How to make a man feel good with your hands in bed: advice from a sex therapist. Physiological characteristics of a man

Every man loves to have sex every day or even several times a day. Unfortunately, many women cannot satisfy their men as often as they would like. The transition from washing and cooking to sex for a woman is not as fast as a man would like.

How to be in this case? Letting a man go? This method will not suit every woman. Having sex with your partner without desire? This will not suit every man, since in this case the woman will be unnatural, and not every loving man likes this. Then what should we do?

We must look for a way out of this situation, and many married couples find it. Loving spouses see a solution to the problem in the form of oral satisfaction or the use of hands, which is practiced more often than other types of caresses. How to bring a man to the highest ecstasy with your hands is the main question of this article.

But this art must be learned in order to please a man in this way. It only seems from the outside that there is nothing complicated here, move and move your hand - and everything will happen by itself.

On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, one or two times of such pleasure - and the man will never want to do this again. Therefore, in order for a partner to want to receive pleasure in this way more often than once or twice, it is necessary to learn how to make a man feel good with his hands.

When was the last time you pleasured a man with just your hands? Some people believe that it "doesn't count as sex." Others are simply at a loss, claiming that they don't know how to do it. Or you might think that a person can do it to themselves, so why bother?

The above opinions are far from the truth. In order to give real satisfaction to a man, it is necessary to use all available methods and means.

It's never too late to learn

Are your hands sensitive, dexterous and capable of giving your partner intense pleasure and a powerful orgasm? But you don’t have enough skill and skill to completely satisfy your man with this method and leave him with a feeling of achieved pleasure?

Today's challenge is to add this skill to your sexual repertoire, and then pay particular attention to the benefits of bringing the manual method of satisfying a man back into your bedroom.

We're going to help you by showing you that touching a man goes beyond the one-step wonder you might use, and we'll give you tips to help you learn how to make a man feel good with your hands.

First, forget everything you think about manual methods of satisfaction. Forget about simple and crazy up and down movement. This norm does not give complete satisfaction to any man.

Touch your man with creativity and curiosity and use your hands to create the widest range of sensations for a man.

Here are some basic tips to help you get started.

How to please a man with a massage

A high-quality massage can not only relax, but also excite your partner. For better gliding of your hands, you should use scented oil. There is no need for bright lighting in such a situation; it is better to light candles.

How to please a man? The massage begins with impact on the feet or palms. From them the woman slowly moves towards the building. You can carefully walk along the spine with your fingertips, pay attention to the lower back, and use your lips to influence the point between the shoulder blades. If a man is lying on his back, be sure to massage his nipples and chest. Such a massage will certainly turn into something more.

Use lubricant

If you think that simply moving your hand up and down your man's penis is all you need to do, you're wrong. Lubrication is an absolute necessity. It prevents skin from cracking and makes the process more enjoyable.

Lubricants allow your hands to glide over his sensitive skin without painful friction. Oil reduces friction and increases pleasant sensation. Only with the help of lubricant can you learn how to make a man feel good with your hands.

Frank analysis

Open dialogue helps to deepen understanding and advance in understanding each other. In a calm, inviting atmosphere, absolutely sincerely without claims, reproaches and, most importantly, ridicule. The topic is very sensitive even despite your closeness, so its discussion must be approached very delicately and carefully. But we need to talk.

It is better to do this after or before intimacy, but not during. Speak and voice:

  • sensations desired and actual;
  • comfort level;
  • presence of uncomfortable moments;
  • points of maximum pleasure;
  • acceptability of actions;
  • wishes for the future.

Such a conversation will provide food for analysis, understanding the subtleties and nuances of the intimate process, and will allow you to make adjustments in the following.

This is how experience is accumulated and skills are honed. And it’s wonderful when such work is carried out together with a partner, strengthening the union, deepening feelings, expanding opportunities, raising sensations to unprecedented heights.

Use strong pressure

Many women are afraid of causing pain to the penis and use light, gentle pressure. Try to use a strong hand, it is the use of your strong hand that can create a tight squeeze along the entire length of his penis, which will increase the degree of pleasure for a man. Then alternately apply the full range of pressure, from gentle to very strong.

The easiest way to get an idea of ​​how much pressure you can use is to wrap your hand around your guy's penis and begin to gently increase the pressure. Ask him to let you know when he starts to feel uncomfortable. You'll probably be surprised at how hard you can squeeze his dick.

