How to kiss a guy if he doesn't dare make the first move

No one will deny the fact that both men and women love to kiss. Why might a girl be interested in how to kiss a guy on the lips first? Most likely, she is already dating a young man she likes. But, for some reason, he does not take steps towards him. If a girl really likes him, then she must decide to kiss the guy first. There is nothing shameful in this, the main thing is to be able to do it with dignity.

Let's flirt!

If you can master the art of flirting perfectly, perhaps the young man will kiss you himself and will believe that it was his idea. At the same time, do not forget that flirting is a manifestation of your interest in sexual terms, therefore, do not be afraid to behave with him a little more relaxed than usual. In this case, you won't even need information on how to kiss a guy first. Below we will look at a few rules to remember.

How to learn to kiss a girl?

Where to begin?

“There is nothing more beautiful,” some will say, “There is nothing more magical,” others will say, “There is nothing more exciting,” others will say, “than to kiss your beloved.” However, all this fades into the background if your kiss is the first. Your hands are trembling, your breathing is labored, and the question persistently beats in your head: “How to kiss a girl correctly, so as, firstly, not to offend her, and, secondly, not to seem funny or inept?”


Guys love to receive compliments, even more than girls! Focus your attention on those qualities that particularly attract you in him - his sense of humor, eyes, hairstyle, etc. Explain why you like these qualities. Mostly guys shower girls with compliments, but the opposite rarely happens. Therefore, this will allow you to stand out in his eyes.

Continuing the topic of how to kiss a guy correctly, it is worth noting that a good compliment should not be complicated. If you don’t understand exactly how to present it correctly, just look into his eyes, then say whatever you consider necessary at that moment, smile and continue the conversation on an unrelated topic.

Kiss on the first date: mission possible (tips for guys)

Is it worth kissing on the first date - a question that worries not only girls, but also guys. And the latter, for the most part, will answer in the affirmative.

The most important rule of success is attentiveness, a sense of proportion and romance of the moment. These components will help melt a woman’s heart and make the first kiss unforgettable:

  1. The atmosphere is one of the most important points. A man should take a responsible approach to choosing a place for a date, surround the girl with care and attention, and choose the right moment for a kiss.
  2. Compliments are the best foreplay before a kiss. There is not a single woman in the world who would not be pleased to hear them addressed to her (and admiration not only for forms, figure, but also for human qualities).
  3. Visual and emotional contact. The girl should feel interest and admiration not only in words, but also in her eyes. A man should also pay attention to her emotional background: if she feels free, shows interest, and does not avoid fleeting touches, then most likely she will not object to a kiss.
  4. Knowing of limits. Persistence is good, but only in such a way that it does not border on arrogance. It is unlikely that a girl will regard this as a sign of serious interest in herself if a man attacks her with passionate kisses from the first minutes of the date. The first kiss should be light, gentle, short - so that you want to repeat it. Even if you like a girl so much that she “blows the roof off” from the excess of feelings, you don’t need to immediately go in with hugs and tongue kisses.
  5. No stupid questions. When asking a girl whether you can kiss her, you should expect a negative answer, even if she herself wants it.
  6. Kisses on the first date are for dessert. It is better to leave them closer to the end of the date (ideally, at parting), especially if this is the first meeting and people are only at the acquaintance stage.
  7. Feedback. The kiss took place! Afterwards, the girl may feel shy, embarrassed, even indignant - this is normal. The main thing is to monitor your partner’s emotional background, mood, and gaze. They will tell you better than any words whether the first kiss was a success and whether she wants to repeat it.


Start the conversation right

Of course, you are still far from knowing how to be the first to kiss a guy on the lips, but don’t rush - everything will happen on time. There is no need to start a conversation with a simple “hello.” A more interesting start to the conversation will give you food for discussion, but will not force you to ask the young man how he is doing. You can tell him what you are doing now, ask about your plans. You can joke with him casually. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what exactly you write to him, the main thing here is that he has a desire to write something to you in a response message.

