How to please a boy: effective ways for any age

How to please a boy? With age, we understand how relationships between people are built, but in adolescence, when first love comes, it is still not at all clear how a boy can like him. Many people begin to copy the appearance of some famous personalities and try to imitate the style of movie heroines, but everything looks very artificial and inappropriate. Boys for the most part are interested in how they can spend time with a girl and what to talk about, and not in how skillfully she will play someone else’s character.

How to please a boy who has a crush on you

At such a young age, it is not easy to understand what exactly attracts the opposite sex and what to do so as not to spoil the impression of yourself. However, if you take into account a few recommendations, then you will probably be able to achieve the desired result!

I want to please a boy at 10-11-12 years old

At 10-11 years old

At this age, girls and boys are just entering adolescence. It is noteworthy that during these years girls are already quite ready to start relationships with the opposite sex, while young schoolchildren, for the most part, do not yet think about it. Ten- and eleven-year-old boys prefer to go out with friends, enjoy games, and so on, so you will have to make some effort to attract their interest.

If you yourself are 10-11 years old, and you hope to gain the attention of a peer, then one of the possible options is to help him with his homework. On this basis, you will be forced to communicate, and, most likely, you will be able to interest the boy, while simultaneously talking about your hobbies. It is advisable that your interests are similar to his.

At 12 years old

Boys are increasingly beginning to pay attention to girls their own age, however, even at this age, it is often girls who often have to take the initiative. At the same time, it is advisable to take your time and not demonstrate excessive activity, because while girls have already studied many topics about relationships, boys are still shy and do not know how to build them correctly. Since at this age a boy is already interested in friendship with a girl, but does not yet dare to say so, you can try to establish contact through correspondence on the Internet - for sure, it will be easier for him to open up not in a personal conversation, but through virtual communication.

What to do to please a boy at 13-14-15 years old

At 13 years old

As she grows up, the girl realizes that ordinary glances and friendship are no longer enough for her - she wants real romance. Meanwhile, many boys of this age are far from these lyrics, and are already beginning to look at their peers differently - they are increasingly interested in the female body. At this age, relationships need to be built more carefully, be open, but not allow the young man too much - holding hands is enough for now. If you are truly dear to him, this will be enough for him for some period.

At 14 years old

At this age, girls are already beginning to realize their sexuality and understand what exactly the opposite sex likes. They often wear short dresses and skirts, blouses with a rather revealing neckline, and so on. Moreover, this behavior can only arouse sexual interest in a guy or provoke a wave of bad rumors, but is unlikely to lead to falling in love. Try not to go this route - dress simply and stylishly, while maintaining some intrigue and mystery, because this attracts the opposite sex at any age.

At the age of 15

Fifteen-year-old boys attach great importance to appearance, so in order for him to like you, you need to take this nuance into account. Emphasize the best features of your figure with interesting but not provocative outfits, and with light makeup highlight your most advantageous facial features.

Specifics of teenage relationships

Girls at a young age are interested in ways to behave in such a way that the boy they like will pay attention and fall in love. Having no other options to find out the truth, they watch romantic comedies and melodramas and unwittingly try on the role of the main character. This is a fun and attractive activity, because in the films everything looks beautiful, the plot develops interestingly, and at the end the characters are rewarded even for the small problems they have experienced. However, in life this happens extremely rarely, if at all.


The best declaration of love to your beloved man

In no school will a girl meet a high school student who will give her a thousand roses - he simply does not have the money for this. However, fantasy and youthful maximalism require just such an approach, therefore, having felt the first sympathy, the girl is disappointed - there are no beautiful words, actions, heroism. This is the specificity of relationships at a young age. Despite the sufficient strength of feelings, they remain feelings between two still quite small people who are not psychologically ready for this.

In this case, an important task for parents is to explain to the girl that in life it does not happen as in the movies. If this is not done in time, she will remain for a long time in the stage of non-acceptance of relationships other than “fairytale”. As a result, the girl will miss an important stage of growing up, self-exploration and acceptance. The effect will be aggravated by an incomplete family, in which the child does not see the real relationship between the partners.

