How to decide to leave an unloved job for nowhere in order to become happy: tips and recommendations

I open my email, and one day later there are these questions from subscribers:

  • “How to quit a job you don’t like”
  • “Is it worth quitting your job for nowhere?”
  • “Masha, I hate my job. What should I do?"
  • “I have a favorite thing, but you can’t make money from it”

These are actually great questions that a lot of people ask.

Many people work not for pleasure, not for joy and not to help someone, but FOR money.

And on the one hand, we live in a material world and we need to live somewhere, eat something, feed our children with something, arrange our daily life and meet our basic needs.

But often, when these needs are more or less covered and satisfied, a person begins to feel unhappy. He feels that his life is in vain, that he has to endure a job he doesn’t like. There is no joy, harmony, balance.

But it’s very scary to change something in life, to leave a job you don’t like and do what you love.

Why are we afraid to leave a job we don't like?


Often typical of young people. By underestimating themselves, they project this attitude onto employers. It’s as if they are afraid of getting a bad grade, and this fear may or may not be justified.

In any case, a person will not know this until he tries to take risks.


The person already understands that he does not want and cannot remain in the same place; his previous profession has ceased to be interesting to him. But he doesn’t see anything else for himself.

It is then a question of self-determination; It might be worth taking a career guidance course, which, by the way, can be useful at any age, and think about retraining.


They have a greater impact on people of the middle and older generations. In our society, as a rule, the following attitudes prevail: “you need to hold on to a stable job”; “there must be a social package”; “You have to accumulate experience, otherwise you won’t get a pension”; “only frivolous people jump from one place to another”, etc.

These stereotypes can also influence young people: through parents, relatives, and older friends.

Influence of loved ones

The family is always interested in stability and usually disapproves of anything that could threaten this stability. A person is afraid of the unknown, of failure, and even then his loved ones will reproach him - “We told you so!”

Nice bonuses

A retention policy can be implemented by the head of a company either consciously or unintentionally. However, in any case, it implies manipulation of employees. For example, a manager tries to satisfy some of the interests and needs of his employees - extended vacations, corporate trips, free training. It would seem that what's wrong with this?

But in this way people fall into a trap: the more bonuses, the more difficult it is to refuse them.

Gratitude to the boss

Some managers know how to make their employees feel grateful and personally obligated to them. “He gave me the opportunity to combine it with studies”, “I was cooperative”, “I treated you like a human being”... Even the thought of quitting can seem like a betrayal.

Family environment

For many people, work is not just a way to make money or even creative self-realization. Often people, mostly without really realizing it, compensate for some unmet needs in their work. For such a person, changing his job is like changing his family.

For example, the need for intimate communication; This is very typical of our mentality, unlike the Western one.

Many become friends at work, start office romances; many have a surrogate family. Moreover, some companies deliberately build their policy this way: in order to have a team, there are connections. It turns out that there is a certain company - impersonal - that takes care of you. They are always ready to offer a cup of coffee, listen, and sympathize.

A cozy room – “like home” – can also become a thread tying a person to a place.

Limitations in choice

There are situations when the circumstances of a person’s life significantly narrow the choice of possible places of work. For example, a woman with children. How to manage everything - take one to kindergarten, another to school, go grocery shopping, cook food, and even work? You probably need a part-time position close to home.

These factors - and not interest or professional growth - become decisive. After all, finding another job that is suitable in such conditions is really not easy.

Action plan

Before leaving your usual place of work, draw up a unique action plan for the first time after leaving. This plan should include absolutely everything you plan to do.

This even applies to periods of idleness. Your plan should reflect this: a vacation for two weeks. During this period of time, you need to put your thoughts and affairs in order.

An action plan should be drawn up for every day. It requires attention to the smallest details. This is necessary so that in the first time after dismissal the person does not lose his ability to work.

The plan must contain descriptions of the goal, the means and skills that you have to achieve it. If you decide to find a job on the Internet or become a freelancer, then your action plan may include the following points:

  1. I want to find a job as a call center operator remotely within one month.
  2. To do this kind of work, I have good speech and am quite sociable.
  3. I have all the necessary technical means to perform such work.
  4. I want to become a call center operator to realize my capabilities.

Such a plan can be an excellent incentive to quit a boring job. When drawing up a plan, it is better to play it safe and prepare three versions of such a document: the best, the worst and the realistic. Life can throw up all kinds of surprises, and the best plan will not work. And you will be ready for any development of the situation.

Burnout syndrome

Recently, burnout syndrome has been encountered among people who work in the “person-to-person” field (teachers, doctors, service sector specialists). Sometimes it affects creative people too. Now burnout is officially recognized as a disease, and a “burnt out” person needs the help of specialists.

