What is self-interest? this is a benefit, material benefit

Self-interest is extremely common. It is worth noting that almost all people suffer from self-interest to one degree or another. Only the form of manifestation of this problem differs - for some this trait dominates, for others it manifests itself only occasionally and in a milder form. Here everything largely depends on the internal structure of a person’s thinking and his ideals. Within the framework of this material, we will understand what self-interest is, consider examples of its manifestation, the differences between self-interest and greed.

Selfishness and fears of the wisher

For an egoist, even charity, service, and love itself are selfish.
Confusion, worry, prejudice and other forms of anxiety are dictated by the fear of not getting what we want from a person or the world. We treat a beggar more freely than someone who has what we want, just because we don’t need anything from a beggar. Therefore, self-interest finds a place where the desire to get something is stronger than the desire to do good, fulfill duty, make others happy and find happiness oneself through work. The desire for self-interest makes a person’s life unbearable, because the entire environment either “owes” him for certain reasons, or the same environment is perceived from a position of resentment, hatred, anger and disgust, because it turned out to be impossible to satisfy the desire. We also recommend this article: Dharma is the path of man in the material world. What it is?

Again, let us remember young people who communicate happily without even claiming to own each other. They do this selflessly, pleasure comes by itself, there is no tension in receiving pleasure between two lovers, it arises naturally. From here comes a pleasant feeling of novelty and the creation of a certain sacred feeling in a relationship, which is completely deprived of those who want to receive any specific pleasure, expecting something in advance. This connection is created by selflessness, without claims to any possession of the other person.

Gratitude from society, love from a partner and abundance from the world are what many people really want. However, for selfish people, these desires are only objects of prayer and requests, because it is unthinkable for a selfish person to give, and this is how a person is rewarded with love, gratitude, and abundance.

For this reason, we should not expect anything from others and the world, since otherwise even something good will be perceived as an old debt that should have been returned in an even larger amount a long time ago.

The fruits of self-interest

The fruits of self-interest are obvious, especially in relationships with other people. The most striking and, most often, final fruit of self-interest is disappointment. The hopes we ourselves placed on him did not come true and now we are in a state of permanent resentment towards a selfish world, a person or a society that thinks only about its own good. And not only does this feeling not go away, it also accumulates over the years, hardens and makes us perceive it, if not more acutely, but more thoroughly.

The second fruit of self-interest is resentment. Such a familiar feeling to all of us, which was both inside us and inside our partners. And the resentment directly stems from unfulfilled expectations and unfulfilled demands, and the saddest thing is that, more often than not, these demands and expectations were not discussed. So it turns out that in our heads we are right and we are waiting, but others don’t know about it. After all, most often, in our opinion, they should think about us and predict our desires by reading thoughts. But this, fortunately, is not the case.

The third feeling of self-interest is contempt. We often expect from society or specific people something that seems right to us. And if we don’t see this, or what’s worse, we see the opposite, this arrogant feeling of contempt immediately arises. “I’m right, but they’re wrong.”


Have you ever encountered a case where a person who started life's journey well, then ended badly? This is the fate of not only people, but also words.

What could be more beautiful than the clash of swords, battle, and then, of course, the spoils that were given as a reward for victory? Nothing! And therefore, self-interest is a noun that denotes spoils obtained in battle. It was like that before.

True, not everyone agrees with this interpretation. Some believe that the noun comes from koriti, that is, “to conquer.” Here “self-interest” is “share”, “part”. There is another explanation. “Self-interest” comes from the now lost word “self-interest.” And it, in turn, is derived from “ristati” - “to say, to ride.”

What is self-interest

When asking what self-interest is, it is assumed that the answer will be some negative explanation of this phenomenon. People understand that self-interest is bad and shameful.

Self-interest is not always a negative thing

It is clear that self-interest is the desire for profit and one’s own benefit. But here it would be worth drawing a certain line between the thirst for profit at any cost and the desire to experience a positive result from some of your actions. After all, any action taken by any person, first of all, has the goal of satisfying some need.

For example, if one person helps another, it cannot be said that he does not receive anything in return. After all, praise, recognition of one’s importance, a sense of one’s own kindness, grateful words from the lips of someone whom a person has helped are also a kind of benefit. And there is nothing reprehensible in this. Any action causes a reaction. And if the action is good, then you also receive good in return.

By and large, it is difficult to even imagine that a person does something just like that, without motivation and motivation. This is not a robot or a computer program, but a person with his own desires. And if the primary conscious desire is to help another, then the secondary, already subconscious, desire will be to receive in return the satisfaction of having helped. And this is nothing other than spiritual benefit.