Ways to make a boy fall in love with you

If you want to make a boy fall in love with you, be sure to pay due attention to your appearance. Of course, we are not talking about revealing outfits and provocative makeup - it is possible that, without noticing it, you yourself will overdo it and end up looking simply ridiculous. A well-groomed appearance and a few interesting accents in appearance are enough. You can start dressing in a slightly different style, change your hairstyle. The main thing is that all these changes suit you and look feminine.

Also watch how you behave. Don't be overly intrusive - not all guys like chatterboxes; most like it when a girl retains some mystery. At the same time, you should not be too withdrawn - this may seem strange to your chosen one, or he simply will not notice you. Be open and positive, but never be intrusive. Talk not only about yourself, be interested in him too.

Some girls, seeing interest on the part of boys, often begin to ignore them, believing that the chosen one will value them more if they force him to “run” after the object of sympathy. This strategy is more effective in adulthood - during school years, and sometimes even during student years, it may not work, because during this period guys switch to other people much more easily. That is why, seeing that you have aroused the interest of a young man, show him reciprocal sympathy - this way you have more chances to “tie” him to you.


If you don't know how to please a 14-year-old boy, then you should start with your appearance. For teenagers, appearance is of particular importance. It is unlikely that a boy will agree to a relationship with an unattractive or unkempt girl. And first of all, not because he doesn’t like her. At this age, it is very important what others say about the girl. Therefore, if the guy’s friends don’t like you, then you will have little chance of success.

So try to always look well-groomed, wear nice clothes, do your hair and modest makeup. Even if you are not the first beauty of the class, your efforts will not go unnoticed. Believe me, a bright girl in stylish clothes will be noticed earlier than a beauty in a worn-out school uniform. Therefore, if nature has not given you the appearance of a movie star, do not be upset, you can become beautiful, just want it and make a little effort. But don't go overboard with changing your appearance. The main thing is to look natural.

How to get a guy to like you at school

When trying to attract the attention of a young man, you should take into account his age. Let's look at some options.

If he is your classmate

If we are talking about a classmate, then you have a lot of advantages - you see him quite often, you can know about his hobbies, and so on. Try to get closer to him through studies. If he studies poorly, help him with some subjects. Perhaps his academic performance is higher than yours - in this situation, on the contrary, ask him to explain some topic (choose something easy so that your request does not seriously burden him). Periodically give compliments to your classmate (“How do you manage to grasp everything so quickly,” “Cool backpack, and I want one,” and the like).

If he is older than you

Try to catch his eye more often. It would be nice to enroll in the same sections that he attends and learn more about his interests. This way, he will see that despite the age difference, it is interesting to communicate with you, because you are passionate about the same things as him. If he himself does not attend any sections, but is registered on social networks, you can see there what topics are interesting to him. Start showing an interest in the same things - sign up for the same groups, add similar posts. Of course, it is important that he sees this. If possible, in order to show his importance, ask him for advice on this or that topic - he will probably like it.

If he is younger than you

If the guy you're interested in is a grade or two younger, then you can attract his attention by helping with his homework. Find yourself a girlfriend in this class and find out what subjects the young man has problems with. Subsequently, you can offer him the services of a tutor in a “problematic” subject, saying that you are just learning this, and it is completely free. You can also just invite him for a walk. It's that simple! Schoolboys usually have a special interest in girls who are a little older, and if he likes you, he will certainly agree. In order not to take him by surprise or confuse him with such an offer, it is better to make it on a social network or via SMS.

How to get a boy's attention if he likes someone else

First of all, think about whether you really like this boy, or whether you can easily switch your interest to someone else. This will be quite appropriate if the person this young man likes has similar feelings for him. Believe me, a new love will happen in your life soon, which will turn out to be happier!

If you do not want to retreat, and you understand that the “competitor” does not care about your chosen one, then, of course, you can join the fight. At this stage, we recommend that you become friends with the young man you like. Start getting interested in the same things that interest the guy, go to the same places with him, if possible, consult with him on this or that issue. However, don't be intrusive!

Once contact is established, you can use a little trick. You can tell the guy in a personal conversation or on a social network that you need his advice, since you can’t figure out who else to ask. Complain that you are being courted by a guy who is not interesting to you, and you want to find out what the best words are to choose so that he stops showing himself, but also does not get offended. Thus, you will show the young man that you are of interest to the opposite sex, which will make him look at you from a different angle.

