How to meet a guy at school - tips and tricks

How to please a boy? With age, we understand how relationships between people are built, but in adolescence, when first love comes, it is still not at all clear how a boy can like him. Many people begin to copy the appearance of some famous personalities and try to imitate the style of movie heroines, but everything looks very artificial and inappropriate. Boys for the most part are interested in how they can spend time with a girl and what to talk about, and not in how skillfully she will play someone else’s character.

How to please a boy - tips

To please a boy, you need to start with your appearance, but in this matter you should not try to become the same as most girls at school - it is important to be able to stand out. In order to emphasize your individuality, it is better to choose things of your own style, rather than radically change it. Putting on high heels, if before that you spent all your time in sneakers, it’s pointless - there will be a lot of attention, but all of it will be devoted to an inept gait and will take the form of ridicule. Staying in your image, you need to become a little brighter - blue jeans when everyone is wearing dark ones; hair tied in a ponytail if everyone wears it down.

Grooming and style play a lot in a person’s perception and boys, even at a very early age, notice girls who have beautifully styled hair, neat clothes and the ability to combine accessories. A stylish haircut, a couple of items from the latest collection and comfortable clothes will be the key to an attractive appearance. Trying to buy up all the fashion boutiques is not relevant, and when choosing an image you need to focus on your age category, because what looks great on twenty-year-old girls is simply funny on an 11-year-old girl.

The next point will be the choice of behavior, since a bright appearance alone is not enough. It is necessary to attract attention by actions, for which you do not need to do something extreme or shocking; you should also avoid attracting attention with scandals and antisocial behavior. It is best to show your kindness and cheerful character, and not only in relation to the boy you like, but to everyone around you.

You can try to show your best sides, but you shouldn’t completely change yourself and be a completely different person next to the guy. Even if you succeed, if you are disappointed, you will be very sorry for the colossal efforts spent on creating an illusory image. And you need to be prepared for disappointment, because after a boy likes you, you will begin to communicate closer and he may be far from the ideal that your fantasy has drawn.

Wrong actions

When you think about how to get a guy to like you at school, you should take into account the fact that some actions aimed at reciprocating sympathy are unacceptable. These include:

  • open persecution;
  • attempts to elicit pity;
  • willingness to do anything to be with a guy, including intimacy;
  • doing stupid things, not wanting to learn, developing bad habits;
  • wait quietly until the boy notices you.

How to get a boy to like you at school

The school itself imposes many restrictions on communication and its forms of manifestation, which makes it quite difficult to show sympathy. But at the same time, the presence of mandatory requirements for behavior and joint tasks helps you even figure out how to please a boy who doesn’t like you. In the school process itself, there are many joint activities where you can help someone you like. By participating in productions and showing your talents, you can change the perception of a guy. The main thing to remember is not to wait for attention and engage in more dialogue with him, as well as express yourself, the only trick is to do this exclusively on a business topic. You shouldn’t talk openly about your own feelings, if you know that the boy doesn’t like you, it’s better to cooperate with him and show restraint. Such a calm approach contributes to the emergence of sincere interest; the guy will at least want to know how, after interacting for so long, you do not even feel friendly feelings towards him.

It’s great if the school hosts additional clubs or sections where the guy you like goes to – you can sign up there and you’ll have more common topics and time spent together. Approach carefully when choosing these activities - the boxing section may not be the best option, but aircraft modeling is quite suitable - and it will be easier to cope and it will not raise suspicions about what the girl is doing there. It is optimal for these activities to satisfy your interests, or you can choose others (gymnastics, drawing). Typically, all classes follow the same schedule, which means you will have common time between breaks and on the way home.

Using lessons to start a relationship is not only not recommended, but also useless; recess and time after classes are best for personal communication. If you try to attract attention during class, you can seriously damage your relationship with the teacher, which will affect the entire process of being at school.

