Business professional communication: basics and rules

Business communication is communication in the field of business cooperation with its own rules and regulations. Its main task is to achieve a specific goal in the process of business interaction.

In practice, various types of business communication are used, each of which has its own characteristics. In order to more fully reveal the concept of business communication, it is worth considering its types and forms and their features in more detail.

What is business communication?

The concept implies a form of communication built on the basis of industry ethics and aimed at obtaining mutual benefits for both parties. This is an important component of relations between states, individuals and legal entities and society as a whole. This form allows you to come to a common compromise and identify common interests and objectives of the emerging relationship.

Business communication: signs and essence

Officially, business communication is interpreted as a complex, multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the professional sphere, whose activities are aimed at achieving specific goals. The participants in the relationship have identical goals, and by exchanging information with each other, they find a common compromise.

Business communication is like an art, and in order to successfully apply it in practice, you need to work on your thinking and worldview. Reputable marketers, together with psychologists, provide the following list of features that must be taken into account when preparing for business negotiations:

  • Limit yourself in the time allotted for your speech. If you speak for more than 6 seconds, then it is more difficult for the interlocutor to understand the other person’s thoughts.
  • Limit yourself to the number of words. Speak strictly to the point, and 13-15 phrases will fully contain the most important information
  • Keep in mind that phrases spoken last are remembered better
  • Negotiate in the first half of the day - from 8 to 12, as it has been proven that it is at this time that the maximum performance of the brain is observed
  • Try to maintain the reputation of a partner who is used to bringing his affairs to the end. A person remembers an unfinished action better than a completed one.

The question arises, what are the signs of business communication? How does business communication differ from everyday casual communication? In the first case, contact involves the pursuit of a specific goal, satisfying one’s own needs while preserving the interests of others. In the second, the very fact of communication is important; informal conversation does not pose the task of achieving certain goals. Based on this, we can cite the following signs that are characteristic of business communication and distinguish it from ordinary casual communication:

  • Having clear goals for establishing a relationship . In business, the goal may be to increase the profitability of production; in politics, it may be to accomplish tasks of national importance.
  • Using rational ways to achieve your goals . If fraud or fraud is subject to the principle “Neither you, but me,” then business communication implies the norm “Both you, and me.” Compliance with the second rule lies in the rationality of the approach.
  • Subordination . A novice entrepreneur, entering into business relationships with others, will first of all fulfill the conditions set by more experienced and successful business partners.
  • Compliance with regulations. In any field of production there is a systematized set of rules and standards to which all participants are subject.
  • Compliance with etiquette. The labor industry involves performing both primary and auxiliary work in compliance with the rules of etiquette - politeness, responsiveness, altruism towards a partner.

Structure of business communication

Modern psychology has formulated its own interpretation of what business communication is. According to the theory, this is a complex multifunctional system of relationships, which, like everything complex, is characterized by a monomeric structure. Official communication includes the following parties:

  • Perceptual. Each person appears to the other in the role of an independent partner, who has his own worldview, character, and upbringing. Participants in the relationship may be dominant or recessive, introverted or extroverted, choleric or phlegmatic
  • Interactive. Mutually beneficial exchange of theoretical and business skills between interlocutors
  • Communicative . It consists of the exchange of information, views, assessments, understanding of partners, interaction, and psychological influence on each other.

Constructive business communication

This form presupposes the ability to express one’s thoughts without judgment, without attributing a personal point of view to the behavior of another person. It is characterized by signs of altruism: the ability to listen, understand what is heard, sympathy and goodwill towards a partner. To build constructive business communication, the following rules of ethics must be observed:

  1. Treat the person as your equal, regardless of their status.
  2. Listen carefully to the participant in the conversation.
  3. Eliminate the phrases “you must, you must” from your speech.
  4. Try to be tactful.
  5. Be an active listener. Ask clarifying questions.
  6. Use sentences without the particle “not”.

Destructive business communication

It is built on negative emotions. Lies, hypocrisy, cunning, resentment, greed, a sense of superiority - all this can lead to the loss of business relationships. The peculiarities of aggressive-conflict interaction negatively affect the interlocutors and complicate the process of interpersonal understanding.

