Erotic hypnosis - what is it? How to get an orgasm without touching your body?

  • Features of the emergence of love
  • Love Hypnosis
    • The mechanism of action of hypnosis in love affairs
    • Hypnosis for love addiction
  • Methods of suggestion in love affairs
  • Appearance
  • Confidence in behavior
  • Communication
  • Tactile contact
  • Countering love hypnosis
  • You can achieve your goals in various ways. The relationship between a man and a woman is no exception. A wide variety of means are used here. Love hypnosis is one of the control methods. With the right approach, suggestion can be an effective way to achieve goals in love affairs.

    Features of the technology

    The main principle of love hypnosis is the impact on the energy of the man whom the woman wants to attract. You don't have to be too beautiful or have a high intelligence to capture the attention and heart of a potential gentleman. Hypnotic influence provides enormous opportunities for achieving success.

    For those who have never tried such methods of influencing men, some aspects of love hypnosis may seem difficult, but they are not. The basis is always a woman’s ability to act competently, using both her own energy and tactile or visual contacts. All this together allows you to achieve your goal, which is the required man.

    What may be included in the concept of love hypnosis:

    • the ability to conduct a conversation correctly and involve a partner in this process;
    • a look that has a certain power;
    • movements and gestures that have a mesmerizing effect;
    • figures of speech with double meaning;
    • touching the palms, fingers, wrists, which can have a stimulating effect on the man you like.

    Stages of erotic hypnosis3

    How do hypnotists achieve power over consciousness? It turns out that they follow a certain general algorithm of actions. It consists of the following steps:

    • Negotiation stage. The client and the hypnotist discuss the ultimate goals of hypnosis and the boundaries of safety.
    • Induction. The hypnotist gradually introduces the client into a trance state. There are a number of techniques for this. For example, using special breathing exercises, or contemplating a specific object for a long period of time. Pendulums, metronomes, and sparkling objects are good for inducing trance. At this stage, access to the subconscious opens.

    • Deepening. As soon as the client enters a trance, the hypnotist moves on to techniques for deepening this state, and also directs the process in a certain direction.
    • Suggestions. The hypnotist now gets to the heart of the practice by explicitly manipulating the client's thoughts and feelings. For example: “Whenever you hear my voice, you feel the urge to obey my words. And it gives a very pleasant feeling.”
    • Return. The final stage in which the hypnotist can reverse some of the suggestions. For example: “You now come out of your trance and no longer feel submissive when you hear my voice.” The client gradually emerges from the hypnotic state.
    • Closing conversation. At this stage, what happened is discussed, as well as the compliance of pre-set goals with the results achieved.

    The general structure of hypnosis is simple. But the exact speech of the hypnotist can always vary, revealing greater possibilities for suggestion.

    Love hypnosis for women

    The popularity of hypnotic influence is especially high among women, as ladies strive for a strong marriage and a happy family life. While most men can get by with short-term romances, almost every woman wants to get married and gain stability in a relationship.

    Some ladies use the technique of attracting love not only to find a permanent life partner. For a certain type of lady, material well-being is more important, so the fair sex uses hypnotic influence for the purpose of enrichment. In this case, she strives to strengthen her material status, in which a rich patron attracted by love hypnosis can help her.

    The technique of inserting into a man’s subconscious can also be used to solve work issues. In these cases, the impact can be exerted on an influential person who is able to support the lady as she ascends to career Olympus.

    It doesn’t matter for what purpose you turn to seduction techniques. It is important that love under hypnosis can open the way to many joys of life and achievements.

    The main law of NLP

    There is a technique called “neurolinguistic programming.” In simple terms, this is copying a person’s gestures, movements, and speech and further modeling his actions. This is also a kind of love hypnosis. His technique is simple. This is what it looks like: the hypnotist sits opposite his “victim” and “adapts” to him. At the same time, he copies her movements: if she strokes the stem of the glass, he makes exactly the same movement, if she crosses her legs, he does the same. The second step is “breathing in unison.” The hypnotist, adapting to the victim, breathes with her. That is, when she takes a breath, he takes it with her, and when she exhales, he exhales. The next point is to tune in to the victim’s conversational style. You need to try to use the same words as she does. Thus, the tempter becomes closer to the object of his desire. These are the simplest principles of neurolinguistic programming (NLP).

