How to resist hypnosis and protect yourself from suggestion?

Hypnosis is a method recognized by science for solving psychological problems of people and treating various diseases. But many people know the other side of the use of hypnosis - the criminal side, which is used by gypsies, unscrupulous traders, and other scammers. Therefore, everyone should know how to protect themselves from hypnosis and not become a victim of a swindler.

What it is

In simple terms, hypnosis consists of influencing one person on another through instilling in him specific thoughts and patterns of behavior. People often fall under hypnotic influence - as spectators or students, children or buyers from TV show hosts, sellers, and book authors. The basis of such influence is suggestion.

Human thinking has two roles - conscious and unconscious. Consciousness works all day, processing the information received online, and rests in sleep. The unconscious accumulates everything that happened to a person, what he saw, heard, felt, experienced, the entire previous part of life. The unconscious controls physiological functions, emotions arise in it, and behavioral patterns are built. Fears and habits hide in the unconscious. But it is most often impossible to directly influence your unconscious. And it is hypnosis that paves the way between the conscious and the unconscious.

The unconscious is constantly in an active state, but inhibition of consciousness activates it even more. The subconscious organizes all the information received, forms protective mental mechanisms: it displaces and erases something from consciousness, rationalizes something. This most important role of the unconscious in a person’s life provides almost unlimited possibilities with the targeted influence of hypnosis on it.

Every person is susceptible to suggestibility to varying degrees; it is inherent in his nature. Suggestibility is based on the direct or indirect influence of speech or mental impulses on the thinking processes, human actions, as well as the physiological and psychological functioning of the entire organism. These processes, habitual and natural, a person rarely notices and realizes the impact exerted on him, much less successfully resists it. And there is no point in opposing hypnosis if it is used for the purpose of teaching or healing.

You need to know how not to succumb to hypnosis only in case of adverse hypnotic effects, criminal types of hypnosis. The purpose of such hypnosis is to impose on a person, usually quietly, without asking his consent, a pattern of behavior or an idea that will benefit the hypnotist and harm the victim.

Traps of manipulation

Few people escape the attribution trap. When we evaluate other people and consider them manipulators, we tend to claim that this is their innate quality. And when we ourselves find ourselves in a similar situation, we say: “We’re not like that, that’s life. I did everything for the good and this was an isolated incident.” This is the key to the question of manipulation.

There are often situations in life when we are offered to work for free, overtime, or replace a colleague in his project. Or friends ask you to look after the house while you're away. Or family asks us to go somewhere we don’t want to go. These are all examples of manipulation.

Manipulation is a hidden psychological and social influence on an opponent to transfer the latter into an automatic state.

Simply put, everyone has a set of automatic reactions. And an experienced manipulator, communicating with us, finds a secret lever, launching them. After this, we begin to act according to the pattern without even realizing it.

Three important characteristics of this phenomenon:

  1. Manipulation is always hidden, we are not aware of it.
  2. It launches ready-made templates according to which we act.
  3. When we are manipulated, we always get something (money, free services, etc.).

Manipulation differs from pressure, deception or violence in that it is always veiled - we do not understand when we are being manipulated, but we begin to act. We ask: “Where should I sign? Where should I bring the money? When can I start? And at the same time, voluntarily, at our own expense and sincerely, we are going to do what the manipulator expects from us.

Who is easier to hypnotize?

The relaxed psyche of any person has the ability to submit to hypnotic influence. If he trusts the hypnotist and is able to concentrate his attention on the stimulus used during the session, he will be hypnotized. But statistics show that in practice only every ninth person in ten can be put into a hypnotic trance. One, for various reasons, resists immersion. Although this resistance is relative, and with another attempt it can be overcome. This often comes with the client’s growing trust in the specialist.

It is possible to identify groups of people in whom resistance to hypnosis manifests itself to a greater extent:

  • people under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • infants (they do not understand the effect of stimuli, their imagination is just developing);
  • people in extreme old age (imagination and sensitivity at this age are greatly reduced);
  • mentally ill;
  • skeptical and curious individuals;
  • people who laugh.

A person who cannot be hypnotized is a relative concept. This property often depends not on the personality of the person being hypnotized, but on the experience and skill of the hypnologist.

Psychotypes and manipulation

In fact, the strengths we cherish can become weaknesses. Because of them, we act according to a pattern, depending on what psychotype we belong to. There are four of them in total; knowing the characteristics of psychotypes, the manipulator can trigger one or another reaction:

  1. Hedonist. He can be asked to be visible. The main pleasure for him is publicity, the main hormone is serotonin, which is responsible for receiving pleasure.
  2. The caring person will be vulnerable through the vector of relationships and social mutual exchange. These people cannot be “divorced” by numbers or fame. They will only act for someone else's good.
  3. An independent person needs recognition of his uniqueness, flattery, and confirmation of his intellectual status.
  4. A traditionalist is not interested in anything new. He aims at the bird in his hands, this is his life strategy for survival.