Business ethics

Ethics in business communication is one of the most important components of successful cooperation between partners.

What is ethics? In general, its concept includes a set of norms that regulate human behavior in society. The word itself denotes the manner in which one should behave when communicating with other people. Business ethics implies almost the same thing, only it concerns exclusively managers and businessmen. It represents the rules that must be followed during business negotiations.

The head of a company cannot always conduct a conversation flawlessly. But every mistake made can lead to failure. To prevent this from happening, you should be able to admit your mistake and take steps to prevent it in the future.

  • When greeting, you must politely say hello by shaking hands with all participants in the negotiations. Don't squeeze your hand too hard.
  • Before starting a conversation, you should offer your partners coffee or tea. This tradition appeared not so long ago, but nowadays almost everyone uses it. Drinks are offered to make a person feel relaxed and have a more positive attitude.
  • If an unpleasant mistake was made during the negotiations, you must apologize to your partners for the inconvenience caused. After this, you can continue the conversation.
  • When discussing business issues with your partner, try to answer all his questions. If for some reason you cannot answer right now. Apologize and ask for time to think about it before a specific date.
  • Have a pen and notepad with you and write down all important information. At the end of the negotiations, you should not go back and ask again for information that you have already been given.
  • Don't raise your voice, speak clearly and clearly.
  • When dressing, adhere to a business casual style.

Ethics in business communication also involves following certain steps in business communication.

Forms of business communication

Business conversation

It is one of the most common forms of dialogue. Conversation is understood as oral contact between people who, acting on behalf of their organization, are authorized to enter into relationships with other enterprises that are beneficial to the company. It is obvious that representatives must have a rich vocabulary and exclude from their vocabulary such parasites as “wow”, “super”, “oops”, “very beautiful”, “oh well”.


Negotiations, compared to conversations, are more formal, specific in nature and often involve the signing of documents defining the mutual obligations of the parties (agreements, contracts). This form of interpersonal interaction has strict requirements. When making contact, instill confidence in your interlocutor in your words, establish a clear dominant position. To get a positive result and emerge victorious, try to avoid “helpful” phrases like: “Excuse me, can you give me a few minutes?”, “I won’t bother you,” “I don’t want to detain you any longer.”


A form of discussion of production issues and problems that require collective understanding and solution. That is, the circle of participants includes more than two persons and consists of an entire commission in which a communicative leader and performers are appointed. When in such a circle, remember the following rules:

  • Be punctual and meet deadlines.
  • Behave according to your place in the company.
  • Show kindness and correctness in communicating with colleagues.
  • Improve your image

Written business communication

It is extremely popular in the case of remote discussion of issues, remoteness of partners or the impossibility of a meeting. When entering into correspondence, you must also remember the requirements of the regulations and rules of ethics.

Ethics of business correspondence

An email or handwritten letter can be viewed as a business card, reflecting the sender's position. In this form of communication, the same principles apply as in face-to-face interaction - mutual respect between interlocutors and their interests, adherence to punctuality and confidentiality in the exchange of information.

In addition, when carrying out business correspondence, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of literacy, logic and accuracy of presentation of the essence of the problem. A properly formatted email should contain the following elements:

  • Subject . It briefly reflects the content of the appeal, allowing you to significantly save the addressee’s time.
  • Greetings . It is advisable to include a personal address and the recipient’s initials.
  • Main text . Statement of the reason for the appeal, your own proposal to act in a certain way.
  • Farewell . They usually end with the phrase “I’m waiting for your answer. Sincerely, …"

Business communication by phone

It only takes one call to create a general impression of an organization or individual. Accordingly, every entrepreneur is required to know the rules for conducting telephone conversations.

Features of business communication by phone

Business management is greatly simplified when the need for lengthy written correspondence and long-distance business trips is eliminated.

Since the only working sense is hearing, it is impossible to fully know your partner, true intentions and his personality as a whole, if oral meetings have not been held before. Nevertheless, telephone communication remains one of the most important factors for the successful promotion of business ideas and enterprise development.

