Why can't they reach me? Causes and remedies

Useful tips

There are many pretty good reasons why this or that person cannot or does not want to answer you.

You shouldn’t stare at your smartphone or computer screen all the time waiting for an answer, think about the bad, and come up with various reasons in your head why he or she refused to call back or answer a message.

In this article you will find a list of almost all possible reasons why you were not answered immediately or at all.

Can't they call you? Check your phone settings!

The first place to look for the reason is the phone settings. Often users themselves get tricky with the settings. The reasons why they may not reach you are the following:

  • you have added a number to the blacklist;
  • there is a ban on incoming calls;
  • There is a restriction of calls for subscribers not included in the phone book.

Check your Call Barring settings

Go to the “Phone” application and go to settings, they are usually located in the upper right corner of the screen; these are icons with a gear or “hamburger” (three vertical dots. You need to check how the markers are set in the “Call barring” item. Then check the numbers on the black list. It is likely that in it you will find the number of the one who tells you: “I can’t get through.”

Check your Call Barring settings

Check your Forwarding settings

Check your Forwarding settings

Another point to check is redirection. If forwarding is enabled, you need to configure it correctly. It is better to enable redirection:

  • if you are out of network access;
  • if you are talking to another party;
  • Always.

If they complain to you: “I can’t get through, the answering machine is working.” Change your settings or turn off forwarding completely. To ensure you don't miss a call while you're talking to someone else, turn on Call Waiting. In this case, when the second line is triggered, you will hear short beeps.

The caller constantly hears a busy signal.

Turn off mobile internet and synchronization

If you have checked the forwarding settings and everything is fine there, but the caller always hears a busy signal, turn off mobile Internet and synchronization. This usually occurs in areas where operators use old equipment and there is no LTE connection. Usually the person trying to get through then says: “I can’t reach you, it’s always busy. But as soon as you leave the unfortunate area, the calls go fine.

Foreign press about Russia and beyond

“(…) Interacting with others, both physically and via a smartphone, requires concentration and time. And as part of everyday multitasking (hello, mental workload), a person has few of them. “A phone call from a smartphone is intrusive because it completely breaks the correlation with place,” explains Catherine Lezhal, sociologist, researcher at the ISC Paris group and author of I Stop Being Hyperconnected! (Published by Eyrolles). — Unlike a landline telephone, interference occurs anywhere, at any time and interrupts the current task. In fact, interference is created and fragmentation of activity is caused, which can lead, especially at work, to loss of meaning, fatigue, cognitive overload and even burnout,” writes Le Figaro.

“According to psychoanalyst and philosopher Elsa Godard, our overheated brain needs to simply ignore calls to protect itself. “By refusing such intrusion, people demonstrate the ability to manage their digital relationships,” says the author of I Take a Selfie, Therefore I Am (Albin Michel). The younger generation understands this well and adapts to the time conditions of another person, giving preference to SMS and especially voice messages on Whatsapp. “Users prefer asynchronous modes, which allow you to react when it is convenient for you and when you want,” emphasizes Catherine Lezhal.

“(…) Such an intrusion into our daily lives becomes even more painful when it is difficult to recognize who is calling. (...) “Some people develop almost paranoid behavior, and although the call itself does not “shoot real bullets,” they imagine the worst when they need to answer,” points out Dominique Picard, psychosociologist and author of the book “Politeness, Good Manners.” and social relations" (PUF publishing house). “They operate on the principle that what is unknown is worrying or dangerous, so there is no question of taking risks.”

“The defense mechanism is triggered in the same way, albeit to a lesser extent, when we anticipate important professional or personal news that we attach great importance to,” the article says. “By hiding from the call, we thereby prefer to avoid the problem instead of confronting it,” adds the psychosociologist.

