How to please a boy in class: little secrets

Hello! I'm 14 years old and strange things have happened to me this year. After the summer holidays, I noticed that I began to be attracted to a boy whom I simply had not noticed before. He is ordinary - not handsome, not rich, not popular with his classmates, but he became something extraordinary for me. I watch all his lessons and changes, I like the way he behaves, the way he moves, the way he speaks... I like everything about him. Only he is indifferent to me, he just doesn’t notice me, unfortunately. I think I fell in love with a classmate

. Tell me what to do.

Having an unrequited crush on a boy from your class who doesn't notice your feelings can be seriously upsetting. Every person wants his feelings to be reciprocal, especially a growing person, for whom this is very important. What to do in such a situation? How to make him pay attention to you and respond to your feelings? How to start a relationship with a guy you like? Now we will talk about this.

How to get a boy interested in school

Not all girls know how to please a handsome guy at school so that he pays attention, becomes interested and asks him out on a date. There are rules to make any guy fall in love and make sure that only you are the object of his desires and dreams:

  1. It's important to always look great. Start taking care of yourself, tidy up your hair, do beautiful makeup and manicure. Pay attention to your clothing style, make sure your appearance is always neat.
  2. Find out about the guy's interests. To please him, you need to match his hobbies. This will allow you to quickly start a conversation and help you have fun walks or socializing at school.
  3. Be natural. Girls who constantly make faces and behave differently with different guys run the risk of being misunderstood.
  4. Always smile. A smile is the main decoration of a girl. It makes the fairer sex more attractive in men's eyes.
  5. Don't reveal all your trump cards at once.

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The main rule is to know moderation in everything, since an excessive desire to please can sooner or later play a cruel joke on you. You should also not pay much attention to the guy you like, because this will only push him away from you, reducing the chances of reciprocity.


School age is the time to fall in love; for some it is mutual, for others it is not. Many people want to know how to quickly get a boy from their class to like them so that he can consider his attractive sides. Classmates are children who know each other best. They saw everyone in different situations, grew together, developed, learned something new.

You can get your classmate to like you; to do this, you need to remember the following rules and tips for seduction:

  1. Spend time not only at your desk. Participate in school events, draw a wall newspaper with him, attend the same clubs if you want to become the center of his attention.
  2. Invite your class teacher to sit you at the same desk so that you can feel each other’s energy in class. Help him if necessary, because help always brings him closer together.
  3. Make friends with his friends so that you can always be together. You should also continue to communicate outside of school, because it will allow you to get closer faster.
  4. If you live close to each other, invite him to walk home together; you can discuss various topics along the way.

These rules will help you please your classmate and give you the opportunity to spend more time together.

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From another class

You need to behave somewhat differently if you want to attract the attention of a boy from another class. You can only spend time with him during breaks or outside of school, so to get attention you will need to rely on other tips:

  1. Make mutual friends, they will help you meet each other outside of school.
  2. Find out about his interests, try to match them. If a boy loves table tennis and plays during recess, learn to do it too or ask him to teach you how to do it.
  3. If the guy is in high school, you can ask him for help with homework.
  4. Try to be the center of the guy's attention all the time, but avoid intrusiveness, it will only scare you away, putting you in an awkward position.
  5. If the guy is several grades older, try to match his level of development. Don’t be too stupid, develop yourself, learn a lot of new things in order to actively spend time with him.

If you want to please a boy from a parallel or senior class, find common ground with him that will allow you to get closer.

Girlfriends and friends

You fell in love with your classmate, and you have a lot of different emotions, feelings and experiences, you doubt whether to share this with your friends so that they can give you some advice. You shouldn’t dedicate everyone you communicate with to your love experiences. Every person has his own opinion and his own vision of relationships.

You can really share your condition with loved ones whom you completely trust and have no doubt about their support. “True friends” usually end up being the first gossips, and the worst enemies. If you have a good relationship with your mother, tell her about your crush, she can recommend smart things. If you cannot be frank with your parents, then it is better not to be frank with anyone about it.

Ways to interest a boy

All girls should know what to do to get a boy's attention. There are ways to get closer when communicating with a guy and become the object of his sympathy.

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You also need to highlight the basic win-win rules that allow you to achieve male attention:

  • well-groomed appearance;
  • beautiful speech;
  • common interests;
  • mutual friends;
  • openness, positivity;
  • nice behavior.

Such qualities will show any girl in a favorable light. Boys appreciate polite attitude towards them; they share sympathy only if it is done unobtrusively.

At 10

The first crush is formed in kindergarten, so you can safely consider options for how to please a boy in your classmate at the age of 10. This age still says little about real feelings. Children's love is manifested by friendship and the formation of intergender interaction.

At the age of 10, girls actively begin to feel sympathy for boys, but it is different from adult love. These feelings do not cause them discomfort, pain or suffering, even if they are not mutual. However, they still want the object of their desire to show increased interest in them, strive to spend time together, and sit at the same desk.

