Review of psychotherapeutic methods for weight loss: hypnosis, meditation, auto-training

If you don't have enough willpower to lose weight, hypnosis will help you. It will tune your subconscious to weight loss, and parting with those extra pounds will be easy and quick. Find methods of hypnosis for weight loss in the article.

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

The most effective method of losing weight, approved by all nutritionists in the world, is considered to be one that is based on proper nutrition in combination with physical exercise. But for most of those who want to lose weight, it is very difficult to withstand dietary restrictions or force themselves to exercise. To combat these problems, a variety of remedies are used to help reduce your appetite and improve your eating habits. However, none of them can increase the persistence, self-control and personal motivation to carefully carry out all of the specified actions that contribute to the achievement of set goals. The only such tool that can provide psychological balance and a sense of control over the weight loss process is hypnosis.

Hypnosis for weight loss involves the use of a hypnotherapist or self-hypnosis to introduce consciousness into a temporary state in which a person can independently control his appetite, correctly regulate eating habits and physical activity.

Hypnotic suggestion is widely used to give up most bad habits. It helps strengthen willpower and identify the root causes of your addiction, increase motivation, improve psychological well-being and gain confidence in the final result.

How it works

Hypnosis does not affect the physiological state of a person, but works with his subconscious. At the same time, a state of thoughts is achieved when losing weight becomes not only a desirable, but also a very realistic goal.

By influencing the subconscious, hypnosis during weight loss helps solve the following problems:

  • achieve relaxation, eliminate the causes of stress, which often leads to emotional overeating;
  • increase your own self-esteem by imagining your future transformed figure and consolidating this mental image;
  • form a positive attitude towards weight, get rid of anxiety and tune in to quickly achieve results.

Research in the field of weight loss has proven the effectiveness of using hypnosis as an auxiliary measure in a set of weight loss measures. It is recognized as the only method that can help people who lack the willpower and motivation to diet or exercise.

In addition, excess weight itself is often a consequence of psychological problems. The inability to control your appetite may be associated with chronic stress, nervous tension or other negative emotions. By eliminating them through hypnosis, you can solve the problem and prevent the appearance of extra pounds.

At the same time, certain positive changes occur at the physiological level:

  • the feeling of hunger decreases;
  • the craving for overeating disappears;
  • the desire to play sports is formed.

The effect of hypnosis is aimed at ensuring that food begins to be perceived not as a source of pleasure, but as a supplier of energy. It is this approach that allows you to change eating behavior and “reprogram” yourself to an active lifestyle.

Thus, under the influence of hypnosis, a person can more easily withstand any dietary restrictions, change his attitude towards sports and, as a result, lose weight easily and quickly.


Research has shown that a quarter of people cannot be hypnotized because of the way their brains are wired. And if you don't really want to lose weight—if, say, you've chosen this path simply because your doctor suggested it—hypnosis won't work either.

Other people for whom hypnotherapy may not be suitable: Anyone with a mental disorder based on changes in brain structure, such as schizophrenia. It is also not recommended to use hypnosis programs for people who suffer from epilepsy or have experienced a previous brain injury.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for using hypnosis for weight loss is obesity. In addition, this method helps to cope with a number of other problems:

  • bulimia;
  • emotional overeating;
  • inability to control appetite.

Hypnosis is a safe and harmless procedure that does not have any side effects on the psyche. Despite this, it has several contraindications. You should not undergo hypnotherapy if you have the following pathological conditions:

  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia;
  • borderline syndrome.

It is also prohibited to conduct hypnosis sessions for a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and with caution in case of acute somatic diseases.

Hypnosis with music

Musical accompaniment enhances the effect of a hypnotic session. A calm, relaxing melody helps to get rid of obsessive everyday thoughts. It is this situation that often causes failures during hypnosis. An important condition is to achieve a state where a person visualizes a pleasant picture of nature in front of him and does not think about anything.

Hypnosis requires quiet music

Music without noise effects and clear rhythms is suitable for hypnosis. A suitable option would be classic Mozart melodies or melodies that imitate the sounds of nature (birds singing, the sound of sea waves). It is important that listening evokes only pleasant emotions and relieves stress. Complete relaxation helps the hypnologist’s attitudes penetrate not only the patient’s consciousness, but also his subconscious.