In the old days, just this meaning of benefit was the answer to the question of what self-interest is.

But in our time, when they talk about a selfish person, they always mean a negative characteristic.

Self-interest is not always a thirst for material gain

Self-interest is the inability or unwillingness to do good simply because it pleases you to do it, or to provide help only because you are needed.

Self-interest is most often associated with the desire to have some material benefits. For example, women (and men too) give their youth to someone who can give cars, clothes and money in return. Or subordinates flatter and ingratiate themselves in various ways to their boss in order to achieve a salary increase.

But often self-interest is the desire to obtain some benefits of an intangible nature. Such self-interest is most clearly demonstrated in friendship. When one friend is friends with another only because she helps her with her studies, or takes her with her to interesting companies.

Self-interest can also be mutual. When, for example, one neighbor communicates with another only because she constantly treats and shares something that her husband brings from abroad. But the second neighbor does this not out of the kindness of her heart, but because she gets great pleasure from hearing addressed to her: “Oh, thank you! How generous and kind you are! I’ve never met such nice people as you!” In such a situation, when communicating, one woman has her own material selfish motives, and the other has her intangible ones.

Self-interest is a fairly common phenomenon. And, by and large, we all suffer a little from this illness. It’s just that some do it occasionally, and some constantly, some in a mild form (trying to simply receive gratitude for their actions), and some in a severe form (“going over their heads” to obtain their own benefit).

If you explain to children in childhood what self-interest is and how to deal with it in yourself, then in the future adults will be able to avoid many problems in communication and relationships with others.

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Examples of self-interest

Self-interest is almost always closely related to a person’s direct desire to acquire material wealth. For example, there are often cases when women build relationships not out of love, but in exchange for the attributes of a beautiful life - cars, restaurants, clothes, money. Self-interest also occurs in labor relations, when subordinates curry favor with their own boss in order to obtain certain benefits.

However, it is worth noting that in some situations, self-interest can be considered as some desire to obtain benefits of an intangible nature. This most often manifests itself in friendship, when a person is friends with another only because he can help him with his studies, popularity, or something else like that.

Sometimes there can even be mutual self-interest. For example, one girl is friends with her friend only because her husband always brings expensive gifts from abroad, which she shares with this girl. At the same time, the friend receives moral satisfaction from the exclamations of this girl because of how happy her life is. Thus, one of them realizes material goals and beliefs, and the other - intangible ones.

How to get rid of the problem

To solve problems with incorrect perceptions, the addict must admit their presence, remove it from the model of usual behavior: if the emphasis is placed correctly, you can see the real consequences of a false psychological attitude.

How to get rid of selfish goals:

  • change thinking;
  • change habits;
  • change your usual environment;
  • learn to share with people around you;
  • learn to give without gain.

If no other method helps, psychotherapy is used. This is a long-term treatment when a person examines his thinking, finds the problem and changes the false attitude (replaces it with a new one). To achieve this, a person needs courage and patience.

Work on yourself

In the first stages of treatment, auto-training will be useful. This is a simple home method

In the first 2 weeks, a person needs to shift attention to his positive qualities. They talk in front of the mirror every day for at least 15 minutes.

Additionally, work is carried out on negative character traits (the individual tries to eliminate or change them). Selfishness consists of several negative traits, so you cannot focus only on the thirst for profit and the fight against it.

Life without benefit

The second stage of treatment requires dramatic changes. A person learns a new social role. Instead of a person who lives only for profit, a person is formed who is ready to give without receiving anything in return. This is the most important lesson - to enjoy the process without expecting praise or a specific result.

It is important to learn not to control the situation, not to calculate its outcome. Thinking about it and looking for loopholes allows you to fuel self-interest

A person learns to live in the moment and bring benefit to himself and others: without promises or reasons, to give others a little joy. Art therapy is used to shift attention. A man or woman selects a certain type of art through which he can let go of internal fears (reduce anxiety, reduce the impact of childhood trauma).

How to understand selfish goals?

By nature, mercantile interest is determined by the place of the individual himself in society, his relationships with others. Each of us occupies a certain position in society, determined by money, status, position. Naturally, a person strives to improve his situation, and for this he needs motives. Selfish interest is one of the mechanisms that allows you to achieve what you want. Signs of selfish interest include:

  • the desire to quickly obtain benefits that belong to other people;
  • achieving results with a minimum of wasted effort;
  • developing actions and using all kinds of methods to achieve the goal;
  • indifference to the interests of other people and to the negative consequences of one’s activities.