Most often, in order to return to work with new strength and a different mood, it is enough for a person to talk with a psychologist and thoroughly relax. Sometimes it is necessary to change the field of activity.

Symptoms of professional burnout

  • Feeling of constant, persistent fatigue, feeling of emotional and physical exhaustion;
  • general asthenia (weakness, decreased activity and energy);
  • frequent causeless headaches;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • complete or partial insomnia;
  • lethargy, drowsiness and desire to sleep throughout the day;
  • indifference, boredom, passivity and depression (low emotional tone, feeling depressed);
  • increased irritability to minor, minor events;
  • frequent nervous breakdowns;
  • the feeling that the work is becoming harder and harder, and that it is becoming more and more difficult to do it;
  • feelings of uselessness, lack of faith in improvements, decreased enthusiasm for work, indifference to results;
  • distance from employees and clients.

Possible financial difficulties

It will be much easier for any person to quit if he is sure that he will not be constrained while looking for a new job. If you are planning to quit, you should take care of a certain reserve of funds.

In order not to feel disadvantaged, it is advisable to have the amount of funds based on a six-month budget. One of the options for accumulating the necessary funds is to defer part of your salary. It is worth considering other options for meeting your life needs. This could be a part-time job or a combination of positions.

Set aside some money from each salary into a piggy bank.

The more confident a person is in the future, the easier it will be for him to write an application for settlement.

Change for the better without quitting

Recommendations for preventing burnout may also be useful to you if you realize that for some reason you cannot just quit your boring job.

The need for high, stable income, some kind of obligations, responsibility to clients or employees, lack of vacancies in your specialization... any number of objective factors can (usually, temporarily) hold you back.

This is a kind of challenge: when life does not allow you to leave the game, you can only try to win - do everything in your power so that the unloved job at least stops spoiling your mood. Most likely, it is not in your power to radically change the company’s policy, but you can think about sharing responsibilities with colleagues, talk with your manager about the need to hire new employees, about changing positions, departments, about revising the work schedule and bonus system, etc.

Perhaps reaching an agreement will be easier than you thought, and the radical measure of dismissal will not be necessary.

If, having done everything you could, you continue to be burdened by the atmosphere, people, the very nature of the work, and it is impossible to leave immediately - take a vacation, communicate with friends, do what you love.

Most likely, over time, a way out will be found: a new position in another company will turn up, or maybe you will save money and make some old dream come true.


Another way to figure out whether you should quit is to set your own priorities. Today, work provides a stable income, sometimes even bonuses. The company is operating and has no plans to close. This is what stops most people from writing a letter of resignation.

These points can be counterbalanced by the lack of career growth and general dissatisfaction with work. Such moments minimize all attempts to live a full life.

You cannot justify yourself by waiting for the right opportunity. Such a case will never come. You need to build the chain of priorities correctly. If work has ceased to be an outlet and does not bring satisfaction, then feel free to write a letter of resignation.

When work is not at the top of your priorities, you need to leave

You can't leave, you can't stay

For some, work turns into real hard labor due to constant friction in the team, others run away from a boss who tries to overwhelm them with work overtime, and still others are simply disappointed in their chosen field of activity. Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to find a suitable vacancy, especially if the choice is limited to offers in a specific specialty.

Deciding to quit your job for nowhere is very difficult; most often it happens out of despair or a feeling of hopelessness.

The difficult situation may be aggravated by the following circumstances:

  • advanced age (“it is always more difficult for an old person to find a suitable place);
  • lack of psychological support for a loved one.

To understand whether it’s worth quitting your job to nowhere, you need to honestly set your priorities and understand what is more important now. It is important to determine which values ​​come first:

After analyzing such criteria, it will become clear what inconveniences can be tolerated. After all, there is no ideal job and, as a rule, something doesn’t suit you. Often people are willing to put up with many disadvantages just because they like the activity they are doing.

The most important factor is health.

Sometimes workers overestimate their own strengths and do not take into account the negative impact of work on the body or peace of mind, but no amount of money will bring joy if their well-being worsens.

When your health (physical or mental) suffers greatly, you should definitely leave, even if it’s a dismissal for nothing.

To make the right decision, you should compare the pros and cons. If the negative aspects outweigh, there is no point in staying. Often people feel unhappy for a long time only because they do not dare to refuse a disgusting position for a long time, experiencing fear, powerlessness and self-doubt.

All this becomes a tangible obstacle and prevents you from taking a decisive step.

A person rushes between two options and cannot settle on one of them. In such a situation, it is better to seek help from a psychologist, if, of course, finances allow.