Business communication skills over the phone

Conducting business in this form is much easier for some than verbally, while others experience difficulties conducting negotiations over the phone. The technique of dialogue is quite simple and includes several rules:

  • Make a plan in advance that clearly reveals your goal. Reflect in writing and keep before your eyes the text with tasks and questions that you would like to clarify with your partner. A full conversation should be conducted in one session; it is not recommended to make a repeated call if you forgot to clarify some point.
  • Check that the number you dialed is correct. It’s probably not worth describing the ridiculous situation when you call not Gazprom, but Gorvodokanal with an offer.
  • After receiving the answer, greet the caller and introduce yourself, indicating the name of the company, position and surname
  • Consider the time of the call. Naturally, early in the morning or at lunchtime, no one will decide matters of particular importance.
  • Limit yourself to a time frame of 3-5 minutes. This period is sufficient to resolve production issues.

We consider a telephone conversation as a type of business communication in more detail in the article “Telephone conversation as a type of business communication”

Main types of business speech

The most widespread are two forms: written and oral business speech.

Such forms of business communication are systematically different varieties of the Russian language. If written business speech is the official style of communication, then the oral form is a hybrid style formation.

The language of business communication in dialogic and monologue forms has some differences. So, if monologue business speech can be classified as book speech, then the dialogic form of speech can be classified as conversational, which is reflected in the syntactic features of speech. The last type of business speech relates to interpersonal communication, and the first - to public speech.

Remote communication (sending by mail or fax, as well as telephone conversation) is indirect communication. Its main difference from contact is the presence of increased attention to the intonation of interlocutors during oral communication. Also characteristic features of this type of communication are brevity and regulation, the impossibility of using various gestures as a carrier of information.

Business communication styles

The set of ways and methods of creating partnership interaction forms the style of business communication. Style, in simple words, is a developed model of behavior that an individual will use. It has characteristics for each participant in the relationship and depends on the psychological characteristics of the person, his thinking and charisma.

Classification by K. Levin

In the 1930s, a team of psychologists led by Kurt Lewin, studying the management behavior of managers and subordinates, identified common characteristics for each personality type entering into business communication. Based on an analysis of the motives of behavior and methods of instilling trust in a partner, Levin identified three styles of business communication: authoritarian, democratic, liberal.


It works on the principle “Be silent while I speak.” In a relationship, there are two participants, one of whom is the initiator and controller, and the other is the listener and performer. The first acts as a subject who sets goals and procedures relating not only to work issues, but also to issues of interaction within the team.

Dictatorship and complete control do not mean that the authoritarian style is inappropriate. But you can’t call it ideal either. In conditions of “lack of outside opinion” and subject to dependence, a person is not able to develop as an individual, sovereign and creative person.


“There are no I, there is only us.” Democracy in business communication does not reveal sharp contrasts between participants. Everyone is equal to each other and contributes to the development of relationships. Carrying out actions and establishing the terms of an agreement is carried out not by order, but on the basis of requests, wishes, and recommendations. She is characterized by positive signs: mutual respect, good nature, responsiveness.

According to sociologists, the democratic style is a model of behavior that is closest to the ideal of business communication. A person receives great pleasure from professional activities and strives to be one with his partner.


The middle is not always the point of balance. Occupying an intermediate position, the liberal style eliminated the disadvantages of the first, losing the advantages of the second.

This model implies an absolutely neutral relationship between one and the other. The initiative is not welcomed, but it is not punished either. Requests are not created, but they are not fulfilled either. The essence of communication lies only in the formal resolution of everyday work issues.

Participants are interested solely in their own benefits, so they always try to avoid problems by shifting the blame to someone else. Lack of interest in what is happening violates the socio-psychological climate of the team and is the germ for the emergence of acute conflicts.

We discuss conflicts in business communication and ways to resolve them in the article “Overcoming conflicts in business communication”

Classification of styles according to S. Bratchenko

Soviet psychologist Sergei Leonidovich Bratchenko also did not ignore the study of models of interpersonal interaction. He identified six styles, three of which are characteristic of Lewin’s classification. Therefore, we will not repeat the old ones and analyze the new ones.