The most characteristic of humanity are the following selfish interests: enrichment through dishonest means; discrediting a person in order to take his place in life or at work; registration of marriage relations to change status, financial situation, etc.

Criminal law and psychology are two branches of science that know the answer to the question of how to recognize selfish goals. For specialists, the reasons to distinguish them help them carry out their work. Relationships between people are not always honest, just as a selfish motive can become a reason for a conversation with a psychologist or a prison sentence. Three factors will help you understand whether a person was selfish during a particular act:

  • his personal attitude to the event;
  • the motives that pushed him to act;
  • relationship with the object.

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What is self-interest? This is a benefit, material benefit

What is self-interest? This is a benefit, a material benefit. This word can also mean a character trait. What synonym for the word self-interest can be found?

General value

To the question of what self-interest is, Vladimir Dal answered as follows: passion for profit, acquisition, greed for money, covetousness, greed for profit. This word can also be understood as benefit, advantage or profit.

In oral folk art there are many proverbs that answer the question of what self-interest is. According to one of them, you cannot trade without this character trait. According to another, self-interest, if it is not righteous, is of no use. However, what is righteous self-interest? Does it exist? Can the concept of “self-interest” have a positive connotation?


The concept of “self-interest” can be replaced by such nouns as greed, commercialism, greed, and acquisitiveness. The meaning of this word in modern Russian is somewhat different from the semantic meaning it had one hundred or two hundred years ago. Previously, in common parlance, the concept of “self-interest” was often used in relation to business.

Self-interest is a word that was previously also used to mean growth, percentage. Below are verbs and adjectives formed from this word. But most of them are not used in modern speech.


Concepts that are opposite in meaning to the phrase “selfish person” are unmercenary, altruist, selfless person. Examples:

  1. The poet sought to appear unmercenary, and therefore avoided any situations that could convict him of being self-interested.
  2. Altrust is a person who acts for the benefit of others without pursuing selfish goals.

Self-interest is a human vice. Writers, philosophers and poets have said a lot about him. The ancient Greek politician Chilo argued that any punishment is better than vile self-interest. After all, the first thing can only upset you for once. Self-interest is forever.

Another ancient sage, Sallust, believed that selfishness deprives people of their most cherished feelings. Namely, love for the fatherland, family, desire for kindness and purity.

The Persian poet Rumi Jalalleddin was sure that self-interest lives in the soul of every person. She, like other vices, is alien only to the slave of love. Fonvizin said a lot about this character trait, as a vile human vice. But, like Jalalleddin, the writer argued that love is stronger than greed.

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Chinese philosopher Hong Zichen recommended getting rid of selfish thoughts. Since their appearance, knowledge turns into recklessness, firmness into cowardice, and purity into depravity. But Voltaire did not consider self-interest to be the most terrible human vice. More crimes, according to the French writer, are capable of being committed by violent jealousy.

The norm and pathology of personal interest

After we have realized that self-interest is simply terrible, we need to come to our senses a little and calm down, and also distinguish between the concepts of self-interest and personal interest. Self-interest, as a rule, comes close in meaning to self-interest. How are words with the same root different? When “love” is added to our noun, profit becomes an obsession. Now there are plenty of such people. Examples needed:

  • It's normal to get paid at work and look for better deals.
  • It is not normal when any action is considered from the point of view of its payback. A friend asks you to help him, and you issue an invoice for the services. True, if the “help” is systematic and gratuitous, then it is worth discussing the terms of cooperation.

As elsewhere, here pathology is generated by excess. The desire for a good life is natural; it is unnatural to try to squeeze money out of everything and, most importantly, to feed such a desire with many broken destinies. The hero of A.P. Chekhov's story “Gooseberry” is a suitable example in this sense.

Probably, the difference between selfishness and selfishness, deserved payment for work and love of money is generally a topic for a separate essay. And in the sense of self-awareness, it is very difficult to understand where the border lies between ordinary self-respect and self-interest. There is a lot to think about here. So we're leaving.

What are the reasons for greed?

The child does not see anything wrong with seeking benefits. For him, this is some kind of salvation or distraction. In adult life, thoughts about benefits and methods for obtaining them only take root: a man or woman does not realize that the mental attitude is false.

In the modern world, self-interest plays a significant role in human life. It fits perfectly with the values ​​prevailing in a consumer society.