You can meet more often during breaks, arrange casual meetings, choose a place in the cafeteria next to your boyfriend. Such meetings should not look intrusive and cause paranoia in him; if your class is now in another part of the school, and you are the only one hanging around the guy, then you will have to come up with an ironclad alibi why you need to be here (for example, the need to wait for the teacher - only then really wait for him and ask him something).

If classes end at the same time, then you can chat on the way home or even ask him for help - carry books, protect him from the yard dogs, tell him that you are afraid of hooligans in the yard. You can offer to do homework together, but it’s better not to start with this. At the beginning, discuss the assignments a couple of times during recess, perhaps he can explain something to you or you can let him copy it.

It is not advisable to attract attention with your appearance at school, but you should not completely forget about it. Even the most boring shape can be made more original by using jewelry or braiding your hair. Everything that is not prohibited by the school charter can be safely used to emphasize your individuality. Even if the rule is for white shirts, you can choose not a classic one, but one with hand embroidery and beads instead of buttons - the main thing is to show your imagination.

Take care of yourself

Appearance is the main weapon of any girl. Neither huge blue eyes nor a wasp waist will save you if you look unkempt.

Don't forget about basic hygiene: brush your teeth, wash and comb your hair, wash your face, take care of your nails. When a girl has a neat manicure, fresh breath, shiny hair, and no acne on her face, her chances of attracting a guy’s attention triple!

And most importantly, we take care of our appearance even where it is hidden from prying eyes! This must be done for self-confidence. If a girl is wearing torn tights, stale underwear or a terrible pedicure, will she shine in front of her crush? Hardly. She will be stiff, shy and unsure of her movements. So, beauties, dress and take care of yourself as if you were going to the catwalk every day, and not to school!

How to please a boy at 10 years old

Perhaps the first thoughts on how to please a boy come at the age of 10. This is the easiest in terms of establishing ordinary friendly communication and the most difficult in forming inter-gender interaction, which is explained by the different speed of mental processes. While girls are already beginning to feel sympathy for boys, go out with them and communicate more, boys do not yet feel such a need. Girls have a different style of communication, they want to spend time with friends less and less, and in those moments when they communicate with girls, they want to discuss the possibility of relationships with guys, find out who likes whom, and share information on improving their image. At this time, boys still behave as before - they spend time with the guys, consider girls boring and do not particularly notice the difference in gender.

Winning the sympathy of a boy is a difficult task, since all his hobbies are outside the sphere of girls. Some people often start communicating with older guys, because they are already interested in girls and they can quickly find a common language with them, but not all of those who are older will agree to communicate with a younger girl. But the situation is not hopeless. Interest at this age needs to be attracted by getting involved in general activities. If you know how to ride a bicycle or roller skate, you can organize a competition; if you know an interesting abandoned house, then you can arrange a tour there.

How to get a boy to like you at 10 years old? You need to show enthusiasm and character, if you look at the boy in fascination and nod to his every word, then he will not be interested. It is best to defeat him in some matter. To overtake, to pass a test better, to climb higher on a tree - this will attract his attention, if only because the boy cannot allow a girl to defeat him. Competitions will help build friendships and strong relationships, especially if after a series of victories you lose to him, and in another area he asks for advice or to teach you. For example, you can overtake him on roller skates, and at the same time ask him to teach him how to skateboard, you can pass literature better and ask him to explain mathematics. You can’t constantly beat him, otherwise the guy’s self-esteem will decrease, and he will find a social circle where he will look better.

There is no need to tell a 10-year-old guy about your feelings, especially in a romantic manner from melodramatic films - it may not be clear to him, which pushes many to make rather cruel jokes. Try to spend more time where he spends it and actively participate in everything that happens. If a crowd of boys is playing in the snow, then it’s better to join in, and play for the enemy team - that way he’ll definitely remember you. The worst thing you can do is walk by with an arrogant and boring face, showing with all your appearance how frivolous snowballs are for a girl. He will simply understand that he shouldn’t invite someone like him with him, but he will always want to see a cheerful and mischievous girl who can have fun just like him. And even if he doesn’t yet realize what exactly is happening and doesn’t know what this feeling is called, but you are already becoming special to him.