You want everything to go perfectly, right?

Still from the movie "Spider-Man"

How exactly to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time is extremely important, because this is a transition to a new level, and if you do everything correctly and in a timely manner, then this kiss will make your relationship stronger and closer.

Therefore, it is quite natural if the day before you are a little nervous (or even a lot) and want everything to go as it should.

Our guide will definitely help you make this moment special, but we want to remind you that, alas, there is no magic and universal formula for how to kiss correctly for the first time. Since each person and situation is unique, you will also have to improvise a little.

But we believe in you, and everything will be cool!

Watch yourself carefully

If you don't know how to kiss a guy, but want to do it, you should pay more attention to your own appearance. Of course, this does not mean that you should start putting kilograms of makeup on yourself. True, there are things that you can do to look more attractive. Pay close attention to the following:

  1. Lips. If your lips are chapped, you can get rid of chapped skin using a regular toothbrush, carefully making a few strokes. Then apply balm to make them as soft as possible. When you need to highlight color, use lipstick. You really shouldn't wear lip gloss. It looks beautiful on the lips, but it’s disgusting to kiss, and besides, guys often don’t like its taste.
  2. Smell. Young people are unconsciously drawn to girls who smell attractive to them. Shower at least once a day, use deodorant, and purchase a body spray that blends well with your own scent. Apply perfume to your wrist, opposite side of your kneecap and neck area. If you want your whole body to smell, use shower gel or scented soap.
  3. Watch your hair. Many guys won’t pay attention to your hairstyle, but will appreciate how it looks overall. Add 10 minutes to your routine to get your hair in order.

I want a man to kiss first, what should I do?

Excite and make a guy kiss you

If you want your chosen one to kiss you, choose the right time for this. A young man who is clearly attracted to you will certainly want to kiss you under almost any circumstances, but you should still be sensitive and not persuade him to take this step if he is seriously upset about something. This insistence may seem inappropriate, and subsequently the guy will simply decide that you lack any sensitivity.

In general, you could excite your lover with just your appearance. Of course, it is better to avoid vulgarity - just dress in feminine clothes that maximally emphasize your figure. Speak to the guy in a calm and gentle voice, try to avoid a raised tone, hysterical laughter or shrill notes - your voice should attract the guy, making him seem to plunge into some kind of nirvana. Let your movements be smooth, and your gaze seem to be slightly drooping. When convenient and appropriate, touch the young man - his hair, arms, back. You should exude an aura of femininity and intimacy. Some girls manage to behave this way completely naturally, but in general, this can be learned.

Induce a kiss with reciprocal actions

Some guys are hesitant to kiss a girl, simply not being sure that they like them or that such a step is appropriate at the moment. However, with your actions you could very well push the young man towards a kiss; he should see that, in general, you are ready for this. Act relaxed around him, initiate tactile contact by taking the guy by the hand, hugging him or running your hand through his hair, he should see that you are comfortable in his company and like to touch him.

Kiss spell

To carry out this ritual, use a silver spoon (in general, the spoon can be made of any other white metal). You will also need a glass of holy water. If there is no holy water in the house, pour ordinary clean water into a glass and keep it in a dark place for a week. Now immerse the spoon in the water and, while looking at it, say:

“My beloved person (his name), I, the servant of God (your name), want you to miss and yearn for me alone. And white metal and spring water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, and never leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the powers of heaven, the powers of earth. I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!"

After such a conspiracy, the young man will often think about you and want to be with you - accordingly, he will strive to kiss you, the object of his desires.