  1. Material wealth, money, status and position are the main criteria for assessing personality.
  2. Success at any cost is an ideal model of personal positioning.
  3. Ignoring the interests of others.
  4. Reducing the importance of responsibility.
  5. Solving problems in the shortest possible time and with minimal expenditure of effort.

Reasons for the appearance of selfish goals in human consciousness:

  • value guidelines based on wealth, money, material values, status, position in society. Underdevelopment and subordinate nature of intangible value guidelines;
  • selfishness;
  • disappointment in people, anger, a traumatic event in the past;
  • features of upbringing, education, intellectual development;
  • the environment in which the person is located;
  • promoting pragmatism and benefits.

Selfish man

In our world, for some individuals, the main goal in life is to make money by any means. Therefore, the concept of “self-interest” can be defined as the concentration of a person’s attention on obtaining profit through dishonest acts. Among the common synonyms of this term are benefit, interest, commercialism, love of money.

For him, personal self-interest is above all, and other values ​​and relationships that do not provide direct benefits are uninteresting

Mostly, selfish actions are justified by noble deeds and positive motives, but the welfare of the people around them is not taken into account.

The main weapons in achieving selfish goals are outright flattery, praise, compliments, deception, and refusal to perform certain actions that do not entail benefits. Among the reasons that awaken greed in a person are selfishness, psychological trauma, anger, disappointment, orientation toward material values, education, intellectual development, and the desire to occupy a certain position in society.

Trying to get more and more, a selfish person herself becomes a victim of her own desires. Basically, she does not feel pleasure from her actions, she does not like contact with the individual from whom she wants to benefit. A selfish person has mood swings, enters into tactile contact without desire or refuses it.

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A selfish goal is generated due to selfishness or an incorrect perception of reality, when the benefit received is overestimated. A man or woman with correct social adaptation knows how to refuse it if it does not fit into the general model of behavior.

A selfish person has a different mindset:

  • she does not perceive a selfish goal as a factor that influences other people, she evaluates only her own benefit;
  • she perceives it as a struggle for survival, such a plan always has a justification, some important reason;
  • she perceives the harm from the process of obtaining benefits as a forced sacrifice, and does not feel guilty for everything that happens.

How he sets goals

People with an incorrect perception of reality do not distinguish their plans from the intentions of other people (due to reasons, consequences). A selfish goal, secret to others, is a normal manifestation of ambition for them.

In this regard, the final result is important - the person already lives with the feeling that the good belongs to him. Selfishness adds to self-confidence, which develops against the backdrop of a constant need to think about oneself (to take care of oneself in a way that other people do not want to).

A person thinks about how to equip his home, replenish his cash reserves, and protect himself from the outside world. He builds his dishonest plans against the backdrop of fears.

A selfish goal is dangerous not by the end result, but by the methods to which a person resorts. He feels responsible for it and its implementation. A selfish person has more doubts about delay than about the consequences of his own actions.

How he achieves his selfish goals:

  • by deception;
  • manipulation;
  • fraud;
  • belittling the merits of others.

Psychological portrait of a selfish personality

The desire to get rich by any available means and methods is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. In this regard, the definition of “self-interest” can be redefined as a constant concentration on obtaining profit through dishonest activities. In this case, the closest words in essence would be commercialism and love of money.

For people susceptible to self-interest, the good of other people will not be taken into account when achieving their own interests. In this case, outright flattery, praise, compliments, deception, and complete refusal to perform certain actions can be considered as tools for achieving selfish goals.

The thinking of a selfish person is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • in her pursuit of enrichment, she does not care about the negative consequences that may arise for other people;
  • for them, causing harm to other people is a kind of “sacrifice” that must be made in order to achieve their goals;
  • As a rule, such people do not experience pangs of conscience from committed acts in which they could harm other people.

What is commercialism

According to psychologists, commercialism is, in simple words, the desire for material wealth, giving them special value.

The psychology of consumption distinguishes different degrees of commercialism and identifies several reasons that encourage people to obtain material values:

1. The desire to demonstrate one’s worth and success, increasing self-esteem, self-affirmation.

2. Getting pleasure from owning expensive items that are inaccessible to most people.

3. The desire to find happiness.

If these desires drive a person, then he (or she) can be called mercantile. It is generally accepted that this property is interconnected with selfishness and manifests itself in those who overestimate the meaning of things, devaluing the feelings of other people. Nevertheless, some psychologists are convinced that commercialism can be attributed to a normal desire to improve the quality of life.