“(...) Those who are afraid of the telephone prefer an invention such as an answering machine to a speakerphone,” the publication points out. “No one likes to be pissed off, so some people need to determine in advance the interlocutor, the essence of his message, think about the situation and prepare his answer,” says psychoanalyst Elsa Godard. Unlike a long text message, in which every word is automatically weighed, rewritten and corrected, a telephone call invites us to improvise,” writes Le Figaro.

“(...) People who do not like to answer calls do not like the oral nature of communication; in order to enter into a dialogue, they need support in the form of the physical presence of another person,” the psychoanalyst reports. Without visual support, only voice will be interpreted. We still have to understand all its intricacies. “We often lack clues; silence can have multiple meanings, illustrating embarrassment or boredom,” adds psychosociologist Dominique Picard.

“(…) Anxiety sometimes turns into frustration. The person receiving the call sees it as some kind of order, a requirement to answer while he or she is busy doing something else. “The bell has the effect of being a servant from a Feydeau play,” says sociologist Catherine Lezhal. At the time when the telephone was invented, the bourgeois were the first to benefit from it, and to answer the first “ding!” was the duty of the servant, as described by psychosociologist Dominique Picard. “Such repeated filtering was a way to maintain one’s high position and exercise control, as if to say, ‘no one has the right to call me, I decide who I talk to,’” the specialist analyzes.

“According to psychoanalyst Elsa Godard, when used in a love relationship, this rather toxic method is akin to some kind of manipulation. “Some people temporarily stop answering calls in order to play on the needs of communication, create an effect of anticipation in a partner, or, conversely, take this vicious practice even further and reach ghosting, that is, disappear from the air to indicate their indifference,” she sums up .

“(...) At the same time, not answering the call allows you to maintain your manner of self-expression and, in a certain sense, maintain your freedom,” says the psychoanalyst.

“On the other hand, to protect your friendships and avoid misunderstandings, Dominique Picard recommends frankness: “We explain the reasons why the call makes us uncomfortable, and ask our friends not to be offended if we do not answer immediately, or agree on a specific call in an emergency."

Check if the SIM card is working properly

Check if the SIM card is working properly

If you have reached this point, then the tips above did not help and it’s time to check your SIM card. Often this is where the problem lies, and the problem with calls is accompanied by errors in the Internet or SMS messages. you need to do the following:

  • Insert the SIM card into another smartphone and check its operation;
  • Insert a SIM card of the same operator into your smartphone and check its operation;
  • Examine the SIM card slot and the SIM card itself for damage.

If your SIM card does not work in another phone or smartphone, then examine its contacts. Wipe it with a cloth. Usually this problem appears after cutting the SIM card yourself; if this is the case, then you need to contact the operator and ask to replace it. If possible, wipe the contacts in the SIM tray, they may be oxidized.

If your smartphone has two SIM cards, you should know that the connection to the network occurs through one module. When there are SIM cards from different operators, MTS subscribers may not be able to reach you while you are talking from a Beeline SIM card.

Maintain dignity

Many women don’t want to believe that it’s all over before it even begins; they need to hear it from the man himself. But it’s better not to do this and not to call first, not to impose yourself. Such a woman inevitably loses points in the eyes of a man and looks pitiful.

Women in such situations should maintain their self-esteem. If a man disappears, it means he doesn’t want to be around her. In addition, if the lady does not start calling first or bombarding him with messages, but remains silent, this can turn the situation exactly in the direction she needs. Silence and time will allow a man to assess the situation and seriously consider a woman’s candidacy for the role of life partner.

In addition, he may really get bored and realize that his new acquaintance is really interesting and dear to him. Then he will call again and make an appointment. Just don't answer night calls. If a man who has suddenly disappeared calls at three in the morning, then most likely at that moment he has been drinking a little and wants to get only a moment of pleasure and set up a non-binding date. It is unlikely that this is the attitude that any woman expects.

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Fixing a glitch in the phone software

So we checked the phone settings and everything is fine, we checked the SIM card - it is also working. But, they still can’t get through to you, it’s time to look for a problem in the phone software. To identify the error and correct it, you need to take the following steps:

Activate Flight mode for 20 seconds.