Today's employers are completely different from those in Soviet times. Often, management representatives demonstrate uncompromisingness and even some cruelty towards subordinates. For them, achieving the required result comes first, and they view personnel only as a means of getting what they want.

Sometimes you can hear how the person conducting the interview speaks of applicants as weak-willed, lazy, impatient, quarrelsome and unable to do quality work. Unfortunately, such a point of view is by no means uncommon.

So, for those who are planning to leave, it is important to think about how they will explain their dismissal at the next interview.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give a definite answer to the question of what to do. Everyone must make a decision for themselves, based on real circumstances. Of course, we must always remember that those who do not take risks will certainly not be able to change anything.

When considering whether to quit your job, it's important to understand the downsides of quitting your job. As a rule, there are many more of them than advantages.

After making a decision, you will most likely have to face the following difficulties:

  1. uncertainty (you can never know for sure how long the search for a new place will last);
  2. lack of stable income and related benefits (especially important for those who provide for the well-being of the family);
  3. a blow to ambition (when you start looking for offers from employers and are faced with a lack of viable options, you begin to feel insecure and powerless);
  4. Difficulty of choice (strictly limit your spending until you find something worthwhile, or accept the first position that comes your way and ruin your life again).

However, those who show courage and really decide to leave have a much greater chance of changing their lives for the better. This is an opportunity to find yourself, find alternative skills that were previously hidden, as well as gain new knowledge and valuable experience.

It’s better to look for a new place without leaving your old one, but sometimes the situation is so critical that you have to leave urgently.

At first glance, there can be nothing good in this, but you can still find its advantages here:

Search for something new

I had no idea what to do, what to do, where to look for work. I didn’t know who I wanted to become, what my soul was about. Everything that caught my eye did not resonate in my heart. And I began to try different types of creativity, planning that I could earn money from this in the future.

I studied at a drawing school, mastered felting and beading, created flowers from fabric and felt, embroidered with ribbons, made costume jewelry, and practiced decoupage. But it was all for the soul. I didn't make a great master. I periodically make homemade gifts, and my friends like them, but I can’t sell them. I think that I have not achieved mastery, and all this is just for the soul, and not for making money.

I didn’t stop and was constantly looking for something new, studying various courses that trained specialists for the Internet, but that’s another story, and I’ll talk about it in the next article. The most important thing is not to be afraid to change your life and leave your comfort zone. Subscribe to updates and stay informed. All the best to you!

First of all, work means money.

As paradoxical as it may sound, the less pleasure you get from an activity, the higher it is paid. You can try to evaluate your own responsibilities in monetary terms by calculating how much one working hour, week, month costs. For example, after spending a couple of hours on reporting, you need to calculate how many days you can eat for this money.

So, preparing a week-long project, for example, can provide the necessary amount to pay for utilities or kindergarten.

If work does not bring you joy, but allows you to have a good income, you can work for a salary. Well, if you want to change something, it would be advisable to prepare a financial cushion. By the way, this is an excellent additional stimulating factor for better performance of one’s own responsibilities and, as a result, higher income.

So, having earned a decent amount by the time of dismissal, which is enough for six months of comfortable living, you can sign your resignation letter with peace of mind.

Often, an organization provides its employees with certain pleasant bonuses that it would be a shame not to take advantage of. This could be free food, a corporate fitness card, water and freely available coffee and tea.

It’s worth thinking about your prospects and understanding what skills you lack to realize your career plans.

For example, it would be a good idea to get additional education, and the company sends you to appropriate free training. Of course, this is an excellent opportunity to improve your professional level at the expense of your employer.

When something is given for free, people often devalue it.

But if you do the math, it may turn out that you would have to spend up to 30% of your salary on these “little things.” So, if topping up your mobile account and getting a free gym membership make any difference, it’s worth assessing how beneficial it is to wait to quit.

When everything is in order with your health, there is no desire to think about sick leave and other compensation. But still, the realization that even in case of illness the income will remain, can be a motivation to stay in a job that you don’t like.

This is especially true for girls planning motherhood.

While there is no child, the amounts of compensation may seem ridiculous, but during maternity leave every penny becomes important. Among other things, for three years, until the baby goes to kindergarten, the woman’s job will remain, unless, of course, the company goes bankrupt.

Quitting a job is always much easier than finding a new one where you can safely go on maternity leave.

In times of crisis, people prioritize stability over a comfortable workplace or high salary. There is no time for whims and many are ready to endure significant hardships, just so as not to be fired. If the job is not at all pleasing, but at the same time provides a stable income and a high salary, it may be worth “waiting out the crisis” by putting aside personal claims.