What is a mercantile person? According to Tim Kasser, a psychologist who has spent a lot of time studying this issue: this is not a completely healthy (psychologically) individual seeking to get rich. People with this character trait tend to spend a lot, have little emotionality, have poor physical health, and are unable to enjoy work. However, other psychologists believe that commercialism, on the contrary, helps to become happy.

According to evolutionary psychologists, mercantile man is a natural state. In particular, they justify this trait in women due to the fact that they subconsciously strive to provide themselves and their offspring with a comfortable existence. At all times, a man's material well-being was of great importance, since it meant that he could provide a future for his children. This has not changed over time.

As a rule, women quickly evaluate a potential partner, anticipating the quality of life together and whether he is worth her attention. Since its inception, money has served to satisfy basic needs: thirst, hunger, security. This is exactly what a “mercantile person” expects from a companion. Therefore, women often preferred a man based on “mercantile” motives. The scale depends on the girl’s requests.

In fact, this desire is driven by evolution, which encourages survival of the fittest. In society, money, or rather the presence of it, is equivalent to freedom and power.

Nature of the phenomenon

To accurately determine the meaning of the phenomenon under consideration, you need to clearly understand the meaning of the words that form it. Purpose is a multifaceted concept that can imply the following meanings:

  • object (object, process, state) to which a person strives;
  • the end result that the process is aimed at achieving;
  • mentally anticipated result of actions.

Self-interest is the desire and desire to receive money, material wealth, profit, personal gain. Closely related characteristics of selfish behavior are greed and greed. Selfishness is closely intertwined with them. Based on the concepts of purpose and self-interest, we can formulate a definition of the phenomenon under consideration.

Acquisitive crimes

The term self-interest has legal application. It is used as an evaluative category for various actions. Thus, in accordance with legislative norms, the following results are understood as selfish goals:

  • obtaining any material or property benefits;
  • getting rid of material costs.


The concept of “self-interest” can be replaced by such nouns as greed, commercialism, greed, and acquisitiveness. The meaning of this word in modern Russian is somewhat different from the semantic meaning it had one hundred or two hundred years ago. Previously, in common parlance, the concept of “self-interest” was often used in relation to business. The meaning of the word in this case did not have a negative connotation. An activity that generates income was called selfish business. Synonyms for the adjective in this meaning are profitable, profitable, giving profits.

If they said about a person that he lives not selfishly, but poorly, then it was meant that he was excessively wasteful. The proverb “not selfishly, but not offensively” can be applied to an enterprise that did not bring any benefit, but did not cause harm either. Synonyms for the adverb formed from the word whose meaning this article is devoted to are useful, beneficial, good.

Self-interest is a word that was previously also used to mean growth, percentage. Below are verbs and adjectives formed from this word. But most of them are not used in modern speech.

How to develop selflessness?

I cannot give you any super technique or exercise - it probably simply does not exist. And besides, we are all individual, which is why there is no one medicine for everyone - everyone needs an individual approach and everyone has their own number of steps on the ladder of personal growth.

But I can share my experience and say “what really works”

So, the simplest and at the same time the most effective exercise is making donations. What to donate, to whom to donate? This is another question, the answer to which could fit in an entire article. Now I’ll just briefly go over the main points:

  • it is worth donating correctly (you must agree that if you give money to a person begging on the street, and he buys alcohol with it, such a donation will not be of any use; if he asks for money for food, give him some food (for example, you On your way back from the store, you can share a banana, bread, or anything else with the poor fellow));
  • You can donate not only material goods (for example, you can simply mentally wish everyone around you happiness - this will also be a donation, only in your mind: you donate your thoughts for the benefit of others).

Believe me, selfish people will not have the strength, even for a minute, to simply mentally wish everyone happiness, while for a selfless person this will not be such a difficulty. “Why do I need this? Why would I wish happiness to others - they don’t wish me happiness!”

And if you ask a selfish person to say this out loud (“I wish everyone happiness”) or tell him about the benefits of donations, then he will generally take you for a crazy person and send you to hell


Concepts that are opposite in meaning to the phrase “selfish person” are unmercenary, altruist, selfless person. Examples:

  1. The poet sought to appear unmercenary, and therefore avoided any situations that could convict him of being self-interested.
  2. Altrust is a person who acts for the benefit of others without pursuing selfish goals.