What suggestion should you protect yourself from?

Anyone who believes that negative hypnosis is used only by gypsies is greatly mistaken. Of course, such hypnosis has long become a classic. The gypsy uses any excuse to stop the victim, achieves a state of trance and proceeds to suggestion (usually extortion). Of course, it is important to understand how to protect yourself from such hypnosis.

But the use of negative hypnosis in life is much wider. Using this method, they achieve the conclusion of agreements and contracts in the process of negotiations, impose business schemes, goods, and services. Hypnotic techniques are used by advertising creators and marketers, representatives of network companies, and those who conduct interrogations. Suggestion under hypnotic influence is effectively used by the creators of sects. And even in the love and romantic sphere, you can fall under the hypnosis of a skilled manipulator.

It is difficult for people to realize how often they find themselves in situations where they are being influenced. If the fraudster is an experienced person in the field of hypnosis and suggestion, it is difficult for him to resist. But there are ways to resist such ill-wishers, and a person who knows how to protect himself from hypnosis and manipulation will be able, if necessary, to protect himself from many troubles.

Preventing Hypnotic Influence

To prevent a person with hypnosis skills from influencing you, you must follow a number of rules:

  • you need to be wary and distrustful of strangers;
  • it is important to be able to refuse requests;
  • You should not allow someone else to touch you.

How to avoid individual hypnosis

Scammers love to put the victim in an uncomfortable position. They take advantage of the fact that people cannot refuse them. They indirectly force the target to make promises and enter into their position. Fraudsters may push or openly coerce the victim into making a desired decision during a manipulation session.

You can't tell strangers about yourself. An open emotional conversation leads to a change in consciousness, so it is better to hide your own problems, thoughts and feelings from strangers. Don't brag or share your plans with them. Your unpredictable and confusing behavior will confuse scammers.

How to protect yourself from collective hypnosis

It is almost impossible to protect several people from manipulation at once. It is easier to manage a team than one person. A crowd is characterized by the presence of a collective consciousness. She responds to suggestions that are skillfully hidden under good pretexts of kindness and understanding. The more people there are, the stronger their combined energy, so the risk of being influenced is higher.

To prevent hypnotization, you should try to avoid places crowded with people. In addition, you cannot come into contact with a group of strangers on the street who want to tell you something or sell a product. You must remember that in such situations you may be in danger.

How negative hypnosis works

Knowing what it is - criminal hypnosis, it is important to understand how to resist this influence, how scammers work. A criminal hypnotist sets his main task to concentrate the victim’s attention on something, put him in a state of trance and instill the attitude he needs. There is no need to put the victim to sleep or dangle a shiny ball in front of him. There are other effective ways to achieve trance:

  1. Overload the victim's consciousness with a long, quickly spoken phrase, rich in visual and auditory phrases. It is almost meaningless and looks like gobbledygook. For example, this: “You probably already guessed that yesterday’s cyclone, which brought rain from the North-West, had such an effect on my upstairs neighbors that all night I heard the owner and hostess walking around the room, constantly calling someone on phones, slowly pour and drink raspberry juice to the clink of crystal glasses.” The victim’s consciousness closes in on what has been said and begins to understand it, which allows the suggestion to be imperceptibly directed directly into the subconscious.
  2. Execute an extreme attack on the consciousness, or create a situation that is unusual and illogical for the victim. The scammer acts quickly to catch the victim off guard. For example, if the victim smokes, he calmly takes the cigarette directly from her mouth, takes a drag and just as calmly puts it back. Or, during a peaceful conversation, he grabs the person from behind by the neck and sharply bends him down. There are other techniques. The result of such manipulations will be a two to three second trance, used to inspire the action required by the fraudster.
  3. Overload one of the perception channels. For example, when negotiating, representatives of one of the parties sit on both sides of the person representing the other party, and at the same time convince the victim of something. The auditory perception is overloaded, the victim “floated.” This is a convenient moment to quietly induce the signing of a contract. Having come to his senses, the victim will not be able to understand how he agreed to sign obviously unfavorable conditions.
  4. Instill the required action during a long intimate conversation. A monotonous quiet monologue begins, into which key phrases are periodically inserted. The scammer highlights them by changing the intonation, volume of the voice, and its pitch. The victim is gradually immersed in a trance, but the highlighted key instructions become a command to perform the actions required by the interlocutor.

Having an idea of ​​the basic methods of criminal hypnotists, you can learn counter techniques on how not to succumb to hidden hypnosis and suggestion.

You can learn more about hypnosis and watch videos with examples of suggestion on the channel of psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valeryevich Baturin. For example, a video that gives a vivid idea of ​​gypsy hypnosis:

Why learn to resist hypnosis?