    Impact techniques

    Among the most famous techniques are:

    • hidden injection;
    • speech traps;
    • anchor;
    • metaphors;
    • effect of surprise.

    Hidden injection

    This method is used to conquer a man with the help of a certain phrase, which is successfully said by the lady during the dialogue. A remark carrying love hypnosis must be pronounced after a pause, and there is a change in voice timbre, volume, and intonation. Gestures or soft touch are involved. Information that is “downloaded” into the subconscious of a potential gentleman must be formulated clearly and concisely. It can be an expression of feelings, desires, dreams or goals. The essence of the injection is that a person will not notice the effect, but it will definitely penetrate his memory and remain there for a long time.

    Speech traps

    Speech and a pleasant manner of speaking are very important, so many are interested in questions about whether such love hypnosis can work for men or how to control your voice for suggestion. Experts assure that no less important than the voice are the phrases spoken to the partner during communication. The replica should look so that it has a hidden meaning; it should contain a veiled desire or hint. For example, the phrase “It would be great to be with you and admire the starry sky” can serve as a kind of offer of solitude and evidence of a desire to be with your lover in a more romantic environment.


    This kind of love hook can be thrown into the target if you build tactics of positive emotions. Affectionate words, playfulness, etc. are suitable for this. For example, the phrases “I’ll meet you in your dreams” or “When I call you back, I’ll hear your pleasant voice!” Such anchors allow you to achieve positivity on the part of a man, and also make him think about the girl who sends these vibrations.

    A playful tone encourages a man to expect it again and again, receiving positive emotions even in his thoughts.


    This technique refers to the woman’s hints about the intimate nature of the relationship. She can create a metaphor that she was outside today and felt the wind, which reminded her of light kisses. Or she drank hot coffee, like a passion that could flare up at any second. Such metaphors are very popular with men, especially those who are sensitive and have a high libido.


    The surprise technique is aimed at surprising a potential gentleman, but this must be done wisely. You may suddenly demonstrate abilities that he was not aware of before (the ability to sing or speak English fluently). Leaving in the middle of a date can also be more unexpected, which will cause the guy to be shocked and want to figure it out. However, this method can also scare off a potential partner, so it is better to resort to it less often.

    Requirements for students

    To enroll in training, citizens of the Russian Federation must submit along with their application:

    1. Diploma of higher psychological, psychological-pedagogical, medical education and diploma of professional retraining in a psychological or psychological-pedagogical direction from 1000 hours.
    2. Document proving identity and citizenship.
    3. Certificates of change of surname, name, patronymic (if necessary).
    4. SNILS.
    5. Documents are accepted in electronic form (scan or good quality photo) in JPEG, JPG, PNG, doc, docx, pdf formats.

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    “Hypnosis techniques in psychological counseling”

    №ppName of disciplinesTotal labor intensity, in acad. hours Work of a student in SDOForms of intermediate and final certification (DZ, Z)
    LecturesTestingPractical lessons
    I. Section of general professional disciplines
    1Fundamentals of general psychology 49 35 4 10 Z
    2Psychology of Personality 44 30 4 10 DZ
    3Modern approaches and methods of psychological counseling 40 26 4 10 Z
    4Individual counseling 44 30 4 10 Z
    5Remote psychological counseling and diagnostics 29 15 4 10 Z
    II. Section of special disciplines
    6The essence of hypnosis. Dream theories 6 4 2 0 Z
    7Physiological and psychological functions during hypnosis 8 6 2 0 DZ
    8Techniques and methods of hypnosis 8 6 2 0 Z
    9Types and types of hypnosis. Hypnotic techniques 10 8 2 0 DZ
    10Indications and contraindications for hypnosis 6 4 2 0 DZ
    11Preliminary conversation and suggestibility tests 12 8 2 2 Z
    12Stages of hypnosis 10 8 2 0 Z
    13Ericksonian model of hypnosis 20 14 2 4 Z
    14Indirect suggestions and Ericksonian hypnosis techniques 16 12 2 2 Z
    15Hypnoanalysis 16 12 2 2 Z
    16Estabrooks dive test. Elman's methods 12 8 2 2 Z
    17Trance deepening techniques and post-hypnotic suggestions 14 8 2 4 Z
    18Concept of age regression method 6 4 2 0 Z
    19Techniques and strategies for using age regression 18 12 2 4 Z
    19.1.Age regression continuum. General characteristics of strategies for using regression
    19.2.Search for psychological trauma in the past (affective bridge)
    19.3.Techniques for creating age regression
    20Two-level age regression 12 8 2 2 Z
    21Honor roll - age regression resource technique 12 8 2 2 Z
    22Self-hypnosis 14 8 2 4 Z
    23Hypnosis against smoking, alcohol and drug addiction 10 6 2 2 Z
    24Hypnotic techniques for children 10 6 2 2 Z
    25Hypnosis in sports 10 6 2 2 Z
    final examination 14 Final interdisciplinary exam
    TOTAL 450