Sometimes staying in an unloved place for a long time is caused by the fear of ruining your professional reputation.

So, if this moment is really important, it is worth working in the company for at least a few months. Sometimes the name of the organization in which you worked forms a reputation much better than the high position you hold.

Thus, before quitting your job, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Each case is individual and there is simply no universal answer. When trying to make an error-free decision, you need to remain honest with yourself and understand your own values ​​and priorities.

There is nothing reprehensible in wanting to quit a job you don’t like, but it’s still better to have at least some kind of backup option.

The situation when even a favorite (not to mention unloved) job becomes unbearable hard labor is very, very common. The reasons why people are disappointed in their place of work are numerous - an inadequate manager, “black sheep” in a more or less normal team or “the whole team is against you,” etc.

Considering the fact that it is difficult to find a job, especially in a specialty, a person asks the question: is it worth quitting “for nothing”, is it really going to be better this way, or do you still need to stupidly endure it if there is nowhere to go?

Skills and abilities

When you have decided on all the reasons for leaving and dealt with your fears, you need to decide what you want to do next. Make a list of your abilities and skills that can help you realize your favorite job.

Mentally prepare yourself for the fact that your new place of work will become a comfort zone. The assignments that you will have to carry out will be interesting. You will easily join the new team. The responsibilities assigned to you will not become a burden.

With these thoughts in mind, a list of your best skills will be easy to come up with. With it will come confidence and determination.

A list of abilities or skills will give you firmness in making a decision.

"Ghostbusters" (1984): Don't be afraid to go wild

For people of a certain temperament, a boring 9 to 5 office job can drive them crazy. But running your own business is not easy now. But when was it easy? And is it easier to suffer from “office slavery”?

“Ghostbusters” is an idealistic and, of course, fantastic story.

At the same time, she truthfully talks about all the problems of novice entrepreneurs. Four parapsychological scientists leave their comfortable academic careers for a crazy startup: they offer ghost-catching services.

At first, they spend money thoughtlessly: renting an abandoned fire station, buying an old ambulance, hiring an unnecessary secretary. As soon as business starts to take off, the state gets in the way. They are prohibited from working due to lack of licenses. Only self-confidence and perseverance help to overcome the turning point.

Conclusion? If people really need you, nothing will stop you. Always set yourself up for success: this story will help you find inspiration in difficult times.

Take the test drive of your dreams

If you have a long-standing dream that your thoughts often turn to, but which you have never tried to achieve, it's time to get the ball rolling. Otherwise, twenty, thirty, forty years will pass and you will greatly regret that you didn’t even try.

First, take a short test drive. This is best done on vacation. Are you dreaming of a career as a director? Find intensive courses and make some short films. Do you want to publish a collection of your stories someday? Force yourself to write a certain number of words or pages every day. Are you planning to open a mini-hotel? Check into a hotel for two weeks, meet the owners and staff, and learn the business from the inside.

If everything turns out to be approximately as you imagined, you can get down to business seriously (see previous paragraph). Or arrange another test drive to finally dispel doubts.

Perhaps the dream will not pass the test and you will be disappointed in it. This is also a step forward. The main thing is not to give up. Move on, keep trying new things - and you will definitely find yourself.

Learn to accept failures calmly

Of course, not everything will be smooth sailing. It’s easy and perfect only in dreams. But failure is part of a successful and happy life. And if you want to achieve anything, you have to accept that there will be days when you are ready to give up. First of all, take them for granted.

Don't be discouraged if things don't work out. Do not give up. Failure is good for success. You've probably heard the phrase: “Experience is the best teacher.”

Do you really think that we are only talking about positive experiences? Can you imagine how many achievements you have for every failure?

There are no victories without mistakes. Take almost any success story. Now that you read it, it seems quite logical. But her hero certainly didn’t see a coherent plot in the process. He doubted, experienced fears, stumbled, experienced bad days and saw only one step ahead. None of this stopped him. He managed to achieve something only because he studied, made conclusions and tried again.

Think about what will happen to you in 10 years

If your work responsibilities do not charge you with energy, but, on the contrary, only drain it, you definitely need a change. And if you still lack the motivation to quit your boring job and do something else, then imagine what you will be like in 10, 20, 30 years if nothing changes.

What tasks will you be doing? Will you be able to feel happy? For clarity, look at your colleagues who have moved ahead on the career ladder. Inspiring? Do you want to be just like them?

Now imagine what your life would be like if you did what you love. Imagine your success in all its colors: what you look like, what you are especially proud of, who is next to you. Well, is it worth a try?

Based on materials: MiF

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