How to attract good luck into your life using magic, psychology and feng shui

The article explains:

  1. Differences between lucky people and unlucky people
  2. 3 Science-Based Ways to Attract Luck into Your Life
  3. Psychological programming for good luck in your life
  4. How to attract good luck into your life using Feng Shui
  5. 5 rules for attracting money and luck into your life
  6. Final tips to help you attract luck into your life

Everyone dreams of knowing how to attract good luck into your life and greet every day with a sincere smile. Just imagine how beautiful the world would be if luck always accompanied us in all our endeavors. Everyone would certainly be successful at work, happy in relationships, always full of energy and strength.

However, we all attract luck to varying degrees. We will tell you why this happens and how to correct the situation in our article today.

Differences between lucky people and unlucky people

Everyone will agree that Fortune bestows upon some people in full, while passing others by. The capriciousness of Lady Luck has long worried the minds of both poets and scientists. For example, one of the English professors of psychology, while studying this topic, was able to identify a pattern on how to attract luck into your life.

The English scientist and author of The Luck Factor, Richard Wiseman, conducted research on the principles of luck and failure.

During them, the professor found out that lucky people are open to the world and show friendliness to others to a greater extent than those who cannot boast of success in business. According to Wiseman, it is extroverts who have the greatest chance of being favored by Fortune.

Those who are inclined to see the world only in black and gray tones and are immersed in negative thoughts often miss happy opportunities.

The scientist conducted some rather interesting experiments. For example, he tried to find out how much influence anxiety has on mindfulness. To do this, he divided the subjects into two groups. The first group was asked to follow the movement of a dot in the center of a computer monitor. When, after some time, additional dots appeared in the corners of the display, almost all those tested noticed this. The second group was given a condition: they received a monetary reward for focusing on the central point. As a result, more than one third of the subjects did not see the additional dots, that is, being anxious due to the desire to get money, they became more inattentive.

The conclusion of this study is quite simple: anxiety allows you to focus on only one task, while limiting your vision of additional details.

Unsuccessful people often miss opportunities to improve their affairs because their thoughts are consumed with finding a solution to a single problem. While the lucky ones are open to new ideas.

In another experiment by Wiseman, subjects were asked to count the number of photos in a newspaper. For the unlucky people, it took about two minutes. The lucky ones managed it in a few seconds. The secret was that the inscription on the second page of the newspaper read: “You can no longer count the photographs - there are 43 of them.” The lucky ones saw and read these lines, that is, they showed a higher degree of attentiveness.

Lucky people have a positive and optimistic approach to life. If something doesn’t go according to plan, they try to find their advantages in it.

Magical ways to attract good luck

There is no need to go to magicians, fortune tellers and witches - this is just good advice. Try homemade spells that have been tested by millions of people over several centuries. For them to work, you need to sincerely want it, clear your head and heart of grievances, mentally apologize to everyone for your mistakes and follow the recommendations. As an example, let’s take the following conspiracy: “I opened the doors, called luck, I will live beautifully, cheerfully, happily.” They read it with three lit church candles, fumigating the room with incense.

How to attract good luck into your life using Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the Taoist teaching of living in harmony with the world through balance in the energy flows between man and nature. In simple words: for success in everything, things in the house must be in the right places.

1. Using a compass, find the eastern part of your home - this is the success zone. Place good luck talismans and more indoor plants there.

2. If you are looking for an apartment to move to, then consider offers with high ceilings - energy circulates better there.

3. Your home should be well lit. If there is not enough daylight, then buy more lamps.

4. Don't hoard unnecessary things. Give them to those in need - this way you will receive a double influx of energy.

5. No need to sleep with your back to the door. Rearrange the bed if necessary.

6. Do not place mirrors above the bed - they repel good luck.

Attracting good luck with the power of thought

Lying on the couch and starting to dream is, of course, great! But this is not enough. Dreams and desires must be supported by deeds. Moreover, they must be positively expressed, real (for your reality - someone can imagine that they are holding a million dollars in their hands, while for others a hundred thousand seems like a fantastic amount) and correctly formulated. Making wishes:

  • Don't use the particle "not".
  • Don’t think about the path to making your dreams come true – you should only be interested in the ending.
  • Think about your goal as often as possible.

A great way to attract good luck is to use affirmations. These are phrases, the utterance of which (mentally or out loud) directly connects us with the Universe, giving it specific “commands”. Affirmations should be said immediately after waking up, before going to bed and throughout the day. You can use other people’s “blanks” or create your own. Please note that phrases are constructed only in the present tense:

  • I deserve good luck.
  • I am worthy of success, luck and money .
  • I am always lucky in everything.
  • I attract luck and money.
  • I thank the Universe for being lucky.

