Impressive - what does it mean, to whom (man, woman) or what can the word impressiveness be applied

Many people are often interested in what an impressive man means. Is he confident, wise, beautiful, and maybe sexy? Each woman puts her own special meaning into this concept. Let's look at the definition in its classical sense. The actual meaning of the word “impressive” in French is making an impression. Such a man will leave a mark on the imagination of any woman; if he has become part of her destiny, we can consider that life is a success. But is this true, do ideal men exist or is this just a wrap?

Impressive Man - What Man Is This?

  • 1.Character of an impressive man
  • 2. Signs of an impressive man
  • 3.The image of an impressive man
  • 4.How a man becomes impressive
  • 5.Conclusion
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Character of an impressive man

The concept of an impressive man includes a huge set of personality qualities, temperament properties, and character.
A man who never misses a single skirt or a slob-loser cannot be called impressive. This definition is exactly the opposite of impressiveness. In character - this is nobility, in actions - honesty, kindness, decency. The category of impressive men includes truly educated, intelligent and at the same time quite sexy, attractive representatives of the stronger half.

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Meaning of the word

First, let's find out what the word means. In the literal sense it translates as “impressive.” So, is impressive an impressive woman? Not only. Synonyms for the word: representative, majestic, impressive. Consequently, an impressive woman is proud, self-sufficient, and commands respect with her sedate manners. However, let's continue our research. The original basis of the word is ancient Latin. And it is translated as follows: “impressive, endearing.” This means that an impressive woman is not just a woman of pleasant appearance, but one who is pleasant to be around, who attracts and attracts you.

Signs of an impressive man

The chef is impressive

Saying that an impressive person is an intelligent, handsome, stately man, psychologists have identified the characteristic features inherent in this class of representatives of the stronger half.

Among them:

  1. External attractiveness.
  2. Natural magnetism.
  3. Possessing taste in all areas (clothing, food, art, wine).
  4. The ability to communicate competently, maintain a conversation and at the same time be an interesting interlocutor.
  5. Nobility, lack of mannerisms, cynicism.

Such men always achieve high social status.
Impressive means taking care of one’s appearance, impeccable, elegant, well-groomed. His shoes are always clean, from the fashion range, his figure is stately, without a beer belly or a triple chin. Important!

Such men are exceptionally well-educated and display only refined manners.

Behavior of a thoroughbred woman

There are a lot of beautiful ladies in the world, but there are only a few purebred ones. A thoroughbred lady differs from a simply beautiful lady in her behavior. It behaves as follows:

  • She never changes her plans for life for the sake of a man;
  • Able to carry on any conversation;
  • Knows and uses etiquette, rules of good manners;
  • It has a delicate and elegant taste;
  • Has a sense of style;
  • Knows how to stand up for himself;
  • She emerges from conflicts with dignity, often as a winner;
  • Arranges his own life in the best possible way;
  • Has a sophisticated appearance;
  • She does not chase fashion, but dictates it herself.

These include Hepburn, as well as Lauren, Bellucci, queens and princesses from around the world.

Thoroughbred women are recognized as special and unique. They are a little like femme fatales, but they are not so vulgar and frank, although they are not without muted sexuality.

When a purebred woman walks into a room, everyone immediately knows what she is like. After meeting her, you are left with a strange feeling, as if you saw the queen in the flesh.

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