As a child, not everyone knows how to understand that a boy likes a girl. Here you can show character and enthusiasm, but you shouldn’t look at him with loving eyes and indulge him in everything. So the boy definitely won’t pay attention. 10 years is the age for showing character, strength and activity. Try to show the best standards in physical education, pass the test faster, get the highest score for dictation.

At the age of 10, it is stupid to show your feelings, since boys are not yet able to understand this. Spend more time communicating with him, go out with mutual friends, ride bikes, walk home from school together. This is enough to interest the object of sympathy.

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At 11 years old

11 years old is 5-6th grade, so interest in the opposite sex is already more active here. At the age of 11, a boy can be liked in the same way as at 10. It is enough to be the center of his attention, but avoid intrusiveness.

If you are an excellent student, well versed in many subjects, offer help, this will allow you to spend more time together. Feeling increased sympathy for a boy, girls sometimes try to hide their feelings and use a defensive reaction. You should not scold the guy, offend him, show toughness and force, this will definitely not attract his attention. Just offer help, do not refuse if he wants to carry your briefcase.

At the age of 11, children can be aggressive, misunderstand each other, and conflict. If you see that a guy does not want to get close to you when communicating, leave him. Any attempts to improve relationships are useless. In order not to disturb your childhood psyche with unrequited sympathy, switch to a more entertaining activity, for example, any sport, communication with friends, lessons.

At 12 years old

Girls often experience the appearance of sympathy towards classmates or boys from high school. Therefore, they want to know how to please a handsome 12-year-old boy so that he wants to communicate not only at school.

At the age of 12, children develop sports interests that can be supported. Respect his choice, take up the same sport. This kind of interest brings us closer together. If you don’t know how to please a handsome boy at 12 years old, pay attention to what clubs or sections he attends.

If a boy participates in competitions, support him and only wish him victory. Nowadays children actively communicate on social networks, so don’t miss the chance to communicate outside of school. Any girl at the age of 12 can please any boy if you show attention, learn to take care of yourself, and be at the highest level. There is no need to rush things; showing increased interest is also stupid.

At 13 years old

In grades 6-7, falling in love is a manifestation that is present in all children. Girls may already be wondering how to please a boy in their classmate at the age of 13 so that he won’t stop thinking about them.

You need to remember that 13 years is already a conscious age for many; guys are capable of wooing girls themselves. Just let him know that you feel like meeting him outside of school, watching a movie, chatting on social networks.

Become feminine, forget about sneakers and tracksuits. Change your wardrobe to skirts, dresses, shoes. Such tricks will help you win the boy’s attention and be the object of his desire. Femininity is the first thing people always pay attention to.

Raise your self-esteem, consider only the positive aspects, focus on the merits. The more worthy the girl behaves, the more attention the young man will show towards her.

Be interested in his interests and support them. If a guy loves football, it is not at all necessary to become a football player, wear sneakers, and play with him during recess. It is enough to share his hobbies, support him in everything, and be interested in his successes. It is important for any guy to feel decent support.

At 14 years old

At 14 years old, it is much more difficult to please a guy than at 11, 12 or 13. At this age, your own ideas about sympathy and wishes are already formed. Guys focus not only on appearance, but also on the character, sense of humor and interests of girls.

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The psyche of adolescents is unstable, so it is emotionally difficult to remain calm, exclude intrusiveness, and hide your feelings where they are not needed. It is important to remember one rule: you should not run after guys, because they will very quickly lose interest in you.

Work on your mood, control your emotions. At this age, teenagers tend to be negative and hot-tempered. But such qualities are extremely rarely appreciated by guys; on the contrary, they only push them away. Be beautiful, well-groomed, control your speech, do not use rude expressions. A girl should always remain a lady, because only then will she earn respect, attention and love.

At the age of 15

At the age of 15, sexual development occurs, teenagers become emotional, rude, and vulnerable. It's not difficult to please guys because they have an increased interest in the opposite sex.

Girls develop much faster than boys, so by the age of 15 they are almost completely mature in sexual development. It is important to learn how to emphasize your figure, but not make it too vulgar. This can attract the attention of any guy, but it will not be based on sympathy and feelings, but on banal physical attraction.

Communicate more on social networks, go on dates and dances, develop yourself. Become open in communication, allow others to better see your positive qualities. Don't be a guy's doll because you might become the object of his desire rather than his love.

At 16 years old

For many, 16 years is the age when children finish school. Often, adolescents have their first sexual intercourse during this period. To get a guy to like you at 16, you need to watch yourself and your behavior. Beautiful girls enjoy the attention of all guys.

At the age of 16, many people experience their first true love, which causes not only pleasant feelings, but also disappointment, resentment, and sometimes betrayal. You need to build relationships carefully, thinking about the possible consequences. It is important to maintain communication, accept invitations for walks, dates, and going to the movies. At this age, relationships are formed outside of school.

In 17 years

To get the attention of a 17-year-old young man, you need to show tenderness, femininity, and always be well-groomed. It is important to focus on attractive and discreet clothing and to be versatile. Girls who often go to clubs and lead an indecent lifestyle are unlikely to meet a decent guy.

