How to persuade your parents to get a dog if they don’t allow it

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  • How to persuade your parents to get a dog

Unfortunately, not all adults are ready to have a pet. Therefore, the question of how to persuade parents to adopt or buy a puppy is one of the most difficult and important for the younger generation. Children see a dog as a source of happiness, joy, and new experiences. Grandparents, mothers and fathers, tired of the drab everyday life, imagine what a burden of responsibility will fall on their shoulders, how much additional cleaning and trouble a four-legged friend will provide. An insoluble contradiction arises between children and parents, which entails misunderstanding, disputes, resentment and endless persuasion.

Unfortunately, not all adults are ready to have a pet.

How to convince your parents that you need a dog

  1. First, make sure of your own neatness and love of order
    . If your room is a crazy mess, there are bags of chips and candy wrappers lying around, clothes are scattered around, then your parents are unlikely to agree to buy a puppy. And they will be right. How can you take care of an animal if you can’t even take care of yourself? Put things in order: wipe the dust, vacuum and wash the floor, take out the trash, neatly arrange books and toys on the shelves.
  2. If you are in school, correct your bad grades (if you have any).
    Mom and dad will be more willing to listen to a request to buy a dog if they know that you are trying hard in your studies.
  3. Decide on the dog breed in advance.
    It is better to give preference to companion dogs of medium or small size that are good with all family members. If there are already other animals in the house (cats, hamsters, etc.), keep in mind that you need a dog that will not strive for dominance. Such breeds include, for example, the poodle. These dogs are very smart, not prone to aggression, and can get along in the same house with a cat. However, the choice is yours. The main thing is to find out as much as possible about your favorite breed. Read reviews from owners of breeding nurseries, find out the legends associated with the breed. That is, by the time you talk with your parents, you should be “savvy.”
  4. Before talking, try to put yourself in the shoes of adults.
    If your parents rent a house, they may refuse to buy a four-legged friend not out of harm. If you live in a one-room apartment, then mom and dad will not be able to buy a giant dane. If there is not much money in the family, then, alas, you will have to forget about buying a puppy of an overly expensive breed. Try to think through all the nuances that may arise during a conversation about buying a dog. Perhaps your parents will meet you halfway, offering to adopt a mongrel puppy from a shelter. Or they will agree to buy a small dog. Or they will promise to purchase an animal after some time. Be prepared to compromise.
  5. Before you start asking for a dog, choose the right moment.
    When your parents come home from work (tired, angry), it’s better not to start. Also, do not ask to buy a puppy over the phone. It is advisable to time the conversation to coincide with the weekend, when mom and dad are in a good mood.
  6. First, ask your parents to listen to you until the end.
    Explain why you need a dog. Phrases like “I just want to have a dog” or “They bought Kolya, but I’m worse off” are unlikely to impress parents. Say that you need a real friend who you will take care of. That you have been dreaming about a puppy for a long time. To be convincing, tell us something interesting about your favorite breed of dog.
  7. Be sure to remind mom and dad that you will be looking after the puppy yourself.
    And this will not affect your performance at school. Say that you take on the lion's share of caring for the animal. And if they agree to buy a pet, then you will be the one to walk the puppy, clean up after it, and raise it.
  8. Tell us about the benefits of having a dog in the house.
    Firstly, even a small four-legged friend is capable of driving away an intruder from the apartment with a loud bark while your parents are at work and you are at school. Secondly, with a dog you will feel safe on the street. Thirdly, with a dog you will spend more time in the fresh air, and not on the Internet. Fourthly, you will become more collected and responsible (for clarity, invite your parents to look at the ideal order that now reigns in your room).
  9. Be ready to parry the blow.
    Adults often begin to list every conceivable shortcoming of dogs. And they bark loudly, and they shed heavily, and they can bite, and they have worms. Explain that a well-mannered animal will not cause discomfort to anyone. There will be no trace of fur if the dog is bathed and combed in a timely manner. And timely prevention of helminthiasis will not leave worms a chance to settle in the dog’s body.
  10. If one of the parents (let it be dad) took your desire positively, that’s already good. Talk to him alone. Tell me again how much you dream of a dog. Ask your father to talk to your mother. Perhaps your joint persuasion will have an effect on her.
  11. If the parents do not agree to buy a puppy, do not rush to be offended.
    Ask why they are turning you down. When the refusal is motivated by the fact that you are a bad student, you will have to correct your bad grades. If one of the parents is allergic to wool, tell them that there are dogs that practically do not shed. Or they don’t even shed at all due to the lack of hair (such as the Xoloitzcuintle).