After turning off “Flight”, check whether incoming calls are received or not. If there are still no calls, proceed to the next step.

Restart your smartphone.

After each step, check whether you can be reached by phone.

Check the apps on your smartphone.

Calls are often blocked due to incorrect settings in the Black List or Call Recording applications. I recommend removing applications from unknown sources.

Check your smartphone for viruses.

To do this, you must first connect it to your computer in “Storage” mode in order to scan the files for viruses with a computer antivirus program. Then install an antivirus application (for example, Kaspersky Internet Security or Security Master) and check your smartphone. With viruses, people trying to call you usually hear “Busy” or a message that you are offline.

Clear the Phone app cache.

Go to your phone settings in the “Applications” section. Among all the applications installed on your smartphone, find “Phone”. Clear the cache and data in it, and then stop and start the application again. On some smartphones, this application may be called "com.android.phone".

Soft reset.

Save all the necessary data in the cloud or on your computer. Turn off your smartphone, remove the SIM card and press the volume-down and power buttons simultaneously. The smartphone will start in recovery mode. Use the Volume buttons to select Soft Reset, and then confirm by pressing the Power button. In some phones, such a reset can be done from the settings.

Hard factory reset

Since the soft reset did not help, then again go to recovery or system settings and do a hard reset (Wipe data/factory reset).
The phone will return its settings to factory settings - like new. These steps will resolve almost any phone software issue. A reset should only be used in very extreme cases, as applications are removed and all content is erased. It should be noted that some viruses are resistant to resetting, so follow all the points and steps in the order in which they are written. Then you won’t have to look for an answer to the question “why can’t they call me?”

Why doesn't a man call first, but always answers?

It’s so easy to pick up the phone and, through simple manipulations, dial a number in order to hear your native or not so familiar voice. Then why do men say “call” instead of calling themselves? Why do some male individuals respond to calls almost instantly, but never call first, so as not to disturb the girl’s peace? Is it really so important who dials those ill-fated digits of a phone number first?! When a young lady misses communicating with her friend, she doesn’t hesitate to dial her number. So why do women have doubts when it comes to the opposite sex? All this is because this particular gentleman is a stranger to the girl. Their relationship is still at the stage of acquaintance or first meetings. After all, the wife never has any doubt whether to call her husband first today or wait until he remembers that his other half is waiting for news from him. The exception is the situation of temporary confrontation, which arose, for example, on the occasion of the disappearance of a pair of socks after washing. Here, married ladies are tormented by questions of a slightly different kind: why the man doesn’t call first after a quarrel.

So, why do beautiful women doubt the need to take the first step? First of all, because to this day it is considered wrong to call your first stronger half. Most ladies, brought up on heroic novels, are accustomed to waiting for initiative from men. However, one should not miss that the age of knightly valor is long gone. Modern gentlemen are rather inert and expect the initiative from girls. This happens because supply exceeds demand. After all, many young beauties have completely forgotten about dignity. Today girls are easily accessible and quite intrusive. One won't call, but others will. Therefore, there is no point in men straining themselves. However, if the girl really hooked him and really liked him, then he will always find an opportunity and set aside time for a telephone chat with his passion. A girl who has won a guy’s heart will not hear from him the phrase: “Well, if you need anything, call me.” This is the explanation why men say “call”?

There is also a separate category of males, which includes males who prefer to respond to calls rather than be the first to give news. This could be a character trait, an established habit, or a unique quirk.

It doesn’t matter what reason prompted the interested young individual not to attempt to communicate. It is important to behave with dignity. You need to love your own personality and not allow so-called males to play with your feelings.

Problem with smartphone hardware

The smartphone fell into the water

If manipulations with the software do not correct the problem, then it is most likely on the side of the communication module. Only repairs can solve it. Before contacting the workshop, it is best to immediately tell the service center about the reasons why this malfunction may have appeared, this will make diagnosis easier. Problems with smartphone hardware usually appear:

  • water got into the smartphone;
  • the smartphone was dropped or hit hard;
  • The smartphone has defective components.

