A don't care is... Description, personal qualities

Almost every person has heard in his life such a word as indifference. This concept gives rise to quite negative associations; it has not yet been fully established in the scientific field, but in fact, indifference is a common phenomenon.

It very well describes the psychological state of a person, which seriously affects his life and personal development. This is why it is very important to understand the essence of the concept of “don’t care.” Who is this really and how is this life position expressed? After all, it affects not only relationships with other people, but also the individual himself as a whole.

Theory and description

Due to the widespread prevalence of this phenomenon among the masses, different degrees and varieties are attributed to indifference. The very first and most important word that comes to mind when describing this position is “indifference.” But in fact, this concept does not fit as a synonym - a person who doesn’t care understands what he is doing.

But indifference is usually understood as a complete lack of feelings for something, be it a person, an object or an event. Moreover, this concerns, rather, reflexes, the intuitive and subconscious reaction of a person. But a person who doesn’t care is a person who is able to control this phenomenon. This means that he consciously makes a choice about which things or phenomena to attach importance to and which are not worth wasting his time on.


I don’t care, in the literal sense of the word, I don’t care about anything. They are not interested in politics, events, incidents, they don’t care about everything and everyone! I don’t care, because I don’t care, so why the hell….

Life position: - don’t care about everything!

In our life, many people like to consider themselves as non-givers. Some are shining examples of this word, some try to be such, but this may not always work out, and for some, indifference and indifference are completely alien concepts. It is clear to everyone that this word has no scientific origin, and one can only guess about its appearance. At the same time, everyone understands that this word has some negative meaning. A “don’t care” attitude towards the world around us can turn a person’s life upside down or vice versa.

care are people who do not pay any attention to the events and people happening around them. Even in ancient times, there were people who were particularly indifferent to what was happening around them. In the modern world, the meaning of this word has not changed. Many people associate the word “don’t care” with an indifferent person, but this is not entirely correct. Indifferent people practically do not perceive the requests of others and do not react in any way to the events that have occurred. Indifference is established on an instinctive level, and it is very difficult to manage. This has become the main difference between indifference and indifference, since people become indifference consciously. A “don’t care” attitude can be controlled, but true people who don’t care are not inclined to change their principles of behavior, even under the most serious circumstances.

Types of people who don't care:

  1. A complete indifference . Such a person is completely abstracted from the outside world. Although he sees everything that is happening around, he does not experience any emotions from it. In his opinion, everything that happens around him does not concern him in any way and cannot influence his life. A complete indifference openly talks about his attitude, so it is not difficult to identify such people in society. Such people absolutely do not care what others think about them. He has a clear position and clear beliefs that he adheres to;
  2. Aggressive don't care . Such people will try to convince others of the inconsistency of logic. Aggressive people who don’t give a damn immediately react to any negative assessment of their actions. Often this reaction has an aggressive coloration;
  3. A relative indifference, as it were, chooses events to which to react and which to ignore. Such people are very successful at blocking events that actually cannot affect their lives in any way, and at the same time without completely turning away from the public.
  4. A reasonable or hidden indifference is a person with the most optimal position in life. Such people try not to focus on the negativity that constantly happens around them. It is often said about such people that they were born wearing rose-colored glasses. They very rarely worry, get nervous and become depressed. Such people are often called optimists and idealists. It is impossible to take a reasonable person who doesn't care by surprise. He is accustomed to relying on his own strength and can appreciate a strong character, trying to imitate such a person.

Why do people become indifferent?

  • The reason may be improper upbringing, when in childhood a person got everything he wanted, becoming selfish. He doesn’t care that things don’t work out or don’t work out for others, he “distances himself” from it, he doesn’t care about anything.
  • Another reason why a person “turned” into a person who doesn’t care is when a person did a good deed, but received a “slap in the face” in response. Disappointed, he no longer wants to participate in good deeds. Having lost faith in justice, he tries not to notice anything, remembering how he was repaid with evil for good. Having isolated himself from what is happening, such a person reasons that everyone gets what they deserve.
  • It happens that a person does not know how to show emotions. Usually these are phlegmatic people. Remaining calm in any situation, they automatically become indifferent. The reason for this may be a serious mental disorder when a person is unable to sympathize with anyone. Perhaps as a child he lacked affection and parental attention, perhaps he was subjected to cruelty, so he became callous and indifferent to other people's troubles.
  • A person can become indifferent and apathetic because he is tired. He may be emotionally or physically exhausted.
  • The reasons for not caring about anything can be hidden grievances.

