How women seduce men and why you can’t escape them

They say that men are hunters by nature - and this is absolutely true. But who said that women in this case are not hunters? In fact, their hunting instinct is no less developed - and when a worthy woman or “prey” appears on the horizon, not a single representative of the fairer sex wants to miss her.

And who is worthy prey for a strong and beautiful woman? Such a strong and handsome man. When he appears on the horizon, she is ready to do anything to seduce him. And representatives of the stronger sex definitely need to know how women seduce men, so as not to fall (or, on the contrary, happily go) into their network.

Some representatives of the fair sex are embarrassed to show their interest, but more determined ladies, casting aside prejudices and complexes, go to the combat zone and usually return with a trophy. How do they do this?

The Basics of Seducing Your Wife

A woman is a more sensitive creature than a man. For her, the emotional aspect of the relationship is more important, so the wife often feels the first signs of an approaching period of misunderstanding earlier. A man understands that the problem of lack of emotional connection exists when it turns into the sphere of physical problems.

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Giving up sex or reducing its quantity is a sure sign that the union is going through another milestone, which could end in divorce. At this moment, it is important to take the initiative if there is a goal to save the relationship. To do this, you will need to master the practice of seducing your beloved wife. Five tools that are useful are available in any man’s arsenal, so using them will not be difficult:

  • In a relationship, the first thing to take care of is emotional stability. A woman must understand that the man nearby is capable of protecting the family. Since the selection stage has already passed, with a 99% guarantee, the spouse understands that the person nearby guarantees stability. However, it wouldn’t hurt to remind you of this. Do a symbolic act - build a new closet, throw out the trash from your house or garage, fix the faucet. This is the first step with which your spouse will attract attention.
  • The daily schedule, especially if the wife stays at home or is busy with boring work, does not change. Rhythm and routine become boring, taking away the last of your strength. First, you need to get your spouse out of the vicious circle with a non-standard manifestation - a trip out of town, a two-day weekend excursion. This is the second step that will add newness to the relationship.
  • A woman who has been married for several years is probably exhausted. Daily worries and an ever-growing to-do list impose a number of obligations. In addition, unlike her husband, the girl is able to perform two or three activities at the same time, which she uses in everyday life. As a result, the wife’s general mood in the evening leaves much to be desired. If there are one or two children in the family, then additional responsibilities in the form of washing, cooking and education completely drain the energy. To seduce his beloved, a man needs to provide her with rest. It is not necessary to spend your last money on a last-minute trip to the sea. It is enough just to help with daily chores - wash the dishes, wipe the dust and check the readiness of the children’s homework. This is the third step that will surprise you.
  • Wife and husband are a legal union, from which, as a rule, romance has disappeared. A man does not feel the need to conquer a woman who already belongs only to him. To seduce and liberate your spouse, you will need a powerful act. Don’t rush to frightenedly grab your last savings - it’s inexpensive. The beauty of romance is in the surroundings, not in the price. A set of scented candles, a downloaded movie, a bottle of wine and an ordered pizza is all you need. This is the fourth step that will melt your heart.
  • And, so to speak, a “control shot.” They will have memories of their youthful days, hot courtships and incidents they experienced together. After influencing a woman for many days, talking about this topic will remind you what a seductress she can be.

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Without further ado: eloquent gestures

It all starts with non-physical contact: charming ladies practice a technique called “smile and glance” on their victims. Although it would be more accurate to say “a look and a smile,” because first the woman looks at the man carefully, letting him know that he has attracted her attention. Then, when he looked in her direction, she smiled.

Many people believe that at this moment you should lower your gaze, but such famous seductresses as the French do not agree with this - they say that you need to maintain eye contact, while smiling easily and naturally.

To show not just interest, but interest of a sexual nature, seductresses use another interesting technique: when the object of their attention is already interested in them, they briefly turn their gaze to the object behind the man, and at the farthest possible distance. Guessing why they do this seems to be a difficult task, but the box opens in an elementary way: thanks to this, the pupils dilate.

And a man’s brain perceives such a look as a sign of sexual arousal. Moreover, this is rather an unconscious reaction, so it is difficult for a man not only to track what is happening, but also to somehow protect himself from it. In a word, before the “smile and glance” technique, men are practically defenseless, and the girl’s appearance in this case practically does not matter: ancient instincts are triggered.

