How to persuade a girl to sleep with you? Tips for inexperienced seducers

By and large, the question is posed somewhat differently. The question is not so much how to persuade a girl to have intimacy, but rather how to approach this issue correctly. After all, it’s no secret that modern girls themselves are not at all against sex.

But not all of them are ready to tell the guy about this themselves. They are simply waiting for the first step from him, and the main thing here is that this step is correct and does not reduce all the efforts of the guy seeking sex to nothing. So, how do you get a girl to have sex?

The most common way

No matter how trivial it may sound, inducing a girl to have sex with the help of alcohol was and is the most common way. A small dose of alcohol will relax your companion and make her outlook on life more frivolous. Wine, champagne or cognac can release all the girl’s secret desires and make it easier to persuade her to have intimate fun.

It is worth noting that we are talking exclusively about relaxing the girl a little with alcohol, and not about making her drunk. In the latter case, this may subsequently be regarded as a crime. Another important recommendation in this case is that a romantic dinner with alcohol (lunch, breakfast) should be arranged at home. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a guy or a girl, the main thing is not in a cafe or in a park.

How to make a man want you

1. Make him anticipate

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Not only men have an active role in relationships. The ability to create intensity of feelings is very important if you want to increase desire. Even if you are very close, there are several secrets to enhance the sensations in a couple.

It is a certain amount of tension that subsequently increases the satisfaction from your intimacy significantly. When you tease a man, you give space to the man's imagination, which in turn creates the desired intensity.

Immediate satisfaction of needs is also good, but constantly increasing tension in the right amount makes him want you even more. Let him watch you, painting a picture in his mind before he gets what he wants.

Try a change of scenery and leave the city for a few days. This will give you the opportunity to be apart for some time. At the same time, you can call each other and write messages to each other without the ability to touch each other.

Wear your favorite perfume

There is something captivating about women's perfumes that attracts many men. A seductive perfume can turn your head and remain in your memory for a long time. The most stimulating women's perfumes are those that contain vanilla and musk.

But even the process of applying perfume can be very seductive. Spray the perfume onto your wrist and then slowly and gently run your hand over your neck and chest. This action can be truly mesmerizing.

Send an unexpected message

Exchanging intimate messages is a great way to make a man look forward to meeting you. You can send him a few naughty messages in the middle of the day or afternoon, accompanied by relevant photos, to let him know what's really on your mind.

Whatever he is doing at this moment, it will be difficult for him to drive away thoughts of you. This creates sexual tension that he will want to release when he meets you.

Just remember that the message should seduce and hint, without unnecessary vulgarity.

Pay attention to him and give him compliments

Men are proud creatures, and the right approach to his ego can move mountains. There is no more powerful aphrodisiac than the attention you pay to a man.

Focus on what he says when you're together, respond to his jokes, and remember details he's shared before so he can see that you care.

Give compliments, especially on things that are important to him. Does he go to the gym? Talk about his physical fitness and ask about his activities. If he is a musician, ask him to play something or go to his concert.

There are many ways to flirt, but being genuinely interested in him is what really turns him on.

Touch it lightly

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Teasing isn't just about wordplay or good-natured banter—touch is a powerful flirting weapon.

However, remember that before you bring things to physical contact, you need to achieve a certain level of emotional intimacy. Even if you are not yet ready to move on to bed, you need to make sure that the man has nothing against touching and physical contact.

Light tickling, pinching and whispering in the ear are great ways to help you test the waters. This way you demonstrate your playfulness with a hint of something more, without going too far or crossing a line that you are not yet ready to go beyond.

Make your body talk

Body language is very important in both everyday and more intimate relationships. Remember that most men primarily perceive information with their eyes. They read the signals you give them and rely on your gestures and facial expressions to understand how to act next.

A smile is the easiest way to show your interest to a man.

During a conversation, try to make sure that your body is directed in his direction, reduce the distance between you a little and tilt your head so that he understands that communicating with him gives you pleasure.

Try not to cross your arms or look around when he's talking to you. This signals a lack of interest and kills the desire to pursue a more serious relationship with you.

Maintain eye contact, maybe lightly bite your lips and occasionally touch his arm during conversation or lightly brush him when you walk by or reach for a drink.

Show a little bit at a time

Men are turned on by what they see. What they see can ignite their desire, and often it doesn't take much. Sometimes you don’t even need to dress in a revealing outfit to get him interested.