A person who doesn’t care can be assessed both on the positive and negative side, depending on how “deep” the indifference sits in a person.

Each person has the right to choose for himself what kind of indifference he should be, because if you take all the surrounding events very seriously and deeply, then problems with your nerves or psyche may arise.

Statuses and aphorisms for the do not care

Oh, usually I don’t care. Today as usual...


P.O.H. - just very good...


Only those to whom everything is violet are able to judge life sensibly.


Fuckery can't be cured... Well, there's no need...


You do not like me?! Oh, what a pity that I don't care!


If a problem can be solved, then there is no need to worry about it; if it cannot be solved, then there is no use worrying about it.


Come on, I’ve been struck down by a serious illness - I don’t care!


On the one hand, I somehow don’t care, but on the other hand... Oh, no, on the other hand, I don’t care either. Everything is fine!


The limit of “trust and patience” has been exhausted. The “don’t care” mode is successfully activated...


From today I have only positive emotions. I allow myself to rely on everything...


A prickist is a person whose nerves are so sagging that there is no way to play on them...


It ’s impossible to lead us astray, we don’t care where to go!


An idiot does not complain about a problem and does not laugh at it; he kicks her in the ass and has fun.


In active indifference


I don’t care what they say about me... I don’t care what others think... It’s important to me what I know about myself... Everything else is just other people’s speculation!


With just things to do... I don’t have time to finish everything!


If you don’t care about anything, then you won’t get infected with envy.


A real indifference is a person who doesn’t care whether he doesn’t care or doesn’t care.


The more the situation escalates, the more people don’t give a damn about its outcome...


No one cares, no one cares, no one cares either!


My f*ckism saves my nerves, which are no longer there, relieves me of stress, which I no longer have the strength to cope with, and limits communication with morons who are everywhere.


If they think you're a camel, don't give a damn


The scale of a person’s personality is determined by the scale of the problems that he doesn’t care about.


Fugism is a disease... It lies in the fact that for any reason you begin to ask yourself the question “why?”


Previously , I was sure that this was nonsense, but it turned out that scientifically it is called stress resistance.


Our feelings finally became mutual. Now I don't care either.


I live as expected!!! And I’m entitled to everything!!!


The idiot constantly hears from people only: blah blah blah.


The most reliable plan: “Don’t care, we’ll figure it out on the spot!”


It was all the same, but it became even smoother.


But everything has 3 points of view. Pros, cons and don't care


Why take to heart what you can send to your ass?


a damn about those who spoke badly about me... And I spat twice about those who listened to them!!!


degree of our indifference and the degree of our vulnerability and vulnerability are inversely proportional.


The idiot doesn’t know what fear is... And what anger is too


I really don’t give a damn about “we know everything about you.” I’ll try to look as suspicious as possible...


the main victory in my life 9 months before my birth, and I don’t care about the rest!


Yes , what a fucking sad thing... most likely... a big deal!


Beauty will save the world, but indifference will save nerves.


I don't care about anything right now! And the only thing I don’t give a damn about is that I don’t give a damn about anything!


- Girl, you’re going the wrong way, the lights are in the other direction! - Never mind, I’ll light mine!!!


In the struggle between “I want” and “I need”, “I don’t care” won!


Try to make your face like a brick - You will see: all the hardships - No matter!


PS. Regular practice of not giving a fuck significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases...

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Complete indifference

By the name you can intuitively understand what we are talking about. Complete indifferences are people who have the most extreme manifestation of this life principle. This is a person’s conscious choice to stop paying attention to his own life and himself in particular. Moreover, he “gave up” on everything quite consciously, but this does not mean that he does not feel anything at all. It is quite simple to recognize such a person, since the person does not hide his indifference to the opinions of others, but also does not at all seek to impose his life principles on others.