Spread jam on your nipples

How to give a man maximum pleasure? The secrets of experts in the game of love can cause surprise among inexperienced representatives of the fair sex. Not only ladies enjoy breast stimulation, their partners also enjoy it. It is best to caress the nipples with the tip of the tongue, but you can also use your fingers. You can also “roll” them, imagining that they are small beads. If the nipples harden and the partner’s breathing quickens, then there is no doubt that the goal has been achieved.

Girls who like to experiment in bed can smear jam on their partner's nipples and then lick it off. Those who like it hot may like fragrant cinnamon.

Don't rush to finish

Take your time to find a rhythm that will bring your man to orgasm. Each man has his own rhythm, and you can find out how to quickly bring a man to ecstasy with your hands only by developing your own specific pace.

Build him up to the point of arousal and then release your grip. Thus, tease him. Create peaks and valleys in his world of pleasure. This will make his orgasm stronger and more memorable.

When you begin to learn how to make a man very pleasant with your hand, notice his reaction to certain of your touches and movements of your hands. In this case, you will soon be able to develop your own tactics in which your man will experience maximum satisfaction.

Pay attention to how he reacts to your touch on the head of his penis. How does he feel about the fast and slow movements of your hands? Can you predict when he's on the verge of orgasm? What's happening to his breathing? Does he make sounds to let you know when he feels good?

By paying attention to all this information, you will be able to study your man in more detail and give him maximum pleasure.

How men see ideal sex

Men and women have different attitudes towards sex and foreplay. Ladies love romance, tenderness and affection. They dream of pleasant words in their ears, kisses, and then they prefer to start sexual intercourse. They are wondering how to please a man in bed, because guys tend to quickly move on to active actions.

Men appreciate the initiative coming from young ladies. This is especially nice when they come home tired from work. The wife waits for her husband naked or in seductive lingerie, then begins to please him and suggests experiments. Males love spontaneity. Sudden sexual intercourse will give them great pleasure, especially if it happens in extreme conditions.


How to understand that a guy wants you: the first signs

During sex, men like to turn off their phones (unless sexual intercourse is spontaneous) so that there is no distraction. At the most crucial moment, someone will definitely call. Although men can do without long foreplay, they will appreciate caressing some parts of the body. The best sex for them is filled with passion and tenderness. Without this, sexual intercourse will resemble animal mating.

Use both hands

This may require a little extra dexterity on your part, but if you have two hands, why not use them, right? Only with experience can you learn how to please a man using your hands, both of them.

No matter how small or large the size of your man's penis, use both hands to caress. Every guy wants to believe that he has a large organ, so help him in this opinion.

If both of your hands can't fit on his penis, simply place your hands on top of each other when they are at the top of the penis and lower one hand to his balls, caressing them as they move down.

Gently twist the penis with your own hands, while paying attention to his reaction, if it gives him pleasure, then you can take this technique into service and do it more roughly. If he doesn't like this technique, then go for a softer position.

Kiss in a new way2

Only the mute did not speak about the benefits of foreplay. And if you are still convinced that foreplay is not at all important for a man, then let me disappoint you. Important and extremely necessary! And if previously your usual caresses before sex followed a strict script, then it’s time to make some piquant adjustments. For example, a classic French kiss will sparkle with new colors if both partners... do not close their eyes. Pay maximum attention to all his erogenous zones. And believe me, there are many more of them than might seem at first glance. The neck, back of the head, shoulder blades, ears and nipples are no less susceptible to caresses than the main male organ. Do not believe? Check it out for yourself!

Don't forget the testicles

A man’s testicles also play an important role in this matter. Without their stimulation, it is impossible to know how to bring a man to ecstasy with your hands. For more pleasure, place them in your palm while you hold his penis with one hand and play with them a little, then carefully throw them away.

Repeat this procedure several times, while watching your partner’s reaction; if it gives him pleasure, you can do it more often.

As a man approaches orgasm, take his testicles in your hand and pull them back a little, like you would pluck grapes from a vine, carefully and gently.

As for the penis itself, at this time try to caress it in the place where the head meets the shaft, as if you were unscrewing the cap from a bottle.

This will give him a lot of pleasure because, apart from the head of the male penis, the ridge (the area where the loose skin connects to the head of the penis) is also an extremely sensitive place.

