How to let a man know that you really like him without being intrusive

Women are accustomed to thinking that a man is the first to seek their affection. Many girls do not even consider options when they themselves can show sympathy to the young man they like. And it’s in vain, because it’s so easy to miss your happiness if you sit with your hands folded. Are you afraid to be the first to signal that you care about a man? Don't know what to say and how to properly confess your feelings? We have come to your aid to tell you about all the intricacies of these delicate issues. Our article will help you understand how to confess your sympathy to both a boy and an adult man.

Flirting and coquetry - about the benefits of the ability to make eyes

The easiest way to let a man know that a girl likes him without being intrusive is to smile, approach him, and look into his eyes. Not every girl will decide to take such a step. Men rarely understand subtle hints.

But despite this, the ability to “speak” with your eyes is a basic skill in the art of flirting. Such experience will be beneficial, even if the man himself takes the initiative. For many representatives of the fair sex, it is a problem to remain calm in male society. Although slight confusion during acquaintance will also allow the chosen one to understand that he likes him, excessive embarrassment should not interfere with communication.

Common female mistakes

So, you showed and hinted to the guy in every possible way that you liked him, but something pushed him away.

What mistakes did you make:

  • allowed themselves defiant behavior;
  • were too excited, anxious, scared, constrained;
  • used profanity;
  • reacted negatively to his speech/behavior/gesture;
  • planned a future together, which frightened him;
  • seemed vulgar to him;
  • they did not allow passage, they flooded the phone with calls and SMS;
  • flirted with everyone;
  • they portrayed themselves as inaccessible, cold, and played “The Snow Queen”;
  • did (used) something that the guy does not accept;
  • laughed at his words.

There are actually many reasons. Whether you need to analyze your own behavior is up to you to decide! As well as whether you will again make active attempts to hint to a man about your feelings!

As a rule, if a guy didn’t appreciate your hints of sympathy, you neglected the main rule - don’t impose yourself! It is this manner of behavior that negates all the girl’s advantages and makes the guys run away without looking back!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with telling a young man that you like him. After all, there are situations when hints are interpreted incorrectly or there is simply no suitable opportunity for them. For mature, confident people, speaking out provides an opportunity to move on. Together or separately – it depends! Sometimes it is better to find out the truth quickly, without wasting a lot of precious time on slow swings, which are not guaranteed to be successful! Whatever your decision, be happy!

Basic methods

There are many methods on how to show the man you are interested in that you like him. But it’s more difficult to find a way to communicate this openly. The simplest methods are to write a letter or talk in person. Under no circumstances should you ask mutual acquaintances or friends about this. In any relationship, even those that begin, there can only be two sides.

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If the prospect of admitting that I really like him seems scary, then it’s worth trying a proven method. Just write a letter. The old fashioned way, on plain paper, sprinkled with your favorite perfume. This option is relevant for romantic natures. And for modern young people, the usual email will do. You can use a mobile phone.

The main thing to remember is one nuance: not one more letter until the object of sympathy at least somehow reacts to the recognition received. Difficult, but possible. This period will have to be endured. Otherwise, the girl may be considered too intrusive, which can lead to the opposite effect.

One-on-one on a date

Even if you are not in a relationship yet, you can arrange a one-on-one date.
It is not necessary to tell the guy that this will be a romantic meeting. Just offer to sit in a cafe and drink a glass of coffee. Or invite you to the cinema, referring to a friend who suddenly changed her mind about going. If a man does not reject the proposal, then this can be considered a good sign. And when you meet, take a moment to reveal your little secret.


Feel free to show interest in a man. Using my advice, you can easily intrigue a guy, and he will invite you on a date, believing that this is his initiative. Even more effective techniques for building relationships await you in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.” On it I discuss in detail how and where to meet worthy men, how to attract their attention, build harmonious relationships, maintain love and passion in marriage.