  1. If you know how to resist hypnosis, then in any situation you will be able to act based on your interests.
  2. When you resist hypnosis, you cannot be tricked into making an unnecessary purchase.
  3. The manipulator will not be able to control your actions and emotions if you know everything about hypnosis and master psychological defense techniques.
  4. If you know how to resist hypnosis, your savings are reliably protected from scammers.
  5. You will be able to protect loved ones from negative influences and recognize the attacks of manipulators.

How to recognize covert hypnosis

You can effectively resist hypnosis if you learn to quickly recognize a person who is trying to exert a hypnotic influence. Knowing the main signs of manipulation helps you avoid falling under hypnosis. These may be attempts by the interlocutor:

  • copy the victim’s posture, gestures, manner of speaking, adapt to the rhythm of breathing, speaking phrases at the moment of exhalation;
  • cause embarrassment, guilt;
  • constantly interrupt the victim;
  • overly actively involve in your problem;
  • force an urgent decision due to the inability to wait.

Please note: unnatural behavior of the interlocutor, fussiness, shifting eyes, and excessive gesticulation should also be on your guard. When communicating, you also need to pay attention to your personal feelings from the interlocutor. Of course, in the event of an extreme attack there is no time left for this.

Not knowing how to resist hypnosis, being under the influence of hypnosis, a person plunges into pleasant fatigue, drowsiness, and clarity of thought and the surrounding world disappears. The voice of the hypnotist comes to the fore and gives pleasure. If the victim could see himself from the outside, it would be a person with a relaxed, slightly pink face, a fixed gaze, dilated pupils, frozen in an unnatural pose.

Coping with hypnotic trance

The feeling of being put into a trance is familiar to every person. Under monotonous sounds or movements of objects, the gaze and thoughts are focused on one place. If you feel that your consciousness is switching off, if possible, you should immediately stop talking with your opponent. When you are unable to interrupt the conversation, immediately shake things up:

  • solve several examples in your mind;
  • sing a song;
  • remember all today's affairs.

In any conversation with strangers, you should be attentive and try not to prolong the conversation.

How to resist hypnosis

There are a number of rules on how not to succumb to hypnosis. Having an understanding of the main tricks of unwanted hypnotists, it is easier to recognize a person who is trying to exert a hidden influence. When learning ways to protect yourself from hypnosis and suggestion, you need to learn to firmly say the word “no.” It is important to train your subconscious to show maximum resilience in an extreme situation. To do this, you need to use auto-training to program yourself to be calm, decisive in any circumstances, and make clear and firm decisions. But you should never make decisions under pressure, especially fast ones.

Important: resisting hypnosis is akin to playing with fire. Even if attempts at suggestion are recognized, the strength and skills to resist may not be sufficient. The best strategy would be to avoid threatening situations or prepare for them in advance and mobilize your inner strength.

Protection from street hypnosis

It is better to avoid communicating with suspicious strangers and gypsies. It is better not to look into the eyes of such people, not to allow them to touch. When the hypnotist tries to adapt to gestures, posture, and breathing rhythm, you need to quickly change your position and slow down your breathing rhythm. If a conversation does start, you need to perceive it as critically as possible, answer with ridicule, inappropriately, and interrupt the stranger. You can even try to confuse the attacker yourself, for example, with a pre-conceived “home preparation”.

In the case of street hypnosis, the role of a pendulum or a shiny ball, which are often used to induce trance during normal hypnosis, can be played by other objects. For example, large swaying earrings or pendants of gypsies, bright scarves or other objects that they fiddle with. In order not to succumb to gypsy hypnosis, you need to look away from such objects.

In an unfamiliar company, you don’t need to talk about yourself or open your soul. It is better not to advertise your fears, interests, and weaknesses. In a dangerous situation, you can more successfully resist hypnosis if it is difficult for the fraudster to “calculate” the person.

If the path inevitably leads past gypsies or suspicious people, you need to concentrate and set yourself not to react to words, sounds, or body movements. In such a situation, dark glasses, headphones in the ears and a quick step also help. Calmness and lack of emotional reaction to what is happening will help you avoid becoming a victim of the manipulation process. It is by their violent reaction to winning that the “scammers” draw victims into their frauds.

Please note: collective suggestion is much more effective. By becoming part of the crowd that is being "processed", a person increases his chances of becoming a victim of manipulation.

Resisting suggestion during negotiations

To resist hypnosis and suggestion during negotiations, you need to concentrate as much as possible on your own goals. In any attempt to deflect them, you must stubbornly return the conversation to the right direction. If the feeling of impact is great, you can independently go into an internal trance, disconnect from the dialogue, and focus on a memory, event, or action. A good defense is a monologue within yourself. You can simply read a prayer or a poem, sing a song. The main thing is to weaken the efforts of the manipulators by breaking contact with them.