Common Myths

The effectiveness of hypnosis for weight loss has long been proven, but many people refuse to use it due to the presence of many prejudices and fears. The most common of them are the following myths:

  • control over the body disappears - a completely unfounded statement, since hypnotic influence works only with the subconscious, without affecting physiology, and the attitude of “giving up junk food” will never be perceived as “not eating at all”;
  • you can lose consciousness - sessions are conducted in a relaxed state, which contributes to a better perception of attitudes, but the person is aware of everything that is happening;
  • there is a risk of not getting out of hypnosis - it is impossible to “get stuck” in a state of hypnosis, since the procedure does not involve introducing into a deep trance, similar to sleep.

If the belief in all of these myths is too great, resorting to the use of hypnosis for the purpose of losing weight does not make sense, since the main thing in such a procedure is a strong positive attitude and confidence in the result.

What is self-hypnosis

There is a technique for instilling various programs and attitudes into a person’s own mind, without the intervention of outsiders. This is called self-hypnosis. Using special settings, you will learn to temporarily put your consciousness into a state in which you can control your eating habits and appetite. There is a law of attracting something, for example, harmony, into your life, based on several principles:

  1. Only you are responsible for everything that happens to you. You yourself are to blame for the way your body looks, and you have brought on excess weight, whether consciously or not.
  2. The upbringing environment instills attitudes in you. Simply put, you won't lose weight until you stop watching cooking shows.
  3. You have enough strength to change your life. Self-hypnosis formulas will help you with this.
  4. You will be able to change the course of your thoughts. Self-hypnosis is nothing more than the introduction of new attitudes into the subconscious.
  5. You will achieve even what now seems unattainable. Start moving along the intended path and notice that your plans are being implemented step by step.
  6. You must create an image of what you want and bring it to life. The two strongest motivators for this are fear and love.

Types of hypnotic influence

Hypnotherapeutic sessions can be conducted either directly by the hypnotherapist or by the patient himself, as well as using video or audio recordings in both cases. In this case, the text can be listened to by the hypnotized person or pronounced by him himself.

There is quite a significant difference between hypnosis and self-hypnosis. In the first case, a professional works who is able to pull out the causes from the subconscious, find a solution to the problem and ensure the elimination of interfering factors. Only after this will it be possible to begin the process of losing weight. Self-hypnosis, on the contrary, is used throughout the entire period of losing excess weight as a supporting measure.


There are two types of hypnosis:

  • stage – used for staging tricks, the so-called games with the subconscious of people on stage (few people are susceptible to it);
  • therapeutic – used to treat various conditions.

Therapeutic hypnosis, in turn, is divided into classical and Ericksonian.


The procedure with classical hypnosis is performed according to the following scheme:

  • the hypnotherapist performs appropriate manipulations (monotonous movements, sounds);
  • the patient is put into a relaxed state (light trance);
  • specific guidelines are instilled in him (refusing junk food, reducing portions, etc.).

The information received is deposited in the subconscious and is perceived as the only correct one. After such hypnosis, many people not only switch to proper nutrition, but also begin to actively engage in sports, even if they have never done anything like this before.

You should not expect that a few sessions of hypnosis will help you get rid of all those extra pounds. It will only spur willpower, get rid of complexes and make you believe in yourself. And then it’s a matter of diet and physical activity.


This type of hypnotic influence is named after the name of its founder. Erickson argued that a person becomes susceptible to suggestion in a state of trance (sleep), but this suggestion must be done not directly, but in a hidden form using special techniques. This is the difference between Ericksonian hypnosis and classical hypnosis, which involves the use of clear guidelines.

The procedure scheme is also somewhat different from the previous, classical one. The patient is also put into a trance, but continues to have an active conversation with the hypnotherapist. One of Erickson’s techniques is to highlight key phrases with intonation, which is not noticed by a person, but is perceived by his subconscious. This technique also makes extensive use of metaphors, which are great for bypassing a person’s consciousness.

In the Ericksonian method, the greatest importance is given to self-hypnosis, aimed at developing a desire to lose weight. Therefore, you can practice it yourself using appropriate audio recordings. This type of hypnosis allows you to achieve successful weight loss through the formation of a conscious desire to switch to the right diet, to form the right eating habits that exclude uncontrollable appetite, especially strong night gluttons, which is considered one of the main reasons for weight gain.

Based on Erickson's method, you can develop your own weight loss plan. You just need to want and imagine the result for it to be achieved. Other types of self-hypnosis work on approximately the same principle.


Self-hypnosis sessions aimed at losing weight are carried out at home or in another quiet environment. You can accept a hypnotic attitude only if the subconscious is absolutely ready to perceive it. The effectiveness of hypnosis largely depends on the ability to enter a trance.