The price of smartphone repair work depends on the damage. The most expensive repair after getting into water. After a fall or impact, it is often difficult to find damage, since microcracks usually appear on the board, which are difficult to see.

If only the radio module or antenna is damaged, then repairs will not be expensive. If the board is defective, the price may be comparable to the cost of a new phone.

After moisture gets into the smartphone, the technician will clean the board, after which the phone will work. However, they do not provide a guarantee for such repairs, since oxidation may begin again. The usual survival rate of a smartphone after exposure to moisture is 50% to 50%.

Why is he doing this about the blacklist?

The favorite option of a number of subscribers is “Black List”. But it was not there. If you absolutely need to get through to a person, you can “go around the mountain” and avoid restrictions. Follow the instructions:

  1. Write an SMS and ask to be removed from the emergency situation. Turn on message delivery notifications in advance.
  2. Check if you are in an emergency by calling from another number. If the person decides to answer you, you can find out whether you fell out of favor by accident or on purpose.
  3. 21st century, guys! We use Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype - organize a regular or video call. Online regulars can write or send an audio message even via Instagram direct (if you haven’t been banned there either).

The only thing that cannot be bypassed is the “Flight” or “Do Not Disturb” mode, which turns off all incoming messages and SMS.

Error when updating firmware

IMEI may be written on the SIM tray

Failed firmware can lead to all sorts of errors. One of them is that the phone does not accept incoming calls. You can find out whether the firmware was updated correctly by checking the IMEI. To do this, do the following:

  • dial the code *#06#;
  • A code will appear on the screen, which will need to be compared with that indicated on the box or SIM card tray.

In addition to the box and SIM card tray, IMEI is also on the case or under the battery (if it is removable). If this IMEI does not match, then you need to contact a service center to restore the IMEI. You can also try to roll back the firmware to stock.

I do not recommend rolling back the firmware yourself, unless of course you are an experienced user. During the flashing process, errors may appear that will lead to incorrect operation of certain functions of the phone, or even turn it into a “brick”.

When a subscriber is temporarily unavailable

The subscriber may be unavailable in the following cases:

  • the most common reason is that the user simply left the network coverage area, ended up in an area where the signal does not reach or where it is too weak to make a connection;
  • a network error in which the answering machine is interrupted and sends a signal that the subscriber is unavailable;
  • The phone number is entered in the wrong format, for example, instead of the number 8 or +7, 7 without the plus sign is entered.

In addition, there may be station congestion. This happens on holidays. In this case, both the user and the connection will be unavailable, since the towers are overloaded.

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It's all the operator's fault!

There was a massive failure in the work of the cellular operator Tele2, Megafon, MTS or Beeline

In certain areas, poor call quality is common. Phone users buy all kinds of signal amplifiers that amplify the waves received from cell phone towers. This helps to achieve a stable signal in a small area (dacha).

If the communication signal icon on your smartphone is full, but they can’t get through to you, the reasons are usually the following:

  • You are in a crowded area where the cellular operator's equipment cannot cope with the load. It is especially acute on holidays and weekends. These days, almost no one can reach you on the phone.
  • Technical work at the cellular operator, which leads to the fact that everyone who calls you receives a message that you are unavailable. At the same time, the smartphone can reliably receive a signal, but instead of the operator’s logo it says “Emergency calls only.”
  • The mobile operator has blocked and no longer services your SIM card. There may be several reasons: violation of the rules for using the network (sending spam, hooliganism, lack of information about the owner of the SIM card), debt, failure to replenish the account for a long time. In this case, those trying to call you receive a message that the number is blocked.

In any case, you need to contact the operator with a question and explain the situation. Do this from another phone. You will need to provide the passport details of who the number is issued to. You may have to visit one of the operator's offices.