Removing the “touch barrier”

What do you think - if a girl kissed a guy on the lips, did she do something wrong? If the answer is yes, you need to learn to identify stereotypes and stop reacting to them. If we talk about touching in general, then by overcoming this barrier, you clearly and clearly make the young man understand your intentions. If he reacts to this normally, you can move forward. Here are some traditional examples of how this can be done:

  • Sit closer to him. If you are sitting in a car or on the couch together, move closer to him. If he approves, you're on the right track.
  • Try to take him by the hand. If you see a good opportunity to do this, take it. At the same time, do not cross your arms and do not squeeze your palm so that he also has the opportunity to touch you if he wants.
  • Hug him. This is best done as a goodbye. To do this, lean towards him, put your hands on his shoulders or wrap them around his neck. In this case, light hugs should last no longer than 2-3 seconds. This is quite enough to feel closeness from touch without being embarrassed.

Why doesn't a guy kiss

Before getting to the point, let's figure out why guys ignore you and hesitate to act. This behavior occurs for several reasons:

  • Timidity. Since childhood, it has been drilled into our heads that men are strong, active and courageous. But we are all different, and men are no exception. Young people may be afraid of rejection, and even strong sympathy will not force them to take the first step and cross the line in a relationship.
  • Seriousness. There is a category of guys who take relationships very seriously. For them, a kiss is very important and intimate. They postpone the decisive moment so that they can show the seriousness of their intentions and the importance of this step. But, believe me, such responsible guys have no less desires than you. They want to demonstrate that you are not a one-night stand for them to just have fun with.
  • Friendzone. Perhaps the young man feels only friendly sympathy for you and does not consider you as an object of love. Observe his behavior around other girls. If he does not hide his interest and boldly discusses the beauties passing by with you, you should not be under any illusions - you are just a friend for him.

Don’t despair, you have, albeit a small, chance to interest him as a girl, you’ll have to try hard. Change your image, buy beautiful, sexy clothes, complement your look with light makeup. Make him jealous by openly communicating with other guys. Show that you can be not only a friend for someone, but also a girlfriend.

  • Emotionality. Some guys are cold in relationships and don't consider kissing something important and necessary. They are focused on themselves and their own interests. Relationships are viewed as a mutually beneficial partnership; the choice of a soul mate is approached with a cool head and clear calculations. Falling in love and romantic impulses are alien to such pragmatists. Whether or not to try to build a relationship with such a “cracker” is up to you to decide.

Stay alone

Let us immediately note that guys often say that girls roam in flocks and it is very difficult to communicate with them alone. Try to make this task easier for him. Get away from the crowd or just get some air. If you want to be absolutely sure that you are alone with a young man, you can simply invite him on a date.

If you try to catch him alone, find an excuse to take him away from the company. Ask if he can step away for a moment, offer to go home together or help with tedious errands. But this, of course, is not all the information about how to kiss a guy.

Kissing on the first date: a man's perspective

For a guy, kissing a girl he likes means confessing his sympathy to her, declaring his rights, and it’s quite normal for him to do this on the first date. However, the first kiss for a man is just as exciting, long-awaited and gives rise to a storm of emotions if we are talking about serious intentions and feelings towards a lady. If the purpose of the date is a non-binding relationship, then the guy will not miss the opportunity to kiss the girl as quickly as possible, so that later he can move on to more active actions.

Be that as it may, the main burden of responsibility and initiative during the first date is the lot of the man. And he, in turn, is tormented by doubts:

  1. I’ll kiss her - what if it’s too early and she’ll decide that I’m just pestering?
  2. If I don’t kiss you, he will consider me indecisive or think that he doesn’t like me.
  3. If I miss the chance to kiss you, hello, friend zone.

Of course, everything is individual, but most situations regarding the first kiss are still typical. Men have the same doubts and worry whether it’s worth taking this step so that everything goes right and the girl evaluates the first date positively.

Seize the moment

If you plan everything correctly, the environment will do half the work and help him see you in a rather sexy light. Please take into account the following circumstances:

  • Don't be afraid of silence. Listen to the silence instead of chattering incessantly. It's also music. If you don’t know how to kiss a guy, remember that he won’t be able to do it for you unless you stop talking.
  • Try to be alone with him so that there are no prejudices or barriers left regarding what people will think of you.

