How to unlock your potential and start a new life: 10 basic rules

The article explains:
  1. What is human potential
  2. Varieties of personality potential
  3. What prevents you from unlocking your potential and achieving success?
  4. 10 rules for unlocking your potential
  5. 5 skills to find and unlock your potential
  6. The best books about unlocking your potential

How to unlock potential and allow it to be realized? Of course, you also felt something like an unexpressed feeling inside you. Perhaps this is not a sung song or written poems, or perhaps a helping hand not extended in time. Like a pulsating lump, this something asks to come out, but something prevents it from coming out.

This is your potential, revealing which in time means taking a step towards your hidden capabilities and abilities. What's stopping him from going out? Fears, fear of inadequacy, even perfectionism... There can be many reasons. But if you don’t unleash your potential, you’re unlikely to achieve heights in your creativity, career, and relationships.

What is human potential

Potential is a person’s activity, based on his knowledge, skills, internal resources, aimed at successfully achieving his goals in various aspects of life. The principle of this concept is that a person is able to fully realize his potential only when he confidently moves in a certain direction, avoiding mistakes and fully using his capabilities.

When we talk about a person’s potential, we mean his strengths and abilities, with the help of which he achieves success in any type of activity. For example, work, sports, music, politics and so on. Having a set of certain qualities, a person is able to fully develop in the area that interests him, easily perceives and uses information. To determine the potential, an individual’s talents, inherent data from birth, are taken into account, for example, intellectual abilities, a penchant for some type of creativity, the ability to establish contacts with people, the gift of extraordinary thinking.

Most often, a person reveals his inner potential only in a specific area of ​​activity. Let's take sports as an example. In this area, a person’s physiological indicators are extremely important - his state of health, physique, metabolism. The lack of any data complicates the achievement of effective results in sports activities.

Psychologists define potential as a set of capabilities hidden within a person that allow him to achieve positive results in absolutely any area. By intelligently and productively using the abilities that one already possesses, a person will be able to fully realize their potential and achieve certain goals in the future.

So how can you realize your potential? First of all, it is very important to understand that only your own desire and interest will allow you to achieve success. You must determine the direction of your development yourself and choose the path that will lead to your goal. You, not someone for you.

Self-realization can be achieved in the following areas:

1. Favorite activity. We are not talking about professional activities or what generates income. The essence of this point is reflected in two points: firstly, the business should be interesting and bring pleasure; secondly, success in it should instill in a person faith in his own strength and a desire to further improve himself.

2. Relationships. It is very important to find your person with whom you will go the same way.

3. Property, home, wealth , that is, everything that brings you a feeling of peace, security and reliability.

4. Environment. At a certain stage of his development, a person needs to receive information from the outside and share it with others. An excellent solution would be to join a circle of like-minded people.

5. Realization of your aspirations. It's time to contribute to the world around us and see the consequences of our impact.

6. Family , that is, what we leave behind.

Three practices to understand yourself.

7 tips from self-improvement consultant Roger Sipe

To grow and develop, you should not look for resources outside of yourself. More often than not, the answer is hidden within ourselves, namely, in the depths of our brain. Advice from a coach in the area of ​​personal effectiveness will help you realize your full potential:

  1. Learn speed reading techniques to read more books. Our brain is able to “digest” much more material than we usually give it.
  2. Master gaming strategies to get rid of fatigue and stress. Excessive seriousness creates internal dissonance and slows down thoughts.
  3. Use your subconscious mind correctly to attract the desired result. We attract what we think about. If we mentally play out a negative scenario, it will definitely happen.
  4. Visualize to talk to your memory in the same language. The brighter the image, the more clearly it is remembered.
  5. Remove ineffective things from your life so you can focus on what matters. A list of unnecessary things is no less important than a list of goals.
  6. Let go of endless thoughts so you can take action. Thinking creates doubt. The more we think, the more often we postpone active action.
  7. Reduce the degree of tension so as not to waste your internal strength. Stress is the main killer of abilities and more often leads to dead-end thoughts.

To unlock your potential, you shouldn’t wait for the perfect moment or a sign from above. It all depends on your way of thinking and acting.

Tony Robbins: Powers to Unleash Personal Potential.

Speaker and business coach Anthony Robbins researched the stories of successful and famous politicians, directors, and actors to find out what made them invest day after day in realizing their goals. Among the many explanations, he identified 3 characteristics that helped them realize their own potential.

