Romantic - who is it? Where did the word come from and what does it mean?

In personal relationships, women value romance, men are more pragmatic, but they are also not alien to the desire to romanticize interactions. It turns out that a romantic is a person who idealizes the world, sees it from the best side and shares his vision with others

. He is ready to create beauty and magic with his own hands, to give joy to the people he likes.

Romantic - Who is this?

A true scientist is a romantic.
Only romantics believe that anything is possible. Ray Bradbury

  • 1. Thinking romantic
  • 2. Signs of a romantic nature
  • 3. Weaknesses of a romantic nature
  • 4.How to cultivate a romantic in yourself?
  • 5. Summarizing
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First, let's plunge into the book world. How does the explanatory dictionary explain the word “romantic”? For example, Efremova’s dictionary says that a romantic is an adherent of the movement - romanticism. Vasmer's dictionary translates from French: a romantic is a person who idealizes the world and the people around him.

A large Russian explanatory dictionary was published under the editorship of Kuznetsov. The word “romantic” has several meanings. The first is a representative of romanticism, a movement popular among poets and writers of past centuries. The second is a person for whom the whole world is ideal, all people are beautiful. Thirdly, a romantic here is a person of a romantic mood who is very emotional about something. People of various professions fall into this category: sailors, geologists, musicians, travelers, etc.


Men, no less than women, want to be liked, and this is where the ability to fantasize .

The desire to bring joy to the chosen one, to surprise her and thereby conquer a woman’s heart forever, inspires male representatives, sometimes, to do unthinkable things: they write passionate confessions on the asphalt in front of their beloved’s window, they compose poems, buy unusual gifts, set records.

Unpredictability and surprise are the main components of romantic actions, but it all starts with a thought - it is simply impossible to do something like this without imagination.

Main symptoms

As historians say, romantic people have lived since ancient times. Romantic - who is it? In their opinion, this is a person who does not notice some of life’s inconveniences and does not participate in the turbulent vicissitudes of the world. The main symptoms of romanticism are considered to be faith in the best and excessive daydreaming.

But if there weren’t such romantic dreamers in the world, then where would the most wonderful works of world art come from: paintings, poetic lines that touch you to tears, Green’s “Scarlet Sails”? Many works, especially poems and poems, answer the question: “Who is this romantic?” - they will definitely answer that this is a person who believes in love, no matter what. It is romance and love that go hand in hand, as philosophers, poets and composers have long believed. It was these two concepts that “collapsed” the years and made people happy.

A different view

First of all, it’s worth understanding what the usual dictionary definition of romance is. Most of them say that these are feelings that elevate a person. And this is true, because any romantic person sees something beautiful in the reality around him. Beautiful sunsets that take your thoughts into unknown distances, the waves of the sea, beautiful in their anger, where a storm has broken out, or a quiet forest clearing, where you can so pleasantly retire to the chirping of birds and the chirping of insects. All these are varying degrees of visualization of romance, which can manifest itself in anything.

Romance itself can even be a way of life. This means that a person simply stops seeing negativity and is filled with feelings for the world. He tries to simply go with the flow, without resisting this force. The hallmark of romance is passivity. Romantic people may not resist problems for years, taking everything for granted. This is especially evident in love relationships, where the “hero” can be immensely in love, but when a rival arises, he retreats, because he is confident of his own defeat. But this does not mean that all romantic people are losers who cannot defend their point of view.

In the modern world, romance is gradually receding into the background, giving way to practicality. It is no longer fashionable to stand under the windows to catch a glimpse of the silhouette of your beloved or to write entire poems dedicated to love. It has become less popular to court ladies while adhering to all the rules.

It's hard to talk about romance in a world where sex on the first date is the norm and even a positive thing. Now people are more often trying to achieve the beauty of the body, pursuing their hedonistic inclinations in obtaining physical pleasure. Romance is about sensuality and sensitivity. Such lovers will not calculate and analyze, but will simply trust their heart.

From a psychological point of view

If you ask a similar question to psychologists, they also have a developed concept of the word “romantic.” Who is this? This is a person who “lives within himself” most of the time. He strives to understand himself, to evaluate his feelings and attitude towards the world around him. Romantics strive to unravel the mysteries of the universe, human behavior and build their own fantastic, beautiful world.

Moreover, every romantic dreamer strives to share his vision of the world with others. They do not close themselves off, fantasizing about the ideal. They are looking for this ideal, having found it, they prove to him how good the world around him is.

If you thought that most romantics are closed in on themselves and their fantasy ideal world, then you are mistaken. Many psychologists will definitely say that he is an ardent rebel who always adheres to his worldview and does not want to deviate from his own vision of life under any circumstances.

Romantics are literally irritated by the same type of thinking; they cannot understand how they can wear the same clothes to work every day or, when they come home from work, lie down on the sofa in front of the TV. After all, there are a lot of beautiful things in the world that are still unknown to each individual person.

A romantic nature is always ready to shoulder all the responsibilities, say, preparing an evening with a loved one or a trip out of town. Moreover, such a person will do this by thinking outside the box, looking for new entertainment, new activities and interesting places. Such a nature will do everything so that the people around them plunge into the ideal world at least for a moment and understand that it can be created in reality.

Weaknesses of the romantic nature

Every woman dreams of a strong, confident man who can protect her from problems and paint her life with bright colors.
Every man dreams of meeting a sensitive, understanding, caring and sexy woman. This is exactly the image of a romantic that they paint for their partners, forgetting that every romantically inclined person desires complete reciprocity for every step they take. This is a significant flaw of all romantics. They tend to over-dramatize when they don't get the desired result. Building a strong and reliable relationship will require a lot of compromise and self-education.