Do you know how the law of meanness works? The very day you decide to stroll to the store in your big brother's stretched out sweatshirt and lounge pants is the day you meet your prince. We are under no circumstances telling you to forget about your own comfort and not leave home without an extremely short dress and high-heeled shoes. It is enough to take care of yourself - without fanaticism. Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident.

Don't worry about your appearance. Men are mostly visual people - use this to your advantage.

How to please a boy at 11 years old

By the fifth grade, boys gradually show interest in the opposite sex and begin to notice obvious differences. They are still trying to hide it, they still spend a lot of time playing with guys, but they are already noticing girls. At the age of 11, in order to capture the attention and arouse the sympathy of a guy, you need to do the same as before - be together more often and get involved in common activities. The only difference is that it will take less effort now. Boys at this age already regard help with homework not only as an opportunity to improve their grades, but also as a pleasant way to communicate. Many people ask for help not from excellent students, but from pretty girls - studying becomes an excuse. In the same way, one math genius can simply point out the section of the textbook where the necessary topic is explained, and another girl will himself explain all the changes, some kind of pattern.

In joint games and activities, it is worth starting to be careful - if earlier the attention was perfectly attracted by the fact that a girl could defeat him, but now it is starting to hit hard on self-esteem. Guys become interested in their own prestige in a male environment and among girls. If a girl surpasses him, then he becomes embarrassed in front of other guys who may start teasing and making fun of him, and in addition, the image of a hero in the girl’s eyes is lost. If you play a competitive game together, then try to keep an equal score; you shouldn’t lose on purpose - this will lose all interest, but winning every time becomes irrelevant. Shift the focus from activity to communication.

When starting to feel sympathy for a girl, many try to hide it so carefully that they achieve the opposite feeling. Therefore, before looking for answers on how to please a boy who doesn’t like you, it’s worth observing him carefully, perhaps you are his ideal, you just don’t have enough determination and skill to admit it yet. It is important to become part of his circle of friends, to establish yourself as an excellent friend - this will not only help you be together more often, but will also give you a kind of permission to communicate. Guys in this age range are very dependent on the opinions of their friends, and if they one day look askance and disapprove of some girl, then communicating with her will directly affect his reputation. The more you are a friend to all guys, the better your relationship with your chosen one will be.

And only after you have become part of his group of friends and have excellent relationships with everyone there, can you begin to distinguish him from everyone else. This can be done by asking his opinion, telling a story, looking at him, you can invite him several times to spend time together without everyone else. The attention of a girl who everyone likes is very flattering for guys at this age.

You can get an 11-year-old boy to like you at school if you reduce school communication to a minimum and, if possible, make the most of the opportunities for joint creativity. That is, if a presentation is required from the class, then you need to prepare it together; if you are assigned to prepare a presentation, then ask him to help after class. During the lessons themselves, do your homework and don’t get distracted, even if a cute guy provokes you. It's important to set boundaries, and the lack of communication at school will motivate him to communicate with you after school.


Liking begins with communication. If a girl wants to please a guy who is not from her class, she should start communication by establishing contact. Playful glances during breaks, shy smiles, timid nods. Ask mutual friends at school to introduce you. If you are shy, switch to communicating on social networks. Study the guy's page before you make any moves. Add to a couple of his groups, like a few songs and recordings. Comment creatively on your favorite photo. Share that you have a collectible Bi-2 album if the guy is interested in this group, etc.

If you like a classmate, then communication here can be accompanied by physical contact. You can sit at his desk during recess to ask for advice (help with setting up the phone, choosing a cool movie). At the same time, touch your shoulders or arms. If you are already on good terms, you can hug your classmate, playfully pat him on the shoulder, playfully push him, or pinch him. During class, you can wink at him once. But everything should be natural!