Girls! Do you think it’s worth hinting to guys that you like them, or is it better to silently wait for the first step from them?

A few simple rules

Almost every woman knows how to unobtrusively show a guy that you like him. But having won over the object of sympathy, it is important to catch the moment when you can hint that the relationship could continue. To do this, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Openness – body language is important in communication; any man will understand them at the subconscious level. You cannot cross your legs or arms - such a position means disagreement. You can show trust by opening your palms.
  2. The law of the mirror - according to psychologists, not a single representative of the strong half of humanity can resist it. This is easy to check - you need to discreetly repeat some gestures.
  3. An accidental touch - it should be light and short-lived, accidental.
  4. Laughter from the heart - few people like fake joy or a smile. Men are sensitive in this regard. Therefore, emotions must be sincere.
  5. Light coquetry - a close and at the same time embarrassed look will confuse any man.
  6. Admiration is to show that communication brings joy, and intelligence and erudition sincerely surprise. A sincere admiring glance can allow the young man to understand how valuable the time spent together is to the girl.
  7. Showing interest - a woman does not always understand what her boyfriend is talking about. Ask for clarification of this or that question in more detail. A genuine interest in business and hobbies will pleasantly flatter anyone.
  8. Help - everyone wants to feel like a knight for a lady. Let it be just a door open in front of her or heavy bags carried home.
  9. To take care of yourself – just light makeup, a neat hairstyle and a beautiful dress are enough. The chosen one will definitely appreciate the desire to please him.

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Say nice words

Smiles and touches are important, but there is nothing to replace live communication. If the choice fell on this man, it means there is something that attracted the girl. Understand and admire. However, going too far is also pointless. It is important to talk about real advantages. An excellent sense of humor or the way he understands art. The main thing is not to impose.

Shoot with your eyes

When wondering how to let a handsome man know that you like him, but without words, don’t forget about the eyes. Anyone's heart will beat faster if he periodically catches gazes with genuine interest and a desire to continue. But there is no point in staring, a fleeting shy glance with a promise of more will suffice.

Naturalness and honesty are the key to success

When a girl behaves naturally, it is easier for her to establish contact and give the guy a hint that she likes him. Men value this quality along with honesty, although there are exceptions to the rules. If a guy is spoiled by female attention, then by hinting about sympathy, a girl risks simply becoming another victory on the love front.

Putting on pathos and trying to make a great impression, portraying an all-knowing and understanding person, is the wrong decision. The best role in life is the role of yourself.

Practice touching

Random light touches will make you pay attention to the girl and make it clear that the young man is interested in her. Touch your hand, brush away a non-existent speck of dust, straighten your collar. There is no need to forcefully hug or take your hand, this can scare the guy away.

Decide to have a frank conversation

If after all the methods the guy still doesn’t understand anything, don’t be discouraged. Men rarely take hints. In addition, it is possible that the object of desire is simply embarrassed to take a reciprocal step. We need to take the initiative into our own hands.

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Having told him directly about your feelings, you should not expect that at the same moment the young man will fall at the girl’s feet. At first he will be surprised by this development of events, and it will take time to come to his senses. Or maybe the young man does not see her as a life partner. Sometimes it happens. Therefore, there is no point in pestering with a demand for an immediate response. It is better to wait until the passions subside, the man himself will talk about his feelings or lack thereof.

The same strategy can be used if the young person is busy in other relationships. But before you let a married man know that it’s not just his wife who likes him, it’s better to think about whether it’s worth it. Often guys who leave their family end up leaving their new passion.

How to hint to a guy about your feelings

So, how can you properly let a man know that you like him and would like to start a relationship? Where to begin?

Before hinting about sympathy, let’s clarify your ability to contact each other. What relationship are you in at the moment? Work colleagues, friends of mutual friends, classmates (classmates), have you met a couple of times on vacation?

If you don’t know each other well (meeting each other for the first time), then before giving hints you need to know something else:

First, find out if the guy is available. This is important because it will embarrass both of you.