A slightly exposed shoulder can sometimes work wonders. By the way, this tactic is not new. Japan's famous geisha often left the back of their necks exposed to tease a man - some exposed skin promised a little more under a thick and heavy layer of clothing.

Tie your hair into a bun to show off your neck and shoulders, or bend your skirt slightly to show off some of your dainty legs.

Secretly tease him in front of people

For this game you need to have enough courage and confidence, and also know whether he is ready for this kind of flirting.

If a man knows you as a fairly modest girl, then he is unlikely to expect anything obscene from you. Taking him by surprise will definitely increase his desire.

For example, during dinner at a restaurant, start flirting by touching his leg under the table. Don't overdo it, it's still about teasing him. It should be a hint of what's to come, enough to turn up the heat, but within the bounds of decency.

Place your hand on his thigh and move closer to him in the elevator. There are many ways to tease a man with your body, but you need to make sure that the right opportunity arises.

An unexpected kiss

Come closer and kiss him quickly and passionately. Such an unexpected move will instantly increase his excitement, since he is not expecting it.

Imagine his face when, during lunch, you suddenly lean towards him and kiss him passionately, and then continue to calmly eat. Even if he has not thought about intimacy with you, now it will be extremely difficult for him to drive away this thought.

Take a long look at him

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You can tell a lot more with your eyes than with words. Learn the art of the provocative look.

Look him in the eyes with confidence, and try to do this more often. There should be no request or uncertainty in your gaze. Look with approval and at the same time quite decisively.

Talk about what you're wearing

Men are quite receptive to messages that hint at closer communication. They are easily aroused by the various obscenities you say.

You can use this tactic with the clothes you wear. It is very seductive when beautiful lace lingerie peeks out from under a strict business suit.

You can also tell us over the phone what kind of underwear you are wearing today or, on the contrary, you forgot to wear. This will make him want more and when you are finally alone, you will be in for a fireworks display of emotions.

Accidentally drop something

Another way to tease a man, which is used by many representatives of the fairer sex, is to accidentally drop some object on the floor, and then bend over so that the man can enjoy all your delights.

You can use a pencil, a hairpin, lipstick, whatever. The main thing is to make it enticing and not look like you did it on purpose.

Be independent

It takes a lot more effort to impress an independent woman. Even if you had a mind-blowing night with a man, try to keep your cool and not act like you're crazy with happiness.

He will want to try even harder to please you. Constant attempts to conquer and try even more will bring a man closer to you.

Make him touch you

Touch is perhaps the most effective way to create desire in your man. If you don't want to seem too pushy, find a reason to get him to touch you.

For example, your back itches and you cannot reach this place with your hand, or you feel tension in your neck. If you're at the beach, ask him to put some cream on your back.

Play with your hands

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You will need to use your imagination and pick up an object that is within reach.

If you are holding a glass of wine, slowly run your fingertips across the glass and slowly take a sip of the wine while looking into his eyes. Your hands and eyes should speak for themselves.

Believe me, any man will understand what you want to tell him.

Toss your hair back slightly

This method of flirting has been used since ancient times. Although some women do this subconsciously when they are next to the man they like, many are well aware of the effect they have on the stronger sex.

Beautiful hair really has a fascinating effect on men. Throw your hair back easily and effortlessly. At this moment, you don’t need to look the man in the eyes so that this action doesn’t look fake.

Play with your lips

Lips are considered one of the most attractive female features. When you're flirting, try lightly biting your bottom lip, licking your lips with your tongue, or wrapping your lips around a juice straw.

You shouldn’t put on a serious face or be too zealous. Everything should look natural.

Send him a photo

Men primarily perceive information visually, and you need to take this into account as often as possible. Send him some playful and racy photos throughout the day.

Not only will this be a surprise for him and show him that you trust him, but it will also make him want something more. By the end of the day, his impatience will reach such a point that it will be difficult for him to control himself.

Confess something to him

Remember that the most powerful stimulating factor is our imagination. A man cannot help but draw pictures in his head regarding the woman he likes.

You can talk about how you used to do something crazy bold or revealing (but not too revealing) to spark his curiosity and make him think about you.

Tell me what you want to do

Make sure that the message will come to him personally and will be hidden from prying eyes. Perhaps a revelation sent during working hours will be inappropriate.