Next, try to transfer communication outside of school. Walk home together (even if it’s only 5 minutes on the way, walk it together), ask him to carry the briefcase. Offer to go for a walk after class, coming up with some reason for this. Ask for advice, tell him that a guy is courting you and you don’t understand how to behave so as not to hurt him with a refusal. This way you will show that you are in demand among boys, and he will look at you with interest.

If the conversation is not going well, so as not to look ridiculous, ask the guy more questions. Then your tension will decrease and the dialogue will improve.

How to please a boy at 12 years old

At this age, social contacts expand, many begin to try themselves in other types of activities, in communicating with other people. Everything that was previously unknown becomes interesting; there is a great desire to stand out. That is why it is important for a 12-year-old girl not so much to join the team, as was previously the case, but to learn to stand out from the rest. Boys will notice precisely those who cease to obey the norms of society, standard systems of upbringing and education, and show their individuality.

If you had unusual hobbies that fell by the wayside to support common interests, now is the time to start showing them off. Compliance with a guy's tastes and interests becomes less important, now they are already able to perceive you not only as a comrade, but also as a girl, so doing gymnastics, making jewelry or painting can give him the opportunity to admire your talents and your differences.

His hobbies can be shared if there is sincere interest; in all other cases, it is enough to respect his choice and support. If this is a sport, then you can go to competitions with him, watch performances and provide moral support. You can also perfectly and quietly support him not only morally - grab a bottle of water or bandages, spare carbines or a map of the area, find out the schedule in advance and other little things will show your location. If this is a scientific activity, then you can show others how proud you are and admire his achievements. Guys at this age interact with the world and express themselves through activities, because the more you encourage and delve into his hobbies, the more needed he will feel. Even if you are infinitely far from what is happening, you can say: “how do you understand all this? I don’t understand anything at all.” This is how indirect interest manifests itself, and the guy begins to tell you more about his business, in addition, he will try to make it as interesting as possible. There is no need to play along with him, and if you don’t understand, just say so, the guy will try even harder.

There is still no point in rushing things, the guys have just come to terms with the fact that they can like girls, and the first couples are starting to form. If you rush during this period, the guy may never approach you, but start hanging out with a less persistent girl. Remain the person he can always call, with whom he has a lot in common and interesting things.

Don't go unnoticed

Even if you decide to shift responsibility for your happy future together to him, you have to do some work. Let’s call this mission “Getting rid of the invisible status.”

Does this guy even know you exist? Did you manage to exchange at least a few words? Or are you not in contact at all, but for some reason you are waiting for him to take the first step and confess his passionate feelings for you?

What to do if you don't know this guy?

  • Ask your mutual friends or acquaintances to introduce you to each other;
  • If he works in a store/cafe/restaurant, visit this place more often. Talk to him, be friendly and exude charm;
  • React to his posts on social networks - like, comment;
  • If you study or work together, find a reason to talk to him. Gradually move from business-related questions to regular friendly conversations and - if everything goes smoothly - flirting.

How to please a boy at 13 years old

At the age of 13, boys are already ready to take the initiative on their own, and the desire to communicate with girls comes to the fore. At this stage, the girl should begin to act more carefully, because if she continues to race with the guys in a common company, she risks remaining in their perception as the same friend. Here it is important to start emphasizing your femininity.

Dresses and skirts should be more common in your wardrobe, your hairstyle should at least periodically be not only comfortable, but also beautiful, elegant shoes and beautiful nails - all these tricks help a guy notice your fragility and generally see a girl.

How to please a boy at 13 years old? It is important to let him know about your sympathy, and now for this it is enough to smile at his appearance, laugh at jokes and listen. Guys like those they can make happy, so the more regularly you show him that you are glad to meet you, the more often he will strive for this meeting, and the more he will try to please you.

Self-esteem in teenagers is unstable, so it is important to praise and support him, so you will become something permanent and resourceful for him. At the same time, it is important to remember your condition and do everything possible to overcome your own complexes and keep your self-esteem at an adequate level. Trainings or courses, communication with friends, self-improvement classes can help, and sometimes you can even ask a guy to express his opinion about you and cheer you up.