Vestiges of the past

Throw away false shame, pseudo-chastity, whose roots go back to past centuries. Then the girls were kept locked up, and in order for them to preserve their virginity, which was revered as the highest value, they were frightened with terrible stories about sex life, the terrible male reproductive organ. They assigned him frightening epithets about sinfulness, calling him dirty, forbidding girls to even look at him. By the way, in Victorian England, husband and wife made love only under a sheet. Seeing a naked body is a taboo, but here such an intimate place is a triple taboo.

Nowadays, love is openness, freedom, complete mutual understanding of partners. If you sincerely love a man, every part of his body will be pleasant and dear to you, and his manhood is no exception to the list.


And now, with a little skill and a lot of passion for the process, using only your hands for pleasure, your man will be able to experience completely new sensations in his sexual life.

Many women find this an exciting and sexy addition because they take control of the process and can enjoy their partner in a whole new way.

Too often we forget about our hands as amazing erotic tools. After you gain confidence and learn how to make a guy feel good with your hand, then you can think about how to get pleasure yourself with these caresses.

Work together to notice when he's getting close to ejaculating and play with backing off and building up the orgasm as many times as you can before he wants to reach his climax.

Be a couple5

In every sense of the word. Especially in bed. Your movements should complement each other as much as possible, and not exclude each other. To lie down quietly with the usual thought that a man is feeling good in any case will not work.

Your active participation in intimate games will instill in him additional confidence and double or even triple the pleasure. After all, next to him is a woman who is not only crazy about him, but also with every cell of her heated body does not hesitate to “scream” about it. And there, simultaneous orgasm (which, by the way, is especially valued by men) is just around the corner. A cold, distant partner who makes some noises from time to time and fakely rolls her eyes is unlikely to satisfy even the most unpretentious man in sex.

Personal care

A geisha's appearance attracts a lot of attention. They spend a lot of time taking care of themselves. At home, you too can feel like an oriental beauty and temptress. First, take a hot bath with two drops of patchouli oil and three drops of lavender. Do a relaxing self-massage, paying attention to every part of your body. Then take care of your hair, because men love silky and well-groomed curls. The main thing is not to rush anywhere. Have a little snack, because to seduce someone else, you need to feel seductive.

Belly, buttocks

How to please a man? A woman should also definitely learn the secrets of treating her partner’s belly and buttocks. You can start with the stomach, stroking it in the direction from the navel to the pubis. It’s worth staying a little longer on the pubic area to increase the guy’s excitement. A gentle kiss on the navel will help sharpen them.

You shouldn't be gentle with your partner's buttocks. You can pinch them a little, lightly pat them. This will cheer up a man if he is too immersed in his feelings. Then you should massage your buttocks, moving from light to vigorous movements, and press your stomach against them. Many guys enjoy anal stimulation, but it's worth checking before you start. If a man is not attracted to this, he should not insist.

Shared life

It’s easy to charm the man you like, but not every seductress can make him feel good and comfortable. Representatives of the stronger sex love comfort, and they have certain requirements for living together.

  1. Satiety. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” The well-known truth is 100% true. You don’t have to come up with amazing recipes - even fried potatoes and delicious pies, cooked with love, will help win a man’s heart.
  2. Romance in everyday life. It is believed that a man should take care of the object of love. However, the stronger halves of humanity also do not mind receiving a touching SMS, a sweet note with recognition or a nice gift. Maintaining a romantic “spirit” promotes harmony in any relationship.
  3. Comfort. Many single men live in their apartments like bears in a den. Scattered things, lost socks, unwashed dishes... The appearance of a woman in the house is associated with bringing coziness and comfort to the home, because it’s not for nothing that the fairer sex is called “keepers of the hearth.”
  4. Personal space. Every person needs privacy with himself. It is important to provide your chosen one with time for personal interests and hobbies, freeing him from intrusive control. The freer a man feels, the more attached he becomes to his beloved.

At the beginning of a relationship, it is unlikely that it would occur to anyone to check their beloved for “professional suitability” in economic affairs. And yet, there are comparatively fewer lovers of sloths and selfish people than those who prefer to put on a shirt ironed by their significant other in the morning and return home in the evening, where a delicious, satisfying dinner awaits.

Washing, ironing and cooking are non-forced actions, but what man would not be happy with washed and paired socks, ironed clothes and freshly prepared dishes?

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