Write to him what you would like him to do to you. The more detailed you describe what is happening, the better. You can even send him a voicemail, making sure that your message won't create an awkward situation.

Love philosophy2

The expression that a girl loves with her ears is as old as time. And here, if a guy makes every effort and competently expresses himself to his chosen one about his feelings and his desire, his chances of having sex with her increase significantly.

A guy can tell a girl about her exclusivity, how much he needs her and how he languishes with desire for her. Well-chosen phrases, beautiful and tender words of a guy in love will completely melt the ice in a woman’s heart and the lady most likely will not be able to resist.


The dating stage is over. Now you have to get to know each other a little. To do this, you should spend time with the young lady. Ask her out. Try to become her friend, but with a hint of more.

Ask her questions not only on casual topics. You will need this knowledge in the future. But also based on the answers and her behavior, you can understand whether you want to see her next to you in life.

Very often this stage is ignored by men, and they immediately move on to seduction. But such relationships do not last long and it all comes down to sex for one night. If you're interested in something more, don't skip the grinding stage.

During this period you must show all your advantages. Be cheerful, kind, sympathetic, attentive to your companion. When you are in a relationship, you will not always roll over in bed; sometimes you will have to talk, ask and provide help.

You will never know what a girl will be like in a relationship unless you get close to her. After a while, your strong attraction will disappear, and you will begin to see in the young lady not only an object for sex. In order not to be disappointed in the future, it is better to get to know each other a little at the grinding-in stage.

Sexual seduction3

In order to speed up sex with the girl you like, you can use an effective method of sexual seduction. It involves not just getting under the skirt of the person you like, but completely, to the depths of your soul, charming her. To do this, first of all, it would not hurt to be at least minimally aware of her tastes.

For example, if some girls like slight stubble, others, on the contrary, are categorically against it. The same applies to the choice of clothing. If some ladies like men dressed in tight-fitting clothes, others may consider such a wardrobe as evidence of a guy’s non-traditional sexual orientation and will completely refuse to have sex with him.

In this case, it would be almost ideal to focus on which TV star the girl considers her idol and try to become like him in both clothing style and image. In addition to maintaining external conformity with the idol, one must also try to morally correspond to him.

If a girl likes the soft and romantic hero of “Titanic” performed by Leonardo DiCaprio, then the guy should adhere to a similar image. If a girl prefers brutal macho men, then the guy needs to match this image.

About seduction

The pickup pattern is clear : acquaintance, date, seduction.

Pickup is a kind of game . When communicating with a girl, you are less distracted by the conversation, and focus on her reaction. So you understand that she is interested in how best to act so that she likes it. You adapt to her values, to her breathing, to the movement of her hands. There is such a technique - kinesthetics. As pick-up artists say, you need to kinestheticize a girl - first, inadvertently, as if by accident, touch her, touch her and thereby expand the boundaries of your intimacy. After the girl relaxes, you can move on to more active actions.

To meet a girl, you need to come up with an original approach . Phrases like: “Girl, doesn’t your mother need a son-in-law?” - they don’t roll. This is the last century. We need something extraordinary. Otherwise it will suck. You just need to start communicating. And in the process, an acquaintance will happen.

There are many templates for such dating . There are also certain patterns for dating. Sometimes you need to “break” them—to act unexpectedly and unpredictably. The girl expects one thing from you, and suddenly you do something that she is not used to. And she experiences a break in the pattern. But I've never used templates. I do what comes to mind.

After meeting, there is no need to impose . Let the person take a break from you. In a couple of days you can call and make an appointment. No need to mumble. Calmly, clearly, confidently agree on a place and time. You need to talk no more than 2-3 minutes. Why talk on the phone if you can leave these conversations “for dessert” when you meet. The fun begins on a date. Let's start the game. And the girl herself begins to play. It all comes down to psychology. A woman needs a confident man, a male. Girls have this technique: closer and further. Either she says what a sweetheart you are, or she calls you an asshole. We need to understand and study all this. It’s difficult for beginners, but with experience everything happens automatically. But there is also a “prize” model: this is when a girl herself achieves a guy. Then you don't need to do anything.

After meeting one girl, we were together for three years . It was raining, she was with a friend under an umbrella. I ran up to them and said that they have an umbrella, and I have me, so let’s go together. Somehow we met. After some time, she found out what I was doing, she was a little hysterical, but then she calmed down. During our relationship, I did not use any pick-up tricks on anyone.