Effective defense is a mentally built wall that separates you from your opponents. You can even imagine how it grows, one brick after another. Or imaginary glass covered with raindrops for greater visualization. By plunging inside yourself for a short time, you can let the wave of suggestion pass by and continue negotiations.

A state may arise when it is difficult to overcome drowsiness or even when you do not want to leave a pleasant trance. To get rid of the effects of hypnosis, you just need to get up and leave. You can come up with any excuse or not explain anything at all. It may seem impolite, but the possible losses will become a much bigger problem.

How to overcome the hypnotic influence of a merchant

If a person is persistently advertised for a product or service, or forced to buy, he needs to focus on the question of who will benefit from it. Anyone who understands the commercial component of advertising does not give it a chance to influence the subconscious.

To get rid of the effects of hypnosis, you do not need to take information on faith, no matter how attractive, profitable or intriguing it may be. It’s better to remember once again where there is free cheese. In situations with intrusive traders, it is better to show your distrust in full.

A hypnotic effect can be exerted on a person even during interrogation. The detainee is immediately bombarded with questions in parallel with harsh suppression. In this way they get him to lose control over himself. Having succumbed to manipulation, the detainee, even if innocent, is able to sign any protocol and admit to something he did not do.

Protection against hypnosis is a complex topic and raises many questions. For advice, you can contact an experienced specialist, psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valeryevich Baturin on his VKontakte page.

In protecting against hypnosis and suggestion, a person’s attentiveness plays a huge role. It is important to recognize the very first attempts at suggestion and stop them. With a sudden feeling of trust in a stranger, an unexpected feeling of withdrawal into oneself, it is better to play it safe than to fall for the bait of a scammer. You can influence almost any person with hypnosis, the question is the availability of time and the level of proficiency in the technique. But a person armed with knowledge, with internal strength, attention, calmness, and prudence has a much greater chance of avoiding such problems.

Psychotechnologies of active protection

As practice shows, in most cases the hypnotist, having encountered a passive defense, stops attempts at hypnotic influence. After all, its main advantage is the speed of the onslaught, surprise, the choice of the moment when a person does not have time to figure out how to get out of the situation. In the time before the hypnotist repeats the assault, a person can, firstly, prepare the best response, and secondly, understand the true goal of the hypnotist and change the distribution of roles he has prepared. But for more aggressive hypnotists, there are active methods of defense. The main thing about them is the psychological attitude. You should not be shy to say (or make it clear) what you think or fear. The hypnotist usually exploits your desire to look decent. Therefore, do not be afraid to appear bad by saying, for example: “I’m afraid you are greatly exaggerating my merits (generosity, opportunities, abilities).” These words free you from shackles and allow you to use protective techniques. Active protection is applied in all cases, except for those when a person is dependent (official, material, related, etc.) on the manipulator. If passive defense is aimed at stopping the hypnotist, then active defense is to expose him. The fact is that hypnotic influence is a conflictogen, since it can lead to conflict, and active defense in this case becomes a counter conflictogen, not inferior, or even superior in strength, to the action of the hypnotist. According to the law of escalation of conflictogens, the hypnotist (immediately or later) will respond with an even stronger conflictogen, which will ultimately lead to an open conflict, which the dependent party is usually not interested in. Indeed, in addition to cases of direct dependence, there are also other factors: our upbringing, habits of observing certain norms of communication, in particular, avoiding statements that may offend the interlocutor. As a result, it is psychologically much more difficult for a well-mannered, intelligent person to decide on active methods of protection against hypnosis. In principle, active defense techniques are quite simple, there are not many of them. The main one is to directly, without hesitation, say what is bothering you, or ask for clarification: “What are you getting at?”, “Tell me directly what you want?” One of the main tasks of this type of protection is to make the secret (that is, the hypnotist’s intentions) obvious. This method destroys the hypnotist's script, but does virtually no harm to him. The potential victim is satisfied that she was not harmed, and the hypnotist understands that he will no longer achieve his goal. However, some hypnotists are very annoyed by this, so this method of active defense can be considered as a conflictogen, albeit a rather weak one. The next method of active defense is response hypnosis used by the potential victim. This is a very effective method because it takes advantage of the circumstances created by the initial actions of the hypnotist. What happens then? First of all, the person being hypnotized pretends that he does not understand that they are trying to hypnotize him. He then begins his game, ending with a demonstration of his psychological superiority to the hypnotist. In essence, this is a psychological blow that leads to the defeat of the hypnotist. But there is another way. Sometimes, if you feel that they are trying to hypnotize you, you can succumb to hypnosis. This is advisable when the damage from hypnosis is less than from the deterioration of the relationship with the hypnotist, or when you know how and with what actions you can compensate for your loss from hypnotic influence. This often happens, for example, in relationships between subordinates and managers and in general in situations where a person is dependent on a hypnotist. It must be said that hidden control carried out by a leader, if it is built skillfully enough, brings less moral costs to the subordinate than direct command. On the other hand, bad relationships, masked by external participation and care, are fertile ground for hypnotists. Therefore, sometimes it is more useful to expose true relationships, and the one who is not afraid to do this receives a psychological advantage.