Tony Robbins called them trigger triggers:

FAITH . It is this that determines the results we achieve. Lack of self-confidence includes an economical mode of using potential. As a result, actions will be sluggish and results will be poor. By starting a business you believe in, you use your resources to their full potential.

PASSION . This is the fuel for fueling inner strength and achieving success. Passion drove scientists, economists, and directors, forcing them to stay late at work and get up early in the morning.

STRATEGY . This is a way of organizing internal resources that help you work at your maximum potential. Businessmen and large entrepreneurs know: in order to achieve success, it is important not only to have the necessary resources, but to use them correctly.

For those who set ambitious goals, want to make useful connections and develop at maximum speed, Tony Robbins conducts seminars in America and Europe.

Take a personality type test

Five techniques for useful journaling.

The diary is our faithful listener, biographer, keeper of secrets and psychoanalyst all rolled into one. To begin with, you can choose a convenient format for the diary itself. This can be an A5 book or a sketchbook. The main thing is that it is pleasant to hold in your hands, fill out and leaf through.

Keeping a diary is an art. To make records as effective as possible, you should learn how to keep them correctly. The following are tips to help make your diary a book of self-discovery:

  1. Take 15 minutes before bed . Write one phrase describing your day. Come up with one epithet for tomorrow.
  2. Use the freewriting method . Set a timer for 20 minutes and continuously write whatever comes to mind. Once you have practiced, you can ask yourself a question and answer it in the allotted time.
  3. Make your personal lists . This could be “Twenty things that I am grateful for”, “One hundred things that I accomplished in the past year”, “Fifty qualities that I am proud of.”
  4. Write letters to yourself or to people who annoy you. The technique helps to dig deeper, deal with old problems, free yourself from grievances, internal blocks, and anger.
  5. Draw or make collages . If you don’t like to write, try another form - pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes. Sometimes pictures or chosen shades will tell more than words. Abstract images will convey the mood and literally bring memories or dreams to life.

Just try and understand: writing about yourself is exciting, simple, joyful. A diary journey is the best way to realize your inner resources and realize them.

Varieties of personality potential

1. Creativity.

In the meaning we know, creative potential is the talents inherent in a person, which he possesses from birth. Each of us has a gift. You just need to unleash your creative potential and develop it, bringing it to perfection.

Creativity activates the brain and gives life to thoughts. Therefore, a person is in constant growth, development and improvement of his capabilities. He achieves success in his career, achieves victories in other areas, and most importantly: he does not stop there.

To develop creative potential, you must have self-confidence and the ability to take initiative. In addition, it is very important to learn how to bring any task to its logical conclusion, and not quit when the first difficulties arise.

My experience

It would take a long time to talk about everything. I’ll tell you briefly about unlocking the potential of working as a copywriter (as you understand, the path is not yet completed - it is endless).

Once upon a time I didn’t know what keys, nausea, readability, etc. were. - scary words from the world of copywriting. The requirements for the first texts were minimal - uniqueness. But this was not enough to grow in the profession - you need to master other technical characteristics and verification services. More than once I found myself in the situation of “I can’t handle this. I don’t even know those words and I don’t even understand what is required of the performer here.” But I understood that I could and should figure it out.

So it was, after studying the necessary literature and overcoming fear, I submitted an application for a more complex order. True, the war “I can’t handle it, you can handle it” continued during the execution process. But everything worked out. And with each new such order, the requirements became more clear and simple. Then, of course, something new and complex appeared, but this too soon became something ordinary.

And so in everything: if a person has the ability to do something, this does not mean that everything comes easy to him. Yes, perhaps it is easier than for those who do not have pronounced abilities for a specific type of activity, but it is not easy. The development of personal potential means continuous work on oneself, self-education, overcoming difficulties and fears, and a lot of practice.

What prevents you from unlocking your potential and achieving success?

1. Careless attitude towards hobbies.

Most often, a person’s internal potential is directly related to his hobbies and interests. There is a very wise saying: “Find something you love and you will never have to work.” A person’s realization comes when he selflessly devotes himself to his favorite activity.

Each of us has our own hobby. And we are all accustomed to viewing it as a hobby for ourselves, for the soul. But few people realize that they can also make money from it. This is how a person devotes entire years to boring work that does not bring any satisfaction, only sometimes devoting a little time to do what he really likes.