It works on the principle “When I shine on others, I burn myself.” The participants act as a single whole; what is important to them is not maximizing the benefits of cooperation, but preserving other people’s interests in the process of cooperation. They are ready to take radical measures, to sacrifice themselves so that the needs of the other side are met.


Cunning and hypocrisy are what this model is built on. In the process of business interaction, one participant acts as a puppet of the other. The first is completely unaware that the information he leaks will serve as a means of achieving the personal goals of the second. The “puppeteer” skillfully and skillfully manipulates the “doll”, enters a circle of trust and, in the end, having received enormous benefits, leaves the partner to the mercy of fate.


It is most often observed when the authority and influence of both participants are not comparable to each other. For example, in the relationship between a novice resident and an experienced neurosurgeon, the former will imitate, strive and adapt to the requirements of the latter.

What rules to follow

There are basic rules of speech etiquette that can be found in any business etiquette textbook:

  • Clear and correct pronunciation (do not “swallow” syllables or words).
  • Maintaining correct intonation, correct placement of accents (do not strengthen or weaken the intonation of the voice where it is inappropriate).
  • Average speech rate (no need to jabber or draw out words and sentences).
  • Avoid using filler words. Such words are often meaningless and make speech boring.
  • Appropriateness of gestures (no need to wave your arms, do not use gestures where it is inappropriate).
  • The use of slang expressions, rudeness and a large number of diminutive words is not allowed.

In addition to verbal communication, there is non-verbal communication, which is no less important in business communication. Monitor your interlocutor's behavior. Here are some rules of etiquette for this silent language:

  1. It is necessary to maintain a distance from your business partner. The distance between you should be a little further than from a person you know well.
  2. The handshake is very important. It shows that you are respected and want to cooperate. A confident and long handshake is a good sign.
  3. If the interlocutor often glances briefly at the clock or at the door, this indicates that he wants to quickly end the conversation and leave.
  4. If the opponent clasps his hands, draws something with a pen on paper, shakes or taps his foot, then this may mean that he is nervous and closes down to avoid the conversation. Just change the topic of conversation.
  5. If a business partner puts his hands on his belt, then he wants to appear important and dominate the business relationship.
  6. When the interlocutor unbuttons his jacket, releases his tie, puts his hands on his knees or on the table, and exhales, this means that he has made a final decision.

Basics of business communication

Advancement up the career ladder is possible only if you follow the rules of corporate etiquette. They form the basis for favorable mutual cooperation and lay the foundation for business relationships. Therefore, anyone who wants to make a lucrative deal or get a well-paid position should own and apply the theory in practice.


Decency and honesty are the two main principles of establishing interpersonal contact. By committing a vile act that can harm the interests of others, you risk losing more than one partner forever.

As you know, every person has sins - greed, lies, hypocrisy. In business communication you should leave them aside. As practice from psychology shows, only those people who show their own cards and treat their opponent with respect, without demonstrating personal hostility, even if there is one, can win over their interlocutor.


Following generally accepted social norms, traditions and established stereotypes shapes the perception of each party in the relationship. A clear example of social business cooperation is contact between a seller and a buyer. The first, when offering products, will take into account the financial situation and interest of the second. The more pronounced these points are, the higher the chance of selling a product or service. This means that by using the ability to assess the condition of others and forming a circle of suitable clients, you can significantly increase the profitability of production.

Ethics in business communication

Mutual respect and a professional approach are the foundation of the etiquette of interpersonal information exchange. Following its guidelines means competently and politely expressing your thoughts, being able to present them correctly and complying with the dress code. Let us conclude that it is possible to gain the authority and respect of partners, colleagues, and superiors only by following ethical recommendations:

  • Neat appearance
  • Written literacy
  • Punctuality
  • Decency (no gossip and discussion of others)

Tactical principles of business communication

Every person is unique in their own way, and finding an approach to each of them is not an easy task. When developing a strategy, it is important to first assess the expected outcome and consider alternative options for interaction. The best and most effective techniques include loyalty and positioning. Taking into account the parameters and position of their interlocutor, participants in business communication choose dominant, neutral negotiation styles or communication as equals. For example, a boss who reprimands an employee for being late uses the subordinating method, intimidating the subordinate with sanctions - dismissal, deprivation of bonuses. You can read more about the effectiveness of communication in the article “Effective Business Communication.”