Secondly, if the guy is still not in a relationship with anyone, you need to do a little research on his interests, hobbies, attitude towards girls, life, etc. This will help you find common ground in the strategy to attract his attention.

That's it, the related questions and points are over - you can move on to action.

How to hint about your feelings non-verbally

Nonverbal expressions of sympathy have long been considered the most powerful weapon for seducing the opposite sex. Glances, gestures, and body allow you to speak without words, giving a man the opportunity to interpret hints on a subconscious level.

So, how to silently let a guy know that you like him:

  1. Make eye contact. Just don’t do it too graphically or forcefully—it’s intimidating. Catch his gaze, squint slightly, lower your eyes and slowly raise them again. If eye contact is successful and the guy perks up, great, you’re doing everything right!
  2. Relax your face, straighten the frown on your forehead. You should look fresh, interesting, at ease.
  3. Keep your back straight, turn half a turn towards the guy - this is how you hint that you are ready for dialogue.
  4. Smile - a smile speaks of sympathy, a warm attitude towards your partner.
  5. Use your legs gracefully - periodically throw them over one another, cross and straighten them. This hints at sensuality, openness, interest.
  6. Play with your hair. Open your neck, casually run your hand over them, and with a slight movement, throw them from one shoulder to the other. It looks especially enchanting if a woman, without taking her eyes off the man, tucks an unruly strand behind her ear. This movement conceals hidden desire, constraint, softness and gentle excitement.
  7. Open your lips sensually. If you are eating something at this moment, do not be afraid to lick them. Moist lips have a stimulating and alluring effect on men.

If there is an opportunity to sit with the guy you like at the same table (within a circle of friends, at the same desk at school, at a university), open non-verbal signals should be used. The most revealing hints are touches. Tender, casual, timid, sensual. You can accidentally violate your personal space - touch your elbow, touch your fingers, stand close (you had to press close to tactfully let someone pass by), lose your balance, lean on a strong man’s shoulder, etc. If a guy is conducting a dialogue (it doesn’t matter whether he’s with you or not) – bending down, direct all the strings of your body towards his person.

Nonverbal signals emanating from a confident girl always hit the target. If you are worried, afraid, unsure of your own actions, you risk looking nervous and ridiculous. Go ahead - treat it like a game where no one obliges you to do anything.

How to hint about your sympathy verbally

Are you able to communicate with the guy you like? It’s great, because in the dialogue you can not only adjust the atmosphere, but also track the interlocutor’s reaction to your hints.

How to hint about your sympathy? The surest way is to tell the guy that you like him! That's it - directly, boldly and frankly! This is relevant if there is non-verbal communication between you and all that remains is to put everything in its place. Just don’t try to laugh at this, otherwise the young man will be offended, taking your words for a stupid joke.

Useful tips

It is possible that the young man has been trying to hint about mutual sympathy for a long time.
And excessive modesty does not allow him to say this directly. This can be understood by the following nuances:

  1. External transformation - when he sees a girl, the guy stands up straight, sucks in his stomach and straightens his shoulders. Or he begins to adjust the details of his clothing.
  2. Eyes - he is not afraid to meet eyes and tries to catch a response.
  3. Gesticulation - a person is open to communication, does not cross his arms or legs.
  4. Touching - tries to touch a woman at every opportunity. Not for long, but carefully.

Women's intuition is rarely wrong in such matters. Therefore, if there is a feeling that a guy is interested in a girl, that’s the way it is.

If you like it, it’s a work colleague

When the object of sympathy is a colleague, and you don’t know how to show the man from work that you like him, then the situation is more complicated. Bosses rarely like office romances. But if a girl is ready to take a risk, then she needs to do it in such a way that others know less about what is happening. At least for one reason: if you refuse, your working relationship with your boyfriend may become more complicated.