How to restore an emotional connection with your spouse to improve your sex life

To get physical results in the form of quality sex, you need to know how to properly seduce your beloved wife. To do this, you will need to revive many forgotten moments in relationships: the feeling of falling in love, a tolerant attitude towards your partner’s mistakes, romantic actions. Do not expect an emotional response to be received instantly, because the extinction occurred gradually. Give time and a chance to manifest, reciprocal impulses to seduce or surprise in bed.

Establishing an emotional connection

First, remember how family life began, what plans were set as the basis. Most likely, the woman remembers what conditions she agreed to go down the aisle with - her own apartment and car, two children and a dog. Analyze what has been achieved and to what heights you still need to grow. Consider how feasible the plans are and then discuss it together. The first step to positive change is desire. Although it seems to a man that the material aspect is not capable of seducing, notice how his wife’s eyes lit up during a discussion of development prospects.

We show patience and care

The next step on the way is warmth and sincerity. The wife is accustomed to the lack of affection from her husband, which already seems to be the norm. Change your position, take the initiative. Let your beloved understand that her husband cares about her. Meet your loved one from work, listen carefully to the news about the events of the day. After this, carefully present dinner prepared without her participation; in extreme cases, order a ready-made version in a cafe. In seduction, impulse is important.

We give compliments

In the life of a family, the absence of verbal praise of women’s charms seems usual, but this is the first step on the path of betrayal. Strange young people are more attentive to such trifles, which is fraught with subsequent flirting. For your own peace of mind, return to the tradition of talking about how beautiful your spouse is. At the same time, do not focus on things that seem new or suitable for her. Compliment your well-groomed and fresh appearance, toned figure and firm buttocks.

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Let's flirt more often

Flirting in family life fades into the background, but this is the first tool of seduction. Even gently patting your spouse’s appetizing places with your palm while washing dishes will bring you closer together, adding spice to everyday boring activities. Such gestures need to be made not only on the date when a stormy night is planned, but also on any other days. A playful attitude is contagious, so after just a couple of interesting hints, phrases and glances, you can expect retaliatory actions.

Preparing a bath with candles and a romantic dinner

An effective method of seducing your dear wife at home is romance. The idea is important in it, and implementation costs a budget. To relieve fatigue, prepare an evening of pleasure for your spouse. Start with a warm bath with foam, sea salt and candles. This will relax you and set you up for the rest of the evening. Then massage with aromatic oil or at least a pleasant-smelling cream. Finish the program with dinner.

Ideal if you don’t need to wash the dishes after eating. It is better to organize such an evening if you are sure that immediately after the bath your spouse will not fall asleep from fatigue. But even if this happens, do not despair. The first stage of seduction has been completed, and next time you will be able to move further.

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Massive attack: gait, posture, poses3

Sometimes women don’t even have a specific representative of the stronger sex in mind, but simply “carpet bombing” for the sake of the effect itself. And they use the most effective means for this.

The first and most lethal thing is the “hip-based” gait. Men adore women who move uninhibitedly and freely, like real predators on the hunt - it’s truly impossible to take your eyes off a properly executed movement. A true seductress never walks broadly, like a soldier on the parade ground.

On the contrary, she always takes small steps, showing the man that if something happens she “can’t” run away. And she always shakes her hips, showing that she doesn’t really want to run away.

The second technique of a massive attack is posture. It would seem, how can it be a massive weapon of seduction? In fact, yes, easily. the fact is that when a woman stands beautifully and straight, it always allows her to show off her body from a better angle: her stomach is pulled in. chest high, pelvis slightly back.

This is the most seductive sight you can imagine. Looks impressive and amazing. It seems that no signals are being sent to the surrounding men, but at the same time the message is there and it is quite clear: a woman gives a man the opportunity to examine herself and be seduced in time before his competitors do this.

Postures, both sitting and standing, are also very eloquent signals. So, if a woman is interested in her interlocutor, he can see this by the toes of her shoes, which are always turned towards him, regardless of whether she is sitting or standing.

And one more thing - she never crosses her arms so as not to block the view of her best part. So crossing your arms over your chest is a bad signal - the fair sex is definitely not going to seduce your interlocutor.

If a woman sits and slowly crosses her legs. Means. she wants to show off her thighs in the most attractive way possible. And if she is wearing a short skirt, then such a gesture can be safely considered an outright provocation and act accordingly.

