How to become more feminine: 23 practical tips and recommendations

Many people have probably thought about how to become more feminine. A girl who looks like a fairy - soft, light, fragile, affectionate, well-groomed, radiant... The portrait of such a woman can be described for a very long time, because the feminine energies developed in her make her a real goddess in the flesh. Of course, everyone has their own ideas about the ideal woman, but, perhaps, femininity is present in each of them. Unfortunately, now many female representatives suffer from the fact that masculine qualities are more developed in them: determination, perseverance, iron grip, authoritarianism, the desire to subjugate, control everyone, etc. So they gradually, without noticing it, lose their feminine nature. This is not their fault, because the modern world dictates its own rules to us: “You need to be successful!”, “You need to earn money!”, “You need to build a career!”. Many women are now developing, fighting for their rights, striving for equality with men. But in the pursuit of all this, their femininity often weakens. Therefore, so that your inner man does not completely absorb you, and also does not make you a “man in a skirt,” you need to nourish your feminine energies. In this article I will tell you in detail what ways you can become more feminine.

Cultivate love within yourself

A woman is energetically strong when love lives in her. I'm not talking about love for a man now. First of all, develop love for yourself and the world around you. Stop criticizing everyone, feeling angry, offended, envying, throw away your grievances. Without an inner feeling of love, you will be empty, and accordingly, you will not be able to give anything to your loved one, family, or children. On the contrary, you will begin to “vampire” their energy through quarrels, scandals, and claims. This will especially affect your man. He may lose financial success or become ill. A woman by nature gives love. This is where her strength lies. Try to start practicing a warm attitude towards everything that surrounds you, and then you will see how you become softer and calmer.

"Mom" technique

The first woman you meet in the world is your mother. She shows care and love, sets an example of attitude towards men and life, gives a feeling of self-confidence and trust in the world.

But what if the mother was busy: she worked two jobs, did household chores, raised three children, did not respect men?... Perhaps she did not have the time and energy to pass on to her daughter the skills to be soft, flexible, feminine, sexy. This does not mean that you need to be angry with your mother for leaving such a burden and layer to work on yourself.

The first step to gain the skills of womanhood is to accept your mother. With its shortcomings, fears, shortcomings. Then you will be able to let in the energy of love that connects you with Rod

Relationship test with mother

Answer the questions “yes” or “no”:

  • Do you fully accept and love your body?
  • Do you enjoy life and know what you want?
  • Do you easily realize your desires?
  • Are you healthy on the female side?
  • Do you feel like a queen in a relationship with a man?

If you answered “Yes” to all the questions, then I am glad to congratulate you, wish you happiness and ask you to share your secrets of femininity.

If you can’t answer all the questions in the affirmative, then there is something to work on. Start with your relationship with your mother and feminine gender. How? Through meditation and exercise. If mom is alive, improve the quality of communication, talk about intimate topics, hug her more and take care of her. You can ask about her personal experience, share your worries and fears, and ask for advice.

If your mother is no longer alive, ask her forgiveness for all conscious and unconscious grievances and disappointments, forgive her and yourself for not being able to build a harmonious relationship.

Mom gave you life, the opportunity to visit this world, develop and express yourself. Say thank you to the most valuable woman in your life!

Chat with your friends

It is extremely important to communicate with other girls to reveal your feminine energies. That is why a woman should not be prohibited from communicating with her friends and sisters. You've probably noticed yourself how sometimes we really want female communication, and how good we feel after it? This is because at first we experienced a lack of feminine energy, and then we made up for it.

What does "femininity" mean?

After studying Ozhegov’s dictionary, you will learn that femininity is softness, tenderness, and elegance. Many people do not have these traits, while others deliberately refuse them. Example: a girl who dreams of getting married really wants to become feminine. A person who has 100 people under her command is trying to look confident and stern.

Wikipedia says that you can become feminine by having a number of certain qualities: tenderness, emotionality, fidelity, fragility, sincerity.

If you ask any man whether he likes faithful, gentle women, he will probably answer positively. Fragility and emotionality are less in demand. More often, a man looks at external attractiveness, which is part of femininity. Usually such girls evoke a feeling of awe and respect. They try not to swear in front of them; they want to protect them and show care.

Many of us understand that becoming feminine means gaining strength. Quality does not need to be artificially portrayed - it is given to women by nature, just learn to develop it.

Go to beauty salons and spas

A woman’s body simply needs massage, first of all, for her health. It needs soft tactile contact, because... Thus, it improves the circulation of not only blood circulation, but also energy. This is why after a massage a person feels so good. Don't forget about manicure, facial and hair care. All this is not just a woman’s whim or whim. This is the basis of her psychological health and self-esteem. Self-care always gives a woman pleasure, and this is important. Don't forget to enjoy your bath without rushing. Give yourself at least half an hour to soak in the bath with soft foam and drops of aroma oils.

Let's sum it up

Femininity is a girl’s natural state. But social stereotypes, distorted perceptions, fears, and anxiety block it. Use the advice of a psychologist on how to develop femininity in yourself, and you will see how your life becomes fulfilling, harmonious, and happy.

An integrated approach speeds up the process. For example, in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness” I give many exercises aimed at removing psychological blocks, realizing one’s attractiveness and self-sufficiency.