In general, he doesn’t care whether they understand him or not, this is his conscious choice, and that’s quite enough for him. Such people have poorly developed memory, because they try to forget everything that happens as quickly as possible and throw out of their heads, as it seems to them, unnecessary information. The only advantage of this type of indifference is that the person does not get nervous again, which allows him to preserve nerve cells.

The benefits of not giving a damn

Simple examples showed the beauty of this personality quality. Many motivational speakers and writers talk about the benefits of not giving a fuck. For example, Mark Manson in his book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” explains, not without irony, the secrets of this skill. The main idea of ​​this book is to forget, don’t worry, live more simply, and then everything will work out.

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This is a rather bold statement, given the trends in society. People are taught to become highly effective, to use every second productively, to form ambitious goals and achieve them at any cost. In the race for success, many people experience depression, insomnia and stress.

The ability to treat failures and difficulties with a degree of indifference makes a person’s life easier , helps to avoid emotional burnout, and not to get involved in a meaningless race and mouse fuss. Preserving peace of mind and balance are the main “bonuses” of not giving a fuck, which force you to pay close attention to this skill and even develop it purposefully.

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Aggressive type

Here the situation is a little different, the person is proud of his position in life. And unlike the previous species, a person’s don’t-give-a-fuck attitude extends to everyone except him. In other words, he thus clears the way and accumulates strength to worry and worry exclusively about his Self.

Naturally, this has its own positive side, but it is canceled out by the inability to feel something for other people. It is precisely these women and men who don’t give a damn who create a negative image of the position itself, while openly praising their reluctance to perceive the world around them and take into account the needs of others.

What is indifference?

What is indifference? Not caring is a new phenomenon, but has roots going back centuries. In our culture, indifference seeped from Eastern philosophies, in particular Buddhism. Enlightenment is impossible without inner balance, and everything that happens to us is an illusion and vanity. Only true peace is worthy of attention.

Another source of indifference is the principle of Wu-wei from Taoism. It says: keep calm and the corpse of your enemy will be carried past you. That is, nothing in this world is worth disturbing internal balance.

Not caring is doing nothing, inaction, non-interference in the natural course of things. Liberation from passions and negative emotions is the goal of many modern people who are tired of the frantic pace of life.

A person who doesn’t give a damn is able to maintain his health, good mood, excludes the possibility of influencing himself and does not succumb to the influence of others. He does what he considers necessary and does not indulge others. Sounds good, doesn't it? Everyone dreams of personal freedom, which is deprived of in society. Not caring gives such an opportunity.

Relative type

Such people choose what in their lives is worth paying attention to and what not. Moreover, things, people and even concepts can fall into this category. Most often, this trait manifests itself in purposeful individuals. Some creative people and entrepreneurs specifically develop this feature in themselves in order to complete assigned tasks and not waste their energy.

Moreover, hobbies can be very different, not only work or creativity, but also sports, the opposite sex, religion, or anything really. This kind of indifference can be equated to determination, which is a completely positive quality. However, the end does not always justify the means, and this is clearly not worth forgetting.

Hidden type

This person cannot be equated to a careless person. Photos, personal communication and other characteristics do not in any way indicate the presence of this life principle. The fact is that he consciously hides his attitude to the world, and everyone around him perceives him as a responsive, attentive person, ready to listen, show sympathy, and share advice. But as soon as he leaves the threshold, a true hidden indifference will not think about it or continue to worry, he will simply forget everything. For him, this is completely unimportant and has no value, but he will never show that he doesn’t care.

From the point of view of personal development, this is a very good trait, because taking on other people’s problems and worrying too much about others only slows you down and negatively affects your health. But if the interlocutor of a hidden person who doesn’t give a damn finds out about his real view of things, he will most likely be disappointed, because he perceived this person completely differently. Such people treat themselves differently, but it is always important for them that others do not see their true indifference. Therefore, external characteristics, facial expressions and other details are important.

Types of not giving a damn

In its mild form it is very useful and necessary for any person . This is healthy or rational indifference, which only adds strength and energy. In an advanced stage, when a person begins to degrade due to laziness and a disregard for life, we are talking about pathological indifference, which should be gotten rid of.