2. Fear of not succeeding.

This is what is most often said by people who do not allow changes in their lives. A measured and familiar way of life, the stability of successive days gives a feeling of reliability and confidence. “What if a sharp turn in life deprives me of friends, money, and does not allow me to achieve my previous success?” - so many people think so.

But few people know that it is the first steps taken towards a new life that contribute to the development of internal potential. The bolder and more decisive they are, the more your opportunities will open up. While the fear that controls a person destroys all his qualities and talents that accompany success.

So don't wait. You need to act: leave a job you don’t like, don’t waste time on useless things, do things that don’t make you happy. Otherwise, you will only have to dream about the best.

3. Fear of not living up to expectations.

Today, most people are under pressure from public opinion. And he participates in managing his life only partially.

For some reason, the opinions of strangers have become almost of paramount importance in assessing human actions. A certain ideal is being formed, which everyone is trying to live up to, carrying through themselves the thought “What will people (mother, uncle, child) say.”

It is precisely this kind of doubt that does not contribute to any attempt to realize oneself. This is because a person is afraid not so much of his own disappointments or failures as of causing grief to other people and losing his authority.

How difficult is it to actually reach your potential? Adults have many reasons to complain about a large number of different worries and troubles in life, which in no way contribute to achieving their goals. In fact, most don’t even try to dream, justifying it with the burden of problems.

In order to learn to dream again, it is recommended to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What interested you most in childhood, what games, sports, hobbies?
  2. Which school subject did you like the most?
  3. What do you remember in adolescence (interesting acquaintances, unusual activities, inspiring plans)? What value was in this for you?
  4. Did you manage to realize your childhood dreams? Which? And why did others fail?
  5. What was your source of inspiration some years ago? Are there any of them that are still relevant?
  6. Do you like yourself the way you are now? Do you have a desire to become more sociable or reduce your ardor and cheerfulness, for example?
  7. Are there any personal talents that you have never used in your life?
  8. Will unlocking your potential benefit and help those around you?


G.M. Zarakovsky believes that it is possible to develop and unlock potential through decency, justice, kindness, loyalty, optimism, friendliness, sincerity, productivity, effectiveness, naturalness, self-development and reflection. Based on this, we have prepared several more practical recommendations.

To release your potential, focus on three things:

  1. Setting goals. Think about what tools will help you become yourself, navigate your way through life, achieve success and become happy.
  2. Achieving goals and overall productivity. Think about how you will motivate yourself.
  3. Stress resistance or resilience. Learn to remain productive regardless of external circumstances.

Be an organizer, performer, motivator and controller in your life. Learn from those who are able to bring their ideas to life, but do not imitate them or obey other people.

Active love

We all want to be loved. We want to be cared for, valued, respected and supported in everything we do, are or strive for. However, there is one thing to remember: passive love is imperfect, it is at a “childish” level, and in the long run it simply does not work.

Love is not a comfortable chair in which you can lounge and do nothing. It is more of an active scenario in which both sides inevitably participate. We must care, love and respect each other.

When someone truly knows how to love, they encourage their “other half” to take an active part in creating a common future. He helps her realize that in love you need to not only take, but also give. That active participation in the building of a building of love and shared relationships promotes spiritual and emotional growth.

Work area

A few words need to be said about labor potential. This is a definition in psychology that is placed in a separate category. This is the name given to the set of qualities that characterize the working abilities of a person.

Labor potential (LP) is expressed in the ability of an individual to maintain normal relationships in a team and take part in its activities. A person with TP is able to generate and analyze innovative ideas, and also has the necessary practical skills and theoretical knowledge to carry out work duties. He is distinguished by good health, the presence of moral principles, activity, education, competence, the ability to practically organize his time, accuracy, and discipline. People who know how to realize their labor potential are valuable employees.

Internal sources

Speaking about internal sources, psychologists recommend the following actions:

  1. You should start reading various spiritual literature (this could be books on psychology or esotericism, various teachings of philosophers, etc.).
  2. You need to find time to meditate.
  3. You need to start keeping a personal diary.
  4. You should remember your past successes.

This will all help to get inspiration and understand what a person is missing at the moment.

Keep a diary

With the help of a diary it is very easy to understand yourself, your desires and problems. When a person cannot decide on his dreams for a long time, recording everyday events helps a lot.

This way you can find out what exactly brings joy from everyday worries. If someone likes to communicate with children, then maybe it’s worth working with them?

Daily entries have helped many in determining their life preferences.