To prevent this from happening, you need to remember a few rules:

  1. Methods of wordless sympathy should be used unobtrusively and carefully.
  2. When showing verbal signs of attention, try to avoid direct conversation about feelings.
  3. Watch the reaction carefully. If a girl notices that a young man is not happy about the current situation, then it is better to stop trying to attract attention.

And if he reciprocates, then you can talk frankly with the young man.

Friendship as a way to show your sympathy

Almost every girl knows that the path from friendship to love is often short. When a guy considers her a friend, he lets her into his comfort zone. It would be stupid not to take advantage of such a chance.

To create a strong and lasting relationship, a man and a woman must first be friends. Few people believe in true friendship between the sexes, and call it falling in love. But starting with regular interesting communication is a good option.

Ask him for help, men like it

Everyone wants to look like a real man to a woman, like a prince from a fairy tale. Ask for a favor: take you home in the evening, help move furniture or fix kitchen appliances. Any task where he will demonstrate all the skills and abilities. This will also allow you to spend time with the man and try to impress.

Overwhelming a guy you don’t know with such requests is the wrong way. It is worth referring to mutual acquaintances or friends who recommended the girl to contact him. This will allow you to continue getting to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere.

If in response to a confession a woman receives a refusal, then do not despair. It’s better this way than wasting months of time and energy on a person who doesn’t reciprocate her feelings. There is a time for everything - the appearance of your loved one will come soon.

How to understand that a man is interested in you

He raises his eyebrows. When a man sees the object of his attraction, he automatically raises and lowers his eyebrows and wrinkles his forehead. However, to notice this significant signal, you need to keep your eyes open. Anthropologists call this movement the lightning eyebrow raise because, just like a flash of lightning in the night sky, it lasts for a very short time.

He stands with his legs spread wide. Men tend to show themselves as alpha males, the leaders of the pack. When a man is attracted to you, he spreads his legs wide and turns his pelvic area towards you. They are guided by a primitive, biological instinct, and most representatives of the stronger sex take this position completely unconsciously.

He stands or sits with his toes pointing towards each other. This means that the man is a little unsure of himself. He has an interest, but he needs to make sure that this interest is mutual.

When your eyes meet, he tilts his head slightly to the side. This is a subconscious “come here” signal that means the guy is attracted to you. Therefore, if the man with whom you exchange glances tilts his head, this is a sure sign that he is attracted to you, but maybe a little shy.

How to distinguish a colleague's love from lust

If you don’t want to plunge into a storm of gossip and judgment from your colleagues, you need to be able to notice sympathy from the male sex in the office. It is also important to distinguish sincere sympathy from the desire to sleep.

The first thing that can help you figure out the differences is the guy’s gaze. A fascinating study was conducted on this topic in Geneva. During its course, it was scientifically confirmed that:

  • the gaze of a person in love concentrates on the eyes and face of the partner;
  • the look of a guy who is focused only on sex is distributed throughout his entire body.

After this, it became clear how to understand whether a man sincerely likes you or whether he just wants you. Just remember how he looks at you.

And, of course, think about how the man talks to you. What topics does your colleague bring up? If he is interested in your inner world, he will talk about everything in the world, find out how you are doing, and share his thoughts. When he is interested in sex, everything will come down to just that.

If you like it, it’s a colleague at work

In situations with a potential “office romance,” everything is somewhat more complicated. First, many organizations discourage relationships between employees. And even if you want to let the object of your affection know about your feelings, it is better to do it so that other colleagues at work do not notice it.

Secondly, if a man understands your feelings, but they are not mutual, this can complicate your working relationship. So, how to let a man know that you like him at work, without risking ruining the work mood:

  1. Carefully use the above methods of wordless sympathy: glances, smiles, and touching with extreme caution.
  2. Show attention verbally, without talking about feelings directly.
  3. Watch the reaction.

If he responds to your signs of attention, it means there is reciprocal sympathy. In this case, you can talk about feelings directly.

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