Another serious flaw of every romantic is the cult of his own personality. Because of this, a romantic nature often demonstrates not the best sides of its character. If it seems that the boss did not adequately appreciate the work, the romantic will easily quit. Such a capricious person over time risks being left without work and without love.

To arrange your life in the best way, you should rely on the strengths of your character and temperament, educate yourself without betraying yourself.

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All romantics can perhaps be divided into two large groups. The first includes temporary romantics who idealize either a specific person or some situation (their work, family, etc.). If, after building certain impeccable images and colliding with reality, their ideal world collapses, then they return to ordinary life, devoid of the former romance.


Women are designed in such a way that more men need romance, their emotions require constant feeding, a man who knows about this and loves his woman will always strive to be a romantic for her, because the mental state of a loved one is important to him, and besides, a woman who receives even modest romantic surprises from her chosen one, she will give him much more in terms of emotions, sex, and everyday life. When a man is able to give romantic emotions to his loved ones, it means he is able to maintain good relationships, it is easy and comfortable to be with him.

Romantic man

Most often the word “romantic” is associated with men. The romantic girl, with a ribbon in her hair and languid eyes, remained somewhere at the turn of the century. She was replaced by modern business ladies who simply have no time to be imbued with a sense of beauty and build pink castles. But despite the emancipation of modern ladies, almost all of them want a romantic man next to them. Paradox? No, this is a fact confirmed by tests and surveys.

Romantic man - who is he? How to find him among the millions of business suits rushing to their offices every day? What qualities are contained in a man whom women boldly call romantic?

Firstly, it is intelligence and good education. An uneducated ignoramus cannot turn an ordinary walk in the park into an exciting journey. A person without developed intelligence will not be able to describe the bright colors of his imagined ideal world.

Secondly, conquering a stubborn female heart is simply impossible without the manifestation of imagination. Write a fiery message for your loved one on the asphalt with chalk or go down from the roof along a rope ladder to hand a bouquet of daisies out the window. All these romantic manifestations require a rich imagination that allows you to surprise and shock.

Thirdly, a romantic man always has positive emotions with which he feeds his beloved in negative moments. This is a huge dose of positivity and joy that a man shares with his soulmate.

Many women think that a romantic man is a temporary phenomenon that quickly gets boring. In fact, flowers and romantic declarations of love never get boring. But a wise, educated, gentle, emotionally positive, with strong convictions in life, a man’s shoulder has never harmed anyone.

Intelligence, education

In order to perform romantic actions, it is enough to desire this, but the higher a person’s intelligence, the more educated he is, the more he knows and reflects, and accordingly he can add more color and variety to relationships.

It would seem that you don’t need a lot of intelligence to give a bouquet of flowers and arrange a romantic dinner, but if you always do the same thing with constant regularity, then romance loses its charm and turns into routine everyday life. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand why all this is needed and how to make sure that monotony and primitiveness do not ruin sensuality and tenderness in relationships.

Upbringing also greatly influences the romanticism of a man’s nature, because if since childhood there has always been a warm and romantic relationship between parents before one’s eyes, a person, subconsciously, will copy them in his future relationships

Consumer attitude of friends

We hope that you have never encountered this yourself. For not the most noble, romantics are ideal friends. They care about the friendship and try to support it in every possible way: from communication to pouring money into the friendship. They will willingly pay for a friend in a restaurant or cafe, bring food and drinks to a party, go to the other end of the city in the middle of the night to pick up a drunk friend, or lend money irrevocably.

This is what scoundrels take advantage of - they exploit emotional dependence. From the outside, such relationships cannot be called friendly - they are parasitic. But for a romantic, the code of brotherhood is no joke. He firmly believes in honor and conscience and greedily catches every manifestation of humanity in his relationship with his friend. This is not a phenomenon at all: women can also use it, but in turn at least they give a beautiful dream. And they will fall off the feeder much faster - a fake friend can sit on your neck for years.

Illusions about relationships and girlfriends

A whole layer of classical medieval literature and works of the Romantic era (part of the Silver Age too) is devoted to high ideas about the Lady, the Lady - the ideal embodiment of femininity and harmony. Impressed by this image of an all-understanding and wise woman, they look for a friend no worse for themselves. Its unique features are a reflection of the romantic’s own interests, but embellished with stereotypes.

They will say anything, charm and seduce, but as soon as the shaky image collapses and the girlfriend appears in her true form, they will immediately lose interest, cool down and be disappointed. Perhaps they will even accuse her of betrayal. Either they will look for the same one until the end of their days, or they will even join the lithromantics.

Absentee good attitude towards strangers

Often romantics simply love people. They are valuable for their uniqueness: behind each lies a secret and an interesting story. From the very beginning, romantics treat people kindly and count on the same attitude, which is why they get burned.

The trouble is in the image created only in their imagination. Romantics tend to attach labels at first sight - this is a kind of emotional investment in a stranger. They create a certain connection with this, typify it for themselves and select the optimal, in their opinion, model of communication and behavior. And their ideas are shattered when the stranger turns out to be completely different. They almost consider him guilty.


To show yourself as a romantic, you don’t have to run to the store for unusual and expensive gifts or buy a trip to the Maldives. Touching and looking can be very romantic, the main thing is to use it.

A woman so wants to be desired , so a warm, gentle touch, an unexpected kiss, a short hug are always valuable to her, there can never be too many of them.

Through touch, the energy of love is transmitted, confidence in one’s individuality and uniqueness is given, all this creates an atmosphere of romance for women and allows them to feel happy.

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