The meaning of standard autoinformant phrases

The answering machines of various cellular companies use several standard offers in cases where it is impossible to establish a connection with a specific number. They look like this.

  1. The phrase “Subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later” is used in cases where the subscriber’s mobile device suddenly turns off. However, the signal to leave the mobile network was not sent to the station. This usually occurs due to lack of charge or a broken phone.
  2. The sentence “The subscriber’s device is turned off or is out of network coverage” means that the person being called turned off the phone on their own. In this case, the device will send a warning message to the station. This phrase can also be used when the user has left the network coverage area.
  3. The voice message “This person is currently unable to answer your call” may sound because the device is turned off or is in an area with poor signal reception.
  4. The phrase “Subscriber is temporarily blocked” will be used if the call is made to a blocked number.
  5. The “Wrong number dialed” prompt will appear because the user is calling a number that is not assigned to the subscriber or is dialed in the wrong format. It is necessary to correct the error in the number symbols.
  6. The message “Network is overloaded” can be dictated on holidays or when a person is present at a crowded conference or other event. Mobile networks cannot serve all customers on days like these. Therefore, some of them may hear this phrase. It is recommended to repeat the call after some time.

In almost all cases, you can make a follow-up call and get back to the person. This is due to the fact that contact is restored within a short period of time.

Is there any point in calling multiple times?

“I’m calling a girl, she doesn’t answer the phone, I’ll keep calling until she answers” ​​- if this is about you, then it’s time to understand that such actions are unacceptable, and in very rare cases lead to a favorable outcome.

  1. You must understand that if a young lady accidentally missed your call or could not speak at that particular moment, she will definitely call you back. If her action is deliberate and she deliberately does not want to communicate with you, it means that your endless calls will not only not be able to influence the situation, but will anger the girl even more; you are older and simply hateful to her. And, if you also start bombarding her with messages with reproaches or threats, then, most likely, the young lady will begin to treat you like a maniac, and will certainly not want to maintain a relationship.
  2. You can call a maximum of three times, although in some cases this is too much. Between the first and second call you can take a short pause, but before the third call you can take a longer one.
  3. If you had a meeting and agreed on a date, then this is not a reason to bother you every five minutes with your phone conversations. With such obsession you can only scare away the young lady.
  4. In any situation, be patient and calm. There are times when after two calls a guy already despairs and decides that the girl is ignoring him, and then it turns out that she simply could not speak at that moment.

What is the reason

Technical failures are excluded, but they cannot occur within one call. If the bot says that the device is busy, although it is not, and does it too often, the reasons need to be looked deeper. Let's consider all the options.

Forwarding enabled

The call forwarding option is in high demand - subscribers connect the free service to their number and make various settings. Tele2 allows you to activate call forwarding when there is no answer or if the line is busy. Personally, the subscriber does not always turn it on - there are cases where the option is automatically assigned to a voicemail number after activating voicemail services or “who called?” Then, when you call, the bot “picks up” the phone and invites the person on the other end of the line to leave a message.

In some tariffs, the forwarding service is enabled by default. If, when dialing a subscriber, a message that he is busy constantly pops up, try contacting him in other ways or check the forwarding activity. This can be done easily in your personal account or through your support manager over the phone. To set up targeted disconnections and adjust types of forwarding, each operator has ussd commands. First, you should reboot your device - this may work. If it doesn't help, move on to other actions.

The technical error

As the number of mobile operators grows, unfortunately, it is not so much the quality of coverage and communication that grows, but the number of various failures. Moreover, this applies even to the most famous operators, such as MTS, Beeline and others.

Most often, such large-scale failures occur during the New Year holidays, when subscribers rush to congratulate loved ones with a glass of champagne and fireworks. This happens simultaneously, so the networks cannot withstand such a load.

Not all operators report that the network is overloaded, so it may appear that the number is busy or the call was dropped. What to do? You can try to call all the time until you can get through.

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