What to do if a boy likes you but he doesn’t like you

First, admit the idea that this boy might actually like you, but you just don’t know it yourself. Many young men are very shy in expressing their feelings, even if outwardly they seem to be the “life of the party.” So, if the young guy you like doesn’t look interested, it’s possible that he simply doesn’t know how to show his sympathy, or is afraid of being rejected. In this case, you need to win him over by showing that you are interested in him - ask about his hobbies, give compliments, advice, joke.

However, even if you are convinced that this guy is not really fascinated by you yet, then still let him know that he is interested in you. Subconsciously, he will begin to think about you and imagine you as a possible lover. If you manage to establish friendly contact with him, then it is possible that in the end he will still want more.

To please a boy, focus all your attention not only on him, but also on other things - otherwise you will be an unremarkable person for him. Sign up for several clubs in order to be comprehensively developed and interesting not only to him, but also to other people. When he sees that you have a lot of hobbies, he will never think that you are boring, and he will most likely want to know more about you. If this does not happen, then you are unlikely to worry much - having signed up for several sections (especially those that other boys attend), pretty soon you will realize that your life is already full and exciting.

Always be yourself

Boys are attracted to sincere and open girls. Therefore, it is so important that you always remain yourself and do not adapt to others. You must always remain calm, kind and reasonable. Such girls are always liked by others.

If you seem more perfect than you really are, you may scare away the boy you like. Men want to always be on top. Comparing himself to the ideal girl will make him feel grounded. So be yourself and you can win the boy of your dreams.

Tips for girls to find a guy and make friends with him

Visit places where guys gather more often - this increases your chance of making an interesting acquaintance. Visit a sports ground with a friend, where young men kick a ball, do exercises on horizontal bars, and so on. Of course, you need to look appropriate for the situation - do not wear high-heeled shoes and do not wear complex makeup. Dress simply and tastefully - sneakers, a sundress, jeans or something like that. Just look at the young man with interest, and he will definitely pay attention to you too.

However, these days, you can meet guys not only at school, on sports grounds or in parks - you can make acquaintance with the young man you like on a social network. First, you can start liking his posts, then write something (“Where do you find such cool music?”, “In what area did you take such cool photos,” and the like). Show your interlocutor that you like him, and if it is mutual, you will soon see it yourself.

As you understand, in order to make friends with a guy, you need to show him that you are really interested in him - this can be done with a glance, a compliment, or any signs of attention. Any guy will be pleased to know that some girl likes him - thanks to this knowledge, he begins to look at her from a different side, imagine her as a girl, even if he didn’t particularly notice her before. However, do not overdo it - it is enough to show that you are interested in him, but there is no need to impose yourself.

Useful tips

Psychologists give useful advice to girls who want to please guys at any age, to be the object of their desires and dreams. Recommendations to pay attention to:

  1. Natural behavior.
  2. Spectacular appearance.
  3. Beautiful speech.
  4. Lack of rudeness and impudence.
  5. Femininity, attractiveness, tenderness.

The right approach to winning a boy will help a girl win his sympathy and attention. If a girl feels attractive, those around her will perceive her in the same way, including the object of her desire.

What kind of girls do boys like and why?

It's hard to argue with the fact that boys pay attention to attractive girls. To interest a guy, you don’t have to be like the model on the cover of a magazine, but you shouldn’t forget about the general nuances. Make sure you always look neat and appropriate. In high school, wear things that will highlight your winning sides, but do not allow there to be at least some hint of vulgarity. Be sure to take care of your skin (choose care according to your age, visit a dermatologist if necessary), and hair (make masks, rinse your hair in a herbal decoction). It would be nice to choose your own special style in clothes and accessories. Perhaps there is no need to explain why guys like well-groomed girls, because the female sex also initially pays attention to the appearance of the chosen one, and this is quite natural.

In addition, guys love open and cheerful girls, because it’s always interesting to be with them. However, young people are often attracted to mystery girls. Whoever the opposite sex definitely doesn’t like are arrogant people and upstarts - you never know what to expect from such persons, and these expectations often do not promise anything good. In general, be positive, simple, pay attention to your appearance, find yourself an interesting hobby, and then, undoubtedly, you will be successful with young men!

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