Three Essential Ingredients to Successful Persuasion

How to persuade your parents to buy a dog without it being a waste of time?

  1. Show the advantages of living with a dog
    . Start with the fact that you will spend more time at home - this argument will definitely impress your parents. Note that with the “paw” you will begin to walk in the fresh air more often, finally looking away from the computer, you will be able to significantly increase your physical activity, and in the evening you can warm your feet in front of the TV on a living “hot water bottle”.

    If you have few friends, hint that this way you will never be lonely, and also emphasize the fact that a dog is a reliable defense against bullies in the absence of adults, especially if the family lives in a private house.

    Finally, prove once again that you can become more responsible: strictly obey the daily routine, rest properly at night. One of the most important aspects of persuasion is specificity: it is not enough to say “I want a dog” - it is desirable that a specific breed and the main advantages of coexistence with it be named.

    For example, the Labrador is very friendly and gets along well with children, and the Dachshund is almost the only one of its relatives that has a real sense of humor and has good watchdog abilities. Find out all the most interesting things about caring for and raising a pet, where and how to buy one, and unobtrusively tell your parents about it.

Destroy parental worries.

In this aspect, the main thing is not just to promise in words, but to prove that you can be trusted. To do this, tell us more about your plans: where and when the walks will take place, how you can organize the day so that your studies and other important matters do not suffer. If you have a sister or brother, arm yourself with their support and distribution of responsibilities.

In order to assure your mother of the safety of the furniture, tell her that you plan to buy special toys for the four-legged dog with your pocket money, and that you will carefully monitor dirty paws, hair on the carpets and the smell of the dog. Don't forget to consult your veterinarian first so you know how to take care of your dog's health.

If everything comes down to a financial issue, and the parents are not ready to shell out a round sum for a baby with a pedigree, say that you agree to take the animal from the shelter and allocate a certain amount of personal funds (for example, donated for the holidays) for food and care. To convince the father of the firmness of his decision, that the dog will not get bored over time, wait a few months and do everything to make the opposite appear.

Your persistence and individual approach to the issue will definitely bring positive results.

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How to persuade your parents to buy a dog

Every mother and every father wants to see their child happy. Here are a few ways to help melt your parents' practical hearts and finally buy you a dog.

  1. Tell Mom and Dad that having a dog will help you spend more time outside. Modern parents are very worried about the health of their children, because they devote all their free time to computers. Social networks, virtual games, the Internet simply do not let go of boys and girls, spoiling their vision, spine and psycho-emotional state. The possibility of long daily walks can bribe vigilant relatives.
  2. Tell your parents more about your future puppy. Tell us how you will play with him on the lawn, how you will bathe him after a walk, how you will frolic in nature, how he will go on vacation with you. Show your mom photos and videos of the breed of dog you dream of more often. Tell dad that a dog can be taught to fetch slippers, and it is a pleasure to train him.
  3. If there is a holiday coming up and your parents ask about a gift, don’t forget to mention that the best gift for you is a dog. There can be no alternative here - no “If not a dog, then roller skates.” Otherwise, you'll be left with roller skates. Say that a real gift for you would be a dog, real and alive. Don’t forget to write about this to “Santa Claus” if the New Year is ahead.
  4. Sometimes a strong argument for parents is security. Tell him that you are not afraid to walk with a dog, even in the dark. The dog will protect you from hooligans and ill-wishers.
  5. Ask your mom and dad if they had a dog as a child? If there was, they will probably smile when pleasant moments from childhood pop up in their heads. Ask your parents, if they had a dog, why don’t they let you have one? If there was no dog, they probably also dreamed of an animal in childhood. In this case, they will be able to make not only your dream come true, but also theirs.
  6. Don't pester your parents. There is no need to give ultimatums - adults don’t like that. Just stay true to your dream, from time to time reminding mom and dad of what is bothering you.
  7. There is one clever trick that will push parents to think about a dog. Tell mom and dad that none of the guys understand you, that you have a conflict with the class and you need a close and faithful friend.