    Accessible, well presented material, affordable payment. Training can be completed at a time convenient for you. The webinars were excellent, very helpful. Lots of material and literature for additional reading. When questions arose, the staff and teachers responded very quickly. Polite team. Overall very satisfied!!!

    Skakun Yulia Valerievna, Sevastopol, 11/14/2021

    Everything suited me. Especially taking the course at a time convenient for me. In a convenient location (without going anywhere). There is enough material. There is a summary of educational material.

    Kotova Natalya Nikolaevna, Ekaterinburg, 11/10/2021

    My course is called “Hypnosis Techniques in Psychological Counseling.” I would like to say that, of course, this course is for psychologists, or rather, for psychologists with work experience. This is what attracted me when I signed up for this course; you cannot become a “psychologist from scratch.” There is quite enough material, there is literature that you can read, as well as many webinars. If you are not intimidated by distance learning and have enough self-discipline to organize yourself in your studies, then you will really enjoy studying here!

    Stroganova Elena Yurievna, Samara, 11/07/2021

    Completed training on the topic “Hypnosis techniques in psychological counseling.” The training program is structured very effectively, with only useful information and up-to-date methods of applying techniques in practice. After each block there are practical assignments, which is important within this discipline. I especially want to mention the teacher and course curator, Anna Mikhailovna Molokostova, for her efficiency and detailed answers to all the questions I asked about this course. Many thanks to the Academy.

    Ortega Elena Alexandrovna, Ekaterinburg, 11/05/2021

    Interesting, educational. Useful for work.

    Semenikhin Andrey Arnoldovich, Novosibirsk, 10/14/2021

    I came on the recommendation of my boss for training. My expectations were met; I really liked the content of the lecture and how the course was structured in general. Thanks to online learning, I was able to choose the optimal schedule for myself in order to study the material efficiently and pass the test.

    Shayakhmetova Oksana Ravisovna, Kamenka-Dneprovskaya, 09/18/2021

    Completed the course “Hypnosis techniques in psychological counseling.” I really liked the program. The educational material is compiled in an accessible, intelligent and talented way. I am very pleased and purchased three more courses. So I keep learning.

    Malysheva Olga Mikhailovna, Krasnodar, 09/14/2021

    Thank you I enjoyed the course. The information is useful and accessible. I recommend to all!

    Grishina Olga Alekseevna, Chaplygin, 08/19/2021

    Completed the course “Hypnosis Techniques in Psychological Counseling.” I was satisfied with the quality of the material and the performance of the platform. Technical support and supervisor promptly provide feedback. The lectures are quite in-depth, and each section also comes with a bibliography. Special thanks for the whole library of webinars with the issuance of certificates!

    Anisimova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, St. Petersburg, 07.21.2021

    Very worthy and complete course!!! Detailed from the basics to deeper knowledge, good presentation of the material.

    Morgunov Oleg Anatolyevich, Moscow, 05/15/2021

    Interesting presentation of materials, easy to understand. Practice assignments and tests help you remember the material. Convenience of installment payments.

    Nesterenko Natalya Mikhailovna, Murmansk, 05/04/2021

    A lot of useful information, interesting exercises and useful additional materials. Lots of new knowledge. I really liked the practical exercises, which I plan to use in my practice in the future.

