truly in a state of euphoria. Looks forward to new acquaintances, strives for sexual relationships. Can date several women at the same time, realize dreams that were previously unattainable.

Euphoria can last a long time, but then disappointment comes. The whirlpool of new emotions is drowned out, a mental return to the past occurs. Temporary partners turn out to be not as permanent, faithful, and “relative” as a wife.

Not everyone realizes their newfound freedom through intimate relationships. Someone is addicted to alcohol and other attributes of a bachelor's life.

At first he will be surprised: maintaining order takes more time than he thought. This will be a revelation for men who have little participation in family life.

It also turns out that meeting other women requires serious effort. Many men forget how to care for the opposite sex, what efforts have to be made for this.

Tired of the cycle of dubious relationships, the divorced begins to understand the benefits of marriage. Now he strives for a lasting relationship - a new family. He feels the need for a permanent partner.

Having become accustomed to living a family life, some men begin to feel emptiness, the lack of a person with whom they could always talk and discuss something. Free life is gradually losing its attractiveness.

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