All these methods can give real results, but not immediately, but after some time. Understand that parents must get used to this idea, understand that you really feel bad without a dog, and accept the possibility of having a puppy in the house. If all the methods used do not help, you can take extreme measures.

Choosing a breed and the role of a dog at home

You should know a lot about the chosen breed and take into account its personality traits. If your choice fell on one of the fighting breeds, then, most likely, your parents will be right in dissuading you from this idea. Such dogs require special training, and their owners need preparation. It is best to opt for more peaceful and friendly breeds, such as beagles, collies, etc.

Before you convince parents who are opposed to a pet, make the right choice.

You should not choose hunting dog breeds if outdoor activities are not encouraged in your family. With such pets you will have to spend a lot of time on training grounds to keep them in shape. And they choose the owner themselves and only one, so it will be very difficult not to give up this role, for example, to dad.

When, in a cozy family circle, you have roughly chosen a dog of the breed that everyone in the household likes, it’s time to talk about how it changes your life.

Together with a four-legged friend, happiness and a lot of positive emotions come into the house. It is very funny and interesting to watch how the puppy grows up, how funny and clumsy he behaves at first, and what he becomes later. By the way, showing a video of a cute puppy is an excellent method of persuading your mother. Women are much more prone to sentimentality than men.

When there is a dog in the house, every person has a subconscious feeling that they are waiting for him. The immense joy of a pet when meeting him lifts his spirits even after a very hard day at work. In addition, animals are able to improve the emotional state of their owners and even relieve stress.

Show restraint and patience when deciding how to persuade your parents to get a dog. Don't give up on your dreams, but be sensible about your abilities. Perhaps you will be able to get mom’s approval, then together it will be easier for you to persuade dad to buy a puppy.

Where to begin?

If you like a particular breed of dog, tell your parents why it is so good - each breed has its own advantages and characteristics, and you need to know them in order to properly care for your pet. Keep in mind that you need to choose a breed according to your age and weight, as you must be able to keep the animal on a leash in any situation.

Explain that your interest will not go away with the purchase - constantly remind you that you want a dog (not every day). Be prepared for the fact that persuasion may take a lot of time. Ask to go to exhibitions together, tell us how your friends take care of their pets.

A dog can truly change the life and character of its owner. What your parents may not know is that this pet develops a sense of responsibility.

Tell me how important it is for you to have a friend with whom you can always be together. In addition, the dog will help you make new friends and gain greater authority among old ones.

A puppy that appears in a house teaches children honesty and devotion, trust and love.

There are organizations that care for stray animals.

Talk to your parents and tell them how important it is that every animal has its own home. Chances are this approach will melt their heart.

However, in this case, it is necessary to take into account that the dog may not be a purebred dog, but an ordinary mongrel, although if you really want to make a friend, then this will not matter to you.

If you have been persuading your parents for so long that they cannot calmly respond to your requests, talk about how a dog has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of people. Her presence relieves stress and calms you down.

Despite all attempts, parents may still not agree to have a puppy. Be prepared for this and don’t be upset - the time will come and you will still have the best dog.

Alexandra, Penza

Risky way

If nothing can push your parents to buy a dog, you need to take extreme measures.
This is a very risky act and its outcome may vary. However, risk is a noble thing, but what if you get lucky? The principle of risk is simple - you just bring home a dog. Often, parents cannot refuse their child, looking into his eyes filled with tears. In addition, we can say that you picked up the dog on the street, in the rain. Only the most hard-hearted person can throw the dog out of the house after this. But where to get a dog and what to do if the parents refuse to accept it? You can find a dog at a shelter - there are many vaccinated and kind dogs there. Such a dog, having experienced a lot of troubles in life, will be very devoted and faithful. However, agree with the shelter that the dog can be returned if the parents still object.