Much depends on temperament and personality type, which are determined by the speed of mental processes. Phlegmatic people are much more restrained by nature than choleric people. It is easier for sanguine people to ridicule the situation, let it go and stop worrying, but melancholic people spend a long time delving into themselves and cannot stop worrying. But they are able to learn a lighter attitude towards life.

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In the context of this, it is correct to say that there is natural and acquired indifference . In the first case, the skill appears from birth and the person uses it subconsciously. Secondly, this skill is developed with age in response to experience. A melancholic or choleric person understands that they need to be less nervous and purposefully try to change their character, which is very difficult, but doable.

You can also talk about true and ostentatious indifference. If a person in the presence of other people behaves the same way as he does alone with himself, without worrying too much about any little thing, this is true indifference. When someone in society tries to be cool and restrained, and then, upon returning home, sobs into his pillow, breaks dishes and bites his elbows, he is playing to the audience.

The whole essence of ostentatious indifference is well illustrated by the following anecdote. “Three friends agreed that they would not raise money that they came across along the way. They were determined to become non-givers. We just went outside and looked at a dozen lying there. The first one passes by with the words “I don’t care.” Then they find a hundred. The second one says “I’m not interested” and steps over the banknote. They turn the corner and see a thousand. The third one immediately picks her up. Friends are indignant, “we agreed,” to which he replies, “I don’t care what we agreed on,” and stuffs the money into his pocket.”

Jokes aside, but sometimes it is beneficial for people to pretend to be others , getting used to a more suitable role. If it brings benefits, then let them do so. The main thing to remember is that suppressed emotions accumulate and sooner or later such a “don’t care” explodes like a volcano. Sometimes it is useful to give vent to negativity, building a reputation as a temperamental person, rather than giving the impression of a psycho who cannot restrain the full barrage of emotions. Everything should be in moderation.

Reasonable type

It is also commonly called healthy. Recently, many have been trying to develop this trait in themselves as part of personal self-development. This is an independent division of all life aspects into positive and negative, and subsequently the separation of the latter. We can say that a reasonable indifference is a guy who has chosen positive thinking; he tries to see a positive character in absolutely everything. Such people can rejoice, they are sincere and truly happy. They are able to believe in miracles, and the most interesting thing is that it is their belief in goodness that attracts a lot of good things into their lives.

Philosophy of reasonable indifference

This view of the world is applicable specifically in modern society, since in the old days there were completely different social rules. Today, life here and now, positive thinking, determination and other features of not giving a damn give a person an advantage. Such people are needed in the work environment because they will be able to react correctly in a stressful situation. They are able to isolate themselves from a large flow of information and concentrate on the really important points.

A healthy person who doesn't give a damn never worries about little things. Most situations that happen in life provoke a person to worry. And they take too much time and effort, but in reality their comprehension and experiences do not give any positive result either for the individual or for his environment. For an ordinary person, the awareness of lost time is manifested only by the fact of its presence, but a person who doesn’t care, in turn, simply does not allow this kind of thing into his life. Also, the absence of irritability and nervousness protects a person from committing rash actions and actions; he seems to look at all problematic situations more soberly.

The main words of an indifference can be expressed in one quote from a modern poet: “I don’t care is the serene ease of being.” That is, people associate the expression created at the end of the last century with something bad, but in fact it is a fairly positive trait of human character, a special outlook on life that can manifest itself from both a positive and a negative side. Therefore, calling this worldview good or bad is simply incorrect. It all depends on the person himself and how he applies not giving a damn in his life.

The harm of not giving a damn

In addition to the positive aspects, not giving a damn can play a cruel joke on the person who practices it. After all, inertia and passivity, which often follow on the heels of this skill, will not bring anything good to a person. The world loves proactive people who actively conquer it. When not giving a fuck helps you cope with failure, it is absolutely useful.

If because of him a person misses the opportunity to develop and realize himself, then what benefit can we talk about? This is obvious and not subject to discussion. It all depends on the degree of indifference and its appropriateness in a particular situation. The gradation of this quality can be very diverse, which we’ll talk about now.

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