How to go into trance

To conduct a self-hypnosis session, you need to position yourself as comfortably as possible to ensure free flow of blood and also completely relax. It is advisable to enter a trance in silence, but you can also play relaxing music. The main task is to free yourself from all thoughts. This will not be easy to achieve at first, but over time it will become a habit.

Hypnotherapists recommend entering a trance as follows:

  • take a comfortable position;
  • place a pillow under your head;
  • relax for 1 minute;
  • Slowly close your eyes without moving your eye sockets.

If performed correctly, the eyelids should begin to tremble, and then a feeling of drowsiness will appear in the body.

Self-hypnosis techniques

After achieving a trance state, special words or texts are mentally pronounced - affirmations. They contain settings that allow you to specifically influence the subconscious with certain words in the appropriate sequence. The effect of self-hypnosis is achieved through constant repetition of weight loss instructions.

Affirmations should not contain anything negative. You cannot criticize yourself, talk about the harmfulness of any products; there should be no “no” in your phrases. Only positive words and a positive attitude will be most effective and will create the prerequisites for a successful fight against excess weight.

For example, if under the influence of stress you constantly want sweets, the attitude that sweets are harmful to your figure and you need to give them up is wrong and will not work. But the affirmation that you need to love yourself and always be calm will help you get rid of nervous tension and the desire to overeat with sweets.

Examples of correct affirmations for losing weight, which you need to build on when creating your own settings, are the following phrases:

  • “I know I can lose weight easily”;
  • “I eat as much as is required for satiety and a full life”;
  • “I only eat healthy foods”;
  • “My food is very healthy, it gives me satiation and pleasure”;
  • “I love myself, I want to be healthy and slim.”

It is very important to tune in to a positive attitude before a self-hypnosis session so that the spoken attitudes resonate in the subconscious. To do this you need:

  • imagine yourself with an ideal figure that evokes admiration from everyone around you;
  • give yourself compliments that strangers might say;
  • do not think about the difficulties associated with losing weight, about the time it takes to achieve the goal;
  • live an ordinary life without doubting the result.

It should be borne in mind that self-hypnosis will be effective only if it is performed correctly and regularly. You can set its frequency yourself, but it is recommended to conduct classes lasting 15–30 minutes daily or every other day. You also need to exit each session correctly - you need to do this slowly so as not to spoil the result and not cause a feeling of drowsiness.

The benefits of self-hypnosis are varied. The main thing is that you can start using it at any time, while saving a significant amount of money on hypnotherapy courses. Of course, only a professional hypnologist can provide the most effective normalization of weight, but in the absence of such an opportunity, independent self-hypnosis can be an excellent alternative to this method. This technique does not bring any negative consequences for the psyche, however, positive results are only possible if you firmly believe in your success.

Video and audio sessions

To simplify a hypnosis session, ready-made video and audio recordings are often used. These methods differ somewhat in their techniques, but work on the same principle: a certain setting is repeated the required number of times, which forces the subconscious to perceive it as its own.


A hypnotic video session is a kind of weight loss encoding that uses a combination of several techniques:

  • 25th frame effect;
  • built-in scale;
  • symbols-images;
  • NLP.

It is recommended that such stimulants be reviewed in the presence or advice of a qualified professional.


The use of audio recordings affects the subconscious in a slightly different way than other types of hypnosis. It is assumed that they alter the physiological processes of fat accumulation and normalize metabolism on a subconscious level. Audio hypnosis is completely harmless to the body, and at the same time ensures faster weight loss on any diet. Most often, audio sessions of Ericksonian hypnosis are used in practice.

Hypnologists and nutritionists are confident that losing weight under hypnosis in most cases pays off, since the main causes of excess weight are due to deep psychological problems. When negative emotions arise, food often becomes a source of pleasure, a kind of compensation for the experience. Only by getting rid of such dependence can one normalize body weight and eliminate the complexes associated with obesity. Eating behavior, changed using hypnotic influence in a trance state, can force the body to obtain the necessary energy from a significantly smaller amount of food, without storing fat reserves and without gaining extra pounds. In general, hypnosis is an accessible and effective way to correct weight, since it involves a person’s subconscious in this process, giving him the opportunity to take control of himself in order to effectively lose weight.

List of bariatric surgeries for weight loss

Effective diets, physical activity and other methods that solve the problem of excess weight do not always bring the desired result. This is due to the fact that most people are unable to eat healthy and maintain a regular exercise routine. The extra pounds begin to add up rapidly. It is no longer possible to stop weight gain with proper nutrition alone. To achieve weight loss, surgeons use several types of surgical treatment.