Use no more than five phrases. They can relate to any area that you want to “pump up” (success, health, wealth, love, etc.). Say affirmations like powerful, energizing prayers. The main condition for their work is unshakable faith. Skeptics who decide to test the effectiveness of affirmations have no chance of changing their lives for the better using this method.

Talismans and signs for good luck

Probably every person has a sign that he believes in. Some cross the road when they encounter a woman with an empty bucket or a black cat. Others carefully remove the spider from their clothes, which, as is known, is “for money.” Still others rejoice by accidentally breaking dishes. Still others are looking for a banknote with their initials in the serial number, or they are wearing “lucky” clothes on an important day. Why not? Belief in omens, if it brings peace and confidence in the success of upcoming events, is justified and even useful.

Talismans and amulets “for good luck” have enormous energy potential, so you need to acquire them wisely. The best amulets are those made with your own hands or received from individuals whose love for you is undeniable (for example, from your mother). When choosing minerals, a type of wood or a coin for a talisman, you should thoroughly study their beneficial and negative properties.

The most significant stones in attracting success are aventurine, olivine and lapis lazuli. A money tree grown with your own hands from a sprout taken from the home of a successful person can act as a talisman. Images of a unicorn and figurines of elephants, horseshoes over the front door and four-leaf clovers work great, but only if you put the right meaning into them and do not allow doubts about their effectiveness.

Final tips to help you attract luck into your life

  • Be inspired by the little things around you. The more positive moments there are around you, the faster positive changes will come.
  • If you watch films, then only positive and wise ones. Stories from films can teach you a lot, lift your spirits and help you believe in yourself. Ignore thrillers, horrors, dramas - there are plenty of bad stories in everyday life. There is no need to absorb unnecessary negativity.
  • Learn to trust and listen to your intuition. If you want to attend an event, then be sure to go. And at the same time, drive away the thoughts that you, for example, are not a representative of the society that will be there. One must not only desire the inaccessible, but also try to come into contact with it.
  • Learn to leave your comfort zone. Without making efforts, you will not achieve high peaks. But at the same time, remember about your intuition: if it signals that you don’t need to do something, then don’t do it. The main thing is not to confuse these signals with banal attacks of laziness. Know how to listen and hear yourself.

So, any final words of advice for you? Some people are said to be “born with a silver spoon in their mouth,” meaning that all benefits are available to them from birth. If you are not one of those, then it is not the fault of your parents or life circumstances. You and only you are responsible for your happiness.

Website editors

Lucky omens with birds and other living creatures

Know that if you hear a cuckoo, it is probably a great luck, especially if the bird is cuckooing to your left. This sign says that in addition to a successful combination of circumstances, events will result in material benefits, even big money. Therefore, do not rush to ask the cuckoo how long should I live, but pay attention from which direction the sounds of cuckoo are coming from. Another lucky bird is the magpie, but to catch a good moment, it must sit and not fly. Unlike the stork and the eagle, which promise good luck if they are seen soaring in the heights.

It is considered a lucky omen to meet three nuns. Moreover, they can either walk or stand in one place; this does not matter at all to obtain a lucky fate. The day will go well if the first person you meet on the street is a child; It would also be a lucky coincidence to meet a pregnant woman first. Probably the most famous sign is to cross the road with buckets. And whether the buckets are full or empty, events will depend on this: they will turn out to be lucky or not so lucky.

In any case, if you are crossed with full buckets, you should definitely expect gratitude, a salary increase or a bonus. In case of empty buckets, the lucky bird will fly past you, leaving you behind its tail. And then you should count on a negative outcome in situations on a particular day. The sign of empty and full buckets is not very powerful, so it can be easily interrupted by another sign. To do this, you can knock on wood or use the energy of the talisman that you have with you.

Success training.

A person, if desired, can learn from others how to attract good luck. To do this, he needs to gain thematic knowledge. Fortunately, thousands of books have been written on this topic. There are many educational video or audio materials on the Internet. Seminars, trainings, and lectures on success are also regularly held. Those who have such an opportunity hire coaches and business trainers. Others study the topic on their own, practicing as they see fit. The main thing is that everyone who has access to the Internet or the nearest library has this opportunity.

Among the most famous authors who dedicated their books to success:

  • Stephen Richards Covey - "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People";
  • Napoleon Hill - "Think and Grow Rich";
  • Dale Carnegie - “How to Win Friends and Influence People”;
  • Hal Elrod - "Magic of the Morning";
  • Brian Tracy - "The Personality of a Leader."

The list is not complete, but for starters, it’s worth reading at least these books. The list of authors who have prepared books explaining how to attract good luck to yourself is impressive. These include Richard Branson, Robin Sharma, John Maxwell, Timothy Ferris, Robert Kiyosaki and many others.

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