Fraudsters posing as operatives - how to protect yourself

Earlier, former operative officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Ignatov revealed phrases exposing telephone scammers. He noted that the likelihood of a call from real police officers to clarify personal information

extremely small and explained how to talk with attackers posing as law enforcement officers.

Ignatov recalled that often in a telephone conversation, scammers introduce themselves as district police officers, operatives and investigators.

The former police officer advised asking the “law enforcement officer” to send an official summons, as well as his last name, first name, rank, position, work phone number and office number.

If they refused to send a summons, citing the urgency of the investigation, the ex-policeman advises finding out the address of the institution in order to come there in person. A real employee will have a workplace where he can “invite you for a conversation,” Ignatov concluded.

Source: Tape. RU

Gypsy hypnosis: manipulation algorithms

“Gypsy hypnosis” is a type of criminal hypnosis in which a psychological impact on the victim occurs without immersion in a deep hypnotic trance. However, the narrowing of consciousness caused by gypsy hypnosis provides a limited focus of attention, which ensures that the individual does not criticize his own behavior. With a temporary change in consciousness, characteristic of gypsy hypnosis, the person continues to carry out seemingly meaningful activities. At the same time, he is not aware of the fact that his mind is under “external control.”


In contrast to academic techniques used to immerse the client in a state of trance, gypsies use fairly simple methods of hypnosis to influence their chosen victim, which are the most suitable for manipulation in everyday life. Professional fraudsters always act according to a standard scheme, which allows a person aware of such a hypno-scenario to determine the intentions of the swindler and take timely measures to avoid deception.

Action 1. Preparatory stage

This step is not strictly necessary for gypsy hypnosis. Preparatory measures are carried out only in cases where the gypsies are planning a serious crime. Certain individuals from the Roma group, acting as “informants,” collect detailed information about the future victim. Their main task is to accurately establish the financial situation of the “client” and find out exactly where he stores his available cash. “Informants” collect information about where the person lives and who else lives in the apartment with him. They are also looking for information about the movements of their “client” in order to find out at what hours he is absent from his home.

“Informants” also collect details about a person’s life: important facts from personal history, the subject’s existing needs, existing difficulties. They try to find out what health problems the future victim and her relatives have. At the same time, they use information from different sources.

The “informant” can call a friend of the future victim and introduce himself as a classmate who now lives in another city. Stating that he will be passing through his city in the near future, he will ask for the “lost” telephone number of a “classmate” in order to organize a meeting.

The “informant” can collect information about the “client” by having a “nice” conversation with the grandmothers sitting on a bench at the victim’s entrance. He will not be too lazy to visit the clinic at the place of residence of the selected object to obtain information about the state of his health. He will establish contacts with the victim's friends to find out about the tragic events that occurred in the life of his “client”. Or he may “accidentally” find himself in the same company with the victim, where from the original source he learns all the details and details of the person’s life.

Action 2. Selecting or artificially creating the required conditions for deception

At this stage, manipulators choose or themselves create conditions when their “client” will be the most unprotected and vulnerable. Creating a certain atmosphere is an important component for a person to achieve the required internal state. Fraudsters are well aware that the subject becomes unarmed when he is under stress, experiences information overload, feels strongly expressed emotions, or feels completely safe. The following places are suitable conditions for conducting gypsy hypnosis.

Crowded, busy places where a person is in a hurry, becomes fussy, distracted, uncollected. These could be railway stations, bus stations, airports. Places of rest where a person becomes relaxed, carefree, fenced off from external reality. Such areas are quiet parks, cozy cafes, quiet beaches.

Circumstances in which a person simultaneously receives a huge amount of information from different sources. Such suitable places are supermarkets, markets, noisy highways. Some scammers come directly to the victim’s place of residence. At home, a person mistakenly feels protected, and his critical assessment of what is happening decreases.

Often manipulators independently organize the required situations. For example, a gypsy can make a person appear guilty and feel threatened with punishment. After this, the fraudster skillfully arranges an imaginary rescue of the object.