In your image and appearance, you need to focus on a recognizable individuality. You can choose a perfume for yourself so that the guy will make associations about you even with the smell, you can hum a melody, and then when he hears this song, he will remember you again. It's great to create your own personal traditions - with hot chocolate after school or a good morning wish and a funny picture. The more associative points you build, the better. It is better to postpone extreme experiments with appearance. Of course, with every video of an alternative group, he will have associative memories of your acid green hair, black lips and miniskirt, but there are only a few guys in life who like this.

The sphere of interpersonal communication is becoming relevant, so it is important to know what a guy is interested in and where he spends his time. It’s great if you can share his hobbies and support a topic of interest. Your hobbies may not be the same, but you can look for places where you can combine them. For example, if you like to make jewelry and he likes to take photographs, then you can ask him to make a portfolio of your work. If you love to travel and he loves bicycles, then a bike tour together is a great idea.

What really attracts guys

When we understand a person, he feels sympathy for us (this happens on a subconscious level). He is drawn to us, but he himself does not know why.

This is a special warmth, trust, reciprocity, sincerity, a desire to open up.

We invite you to a free online training by Yuri Burlan “System-vector psychology.” It is broadcast at a convenient evening time, and can be watched from any device: phone, computer, tablet. You can get a guy to like you faster and naturally. You will also learn how to build relationships full of feelings so that the love between you is long and bright.

Author Ekaterina Gusarova

Editor Karina Kashapova

Proofreader Ekaterina Zhavoronkova

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

How to please a boy at 14 years old

At the age of 14, girls feel that they need to be the best in everything, then the guy will pay attention, but competitive moments have long given way to originality, naturalness and uniqueness. The most powerful and most difficult thing you can do is be yourself. That is, laugh at what is funny to you, and not at what all the girls laugh at or exclusively at the guy’s jokes. If you are not funny or the humor seems offensive, it is important to be able to say that many guys, spoiled by attention, cross the boundaries of what is permitted and they simply need a person who will put them in their place and make them try to be better. It is also important to go where you like and when you want. Sacrificing your own sleep to stay longer at a party where everyone is gathered, provided that tomorrow's training does not play into your favor. Guys like those who go their own way, are guided by their own values ​​and do not give in to manipulation by society.

This is a rather difficult path that requires stability and confidence, since it is always easier to behave like everyone else without thinking too much. The danger is that the guy will not distinguish you from others, and you will not live your life.

Your main interest should be your own life - don’t impose yourself on the guy, let him be the first to take the initiative, which is important to encourage and show what pleases you. But you shouldn’t run after him yourself; they quickly lose interest in such girls. It is quite acceptable to be active after his first few steps, but there should always be more of his actions. Don’t tell everything about yourself, let there be a little mystery and room for his imagination; if he knows your schedule, the motives for meeting and refusing, every minute, then interest gradually subsides and he doesn’t want to explore.

Being yourself and being different are completely compatible things - after all, you have different activities and moods. Despite the fact that everyone likes to be praised and welcomed, guys are not interested when a girl is constantly sweet and unctuous. You can be openly angry, sad, happy, fall into apathy, agitation and depression - the greater the spectrum you allow yourself to show, the more intrigue and interest you will arouse in a guy.

Online dating5

Establishing communication online is sometimes much easier than in person. Like his photo or post, send him a friend request or subscribe. If you have mutual friends and acquaintances and you work/communicate together, then there is nothing strange about this.

If you found him on a dating app or just saw him somewhere on the Internet, you can tell him about it. Or keep the suspense. Open your profile before you start your takeover plan. You don’t like it when mysterious people without photos or names write to you in private messages, do you?

Should I text him first? Why not. “I liked your post/your photos/your playlist” - this is both a compliment and a reason to start a conversation and discuss common interests.

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