Gastric banding

It involves installing a silicone ring (band) on the upper part of the stomach. The organ is divided into 2 parts. Food first enters the first small section of the organ, passes through a narrow passage in the ring area and then into the main part of the stomach. Due to the bandage, food is retained in the first part, so a person quickly gets full after eating a small portion. Banding is a reversible manipulation; if necessary, the ring can be removed.

Gastric bypass

The essence of the operation is to separate the digestion in such a way that the food bolus immediately passes into the distal sections without entering the duodenum. The surgeon cuts off part of the stomach, forming a small pouch with a volume of up to 50 ml. The remaining organ is sutured - it is not removed from the abdominal cavity. Creates an anastomosis between the “new” stomach and part of the small intestine. Due to the shrinkage of the stomach, a person will not be able to eat the usual portion. Food passes through a bypass route, its breakdown and absorption of nutrients occurs much later than before the operation.

Sleeve gastrectomy – Sleeve

One of the popular and effective surgical methods of weight loss. During the operation, 80% of the stomach is removed by cutting off the fundus and body of the organ. A long, thin sleeve remains, which is why the method is also called sleeve gastroplasty. The volume of the organ decreases almost 10 times. The bolus of food, passing through a narrow passage, lingers in the stomach for a long time. The result is a quick feeling of satiety.

After treatment, the digestion process is not disrupted, because all the physiological valves of the organ are preserved. The operation is irreversible - it is impossible to return the organ to its previous size. Used in patients with diabetes mellitus who are 3rd degree obese. Has an extremely low risk of complications.


It can be called a modification of the classic vertical gastrectomy. The essence of the operation is also to reduce the size of the organ, but not by resection, but by suturing the walls. Part of the stomach is excluded from the digestion process. The treatment result is the same as with Sleeve surgery. The procedure is reversible within 12 months.

Biliopancreatic bypass

A complex operation that is accompanied by a large anatomical reconstruction of the digestive tract. Its goal is to reduce the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. At the first stage, the stomach is resected to a volume of about 200 ml. Next, the small intestine is cut off in the area of ​​the duodenum, and its final segment is sutured to the “new” stomach. The other is to the area where the small intestine transitions to the large intestine.

As a result of a complex operation, the food bolus goes one way, and the digestive juices go another. They are found almost at the exit into the large intestine. The effect of treatment is very high - patients achieve rapid weight loss. As a result of treatment, the amount of food eaten is reduced due to gastric resection, and the absorption of nutritional components decreases.

Gastric ballooning

Unlike previous methods, it is not an operation - it is performed not laparoscopically, but endoscopically. The procedure gives a short-term effect. The essence of ballooning is to install a silicone ball filled with a solution that is safe for the body into the stomach. Using an endoscope, it is inserted into the stomach and filled with liquid through a valve.

Being in the organ, it occupies most of it, which does not allow a person to eat much. The balloon is pressed against the walls of the stomach and activates satiety receptors, quickly suppressing the feeling of hunger. The procedure is reversible; after six months the ball must be removed or replaced with a new one.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Larisa, 29 years old, Cherepovets

I believe that you should resort to the services of a hypnotist in very extreme cases, when the situation is truly critical. As long as excess weight is not a life-threatening problem (well, with the exception of extreme obesity), I am not going to let someone else into my subconscious because of it. How can I be sure of the original result if I don’t know what’s going on there? But my sister views this completely differently. Six months ago I took a course in hypnosis. According to her, she felt improvement after 5 sessions, her appetite noticeably decreased and, most importantly, overeating stopped due to cravings for sweets. The weight loss was not very fast, but the weight has been maintained for several months.

Aida, 48 years old, Moscow

Hypnosis has become a real salvation for me. After 45 years, I began to gain weight sharply, nothing helped. I cannot refuse food and especially various desserts; I have absolutely no willpower. Therefore, it was impossible to cope with the problem with any diet - I immediately broke down for 2-3 days. When I came to the first session, the hypnologist immediately began to find out the reasons for the excess weight and asked my opinion. Then I created a special program taking into account the fact that I have an increased craving for sweet foods. Thanks to this approach, this problem decreased significantly after the first session, and after the third I even stopped paying attention to chocolates and buns. Now I regularly continue to consult by phone, and for free. If anyone doubts the effectiveness and safety, do not be afraid, this is the most effective and harmless way to lose weight.