Action 3. Conducting a “diagnosis” of a person

The main task of this stage is to determine whether a person is suitable for external influence, whether he is ready to accept suggestion. Gypsies are experienced psychologists; they accurately determine a person’s psychological type. The most suitable objects for manipulation are people who are under stress or suffering from depression. Such individuals are focused on their internal sensations, fixed on negative experiences, so they are not able to adequately assess the situation. A gypsy woman can easily identify a person who has some difficulties in life. The following signs indicate that the subject is excited and worried, that he is ready for hypnotic influence:

○ quick, fussy movements;○ sweeping gestures;

○ inability to stay in one place;

○ head down, hunched back;

○ shifting gaze;

○ constantly straightening your hair.

Slowness of movements indicates that a person is depressed. Subject appears tired and exhausted. There is a dull look on his face. A bad mood is emphasized by unkempt clothes in gray tones.

Action 4: Establishing contact

The main goal of this stage is to establish primary contact with the victim and capture his attention. To do this, gypsies influence a person’s feelings, desires, needs, and aspirations. They cover topics such as:

○ thirst to dominate and lead;

○ the need to feel protected;

○ the need to be in comfortable conditions;

○ the need for understanding, empathy, sympathy from others;

○ need for self-affirmation;

○ selfish goal, thirst for gain;

○ desire to satisfy curiosity.

To establish initial contact, scammers use various tricks. The gypsy can ask the victim for help or, conversely, offer her “selfless services.” She can enter into a conversation, and the swindler will agree, express empathy, and convince of complete similarity of views. A fraudster can win the attention of a “client” with the uniqueness of her personality. For example: an avid theatergoer at his favorite performance meets a “soul mate” - a charming, intelligent woman who enthusiastically talks about the actors and director of the play. A man happily talks with a young lady on a topic that is fascinating to him, inviting her for a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. Having left for a few minutes to relieve himself, upon his return he discovers that both documents and money are missing from his wallet.

Action 5: Gain the victim's trust

This step is necessary for scammers in order to completely win the trust of the victim and deprive her of any doubts about the insincerity of her new acquaintance. The gypsy will try with all her might to gain the sympathy and respect of her “client”. To do this, she will use various tricks, such as:

○ demonstration of fearlessness, courage;

○ manifestations of deep sympathy and compassion;

○ showing that she urgently needs to “vent” her feelings;

○ staging physical suffering;

○ complaints about a series of life difficulties;

○ assertion that only she is capable of providing effective assistance.

Let's give an example. Some men will rush to protect and save a pretty woman who is being harassed on the street by a criminal-looking bully. As a result, the “saved” beauty, wanting to “thank” the courageous hero, agrees to visit his home. After the young lady’s visit, jewelry and all cash disappear from the brave rescuer’s house.

Another gypsy trick aimed at gaining trust is to inform the future victim that the gypsy knows all the details of her personal history, she is aware of current problems, knows about future troubles and can “selflessly” prevent trouble. Moreover, the fraudster actually confirms her words by telling the “client” such nuances of her personal life that are unknown to her closest people. The gypsy confirms her statements by correctly guessing the facts from a person’s life. To do this, she uses the following techniques.

Uses information received from “informants” in preparation for fraud.

Uses the data she received while conducting a psychological diagnosis of a person.

Applies heuristic algorithms - not always correct, but practical, useful solutions. For example, a gypsy woman claims to know the name of her future victim. At the same time, she pronounces the first letter “N”. The gypsy carefully examines the non-verbal signs that appear in the “client”. Having received nonverbal confirmation, she confidently reports that the woman’s name is Nastya. That is, she names one of the most common and popular names in the country, which begins with this letter.

Imposing non-existent feelings. This phenomenon involves the forced replacement of a person’s existing memories with other experiences. For example, a gypsy can assure that her client was in great pain and difficulty after breaking up with her boyfriend. Although the girl has never experienced such sensations, the words of the fraudster provoke mental pain in her, which is what the gypsy seeks.

Action 6: Focus on the problem

At this stage, the gypsy’s goal is to concentrate the victim’s attention on existing or imagined difficulties. To do this, the fraudster finds out the person’s “weak points” and then delivers a targeted strike. And in order for the problem to seem really relevant and serious to the victim, she puts on a real performance.

For example, she offers to tell fortunes for free to a young woman. She takes her hand, runs her fingers over her palm and first says very pleasant words. Like, she is smart and beautiful, an ideal wife and a wonderful mother. And everything in her life will be fine, only the gypsy sees black clouds above the head of the woman’s child. It was envious people and ill-wishers who brought fatal damage to the baby. The gypsy will report this with a tragic look, expressing sympathy and empathy. And then she will declare that she has inherited a special gift and can neutralize the damage caused. However, the ritual will not have any effect if it is performed free of charge. A woman disconnected from reality will feel fear for her child with every fiber of her soul and will meekly give everything to the last penny just to save her child.