How to seduce someone else's wife

Seducing someone else's wife is an easy way to get an experienced woman who does not claim the freedom of her lover. However, there are categories of ladies who should not be approached with such intentions:

  • wives of rich husbands who are bored in the “golden cage” - seduction will end badly for both the girl and the young man;
  • young couples who have recently acquired officially registered status are a waste of time, since the young nymph is most likely still immersed in a state of euphoria after the registry office;
  • spouses of alcoholics, drug addicts, gambling addicts and domestic tyrants - the seduction of such a woman will be ruinous for her and their children together, since many hopes will be associated with the new man, which are not destined to come true;
  • the wives of friends and work colleagues are people who may accidentally find themselves in the same company, which is fraught with careless statements under the influence of alcohol.

Having chosen a woman from a strong union who has not received attention for a long time, begin gradual seduction. Depending on the situation, first talk, then invite them to lunch or dinner together. If there is little resistance, continue the seduction. Already on the second or third evening you will be able to get an unforgettable sexual experience.

How to seduce a man beautifully: techniques and techniques of seduction


First of all, it’s worth remembering that if you put on a ton of makeup and stand on stilettos solely for the sake of a man, sooner or later he will see that it’s just a mask.
It is important to take care of yourself, be well-groomed, tidy up your hair and nails, and pay attention to your face and body. Men are attracted to femininity. But not vulgarity. No need to overdo it with cosmetics. It is enough to highlight the part of the face to which you especially want to draw attention, and your natural beauty in general. In addition, it is always important to consider the location and time of the meeting. Excessively bright makeup during the day will be inappropriate.

As for clothes, many still think that the less it is, the easier it is to seduce a man - this is not true at all. A large amount of nudity has long ceased to be a secret. But if you are wearing an outfit that fits your figure, in which one thing is open (or slightly open), such a riddle will attract much more.

In an overly revealing outfit, you risk being mistaken for a girl of easy virtue, or at least for a girl who is too accessible, but you don’t need this at all.


The aroma acts as a kind of anchor. If a young man constantly sees you and hears your specific scent, he will associate it exclusively with you. Having recognized him somewhere else, he will already think only about you.

The most ideal scent for a man is the natural aroma of a woman's body. But you can brighten it up a little with your favorite scent. Just a little, you don’t need to pour half the bottle on yourself - otherwise you can get only the opposite effect.

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    7 things a smart woman doesn't do in front of a man


Eye contact will help you easily gain attention. Remember a simple technique. Try to catch the man’s gaze, hold it for just a couple of seconds, and then look away and smile slightly (a soft smile, without a hint of mockery). This behavior will cause a feeling of intrigue and interest. Afterwards, he himself will try to catch your gaze.

You can also sneak a glance at the man over his shoulder. If he pays attention, immediately look away. Just don’t look at him for a long time, waiting for him to notice. If it doesn't work right away, turn away and try again later.


Nonverbal signs are perceived by the stronger sex at the level of instincts, and also force him to pay attention to those parts of the body with which you give signals, to your figure as a whole, which awakens his imagination. It is important to do them fairly casually, easily, even if you have been training in front of the mirror for several days before, and unobtrusively.

Gestures of seduction:

  1. Playing with hair (twisting a curl around your finger)
  2. Biting the lower lip
  3. Crossing your legs over your legs
  4. Playing with a shoe
  5. Stroking the shoulder
  6. Lean towards him

Conversation style

What not to do

Wanting to seduce, a man makes mistakes that are difficult to correct. To avoid them, check out the most common ones:

  1. Uncertainty, lack of inner core. Even when preparing a surprise or a romantic dinner, do not overstep yourself. If you don't want to do this, then stop trying. But before you give up, think about what this entails, otherwise you will have to come up with ways to seduce your ex-wife in order to restore your lost family.
  2. Attempts to buy. Expensive gifts are certainly pleasant and useful. But if the husband is able to afford such expenses, then the family is not in poverty. That is, the woman is accustomed to a life that has everything she needs. Manifestations of this kind are an attempt to appease, to buy attention. Such steps are unforgivable for a husband, so every time, seeing an expensive gift, the wife will most likely remember the numerous evenings spent alone.
  3. Lack of deeds and actions. If there is a desire to return harmony to the relationship, start taking action, otherwise don’t talk about the opposite. Often a woman who has lived with a man for several years is able to determine what he is capable of. Empty conversations without confirmation will only irritate you even more.

Seducing your wife is a normal desire that helps spouses feel past passion. If your relationship and sex life are no longer pleasing, start taking action while time allows you to turn things back.

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