If you want a puppy, you can ask your friends and acquaintances, perhaps someone’s dog has recently given birth. It will be much more difficult to refuse a puppy a home. But in this case, you can only get a mongrel - you simply don’t have enough money for a purebred dog. Or you can tie a bow around your dog’s neck and present your pet to mom or dad for his birthday. Well, can they really refuse such a gift?

A dog in the house is not only worries, unpleasant smells and expenses. This is fun, laughter, joyful children's screams, lack of stress and depression. And the main thing is friendship. True friendship that you can cherish. Don't despair if your parents refuse to buy you a dog. Conversations, correct behavior and self-confidence will help you persuade your parents to get a puppy.

What to do?

Ask or force? Perhaps, if you still want to become the owner of a real dog, then it is best to beg your parents. But this does not mean that you can get by with just verbal requests.

Parents need to see that their child is actually ready to take care of a living being, therefore:

Show that you are already big and independent. You should start by simply cleaning your room. At the same time, first disassemble the small but most loaded surfaces - tables, shelves. You can wash the dishes in the kitchen and do wet cleaning throughout the apartment. Don't forget that these actions should not be a one-time event, you will have to get used to some responsibilities and perform them regularly. This is the only way to confirm your responsibility and reliability.

Cook dinner for your parents. You need to do this if you can already use the stove yourself

When they come home from work, they will be pleased with such attention, and you can explain to them that you can successfully handle cooking for your dog yourself. Just don't overestimate your capabilities, remember that the little puppy will actually have to prepare special food.

If you are thinking about how to persuade your parents to get a dog, then you will have to try not only with housework, but also with your studies.

Good grades are a reason to be encouraged and praised. And when adults finally ask about what gift you want to receive for excellent grades, it's time to remind them about getting a puppy.

Try to start persuasion by getting yourself a small animal, fish or plant. When your parents see that you can take care of a living being, then there will be a chance to convince them. Just don't forget about the hamster after you get the dog.

Discuss in advance that you will walk the puppy in the morning and evening. This argument will come in very handy if you don’t know how to persuade your grandmother to get a dog. Most adults who have just come home from work and are very tired certainly don’t want to run around in the yard. The same applies to grandparents who prefer a quiet pastime.

Perhaps, if you still want to become the owner of a real dog, then it’s best to beg your parents

I want a dog - a game or a conscious decision

Most children do not understand that having an animal is a big responsibility. The dog becomes a member of the family. Here are questions that your child should answer before choosing and buying a pet:

  1. Am I a disciplined person?
  2. Do I have an active lifestyle?
  3. How are things at school?
  4. Am I keeping all my promises?
  5. Is there a developed sense of responsibility?
  6. Do I help around the house?
  7. Are you ready to make sacrifices for the sake of an animal?
  8. Is there awareness of the difficulties of care?
  9. Am I an independent person?

The whole family's new favorite

Before you convince your parents to get a dog, you should make sure that all questions are answered in the affirmative. Otherwise, you need to go through the list and work out all the moments that do not correspond to reality.

It is immediately necessary to explain to the child what will change with the appearance of the animal. These include regular walks, feeding on a schedule, exercise and training. All vaccinations must be up to date and if the dog gets sick, it should be taken to the vet immediately. Before going on vacation, you need to find someone to look after your pet. A puppy is the same as a child who requires attention and care constantly.

How to convince your parents to buy a dog

To convince parents to buy a four-legged friend, the child needs to prove that he is capable of caring for her. This argument will become powerful, but where to start? There are several rules:

  • The child must prove that he is able to take care of himself first and foremost.
  • If there is a problem with grades at school, they need to be corrected, because if a child tries and does not stay in the same class for the second year, then most likely mom and dad will meet him.
  • Before you make an offer and try to “persuad” adults, you need to analyze the issue of purchasing a pet, namely, choose a suitable breed, study its characteristics and the intricacies of caring for its representatives.

Important! First of all, you need to start with yourself, because an obedient child will most likely agree to a meeting and the question of how to ask your parents for a dog will not become particularly difficult. It is very important to prove to parents that a dog will unite the family and make it more active. It is very important to prove to parents that a dog will unite the family and make it more active.