Action 7: Making an impact

The first option for deception is to play on the victim’s feelings by focusing her attention on the problem and offering to solve it for a certain fee. This method is described in the example above. This method can also be made completely win-win if you also limit the person’s time. When the gypsy captures the attention of the “client” and tells him the terrible news, she may add that salvation will require a large amount of money, which must be collected and given urgently. By rushing and urging a person, the fraudster deprives him of the opportunity to reason sensibly and think logically. Lack of time does not allow feelings to calm down: emotions deprive a person of reason. This type of fraud is used if the chosen victim turns out to be insufficiently susceptible to hypnosis. For hypnotizable people, the gypsy will use fast-acting methods of inducing a trance state.

Due to the existing natural characteristics of higher nervous activity, any person is open to influence on him if his mind is focused on one idea. A person immersed in his thoughts, carried away by some exciting activity, is not able to quickly and adequately respond to external stimuli. There is a high probability that a girl who is passionate about the gaming process will hand the gypsy her wallet if she hears her say that her brother is very sick. However, to introduce a subject into a state of hypnotic trance, a person’s passion alone is not enough. It is necessary that a dominant focus of excitation arises in his brain, in which the functions of other systems become inhibited and non-functional. Numerous clinical studies have established that a dominant focus that has arisen in the brain can have an inhibitory and suppressive effect on all neighboring zones. In fact, the dominant subjugates the entire mind of the individual and directs his behavior, which corresponds to the essence of the dominant focus. Gypsies are well aware that a person ceases to control his thinking and behavior if the following phenomena and conditions arise during contact:

○ factor of surprise and unexpectedness;

○ severe fright, intense fear;

○ sincere sympathy and attraction to another subject;

○ sudden changes in external conditions: loud sound, strong smell, bright colors;

○ adjustment to the emotional state of the victim;

○ imperceptible imitation of human gestures.

During a deep trance, the “client” does not perceive any other signals other than the instructions received from the gypsy. A hypnotized person will not mind if her jewelry is removed or her wallet is taken out of her bag. If the trance is not deep enough, then the gypsy will use another method - she will begin to instill cause-and-effect constructions, for example: “Your generosity will save the life of a sick orphan.”

To put the victim into a state of deep trance, manipulators use the method of fixing a person’s attention on a certain external object. For example, when a gypsy touches the “client’s” hand, he fixes his attention on tactile sensations. The scammer will force a person to listen to her voice if she speaks too quickly and with an expressive intonation. The person will try to make out the gypsy’s messages if she expresses herself in unfamiliar and obscure words.

Fraudsters also use techniques to focus a person’s attention on internal sensations. For example, first the gypsy got the object to focus its attention on the palms. After this, she reports that along the lines of his hand one can clearly see pictures of the future. The person begins to peer more closely at the lines of her palms. Gradually, the victim moves into a fantasy world, moving away from reality. Such a narrowing of consciousness ensures a person’s complete submission to the fraudster.

You can achieve a special state of consciousness by updating your ideas with the help of leading questions. Well-thought-out appeals to the victim force him to revive certain memories. For example, a gypsy woman asks in detail about her last vacation, wondering what the weather was like there. Then she claims that it would be nice to take a break somewhere from the heat, to take a nap in the shade. A person immerses himself in his memories and becomes open to influence.

Another method that gypsies use is joining in a conversation. The scammer senses the right moment when the subject is animatedly talking about something. She enters into a conversation, assents, agrees with the person’s opinion, empathizes, and is interested in details. Thus, she immerses the person in the world of experiences, forces him to go deeper into his feelings.

The next method of hypnotization is breaking the patterned sequence of habitual mental actions and standard behavior. Eliminating the traditional algorithm of actions confuses a person, which allows manipulators to easily achieve what they want from him. To break the pattern, non-standard statements can be used, which, with common sense, seem comical. For example, a passerby is animatedly discussing something on the phone, a boy turns to him, brazenly declaring: “Give me the phone, this is a female model.” To interrupt the established order, gypsies use sharp sounds, unexpected touches, and sudden and strange addresses.

Manipulators also use another version of hypnotization - they cause a state of information overload in a person. This method is to maximally load all organs of information perception. The gypsy will try to keep the victim's gaze fixed on her face. At the same time, she will speak very quickly. Her phrases will be devoid of any logical meaning due to the deliberately incorrect construction of the speech structure. Thus, the consciousness of the “client” will be unable to perceive and process such a flow of information; due to overload, the brain will turn off control over the individual’s behavior.

Action 8. Suggestion

The fraudster is informed by the following facts that the previous actions were effective and the goal was achieved:

○ the victim is in a state of passion;

○ emergence of trust and sympathy on the part of the “client”;

○ turning off criticism of consciousness;

○ complete control over a person’s attention.