Girls, let's play! How would you rate your femininity on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is completely unfeminine and 10 is so feminine that Aphrodite is jealous? Answer in the comments.

Develop grace and elegance

Purely female activities will help with this: stretching, strip plastic, yoga, oriental dancing, etc. It is very important to engage in sports or dancing that will bring you joy. It is advisable to exclude a male environment during classes. Because it is in the women's circle that your energies grow and develop.

By doing all of the above, you will already be on the conscious path of female transformation. Of course, this is not all you need to do to become more feminine. However, starting is already half the success! Add to this some pleasant women’s practices, of which there are a huge number now, and you are guaranteed a visible result.

What kind of women are considered attractive?

Looking at the list of advantages compiled on the basis of male opinion, you can find that, regardless of social class and age, representatives of the stronger sex want to see neatness, cleanliness, and high intelligence in a girl. They value self-esteem, the ability to maintain a conversation, emotional sensitivity and a piquant twist that adds uniqueness and mystery.

Here it is worth adding smoothness of movements, grace and the ability to present yourself favorably, without belittling your merits and without crossing the fine line beyond which vulgarity begins.

The purpose of the fair half of humanity

In the modern rhythm, many women have forgotten about their natural purpose. It seems that each of us is doing ordinary things that are familiar to everyone: building a career, doing housework, making plans with her husband for a joint summer vacation. But a moment comes when, in pursuit of equality, we begin to understand how much work, everyday life, and children exhaust us. But the problem is the lack of femininity, which needs to be developed and embodied. In this article I will try to cover this topic as much as possible. Implement techniques for its implementation in real life.

The basis of the basics is to accept yourself as a woman - a perfect creation.

After all, without awareness of your natural purpose, all exercises and techniques for developing sensuality will be a failure in advance.

Containing anger4

Many people wonder how to become more gentle, but not lose the skills to fight life. You will have to take a break from everyday routine and remember that femininity is a special energy. Maintaining her is difficult, but necessary, because she truly attracts men.

Contain yourself, even if emotions rush out. Anger has never made anyone more attractive. Better count to ten and look at yourself in the mirror. Is this how you really want to be seen and remembered? That's right, don't scare anyone. Moreover, your beloved.

How it manifests itself

Feminine energy is characterized by smooth and soft qualities that can be noticed in appearance and demeanor. Feminine nature hides real softness and delicacy.

She lacks masculine characteristics, rough aggression, the spirit of competition, fearlessness, strength and the desire to independently cope with any life problems.

Why is true femininity so charming and attractive to the opposite sex? Because it contrasts sharply with masculine strength, with the manifestations of typically masculine characteristics.

When a man observes this contrast, he begins to feel his strength and masculine energy against the background of a weaker girl. In this way, he realizes and even more discovers his masculine strength, improves his abilities, which gives him a great surge of joy and allows him to truly express himself in our world.

In addition, with the help of her femininity, a girl or woman is able to awaken in her chosen one the most tender romantic experiences. Accordingly, with the disappearance of female magic, feelings are also lost. The man will feel a sense of respect and appreciate the lady who has lost her femininity, but she will no longer be able to evoke the same emotions in him.

In soft persons of the weaker sex, true femininity is most clearly manifested. They feel a sense of pride because they were born in just such a body; they fulfill their duties as spouses and mothers with love and pleasure. We are always ready to give our household members (and not only them) a good mood, charge them with peace of mind, and heal the soul.


Look and femininity are concepts that cannot be separated from each other. An unfriendly and indifferent look can repel a person, but a caring, gentle and affectionate look, on the contrary, will win over anyone. To achieve a friendly expression in your eyes, you must always think about pleasant things. For example, remember situations that evoke only positive emotions in you.

When talking to a person, you need to look into his eyes, and your gaze should be open. During a conversation, you can flirtatiously blink your eyes to evoke ambiguous feelings in your interlocutor. You can resort to a little trick - choose mascara for your eyes, either lengthening or adding volume, or a combination of both.

Saying “warm” words2

This is the easiest way to express your love and appreciation. Every man will appreciate a sincere compliment addressed to him. Praise him for his kindness, determination, resourcefulness, intelligence, or courage. But do it from the heart, otherwise he may feel false and turn away from you.

Affectionate nicknames are also good. But make sure they are appropriate. In an official setting, it is difficult for a man to respond to a “bunny” or “bear cub”. So choose your words. And remember that there is nothing more pleasant than hearing your own name from the lips of a loved one.

Modern ways to activate energy

It's no secret that any man next to a gentle, sensual woman begins to demonstrate his masculine qualities to the maximum.

After all, the strong half of humanity is naturally designed to protect and protect their chosen one. I would like to invite you to consider the basic techniques for developing female sexuality and grace. In my life I had a wonderful opportunity to meet and communicate with one very interesting woman who fascinated me at first sight. She simply radiated crazy energy, which manifested itself in every movement, captivating everyone around her. The most interesting thing is that my friend was also amazed by the energy of this fascinating person. Then he admitted to me that thoughts about her haunted him for several days. To be honest, I was simply amazed how much the energy of the opposite sex can influence a man! After this incident, I seriously began studying that issue. I offer several really working techniques that I have tested in practice.

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