What is passion and what are the benefits of this feeling?

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

Fiery, uncontrollable, blind, all-consuming, sudden, sharp, raging - whatever passion is called. This description is more reminiscent of a natural disaster than an emotion that a person can bear. Indeed, many describe it as a typhoon, tsunami, hurricane and other natural disasters that suddenly and unexpectedly arose in the soul. However, is it as fatal as they are used to seeing it? Or perhaps passion still has its “bright side”?

What is passion?

Passion is a strong impulsive feeling that is accompanied by an irresistible attraction to something or someone. In interpersonal relationships, it coincides with the stage of falling in love, but is opposed to love and serious long-term feelings in general.

This is rather an egoistic experience, since at the center of everything are the desires of the individual himself, without taking into account the opinions of others. Even a previously altruistic person changes beyond recognition due to passion, without noticing the changes in himself. That is why such a feeling refers rather to irrational phenomena. It seems to “expose” animal instincts, bringing them to the fore. When it subsides, the person usually returns to his normal pattern of behavior.

Contrary to the stereotype, even a person who outwardly behaves with restraint can be called passionate, and does not become a walking personification of debauchery. That is, this is not necessarily a disheveled, unbalanced type with red eyes and trembling fingers. Passion can be experienced deep inside without finding a way out. True, in such cases, everything can end in acquired neurosis due to the suppression of one’s emotions.

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Declension of the noun passion (which case)

Declension of words by case in singular and plural.

CaseQuestionUnitMn. number
Nominative(who what?)passionpassions
Genitive(who, what?)passionspassions
Dative(to whom; to what?)passionspassions
Accusative(who, what?)passionpassions
Instrumental(by whom, what?)passionpassions
Prepositional(About who about what?)passionspassions

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How does passion manifest itself in a relationship?

Vivid emotions.

Passion from within is a whole cocktail of hormones like adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, etc. Together they form a kind of “drug” that causes euphoria and intense emotions. Moreover, such a reaction can be traced not only near the object of experience, but also far from it. Distance intensifies the “symptoms”, making a person feel an acute lack of a partner.

When people are physically close and touch each other, they begin to feel mostly positive emotions and happiness. However, even in this case, there remains a feeling of “hunger” - you want more and more from your partner, expectations and desires are constantly increasing. Therefore, it will not be possible to completely meet the requirements of this “hunger”. If a couple is not together for any reason, negative experiences appear - melancholy, boredom, pain, suspicion, jealousy. The latter manifests itself most clearly in passionate relationships.

Physical attraction.

In the beginning, partners want minimal tactile contact like holding hands or hugging. It seems that once they receive it, they will feel better. But, as already mentioned, the “hunger” of passion is not content with little, it constantly grows, increasing its scale. Therefore, very soon the couple will begin to feel sexual attraction. It will be bright, almost eclipsing other emotions and desires.

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If lovers decide to have sex, they will most likely find it almost the best thing in their lives. This is again due to hormones. If passion does not happen for the first time, then in fact the current sex life may be quite ordinary, although it will still seem fabulous.

When the veil of acute feelings subsides, the attitude towards sex changes, the sensations during it, libido decreases to normal levels. Because of this, it seems to partners that the relationship is coming to an end, although this feeling is generally dictated by simply a decrease in the amount of hormones. If initially everything was not based only on them, the couple will have the opportunity to move to a new stage. Otherwise, a break occurs. If at the same time the passion subsided only for one, for the other the separation will be very painful.


Thoughts about the object of passion become almost obsessive and difficult to drive away. Outwardly, a person seems to become more thoughtful, inattentive, and often cannot sit in one place for a long time. As long as there is some important activity, its control from the outside, a sense of responsibility for it, it is still tolerable, but during periods of respite, the fixation intensifies. A few more signs:

  • dreams about a partner become more frequent, they are usually vivid and well remembered;
  • the frequency of viewing and updating your social networks, mail, phone increases;
  • the news that the object of love will soon be nearby, or any opportunity to influence this, forces usually important things to be pushed into the background;
  • slight irritability appears, or, conversely, complete indifference towards other people;
  • the chosen one is idealized, his actions are justified, even if the negativity was directed against the lover himself.

Things that are associated with passion take on new meaning and become important. This could be a piece of clothing, any item soaked in the perfume of the chosen one or chosen one, her/his photograph or a joint shot.

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Partners who feel passion for each other practically cannot imagine their lives as a whole, and sometimes even every day without the other. A strong hormonal connection with an emotional attachment makes you look for meetings, ways to get as close as possible on the physical level.

This dependence is taken seriously, and any attempts on the part to destroy or weaken it cause active protest, sometimes even aggression. Below are a few examples .

  • The mother of a minor girl forbids her to see a 25-year-old guy for her own safety. The daughter, despite the risks and logical arguments of the parent, would rather run away on a date than listen to her.
  • A man whose best friend advises him to take a closer look at his new girlfriend because of suspicions of her infidelity will look for excuses for this woman.
  • Girlfriends quarrel because one expresses her concerns about the other’s new boyfriend in an appropriate manner.

After the passion subsides, lovers will most likely look at these situations from a different perspective. They will wonder how they did not notice such obvious things.


Despite the fact that passion is a strong feeling and not a momentary emotion, it is still short-lived. Most often, it passes closer to 3 years of dating or relationship. However, it happens that everything happens much earlier. This is due to the fact that:

  • the level of dopamine, the “happy anticipation” hormone, decreases;
  • people stop showing their best sides and show their disadvantages;
  • everyday life, routine begins, and there is less and less novelty and variety left.

However, passion for one person is not always a one-time phenomenon. Even in very long relationships, it can be revived if the partners are ready to take on it.

In addition, there is a category of individuals for whom passion is a constant character trait. They often look for partners like themselves, because they begin to get bored with those who are less “loving” and quickly break up. This is a very emotional type that cannot stand boredom or dullness. He can be infantile and frivolous, although there are exceptions. Everyday life, standard family models are usually not for him.

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How does physical attraction occur?

What is passion</p>

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