Selfish goals have a complex nature. More often they are endowed with negative content. But it is difficult to unambiguously assess self-interest, since it is inherent in all people. Selfless actions are very rare. The human essence is built in such a way that any action is aimed at obtaining some benefit, which means that aspirations are selfish in content.

The nature of self-interest is determined by the characteristics of society and the specifics of human relationships. Each individual is integrated into society and occupies a certain position in it. This position is determined primarily by material values ​​or intangible benefits: money, property, status, position, etc. A person’s position in the structure (hierarchy) of society is dynamic, it can change. To improve your situation, you need values ​​and benefits. Most people are focused on achieving them. A selfish goal is the optimal mechanism for satisfying needs.

In addition to value guidelines, society has created mechanisms of regulation and restrictions - standards of decency, morality, rules of behavior. These mechanisms allow for relative order. The degree of perception of these mechanisms influences the formation of value guidelines that determine the degree of manifestation of selfish goals.

Signs of selfish goals:

  • achieving results with minimal effort;
  • the desire to acquire other people's benefits;
  • having a plan that involves using all available methods;
  • ignoring the interests of other people, possible negative consequences for oneself and others;
  • the desire to quickly achieve what you want.

Related words

A person obsessed with a passion for wealth was called a self-seeker. This word was also used to refer to someone who is unscrupulous in the means of obtaining profit. To be selfish means to pursue mercantile goals. And finally, to self-interest - to receive benefits. Other cognate words: greed, selfish, selfish. These nouns are listed in Dahl's dictionary. In modern speech they can hardly be appropriate. Of all the above words, only two are found in oral and written use today - selfish, self-interest.

Where you can encounter self-interest

Self-interest is present in every area of ​​our society, be it marriage and family or religion. Financial independence attracts everyone, even people who have already achieved success.

Men often become victims of selfish women who want to take over their finances through marriage. Manipulation through feelings and emotions by a person who has trusted is one of the lowest things. The main thing is that selfish intent will not bring passion and pleasure to the newlyweds’ bed. Such a marriage is unlikely to last long.

The love of money is considered one of the most terrible sins. Priests in expensive jeeps wearing branded clothing are a common example of self-interest. However, everyone who comes to the temple is encouraged to be content with what God has given. Don’t forget to mention here that religion needs money.

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Methods to achieve what you want

Several features can be traced in the behavior of a person pursuing a selfish goal.

  1. The predominance of certain feelings and emotions in communication with the object of selfish aspirations. It could be lies, flattery, praise, admiration, etc. It all depends on the situation. Feelings and emotions can be genuine, making self-interest difficult to detect. Insincerity is characteristic of people who clearly distinguish between selfishness and selflessness in their behavior. Most people don't think about these things. Self-interest is a natural motivator of their behavior.
  2. A person ignores the possible consequences of his actions. Such aspirations often become the cause of criminal acts.
  3. The individual often does not experience feelings of guilt or pity.
  4. Self-interest is justified and hidden behind noble and positive motives.
  5. Achieving results is preceded by careful planning, choice of behavioral strategy and methods for implementing plans.
  6. A wide range of methods used - deception, manipulation, fraud, etc.
  7. Refusal and avoidance of actions, the execution of which does not entail benefits or rewards.

Examples of selfish goals:

  • enrichment by any means (bribes, corruption, deception, fraud, etc.);
  • marriage to improve personal status and well-being;
  • discrediting a person based on false information for the purpose of occupying his position at work.

Women, men and commercialism

It is believed that women are more materialistic than men. Let’s not listen to the accusatory speeches of representatives of the stronger sex and look at this topic, discarding moralizing glasses: everything is quite understandable.

To fulfill her gender responsibilities (in other words, having children), a woman requires certain conditions and a reliable partner. This is inherent in it by nature as a protective mechanism necessary for the reproduction of healthy offspring.

In the wild, no self-respecting bird will acquire chicks in the absence of a nest and a conscientious male who will provide it with an uninterrupted supply of bugs and worms for the period of incubation of eggs.

Genetics is supported by history: for a long time a woman did not have the opportunity to provide for herself.

Her well-being directly depended on a well-chosen partner, be it a brave hunter who regularly supplied mammoths to the family hearth, or a hereditary nobleman. The age-old memory sits firmly in the female subconscious - this is serious and for a long time.

Commercialism today is not a purely feminine quality; men are also guilty of it, and this is not always associated with professional activity. The girl is beautiful in all respects, but it is better to clarify her place of work, availability of living space, financial capabilities and useful connections of her parents... a situation that has become commonplace.

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