When you do everything with a cool head, then everything works out . And if you are worried before meeting a girl, you think how and what is best to do, nothing comes of it.

It is not necessary to compliment girls . This even repels many people, because a compliment is a kind of flattery. Some girls, especially those who have a high opinion of themselves and are accustomed to hearing only compliments addressed to them, on the contrary, need to be “bantered.” This way she will definitely pay attention to you, because you are not like everyone else. At the same time, you will lower her from heaven to earth.

Intimate conversations4

Conversations about sex. If you know what a girl dreams about and what her preferences are in bed, you can gradually start having conversations with her on sexual topics. This is the most effective and at the same time one of the cheapest methods of persuading a girl into intimacy. If you start affectionate and tender conversations about sex and unobtrusively persuade a girl to have sex, you can count on success and sex.

In order to persuade a girl to have sex, it is necessary to influence all her sensitive organs, starting from the auditory centers and ending with various erogenous zones of the female body. If the influence is correct, the girl will agree to have sex even in a building captured by terrorists.

How to get started

In 2005, I completely accidentally registered on a pickup site . I started communicating with people, reading different stories, and there I found cool “tricks”. I was 20 years old then, it was interesting, something new.

For many, a pickup truck is the first step to further self-development. After this “game,” many of my friends plunged headlong into psychology or the study of socionics.

On the pickup website I met the founder of the pickup school, Mikhail Shirin . He learned everything from personal experience. Currently conducting trainings. When I'm in Moscow, I often meet with him. Yes, there are special trainings for pick-up artists; professionals teach the art of seduction. Although, I remember there was one hopeless guy. He did not want to put his appearance in order, so in practice he always failed. There are no special pickup trainings in Petrozavodsk; it is not profitable to organize and conduct.

Pickup is not just seduction . And its goal is not just sex. If this were so, then it would be possible to take a much simpler route. It goes deeper here: you need to study psychology. Therefore, after you understand female psychology, you want to develop in other areas of life, learn something new. I don’t remember who said it, but a man who is successful with women is successful in everything.

Mostly guys who come to pick-up training are those who have trouble meeting girls. Well, or when you can’t get the attention of a certain person. I never had problems with dating, but I was interested in the essence and psychology of a pickup truck.

By the way, there is a pickup school for women . It's called "Basic Instinct". Emphasis is placed on the girl’s appearance, demeanor and proper presentation of herself in society. So women are not “victims” at all; they themselves can and do a lot.

We just met5

If immediately after meeting a girl she invited him to her home, this already indicates that she considers the guy as a potential partner. No one ends up in the apartment by chance, and even if she instinctively delays the moment of sex, this does not mean that she does not want it. It’s just that female nature itself does not allow a lady to agree to sex immediately after meeting. A woman subconsciously wants to be asked for sex and to achieve it. She wants to make sure her partner is serious.

Erogenous zones

If you want a girl to have butterflies in her stomach, you need to find her erogenous zones. This is not nuclear physics, so every man can figure it out if he wants.

Weak sensitivity . These areas are great for starting foreplay. In this category are ears, hair, hands, neck.

A guy can simply stroke the skin on the back of his head with his fingertips or stroke his hair - and goosebumps will already run all over the girl’s body.

Caress the ear, neck, and décolleté with your tongue and lips. Don't ignore the lady's hands: the fingers are very sensitive, they have thousands of nerve endings.

Kissing and biting are very stimulating.

Average sensitivity . More delicate areas that require your attention. Men are strongly attracted to women's breasts, but there are also lips, buttocks, a chiseled back...

Trace the line of the spine with your lips, gently stroking the shoulder blades - and your partner will let out a languid moan.

Gently knead your buttocks, touch the base of your neck with a kiss, caress your nipples. Gently, without guttural growling and squeezing to the point of pain!

If you did everything correctly, the girl has already begun to melt like wax in your hands. It's time to begin the final stage.

Strong sensitivity . The strongest erogenous zones are the perineum and the inner thighs.

How, you don’t know where your beloved’s clitoris is? Urgently open your anatomy and look for this center of pleasure.

Stroking and oral caresses are divine for a woman. Remember: they are not robots with the same settings. Everyone has their own preferences, desires and sensitive areas.

Your partner's reaction will be your guide to the female body. Does she dislike having her ears touched? There is no need to insist and say: “I read that this is an erogenous zone, you will like it!”