If you like a classmate or a guy from college, find him on a social network, try to communicate with him outside the school. At the age of 17, the predator in the guys awakens; they want to independently achieve the girl they like. Obsessiveness and increased interest will only repel.


These are your closest people who will always tell you what to do and give you good advice. It is for this reason that do not ignore them, but share that you finally have feelings for the guy. Mom, thanks to her experience as a woman, will tell you how to behave in order to please a guy. Dad, like a real man, will be able to tell you what guys value and love in girls, and which girl attracts attention. Parents' advice is the most valuable and proven, so use it. A trusting relationship with your parents will only give you confidence in your abilities.

How to attract interest by correspondence

If you like a guy you don't know well, you need to know how to make him pay attention to you. There are no age or gender differences in social networks; girls also have the right to write to guys first.

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To interest a guy by correspondence, you need to start an entertaining conversation with him. You shouldn’t write a banal “Hello, how are you?” Experiment with phrases; from the first message he should be interested and want to continue the conversation.

If after the first day of communication the young man’s activity has not increased, it means that you are not the object of his interest. In such a situation, you need to wait a little and not bombard him with messages. If the desire to see a guy is higher than your sense of dignity, you can invite him to meet in person.

You confessed your love, but the guy doesn’t feel anything for you?

  • Pull yourself together and don't get upset. Unfortunately, not every love is reciprocal and mutual. You are experiencing a unique feeling, you have found the strength to admit it, you have become better - all this should help you pass the test with dignity.
  • Don’t impose yourself, but try to maintain friendly relations with the young man. Good friendship never hurts anyone.
  • If it’s hard for you to communicate with a guy and it brings you pain, then limit your communication and minimize meetings and spending time together. They say that the less you see a person, the more you stop being attracted to him.
  • Continue to be active and sociable, life goes on, and there are still many great guys around who are worthy of your attention.
  • There is no need to insist on reciprocal feelings. If a guy doesn’t feel that way for you, it’s better to back off.

How to get a boy's attention if he likes someone else

Sometimes girls have situations in which they wonder how to please a handsome boy if he loves someone else. Before taking such actions, it is worth determining for yourself whether his attention is really so important, or can you easily switch to another object of desire?

If your feelings are long-lasting, serious, painful without the guy’s attention, you can try to act. First, start a conversation on a social network, look at the level of his interest and communication. If the guy shows interest, you can move on to more decisive actions.

Once you can establish daily communication, you can try inviting him for a walk or to a movie. Communication in person is much more convenient than correspondence on a social network. If a young man is interested, go to this meeting as beautiful as possible. Create gentle makeup, hair styling, and choose the right outfit.

What to do if you are a fat girl

Many girls have complexes about their figure. In adolescence, girls often have extra pounds that guys don't like. If you have complexes about this, then you need to take care of your figure.

Today you can lose weight through sports, proper nutrition and personal care products. Be persistent if you are determined to lose those extra pounds. Guys are attracted to young ladies who can take care of themselves and make certain sacrifices in order to look attractive.

I only dreamed of one

To quickly finish school, get a certificate and rush away from this ill-fated school somewhere far away from here...

Time dragged on as if it was mocking and playing with me. I decided to take revenge on time: I left this school. Moved to another one. So what would you think? Igor moved to the same school! Now he was mocking...

We met in the corridor. I gave him a scandal. He stood and listened. Silently. And I was waiting for what would happen next. And this is what happened. After listening to me to the end, he looked into my eyes, smiled, kissed... Kissed! In the evening after classes, he invited me to dinner at his place.

It’s good for him: his parents are on the road all the time. He lives his own life, in which no one interferes. In general, I did not refuse the invitation. I arrived on time to see him. He bought me coffee and we talked. Then he started pestering. There was no strength to resist him. It felt so good that I floated away.

Useful tips

Psychologists give useful advice to girls who want to please guys at any age, to be the object of their desires and dreams. Recommendations to pay attention to:

  1. Natural behavior.
  2. Spectacular appearance.
  3. Beautiful speech.
  4. Lack of rudeness and impudence.
  5. Femininity, attractiveness, tenderness.

The right approach to winning a boy will help a girl win his sympathy and attention. If a girl feels attractive, those around her will perceive her in the same way, including the object of her desire.

Igorek is a real womanizer

Doesn't miss a single beauty. The “victims” of his attention study not only in our school, but in all schools and lyceums in the city. And recently he admitted that he “had a blast” with a senior student. I wasn't surprised. I was rather in a state of bewilderment. Well, like... and I’ve already reached them. Conscience does not torment people like him. Unless, of course, Lady Conscience has already run away from him. If I were his conscience, I would teach him a lesson.

I honestly feel sorry for those girls he abandoned and continues to abandon. Don’t they themselves see who this Igoryasha is? Igoryasha is our pride. It's a shame that it's not based on school performance. He is a C student. He always copied my homework and asked me to help with tests. Helped. What else was there left to do? I wanted to give him at least what he accepted. I like to be needed and useful to him.

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