Mistakes and tips: what a girl should and shouldn’t do!

  1. Don't overdo it with cosmetics. A guy may not kiss you because you're wearing bright red lipstick or because your lip gloss is too shiny. He doesn't want it all on his lips either. When you go on a date, use a colorless balm that will make your lips soft and/or give them a pleasant aroma.
  2. Fresh breath. No matter how long we brush our teeth in the morning, they will no longer be clean at lunchtime. Kissing a person who has a bad breath coming from their mouth is a terrible “pleasure.” Therefore, always carry gum or mints with you and use one before meeting your lover.
  3. Consider whether it is suitable for you. If you want to kiss a guy as quickly as possible because his indecision and timidity annoy you, then think about whether you need to start a serious relationship with him at all. His character will not change over time; most likely, he will be like this all his life. But even in this case there are exceptions.
  4. Don't kiss him in public places. Perhaps the young man does not want others to know about your relationship, or does not want everyone to see his indecisiveness. Choose a more intimate setting for this than a university hallway or home courtyard.
  5. Do you want to touch him? Offer to measure your hands! Then, if the guy doesn’t mind, leave your palm in his.
  6. Don't think about outsiders. During a kiss, you shouldn’t bother with questions like: “What is he thinking about now?” or “What do I look like?” If this kiss is mutual, then he is now only thinking about how beautiful you are, and the same answer applies to the second question.
  7. Tell him. If a guy talks very quickly and a lot, then most likely he is planning to kiss you, but does not know when to do it. Help him - tell him with a playful smile on your face that he talks too much and put your finger or palm on his lips. He will kiss you. Important: this should not sound like a reproach. He may be offended, be careful.
  8. Smile. A smile, like politeness, conquers cities.
  9. Take control of the situation. If the kiss turns out to be not what you imagined, try to correct the situation. When you like what he does, tell him about it, or better yet, show him your pleasure. You can hug him tighter or go limp in his arms. He will learn!

Remember that a kiss often marks the beginning of a relationship. Take this seriously. Love to you!


So, we come to the main question - how to kiss a guy? Now you can dare to take this step. If you're feeling brave, test your boyfriend's reaction by kissing him on the cheek when you wish him goodnight. If he likes it, you can kiss him on the lips next time. The kiss should not be fleeting and quick. Using soft lips, touch the cheek area near the ear or corner of the mouth. He will understand this conditioned signal as a call to action.

Visual contact. Feel free to look into his eyes. Do this often, especially before the kiss itself. This is incredibly romantic, and also shows that you are a sincere and honest person. Your body language should be extremely clear. In this case, you will be able to tell him about your own condition without any words. Your posture should be open, in which case it will be easy for him to lean towards you for a kiss. If you kiss him first, it won't come as a surprise to him.

Don’t cross your arms over your chest, don’t clench your fingers, don’t hug yourself with your arms. If you are very worried, close your hands behind your back, in this case you will look more open. Change the position of your body depending on the location of the young man. When you stand still, your fingers should be directed in his direction, your knees when sitting. Cross your ankles, but not your legs. Also, you don't need to cross your legs tightly when sitting. It’s better to cross your ankles - this pose is open, but it doesn’t look vulgar.

Don't hide your excitement. If you fidget in place, blush, and begin to wrap strands of hair around your fingers, let it go! These are obvious signs that you like him, and he'll probably take it as a compliment. Move closer to him. Find an excuse to sit or stand as close to him as possible, so that your face is a couple of centimeters away from him. Now make eye contact.

Watch the guy's reaction carefully. It will be clear that you want to kiss him, therefore, watch his reaction. It may seem to him that if a girl kissed a guy first, then this indicates her promiscuity. In this case, increase the distance and let him take the first step on his own. If he doesn't push you away, you're probably on the right track. Now you can make the hints obvious. At the same time, if you are not sure that he understands what is happening correctly, close your eyes and smile - this will become a signal to him what you want from him.