There are many hidden places on a woman’s body, the touch of which is arousing!

Let the girl lead. Who knows her body if not she? In moments of pleasure, she can involuntarily touch the most sensitive area or guide her partner’s hand.

Has your beloved’s breathing quickened, are you hearing languid moans, is there bliss on her face? So you are doing a great job!

Cover with flowers8

It is very important for a guy to give flowers on time. For such cases, it won’t hurt to have a flower delivery service number in your mobile phone.

When a woman receives a huge armful of fragrant flowers at her disposal, she will undoubtedly be imbued with tender feelings for her admirer. After all, women’s penchant for romance is known to absolutely everyone. And here it’s love at first sight, and sex on the first day after meeting – all one after the other.

Why does she refuse

Despite the fact that there are different ways to persuade a girl to go on a date, you need to understand that without eliminating the reason for her refusal, one way or another, it will still be difficult to proceed further. Especially when you consider the fact that refusals most often occur due to the fact that she simply didn’t like you.

It's like with the flu: you can try to drink hot tea, drink liters of coffee to feel better. But until you eliminate its cause, you will not be able to fully recover.

Therefore, we will look into the reasons for the refusal.

She may have liked you when she met you or on a previous date. But, most likely, she will refuse to meet you because she will not be ready for sex.

Think about it, if she refused you only once, then maybe it’s too early to sound the alarm?

If you decide to invite her for a walk in 30-degree frost or even just didn’t say where exactly you will meet, then it’s not surprising that she may refuse you.

Girls are shy creatures and they are unlikely to tell you that they are not satisfied with the meeting place. Therefore, refusal occurs most often.

However, this does not mean that you should invite her to an expensive cafe or restaurant. It’s just that if you are wondering how to persuade a girl to go on a date, then you need to be able to sense in time what exactly was the reason for her refusal: unsuitable conditions or lack of interest.

This is the most common reason why girls usually refuse to meet you.

If she has already given you her number, then either she did not have time to immediately understand that she does not like you, or she gave it to you simply so that you would “leave behind” her.

In general, women live in a world of fears. Most of them are afraid that someday they may stop liking men. Others are afraid that the man will turn out to be a maniac. Still others are simply afraid to date because the man is “kind of strange.”

It is these fears that may prevent her from agreeing to meet with you.

She may be afraid to come because she is afraid of seeming too available, afraid that she might give herself to you, because you make an appointment with her at 10 o’clock in the evening on the opposite side of the city from her house.

There can be a great darkness of fears.

All that remains is to learn how to deal with them.

I could also write that the reason for the refusal could be her busyness. But in all the time I've been seducing, I've realized that being busy most often comes from a lack of interest.

Once you learn how to create it, instead of “It won’t work, I’m busy,” you will hear “Listen, I’m sorry, but it won’t work today. Maybe tomorrow will be better? Tomorrow I’m just free.”

What does asking to date mean?

The phrase “dating a girl” presupposes the existence of a certain relationship based on mutual sympathy or love. At the age of 12 or 13 years, such relationships usually look like this - walks together, visiting cafes, cinemas and discos.

Older couples move to a more intimate level.

However, an offer to meet does not mean only kisses and caresses. You, as a guy, are required to comply with certain obligations:

  • protect your girlfriend;
  • take her side in quarrels, conflicts and disputes with other people;
  • stand up for her honor if someone began to insult her.

In addition, you will have to meet and accompany your girlfriend to study or training.

And, if you want to save this relationship, you will need to stop flirting and making advances with other girls. These are seemingly obvious things, but they are still worth mentioning.

How to invite a girl home over the Internet

If you have no desire to ask a girl out on a date and sit for several hours in a cafe, you can try to skip this stage. Remember the approximate action plan.

Make an appointment with her in a week, and on day X write a message that you will not be able to come, citing pain in your leg/arm/back, etc. Let her know that you are very sorry, because you wanted to see her so much and spend this day together evening, and now they are forced to get sick and suffer alone.

Don't forget to accompany your message with sad emoticons and parentheses!

If she is not a heartless princess, at this moment her heart will tremble and fill with warmth and sympathy for you. Subtly hint that you will be glad if she wants to visit you and provide minimal medical assistance.

Don't forget to play the sick person believably when your compassionate lady comes to you with a bag of oranges and a pack of medicine. And be sure to thank her with a delicious dinner!

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