It is very important to prove to parents that a dog will unite the family and make it more active.

Which breed to choose and where to buy a dog

It is better to purchase a pet from a specialized nursery, where they will provide all the information. For an apartment, it is better to beg for one of ten breeds:

  • Yorkshire Terrier is the most popular pet, it is easy to train, and its special coat structure does not cause allergies;
  • Jack Russell is an active animal, requires frequent walking, training and a lot of space;
  • Chihuahua is the smallest dog with a strong character, sheds, and has low food consumption;
  • Pekingese, pug, shih tzu, spitz - dogs are almost the same size, do not require frequent walks, get along well with children;
  • Spaniel is a medium-sized pet with hunter instincts, needs training, and has a beautiful wavy coat;
  • the dachshund is a small hunter, a reasonable and balanced dog, great friends with cats;
  • The poodle is a playful and active dog, requires regular grooming, and remembers commands well.

Despite the advantages of a small breed, it is worth remembering that any animal is a living being. You can take a larger dog like a husky, but it needs more space.

Attention! Before asking your mother for a large dog with a complex character, it is better to understand that it is not suitable for teenagers and children. It will be difficult to subdue her.

The dog is a member of the family

Having a pet in the house is not only joy and fun, but also a huge responsibility. Sometimes children don’t understand how difficult it is to care for a dog, but they really want a puppy to run around next to them in the morning. Before asking your parents for a dog, you should consider all the advantages and benefits of having a pet. Particular attention should be paid to finding a breed that will suit all family members in character.

How to choose the right moment to talk

There is no need to start persuasion to buy a four-legged friend when parents are busy. Calling work with such a proposal or voicing it when there are guests in the house is also not worth it. It is better to conduct the conversation on weekends or in the evening, when the whole family is relaxing.

It is important that mom and dad are in a good mood and willing to communicate. For example, if they are pleased with the cleanliness of the child’s apartment, his academic success and good behavior, the chances that their answer will be positive increase.

A good reason to start a conversation would be watching a movie together about the loyalty and devotion of dogs or a walk near a park where owners walk their pets.

It is recommended to start a conversation with a request to listen carefully and take the words seriously. Then voice it, explaining that this is not a momentary impulse, but a completely conscious decision, born of the desire to have a true friend.

In showing concern for our little brothers, the character of a person as a whole is formed

You should be prepared for the fact that the first conversation about the dog will not bring results. Parents will need time to think about how their lives will change with its acquisition. Before the conversation, it is useful to read literature about the breeds of “smaller friends” and caring for them. Then consider the difficulties associated with their content. The main ones:

  • organizing a place for a pet;
  • the possibility of bathing him;
  • probable damage to furniture and “troubles” in the form of puddles on the floor;
  • purchase of rugs, disposable diapers, toys, food, medicines;
  • trips to the vet;
  • time for walking and training.

If such nuances can be resolved, all that remains is to explain this to your family and support what is said with convincing arguments.

What to do if you are not allowed to have a kitten?

You will want to object, it will become offensive, but don’t argue

. Better think about why you are not allowed. Perhaps you are not serious about your studies or cannot even take care of yourself. For example, the room is a mess, clothes are lying on the floor, or you do not follow hygiene rules. Of course, you will not be entrusted with a living creature to raise if this happens.

Perhaps your loved ones want to hold you accountable in this way. Then you need to take up your studies and get yourself in order.

If the problem is money related, you can suggest giving you less pocket money for a while.

The main thing is to behave correctly:

  • Don’t pester your mom every day with this question;
  • Temporarily accept the decision, perhaps it will change soon;
  • Show your respect: “I understand. Thank you for listening".

And then you will definitely have a chance to return to the conversation.

Psychologist's comment:

To understand why parents are often against getting a dog, you need to understand how they think and what motivates them.

I must say that the life of your parents is not as simple as you think. Besides the fact that they take care of you, cook food, clean the apartment and do a bunch of other important things, they also need to work so that you have something to eat and you can live normally

But there is something else important. It may be hard to believe, but after your mom and dad have done all that work and are about to go to bed, they want to have at least a little time to themselves. A time when they could watch a good movie on TV or read an interesting book

Well, something like that. Usually, the older you get, the less time they have for this, but this is a very important time for any person, no matter how old he is.