What rhythm to set

When developing a personality and discovering skills and abilities that have been dormant in character until this moment, you need to maintain a balance between the desire for speedy changes and excessive slowness. Constantly staying in the same place, feeling sorry for yourself and being afraid is a bad option.


But you shouldn’t rush headlong into a burning pool either. Maintain the most comfortable pace for yourself, choosing it individually. Set yourself a specific deadline, for example, by the end of next year I will sign up for vocal courses and learn to sing. When making important decisions, on the contrary, take your time and weigh all the pros and cons.

This can be done by following these rules

Don't waste it. For example, you shouldn’t watch emotional films at night. Outbursts of emotions, such as fear, joy, empathy, can only take away the remaining energy. Avoid conflicts and quarrels. People (energy vampires) feed on the emotions of others. You shouldn't give it to them. You just need to mentally imagine a big brick wall in front of you, and then your opponent will very quickly lose interest in conflicting with you. There is no need to control others. This threatens to cause excessive concern for oneself and others, which leads to loss of energy. It is necessary to stop worrying, live in the present, without looking into the future, and not bring up the past. Do not abuse stimulants and sedatives. They seem to give a charge of vivacity and energy, but this is not so. The reverse process occurs, after the end of their action the person experiences weakness and emptiness

Alcohol works in a similar way. It is important to identify your own effective sources of energy replenishment, be it jogging in the park, reading a book or fitness. The main thing is that they can help you out at any moment and give you the opportunity to move on.

Block what steals your strength.

What takes our energy?

How to set goals and achieve them?

So, you feel that you are ready for changes, unlocking your potential, and realizing new life challenges. What is the sequence of further actions? How to set goals and achieve them, start a new stage of life?

Drop fear and negative attitudes

Most often, all decisions and aspirations for change are smashed against a wall of fear and disbelief. How can I live? Will I be able to live? What will my relatives and friends think? Doubts are normal, the main thing is that they should not control or limit possibilities. It is important to learn to overcome fear and act according to your inner desire.

How to overcome fear? There are several ways:

  • start acting, take the first step - the first results will help you believe in your own strength and continue moving forward;
  • Gradually master new directions - you don’t have to give up everything and do a new thing right away, you can start acting in parallel. It is worth studying the area of ​​interest, gaining new experience, knowledge, and later making it your main occupation, finding meaning and fulfillment in a new activity.

Overcome internal barriers, laziness

Internal resistance to change is associated with fears, uncertainty, as well as a lack of life experience, a good mentor, and a support group. Passivity also plays against new achievements; why extra work and effort? It is important to determine the benefits and find motivation for developing potential and new directions.

What will it give? A new meaning in life, freedom, a feeling of happiness from your favorite activity, benefit to society and the individual, find five personal reasons for change.

It is also important to stop being afraid of mistakes; they are necessary for the experience of life, they help to develop and move forward. It's better to make a mistake than to do nothing. Gradually, you can find the right path and determine a strategy of action. So, Mike Jordan admits that he lost more than 300 matches, but became a world legend. Edison made ten thousand attempts to invent the light bulb, and as a result, he succeeded in research.

Find a way to develop, obtain information

Potential development involves attending courses, self-education, working with experienced people and mentors. You can act independently, but it is always easier to get results as a team. However, it all depends on the individual; you can find on the Internet all the necessary knowledge for implementation in life.

Make a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals

Having defined strategic and tactical goals, it is important to draw up a clear action plan. And also schedule activities or time for your favorite activity in your busy schedule of life events. Psychologists say that an hour a day allotted to your favorite activity, developing your potential within a year will allow you to see significant improvements and progress.

Implement planned actions

The most important thing is to start acting without delaying the decision. Motivation for change is strongest in the first two days after making a decision. It is important to immediately begin implementing new habits and actions. Having decided to pay attention to a certain area, you need to record ideas and time in a diary, monitor implementation, and end the day.

Keeping records helps a lot in self-control and implementation of plans. It is useful to write tasks daily in the morning or evening and check completion at the end of the day. Only self-organization will help move life from a dead point, reveal the maximum potential of the individual, and open up new opportunities.

A higher aspiration arises when the flow of development in a certain direction has been achieved, there is a need to master new things or related areas of interest. The highest goal of life is a beacon on the path of life, setting a person’s course of movement, directing efforts in the right direction. It is important to learn to determine life goals at the current moment and plan for several years ahead.