Business communication and basics of imageology

As they say, “you are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” Image is the most important component that all participants in business relations must comply with. Work on such an attribute includes assessment and analysis of a number of characteristics - the organization’s field of activity, financial condition, personal qualities of the partner. To make a positive impression, you must show your professional qualities by appearance and word.

The image reflects your personal qualities and reactions from the outside. You don’t have to spend fabulous sums of money on a Louis Wetton jacket to look like a strict and responsible employee. In some cases, a stylish turtleneck and inexpensive jeans purchased at a second-hand store will look more appropriate than items from branded manufacturers. The optimal combination of “bow” and accessories determines human psychology and the outcome of business negotiations.

Business communication culture

Business communication and speech culture

Communication is the process of exchanging information that must be presented correctly and culturally. The outcome of the negotiations will directly depend on our presentation.

The first thing you should pay attention to when preparing for an interview is to eliminate any anxiety that arises. A tense person will feel awkward in the circle of participants, worry, stammer, stutter, which will cause mixed feelings in them - from pity to contempt.

The second important point: develop your oratory skills. The ancient Greek thinker Demosthenes proved to the whole world that anyone who really wants to work on themselves can become a skilled speaker. Agree, a speech clearly constructed using existing words, participial and adverbial phrases, without “like”, “in short”, “well”, sounds much more pleasant.

What is the role of speech culture in business communication?

By following the above instructions, you can turn the result of business negotiations in your favor. Speech culture finds its application in inter-organizational interviews, conferences, and in everyday work relationships.

Communication, built on mutual understanding and responsiveness, politeness and respect, has now become such an indispensable attribute, without which not a single important meeting takes place.

Speech culture as an important component of communication

Let's figure out what points the culture of speech in business communication focuses on:

  • Preparation . Surprise and convince your partners with your oratory skills that you are competent in your field. To do this, carefully study the topic and come up with an approximate list of questions from participants
  • Lexicon . Synonyms, paronyms, participial phrases - all this makes your speech brighter and richer
  • Grammar . Incorrect use or emphasis of words makes you look like an illiterate person
  • Respect and listening skills. Don't take questions from participants as an attempt to break your confidence. React calmly to other people’s opinions and, if possible, express yours or prove them wrong.
  • Same attitude . You should not divide partners according to any criterion. Treat everyone with “you” respect.


The objectives of business communication are the relationship between opponents of achieving a specific result in business. Work issues can be resolved using several forms of communication. The main ones include:

Business correspondence

A type of communication that is considered correspondence, since all necessary information is provided in writing. The letter must be prepared in accordance with the rules and within strictly established deadlines. The basic principle of business correspondence is that information should be presented concisely and clearly.

Business correspondence

Based on the form in which business correspondence is presented, interlocutors can draw conclusions from each other.

Business conversation

This is the most common form of communication. During the conversation between the boss and his subordinate, the assigned tasks are solved, the results of activities are discussed, and work issues are determined.

Business meeting

Companies regularly hold meetings to improve business results. This form of communication was created in order to resolve controversial issues, draw up plans, and identify problems that cannot be delayed.

Moreover, it is an effective interaction between the employees or partners of the firm.

Public speaking

The use of this form is used to provide informational or presentational information to listeners. It is important that the person speaking has a good understanding of the topic.


Business speech during public speaking should be competent and expressive.

Business meeting

An important form of communication as it is considered one of the integral parts of communication in business. Thanks to negotiations, you can solve your business goals and objectives in the shortest possible time, as well as listen to the opinion of your interlocutor.


This is an exchange of opinions between business opponents. The specificity is that all participants are in equal positions.