Having made sure that the victim is in the required state, the gypsy proceeds directly to carrying out the suggestion. The types of influence depend on the goal pursued by the swindler. For example, a program for euthanasia may be addressed to a person, and, having plunged into a trance, he will not show any resistance to the fact that valuable things are taken away from him. Another option for suggestion is issuing a direct order with a requirement to give up all available jewelry, cash and provide the code for a bank card. The victim can be programmed to perform some actions in the future in the name of the interests of the manipulator. For example, she will be “instructed” to gain the trust of some important person, after which she will be required to steal documents from her. Suggestions can also be combined with threats and persuasion, for example, the victim will be told that she has been damaged and will be required to pay for services to get rid of her. After the gypsy has achieved her goal, she can carry out a suggestion to completely forget what happened.

State after gypsy hypnosis

Amnesia for events that have occurred does not necessarily arise as a result of a suggestion to forget. Loss of memory of what has happened is a natural consequence of a person being in a state of altered consciousness, characteristic of a hypnotic trance. Loss of memory for events is the result of the fact that a person experienced intense emotions that reached the intensity of affect. After some time interval, the memory of the injured person is restored, but it is not possible to return the lost property. Another effect that occurs after gypsy hypnosis is cognitive dissonance. This is the situation when a person understands that he has been deceived, but he refuses to admit this fact. Therefore, he tries with all his might to protect and justify the fraudster. After all, it takes courage to admit your own gullibility and stupidity. The next negative aspect characteristic of gypsy hypnosis is the high probability of the victim receiving mental trauma. Experienced fright, the intense fear that the subject felt when communicating with a gypsy can initiate the appearance of obsessive thinking and the performance of protective ritual actions.

How to avoid becoming a victim of gypsy hypnosis: recommendations

A typical feature of people who have become victims of gypsy hypnosis is their superstitiousness. Representatives of current generations are mired in various prejudices: they sincerely believe in the fantastic abilities of magicians, healers, and psychics. Moreover, the superstitions of contemporaries are successfully reinforced by zombifying programs that are broadcast on the central television channels of Russia. The television program is replete with mystical plots and occult themes. As a rule, the “clients” of gypsies are people with a certain psychological profile. The most common people to get scammed are:

○ overly curious people;

○ insecure and notorious people;

○ open and trusting subjects;

○ persons who are not accustomed to taking responsibility for their destiny;

○ people who look tired and exhausted;

○ dreamy romantics;

○ suspicious, impressionable, anxious women;

○ persons who are inclined to trust all kinds of signs and predictions.

Accordingly, in order to avoid deception, it is necessary to eliminate the above-mentioned psychological “gaps”. However, there are other ways to counteract gypsy hypnosis, the use of which is effective due to the existence of a strict algorithm and standard manipulations. What to do to avoid becoming a victim of gypsy hypnosis? Follow simple recommendations.

Do not disseminate information about yourself. It must be remembered that the amount of income, health status, existing family problems are confidential information that should not be available to outsiders.

Every person should avoid staying in dangerous places and prevent risky situations from arising. If an object with an obviously criminal appearance is encountered on the way, the best way to avoid being deceived is to speed up the step and avoid communication.

It is necessary to look so that scammers will no longer have any desire to organize a scam. A self-confident person with an athletic build and an aggressive facial expression will not be chosen as a “client” of a gypsy.

The golden rule for salvation is to ignore the contact imposed by the manipulator. If a scammer offers to tell your fortune, you need to turn around and leave without paying attention to her. Even if terrible curses are heard, there is no need to react to them. Gypsies are a religious nation; they will not curse everyone they meet for fear of subsequent punishment.

You cannot allow a scammer to penetrate your personal space. You should not take anything from the hands of fortune tellers and extend your hands to them. To avoid becoming a victim of gypsy hypnosis, you need to avoid looking directly into the eyes of the scammers.

If you cannot avoid communicating with a manipulator, you need to turn on critical thinking and show personal initiative. It is necessary to ask the gypsy questions about her personality, address her with superiority on “you”, talk a lot and quickly. It is also important to gesture expansively and energetically so as not to allow yourself to be put into a hypnotic state.

If the gypsy has already begun to actualize a person’s problem, it is necessary to attack her, showing aggression. In a confident voice, ask for all the smallest details. Indicate that God will punish her for deception. Say any rude phrase.

If a person begins to feel that he is falling into a hypnotic state, aggressive behavior must be used immediately. Threaten the gypsy woman with physical force. Yell at her loudly, attracting the attention of others. Take the initiative into your own hands and offer her help in solving her problems for a fee, informing her that you are a bokor - a voodoo sorcerer and practice black magic.

If, nevertheless, a person has become a victim of deception, then it is worth at least trying to catch up and capture the fraudster in order to hand her and her associates over to the police. © psychologist, hypnotherapist Gennady Ivanov

● VK group “Hypnosis: training in hypnosis and reviews of hypnotherapy”

● Street hypnosis training

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