A time when they could watch a good movie on TV or read an interesting book. Well, something like that

Usually, the older you get, the less time they have for this, but this is a very important time for any person, no matter how old he is.

Now let's look at your desire to have a dog. It would seem - what’s so special about this, since almost every family has a dog or cat? To understand why everything is not so simple, imagine that the pet you want to get is not an animal at all, but... a small child! A baby, like any pet, cannot take care of itself - it must be fed. This baby doesn’t really know how to control his urge to go to the toilet, doing his business anywhere and anytime, so you need to clean up after him - at least at first. Walks are very important for small children - it’s not for nothing that you can see so many women with strollers walking on the street for a long time - that is, you need to walk with them too, and so on.

In other words, getting a dog is a special matter, which, in terms of the level of responsibility, the emergence of new responsibilities and worries, can really be compared to what it would be like if you decided to become a mom or dad! Of course, this will take as much work and effort as in the case of a real child, but in fact the situations are very similar.

Now let's go back to your parents. When you ask them to get a dog, are you saying to them: “let me get myself a child, but you will take care of him”? For parents who have just begun to get you (and perhaps also your brother or sister) back on your feet, it’s hard to imagine more hopeless news - after all, if they agree, they will have a lot more worries, and they will still have time for themselves less!

Parents are designed in such a way that they will always consider you a child, regardless of your age. Therefore, the best thing you can do to get them to allow you to have a dog is to demonstrate that you are old enough to take care of not only yourself, but also someone else. If you can show them that you are ready to take responsibility for your words and actions, that you are ready not only to fulfill your personal responsibilities, but also to help your parents do their part, then this may convince them that having a pet is quite possible , and it won’t fall on their shoulders.

Try to solve some problems yourself

It is important for you now to demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions, so that it becomes clear that this is not just another whim. Take the initiative, think about how to solve the problems associated with the appearance of a pet

This information will help you when you talk to family members about the animal and how to care for it:

  • When it comes to furniture, say that you can buy special scratching posts. Your mustachioed friend will get used to using them and the interior items will remain unharmed. Or there are special plastic pads for the paws;
  • Be sure to explain that you will take care of the animal yourself
    . You can both remove the litter in the tray and feed it. The main thing is to say that this will not affect your studies in any way, but on the contrary, it will teach you to be disciplined;
  • If the fluffy ball accidentally leaves a puddle on the carpet or bed, then you already know that there are good odor removers. They will get rid of dirt and odors, and will discourage the cat from peeing in the wrong places. Non-harmful, but effective essential oils and flavorings are added to such liquids, which irritate the delicate sense of smell of Barsiks and Muroks.

The more information you collect, the more productive the conversation with your elders will be. They will see that you take the issue seriously and they simply will have nothing to object to.

Does a child need a dog?

One way or another, analyze the situation in the family and relationships with friends to understand whether the child needs a dog.

It is quite possible that the child has enough parental warmth and affection, but he is ready to show independence and begin to take care of himself and the pet. The kid understands that the dog will depend on him, which means he is responsible for ensuring that it is fed, walked, and healthy.

Why is it a dog that children ask for most often? The dog is an emotional and playful creature, it is pleasant to pet it, you can talk to it, as it reacts to words and senses the owner’s mood. Among the pets that children ask for, dogs and cats are the leaders.

Rarely do any children dream of turtles and fish. You can't share emotions with them. And cats are considered wayward pets; not everyone makes contact.

Do you know what responsibility this is?

Probably now we will list what mom and dad have already explained to you. But this is really extremely important to realize:

  1. With the advent of a four-legged friend, your life will change. He needs to devote time and engage in education. Now every morning you get up in any weather and take your pet for a walk, feed him and wash him if he came back from a walk dirty;
  2. A puppy is touching. You can play with him, he welcomes you home and wags his tail, funnyly burying his muzzle in his knees. But besides the pleasant moments, this is the dirt that you will have to clean up when, for example, he gets sick and vomits;
  3. Now you have to be at home more often and you can no longer go out with friends whenever you want. If this is a puppy, he will be afraid to be left alone, and if left, he will spoil everything while waiting for his owner. Therefore, you will either have to take your pet with you, or negotiate with each other who will stay as the nanny.