Psychology of business communication

The purpose of business communication in psychology is to solve a specific problem, and its peculiarity is the mandatory observance of etiquette. If ordinary casual contact has the purpose of accomplishing the fact of communication, then working interpersonal interaction is a way of solving problems and satisfying the interests of the company. In the second case, you should not be familiar with your interlocutor, be sure to treat him with honor and respect, always on a “you” basis. Knowledge of psychological subtleties is the key to a successful transaction.

Psychological techniques in communication

To establish contact and win over your interlocutor, you can use cunning - combat tactics using verbal and non-verbal methods:

  • Address your interlocutor formally, by name and patronymic;
  • Show genuine interest in what he has to say;
  • Be brief: try to keep your proposal or report under 10 minutes. It has been scientifically proven that more information is remembered during this period of time;
  • Pause from time to time and let your interlocutor understand the meaning of your text. Ask leading questions, ask for his opinion. Your partner will be flattered by the fact that you consider him an authority;
  • Don't neglect compliments.

The techniques listed above are verbal. As for non-verbal, then:

  • Moderate your tone and gestures;
  • Don't take your eyes off your interlocutor;
  • If it's appropriate, smile.

We have given you recommendations on what you need to do to build a good relationship. However, do not forget that there are actions that, if you perform them, will cause nothing but irritation in your partner:

  • Pressure for pity. It is unlikely that anyone will want to deal with a pathetic entrepreneur;
  • Taking the conversation aside. A person who avoids answering any question arouses the suspicions of his interlocutor;
  • Using age or social status as an argument. “If you live to my age, you will understand”, “You, as an educated person, understand that...” - these phrases contradict the principle of equality and therefore are not appropriate in business communication.

Psychology of management in business communication

One of the main tasks that a manager sets for himself is to find ways to effectively and harmoniously manage a team. If the search is successful, then the work of subordinates will be united and, accordingly, productive.

Rules of communication

The more competent a person behaves in a professional environment, the better others treat him.

5 rules of communication in a business environment:

  • Focus on mutual understanding

Business communication has the goal of finding a compromise. It is customary to be ready and open to perceive and exchange information with a partner. It was unethical to provoke the interlocutor into conflict or avoid contact. Attention, respect and interest in the interlocutor’s speech is expressed in looks, gestures, and the ability to listen without interrupting.

  • Speech should be clear, intelligible, unhurried and non-monotonic.

In general, any extremes in speech should be avoided. When a person speaks too quietly, indistinctly, quickly or, conversely, too slowly, his speech is difficult to perceive, becomes incomprehensible and unpleasant.

In addition, if the subject speaks moderately loudly and extremely clearly, his partners get the idea that he is a mature person and a confident person.

  • Thoughtfulness of speech

The speech must be composed, or better yet, written down. Before starting a conversation, business people note for themselves topics and issues that require discussion. A report or public speech is built according to plan, the introduction, the main part and final conclusions, and results are written.

  • Ability to ask both open and closed questions

The answer will depend on how the question is asked. If the question requires a “yes” or “no” answer, the interlocutor will have to answer clearly; if the question remains open, he will have the opportunity to express his point of view. Questions that are too direct or tactless should be avoided.

  • Unacceptability of long phrases and complex sentences. Short, meaningful phrases save time and simplify the perception of information.

Compliance with all the principles and rules may seem problematic, but difficulties are overcome by working on oneself. The ability to communicate in a business environment comes with experience in business interaction.

Features of business communication

Features of management communication

Business communication regulates the order of organizational, technical, socio-legal events between the two parties. One type of interaction is managerial, in which business relations between a boss and a subordinate are observed.

Depending on the psychological data of the subject, it can be directive (authoritarian style according to K. Lewin) and democratic, reflexive and non-reflective. Let us recall that directives imply a dictatorship of leadership with the suppression of pockets of discontent among subordinates. Democracy is a joint solution to acute problems with the passing of a verdict by the authorities. But what does reflective mean?