The level of results and achievements depends on the scale of the goals. There are high and low goals. Famous people urge: set big goals! We are often afraid to even dream of high achievements and worldwide fame. But it is our attitude and goals that determine the future. It is worth scaling tasks and striving for the highest results to obtain maximum effect.

The highest goal and aspirations help not to get lost on the road of life. The goal must be worthy of the desire to go towards it, overcoming difficulties along the way, charging with enthusiasm. High goals allow you to discover something new in yourself, breathe life into existence, give you a second wind and inspiration. Small or intermediate goals are steps up to achieve the highest.

Quality monitoring

Every minute, each of us lives through different life scenarios, the reactions to which are conditioned. We react both emotionally - expressing feelings or suppressing them, refusing or agreeing - and physically. Only after a few minutes, or even hours, we realize that we wanted to react differently.

But the situation has already happened: an internal conflict has arisen or, even worse, pain has appeared in the body. And at these moments feelings begin to appear, which may be followed by a series of negative active thoughts. Anger, resentment towards oneself or others, and sometimes even a feeling of guilt appear. I am sure that this condition is familiar to many.

What is inside of us that decides how we behave and how we react? These are behavioral patterns that we acquired in childhood, when our brain perceived the world around us as “dangerous.” It’s dangerous to object, dangerous to demand something, dangerous to react…. And at such moments our resource well was emptied many times in a row:

  • the first time - when they got involved in the situation;
  • the second - when internal confrontation arose;
  • the third - when they remained silent, overpowering themselves;
  • fourth - when they held back anger, rage, indignation or tears;
  • fifth - when they smiled through reluctance;
  • sixth - when they forgot to breathe due to a surge of anger...

Let's take a closer look at the rules of how to set goals and achieve them?

  1. Positive formulation - goals are written as a desire to achieve a certain result, and not a rejection of existing realities. The particle “not” should not be present in the wording.
  2. Determine deadlines, volumetric indicators - the deadline for implementing the achievement is important, otherwise there will be no desire to work for results. In addition, the result, level of knowledge, skills, and profitability in business should be specifically determined.

How to set goals and achieve them? Write down everything clearly and specifically, monitor the process of achieving tasks.

  1. A statement in the current tense - for example, “I am learning English, I will achieve fluent communication by the end of this year.” Such formulation helps to tune in to actions in the present, and not sometime in the distant future.
  2. Visualization of the goal - it is useful to imagine the fulfillment of the goal, to feel whether there is satisfaction, happiness or discomfort? It may be worth setting a goal differently to get the desired result.

How to set goals and achieve them? Learn to create your future, and this is the best prediction. Those who clearly see the future and imagine it will always be able to achieve the desired goals.

  1. Compliance with personal values ​​- life goals should not contradict internal beliefs, otherwise the result will not be achieved. It is worth analyzing internal attitudes and working on a psychological level to realize your desires. For example, a lack of self-confidence or a negative attitude towards money hinders the achievement of results in work and business.

How to set goals and achieve them? Work through internal attitudes, correlate goals, desires, aspirations.

  1. to set realistic goals - to become a famous writer or a world-class athlete, but it will take some time. It is worth setting a time frame of several years, rather than waiting for a huge breakthrough in a year. Achieving results comes gradually, as a person develops, his potential and faith.
  2. Sincerity of aspirations - only goals can be realized, the desire for which comes from the heart, chosen independently, and not imposed from the outside. Such goals arouse interest, enthusiasm, and inspire heroism.

When you need to start unlocking your internal reserves

There are several signs that a person urgently needs to start unlocking his own potential. These include the following:

  • lack of energy to do something to change your life for the better;
  • problems at home, at work or in relationships with loved ones;
  • the emergence of thoughts that life is passing by.

These are all signs that the internal reserve that was in a person has exhausted itself. At such moments, you should find sources and begin to develop your potential in order to correct the situation.

Intellectual resources

For development

These resources require conscious, methodical and purposeful acquisition of experience. This happens in kindergarten, school, college, university and other educational institutions. But having received a diploma, people minimize or stop self-education. Continuous acquisition of experience is required for personal development and fulfillment of creative activities in order to achieve the purpose of life and realize personal destiny.

study regularly

practical manuals, books and magazines from the subject area that corresponds to personal purpose and vocation. This gives new knowledge and inspires creative activities. The acquired knowledge must be applied in practice to acquire new skills and develop them into skills and competencies that allow creative activities to be performed with optimal efficiency.

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