Why do parents forbid their child to have a dog?

Why do many parents forbid their child to have a dog? First of all, parents understand that the appearance of a pet in the house will change the life of the entire family.

The dog requires care, it needs to be fed, walked, combed, taken to the veterinarian, it smells, sheds, barks, runs, chews things. These delights appear first before the eyes of parents. Therefore, they usually refuse a request to get a dog, voiced for the first time.

The child sees the other side of the situation. He dreams of walking, playing, sleeping, talking with the dog. He thinks about how he will stroke her and look into her eyes. Perhaps he believes that a pet will allow him to find new friends or return old ones.

How else can you convince your family to get a pet?

While parents are thinking, help them decide:

  • Invite them to go to the nearest shelter to see what kind of pets there are. Tell us what noble deed you will do together, helping one of the local inhabitants. In addition, it is cheaper than taking an animal from a store or from breeders. Mothers are usually very moved at the sight of stray dogs and often agree to shelter someone;
  • Gather information about local training courses and parents will see that you want a well-mannered friend;
  • Another good way is to become a volunteer at a shelter. There you will gain the necessary caring skills and demonstrate your readiness to become an adult and bear responsibility for a living being;


Before you start begging adults to buy a puppy, you need to be aware of the consequences. After watching a touching film like “Beethoven” or “A Dog’s Life”, one can draw a not entirely correct conclusion about what the owner of a tailed pet has to do. Meanwhile, parents understand perfectly well that:

1. A dog is a gigantic responsibility. It is difficult to find any other animal that is so in need of human attention. For example, recently it has been fashionable to own a husky. However, this breed does not do well in warm climates. He also feels the need to run many kilometers every day. Having a husky, you will need to forget about many things - the computer, phone and other gadgets, and completely devote your free time to the animal;

2. The daily routine will change. If you have to force yourself to get up to school, then having a puppy, you will have to do it an hour earlier. After all, the animal needs to walk at least twice a day. Naturally, no one canceled the evening walk either, so lying down after school with a book or in front of a cartoon will no longer be possible;

3. Maintaining order. The room is a mess, which means it’s too early to think about getting a dog. Not only is a lively four-legged animal a source of chaos, but all things that are within reach run the risk of being chewed. At first, the puppy may bite the school shoe and tear the diary to shreds. Therefore, it is better to immediately get used to order and take care of your clothes and shoes;

4. Care. To keep your dog healthy, looking and smelling good, you need to constantly groom it. This means: taking him to the veterinarian, getting vaccinations, regularly bathing him, combing his hair, and monitoring changes in his health. This is not a toy that you can easily throw away if you stop liking it. This is a family member who, without careful supervision, may even die;

5. Training. Dogs are quite smart animals. But in order to raise a protector and non-dangerous pet, you need professional skills. Otherwise, endless barking and obscene behavior will dramatically reduce the pleasure of the purchase.

There is no need to be upset if none of the methods work. Getting mom and dad to change a clear decision is sometimes difficult. A dog is not only the personal responsibility of the owner, but also another member in the family. And every resident must express consent. Often even the husband denies his wife such a desire, so endlessly begging and convincing adults is selfish and ugly. You can ask for another animal - a hamster or a cat - to demonstrate your ability to properly care for a pet.

What to do?

Your task is to show that you are ready to work with your parents on the same team, and that they can really rely on you. While talking about the dog, talk about your willingness to help around the house, and invite them to give you one or more household chores that you can do independently and well, and that need to be done regularly - every day, or, for example, weekly. This could be, for example, washing the floors in the hallway during Saturday cleaning or going to the store for shopping.

Ask your parents to make a list of chores from which they will choose this task for you, or you can choose it yourself.