Constructive criticism is important in management communication. It is constructive, that is, creative, and not destructive, destructive, disorganizing, reducing the quality of the manager’s work. Depending on the circumstances and personality of the person being criticized, it can be used in the form of reproach, concern, hint, demand, remark, warning, empathy.

Managerial communication in the activities of a manager

Previously, we examined the authoritarian style of business interaction and mentioned that this model is not so ideal, but not so bad either. It is a particular and not the only case of managerial communication.

How is it different from the first? First of all, it pursues the goal of satisfying the needs in the cognitive, motivational-emotional and behavioral spheres of both objects and subjects of management. The subject is a leader, a manager who gives orders, instructions, recommendations regarding further actions of organizations. But at the same time, he is obliged to receive and implement the wishes, advice and recommendations of his subordinates regarding the business process, and to help improve the working atmosphere. You can read more about the effectiveness of working with a team in the article “Effective Leader”.

An object is the addressee of the subject, the one to whom the requirements and conditions for achieving goals are directed. With the help of the forces of the subject, the coordination of activities is carried out, and the object – the production process itself.

What it is?

Business communication is interaction in the sphere of official relations, the purpose of which is to solve specific problems, achieve certain results, and optimize any activity. Moreover, each participant has his own status - boss, subordinate, colleagues, partners.

If communication occurs between people at different levels of the career ladder (manager and executive), then there is a vertical relationship, that is, a subordinate relationship. If interaction is conducted on the principles of equal cooperation, then this is a horizontal relationship.

It is business communications that a person carries out every day at work, at university, in schools, and in official institutions. This is the name for communication between teachers and students, bosses and subordinates, colleagues, partners and competitors.

Whether the interlocutor is familiar with the rules, forms and methods of such communications determines whether he will be able to achieve his goal. Partners must speak the same language (both literally and figuratively), understand each other, and have common social experience.

Memo for every day: key points

Judging by the significant amount of reading, it becomes clear how rich the psychology of business communication is. To systematize everything on the shelves, you should re-present a short course on key theses. Keep this reminder in your head; it will come in handy in many moments of everyday and professional life.

The concept of business communication includes the process and procedure for establishing interpersonal professional contact;

  • The ideal of business relations is mutually beneficial cooperation based on understanding each other and preserving the interests of others and one’s own;
  • Long-term relationships with one circle of people are more effective than short-term relationships with many;
  • Written and remote communication is not comparable to oral agreements and face-to-face meetings;
  • There are several models for regulating work interactions, and each of them has a right to exist.

Rules of communication in business

Logical thinking - what is it and how to develop it in an adult and a child

The rules of communication in business are based on the principles of business etiquette. The basic rules of culture and communication ethics are:

  • Respect. Any business interaction should be based on respect for colleagues, partners, clients and even competitors.
  • No familiarity. You cannot get personal, as this style of communication will be regarded by your partner as disrespect.
  • Listening skills. For a successful business, it is useful to be able to listen to your opponent.
  • Punctuality. The ability to properly organize time, understanding the time frame of one’s own and others’ work is a very important rule of the business world.
  • Discipline. A business person must be able to exercise self-control. He understands that at work there is time only for work, but not for anything personal and distracting.
  • Confidentiality. This means that the employee must understand that each organization has its own trade secret, which he does not have the right to disclose.
  • Telephone and Internet etiquette. Business communication cannot exist without telephone or Internet transmission of information and negotiations, so a business person must master the skill of this method of communication.
  • Subordination. In any organization there are management and subordinates, each of them has its own functions in the work process. Therefore, hierarchical business relationships are established between them, based on strict adherence to the distribution of roles and mutual respect.
  • Dress code. In any organization there are rules for wearing business attire that are followed by everyone. Business style focuses attention on the work process.

Dress code

  • Literacy. Competent speech and business writing style are highly valued, so thanks to them business communication is as effective as possible.
  • Stress resistance. For successful communication in business, such a quality as resistance to conflict situations is useful.
  • Tolerance to criticism. It is necessary to understand that everyone can make a mistake - this is normal, so it is better to learn to take criticism in a constructive manner.
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