Lyudmila, 21 years old, Vologda

After maternity leave, I couldn’t lose weight for a long time. There was neither the opportunity, nor the strength, nor the desire to go on strict diets that would force you to starve, much less go to fitness clubs. I was already desperate to ever return to my previous weight. Therefore, I immediately agreed to try self-hypnosis when a friend recommended affirmations. To be honest, I didn’t really believe that basic self-hypnosis would help in any way, but there was still hope. I repeated the phrases every day, for about 20 minutes. After them, I began to notice that it became psychologically easier to comply with dietary restrictions, I learned to control my appetite. Thanks to this, the weight finally shifted – by the end of the first month I lost 5 kg. Therefore, I recommend trying it. There won't be any harm for sure.

Is it possible to lose weight at home?

Weight loss activities can be carried out at home if there are no serious problems with physical and mental health. Before you lose weight, you need to undergo the necessary set of examinations and find out the state of the endocrine system.

In the presence of endocrine disorders, all treatment methods (including hypnosis for weight loss) must be agreed upon with an endocrinologist.

To achieve optimal results, you will need to rebuild your lifestyle, eliminate bad habits and acquire useful ones. Here's what you need to give up first:

  • consumption of alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • smoking;
  • watching TV shows on the couch with food;
  • going to the supermarket when you are hungry (there is a high probability of buying an excessive amount of food).

Learning to live without stress

To lose weight, you will have to acquire the necessary healthy habits:

  • daily morning exercises;
  • a sufficient amount of clean artesian water;
  • fruits and berries for dessert;
  • satisfying hunger with an impressive portion of salads made from fresh vegetables and herbs (the amount of protein food should be several times less);
  • fresh olive and linseed oil;
  • snacking on nuts and seeds;
  • If possible, walk to work (at least part of the way);
  • access to the upper floors without the help of an elevator.

If you follow these rules, you can really achieve an effect. Hypnosis for weight loss with this lifestyle will reduce the stress load on the body and relieve emotional tension and stress about giving up your favorite foods.

Reviews from doctors and specialists

Valery Savelov, hypnologist, Moscow

Hypnosis is not as simple as it seems. The human subconscious is like a small child, that is, it perceives everything said directly and unambiguously. Having received some unrealistic goal, for example, “get rid of 15 kg in a week,” it will look for the easiest way to fulfill it. It could be persistent diarrhea or even something more serious. Therefore, a professional hypnologist always carefully monitors the environmental friendliness of his suggestions, so as not to accidentally harm the patient’s health. In general, before conducting hypnosis sessions for weight loss, it is better to try to independently switch to proper nutrition and moderate physical activity. After several months of a healthy lifestyle, the results may be such that nothing else needs to be done.

Snezhanna Vasilyeva, hypnotherapist, Kirov

The essence of Ericksonian self-hypnosis in terms of weight loss comes down to the fact that a person develops an awareness of the need to lose weight. Not just a desire, but a meaningful desire, which becomes a fixation for him. Very often, traditional weight loss turns out to be ineffective, since in its process opposing stimuli may appear, leading to breakdowns. Under the influence of self-hypnosis, the subconscious mind is tuned to enjoy healthy dietary products or sports training, which does not allow you to give up. In other words: if you want to lose weight by optimizing your diet, you first need to develop strong motivation and only then start taking action. This is what Erickson's methods are aimed at.

Review of reviews on the effectiveness of the considered methods of refusing food

Having analyzed reviews of weight loss using hypnosis, it can be noted that this is a fairly effective method of combating excess weight. For example, one woman says that, living in a constant bustle at home with children and at work, she simply lost control of herself and meals turned into constant snacking. You just had to devote a little time to meditation and auto-training to start holding back. So in two months she managed to lose 3 kilograms.

Almost all reviews point to the most effective hypnosis session. And this is true: after all, if he helped a person, then this is the ideal solution for him. Some people like to study alone, while others prefer to communicate and listen to specialists.

Many argue that physical activity and proper nutrition are necessary along with hypnosis.

Cost of obesity coding

The price of hypnosis to get rid of obesity varies depending on the city, the reputation of the clinic, the qualifications of the specialist and other factors. Check out the cost of the service:

Center name Price in rubles
Clinic "Doctor Sun" Session – 4000, consultation – 2000
Clinic "VERAMED" 5 sessions – 22500, 7 sessions – 31500
Slim Girls 3500
Psychotherapeutic Center of Doctor Guzhagin 7000–15000
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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