    Ageeva Anna Romanovna, Ekaterinburg, 03/17/2021

    I liked all the material that was provided to help with learning. Everything was clear, accessible, and at a high level. All questions and difficulties encountered during the training were responded to as soon as possible.

    Melnikova Maria Alexandrovna, Salekhard, 03/26/2021

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    Ways to conquer a man

    In addition to bright and sometimes bold options for love hypnosis, you can try to interest your partner in other ways. They will help you:

    • sophistication of appearance and stylish clothing;
    • the ability to listen and conduct a conversation in a direction that would be interesting to a man;
    • eye contact, direct glances that will tell a potential gentleman about your interest in him;
    • self-confidence, which will help you stay on top even in the most unforeseen situations;
    • the ability to transfer initiative into the hands of a man;
    • tactile contact - touching a partner’s hand or wrist, combined with a direct gaze, a light gesture has a truly hypnotic effect.

    Goals of erotic hypnosis5

    So, why is this skill used in the sensory sphere? Let's look at a few of its main goals.

    • Elimination of fears and complexes associated with sex and sexuality.
    • Increased sensuality in a certain area of ​​the body. The hypnotist may, for example, suggest to the client that his most sensitive erogenous zone is the elbow.
    • Immersion in role-playing game. For example, before the start of a BDSM session, hypnosis facilitates a smooth transition into the image of a submissive.
    • Create certain exciting associations. For example, a hypnotist can suggest that certain words or objects cause him excitement.

    Protection from influence

    If you do not want to become a victim of someone's love hypnosis, you should know how to avoid infiltration into the subconscious. Eye contact should be avoided. If you feel direct eye contact, it is best to move them to your cell phone, to the side, or somewhere else. The main thing is not to let yourself be drawn into a staring contest.

    It must be remembered that you should not allow touching, which can also carry a certain meaning and be nothing more than an introduction into the subconscious. This is done not only by those who want to make a person fall in love with them, but also by scammers whose goal is someone else’s wallet.

    If you do fall under the influence of someone, you will need hypnosis treatment for love addiction.

    The latter usually means the impossibility of doing without a person, the desire to constantly be with him and the feeling of loss of meaning in life if the partner is far away. Such painful attachment requires therapy, and professional hypnosis for love addiction can cope with this.

    Hypnosuggestive practice has proven itself well - the work of a hypnologist together with a patient, which is aimed at healing from unhealthy passion for a partner. During the sessions, the specialist helps the victim move away from attachment and gain complete moral and emotional independence. The doctor changes the patient’s consciousness, thinking and behavior, allowing him to get rid of his condition. There is a gradual restoration of the personality and primary worldview that were lost as a result of the addiction that arose.

    Teaching methods

    1. We have developed an educational program for professional retraining of hypnosis techniques in psychological counseling so that training is easy without loss of quality. And the students underwent professional retraining to the end, and did not give up halfway due to the huge amount of information and difficult tasks. They could combine training with work or parallel education.

    • The course is concise, but high quality. Teachers selected the most important information for lectures and webinars, based on the requirements of professional standards, Federal State Educational Standards, and personal work experience. Theoretical materials are presented in clear language, in a concentrated form, without “water” and lyrical digressions off topic.
    • You can complete practical assignments, take tests and assessments at a convenient time within the study schedule.
    • We help students not to be afraid of tests, tests, exams. For example, we give 3 attempts to pass the final interdisciplinary exam. Tests in intermediate modules and disciplines can be taken an unlimited number of times.

    2. Students receive access to the distance learning system (DLS). During the course, they get acquainted with educational materials and complete tasks loaded into the LMS. Pass intermediate testing and final certification.

    3. We use several types of content for theoretical training in professional retraining programs.

    • Course materials – manuals, lectures on the program. The texts of educational materials are loaded into the LMS in the form of word files. It is convenient to work with them: copy or highlight the necessary information, download, print.
    • Webinar library. Each webinar is dedicated to one topic.

    4. Practical training of students is based on the study of typical working moments. We give creative tasks and teach how to draw up lesson plans that will be useful in the field.

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