Be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time before you get the dog you want! - complete the tasks given to you. Moreover, you will need to continue to do them further - after you have a puppy. But there is also a positive side to this: the better you manage to cope with your responsibilities, the easier it will be for you to live in the future, the better prepared you will be for life in the adult world. After all, parents are, judging by, the first people with whom you learn to negotiate. And, if this was successful, then it will be much easier to do with other people in adulthood.

Benefits of living with a dog

Your parents already know that you are responsible, reliable and hardworking, it’s time to tell them about the wonderful life that will come to your home with the arrival of a dog.

Second rule: make your dream become the dream of mom and dad.

Guess what parents dislike most? This is a computer. Your mom and dad spent their childhood in the yard, they kicked a ball, played hide and seek, gorodki, tag, and hopscotch. In the summer they spent more time outside than at home. Most likely, you like computer games, while your parents want you to walk in the fresh air.

Do your parents often come home from work tired or worried? Offer to get a dog - a furry friend senses a person’s mood and creates an atmosphere of pleasant tranquility

Walking the dog would be a great way to spend time outdoors, with the following benefits for mom and dad:

  • Active lifestyle. Tell your parents that a dog is a great excuse not only to go for walks, but also to play sports, such as running or Frisbee. You will be in great shape, and mom and dad will always be able to join you and your four-legged friend, your family will be the healthiest and most athletic.
  • Good mood. You will be in a good mood, because the dog will never let you get bored. This is a great opportunity to have a fun and interesting time both outdoors and at home.
  • Stress relief. Do your parents often come home from work tired or worried? Offer to get a dog - a furry friend senses a person’s mood and creates an atmosphere of pleasant calm.

Promise that you and only you will wash and comb your pet.

  • Opportunity to become more responsible. Tell your parents that with the help of a dog you will become more responsible and reliable, because now you will have to be responsible for two.
  • Family holiday. Explain to mom and dad that thanks to the dog you will become an even closer family and spend more time together. Over time, you will even develop a family hobby, for example, video shooting. Tell us how wonderful it will be to film the dog growing up, its antics, games and your outdoor recreation together.
  • Security. Parents, and especially mothers, are always very worried about their children. Tell your mom that you could feel more secure with a dog, these words will definitely have an effect on her.

You will make sure that your new friend is always fed. And add that you will also eat well

There is another little secret on how to persuade your parents to buy a dog in their apartment - remind mom and dad about their childhood. Chances are, your parents desperately wanted a puppy as young children, too. This is a winning option, regardless of whether mom and dad had a dog or not. After all, if you had a dog, your parents will be sorry that you don’t have such an opportunity. And if there was no dog, then they will make not only your dream come true, but also theirs.

Bring your parents to the dog kennel, let them see puppy eyes looking at people trustingly and openly. Not everyone can resist such a spectacle, especially if you have had preparatory conversations with your parents and behaved like an adult.

Say that the dog will not distract you from your studies, but on the contrary, it will help you concentrate on your homework

Sports and part-time work

If all of the listed methods for begging a dog did not help achieve the desired result, then either you didn’t try hard enough, or it’s time to do something more serious.

In the modern world, unfortunately, much depends on the ability to earn enough money. Keeping a dog is an additional expense item in a parent's budget. Maybe they simply cannot afford it, because they will have to buy special products or food, and undergo paid vaccinations.

If you are already old enough, try to find a part-time job. This could be posting advertisements, distributing leaflets, repairing computers or installing programs, courier services, etc. With the first money you earn, you can buy mom a nice trinket, and buy dad an anti-slip mat for the dashboard in the car. This way you can demonstrate that you are capable of more for the sake of your dream and you will partially cover the costs of the dog yourself.

Keeping a dog is an additional expense item in a parent’s budget.

If you can’t make money (for example, because school and clubs take up all your free time), try to explain to mom and dad how your life with a dog will change. You will spend less time at the computer and more time walking.

Moreover, walks will obviously not be calm and boring, because your four-legged friend needs movement and games. You can run around and come up with fun games with your friends.

Remind your parents that when they were little, they didn’t spend as much time on the computer as kids do today.

If games like tag and town are a thing of the past, then getting a dog is a great opportunity and a reason to get out of the house.

Basically, this argument is good if you don’t know at all how you can persuade your mother to buy a dog.

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