Important Tips

Even if you are sure that during your first kiss with a guy everything will go without a hitch, consider the main points:

  • never ask permission (if you doubt a guy, postpone this moment);
  • don’t try to be the first to kiss someone who hasn’t approached you in any way before (you’ll find yourself in an awkward position);
  • if you are sick, postpone this impulse;
  • remove the braces (piercing) first;
  • the first kiss should not be long;
  • if you don’t want to seem vulgar, keep your hands on his arms/shoulders while kissing, avoid touching his back, waist, face or neck;
  • spit out the chewing gum - it promotes profuse salivation;
  • keep your mouth shut, don’t tell anyone about your first kiss.

But the main advice is to do only what is comfortable for both of you! If you didn’t like the kiss/the guy’s reaction/his behavior/the bad breath – stop it! Listen to yourself, pay close attention to your partner’s non-verbal signals, then the first kiss will really leave only pleasant impressions!

Useful video:

Kissing technique

How to kiss a guy? Your lips should be quite soft and your touch should be light. Lightly touch his lips at first contact. Movements should be gentle and slow, and should not be forceful. Only when you realize that he is enjoying the kiss can you deepen it slightly. There is no need to stretch your lips when kissing; this is not particularly romantic, and besides, it can be perceived incorrectly.

Find a use for your own hands. They should not rest on their knees. With the help of them you can improve your kissing. Place them on the guy's chest or shoulders, take his face in your hands or hug his neck. Run your fingers through his hair.

Now deepen the kiss. Once you get the hang of it, you can speed it up. Make it brighter, while changing its speed and intensity, and also try not to use any one kissing technique for too long. Try French kissing if you wish. You may not like it at all, although it may add romance. Now open your mouth slightly. Open your lips a little so that you can stick your tongue through them.

Lightly touch his bottom lip with it. This touch should be barely noticeable and can last no more than a second, then the tongue must be removed. If he likes it, he will answer you in kind. Tilt your head slightly to the side. Kissing using this technique is much easier if people's mouths are positioned at different angles. In this case, you will not clash teeth or noses.

Interrupt your kiss so that he wants to repeat it soon. You should stop before you run out of steam. If you stop at the moment when you get the taste, the guy will definitely want to repeat this experience. It is done!

How to kiss a guy so that he likes it?

Give away the palm.

It is enough for him that the first step was taken by a girl. For this reason, already during the kiss it is better to take the position of a slave and let him lead the entire process. Why is that:

  • he will feel confident and express himself;
  • henceforth the young man will doubt less, take the initiative more often and in other situations;
  • the girl will not have the label “I myself” and she will be able to rely on her boyfriend;
  • this way you can get to know your partner better, his skills, desires;
  • there is no pressure effect that can greatly frighten off the chosen one;
  • it's just pleasant and even natural.

Even if the first battle remains with the girl, it is advisable to appoint the guy as the main commander of the arena.


Men by nature are hunters. They have in their DNA the desire to win, to extract, to conquer. It’s just that some people realize this immediately and more clearly, while others need a good kick in the direction of self-confidence.

How can you stir up interest? How to tease and let him enjoy the progress of the “hunt”:

  • lightly bite or suck his lips;
  • alternate between tenderness and passion of a kiss;
  • lean away from his face a little so that he reaches out and smile;
  • make a path of kisses from his ear to the corner of his mouth, but do not touch the lips themselves;
  • make the kiss short, but do not move far from the young man so that he can take a portion of the supplement himself;
  • tickle his lips with your tongue, making quick, light movements with it.

And one more tip: when kissing, it is important to open your mouth. Even if the technique is simple and only involves the lips, the teeth should not be kept clenched. This will qualitatively improve the entire process.

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