How to make a guy want to date you: detailed instructions

You shouldn’t think that the proposal to “date” should come exclusively from the lips of guys. In some situations, it is important and necessary for the girl to take the initiative. Sometimes a guy doesn’t dare to take the first steps, and here it’s worth showing cunning and perseverance like a woman.

If you miss this moment, it is unknown how long the guy will walk around and around and whether he will decide to take such a step. If you really like a man, take a risk, here and now! Let's look at the rules and techniques for asking a guy to date without him refusing.

Become his friend

If love at first sight does not come, do not despair! After meeting a pleasant young man, feelings on his part do not always flare up instantly. To help them awaken, you must first become his friend.

Becoming friends with a guy does not mean entering the friend zone. Being there is usually attributed to those who have no chance of counting on anything more than friendship. But it is friendship that is the first bridge on the path to winning his heart.

Spend time alone or in a small group, sharing important little things in life. If appropriate, you should give advice in difficult times or “give a vest.” The ability to listen will bring you closer, and this may allow a man to look at communication from a different perspective.

Love magic and prayers

Many girls despair and decide to resort to the power of magic, hoping that it can help them in love affairs. If you have tried all the available ways to influence a guy, but he still hasn’t paid attention to you, then, of course, you may be attracted to one of the following conspiracies.

Conspiracy to get a guy to ask you out on a date

For this ritual you will need a photo of your lover. Now you can easily get a photo by going to the page of the object of your sympathy on a social network. After printing its image, get down to business. Place the photograph on a flat surface and light a candle next to it.

Look at the appearance of your chosen one through the flame of a candle and say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), call on the Servant of God (the guy’s name) to come to my house on the threshold and find my heart here. So that his thoughts call to me, so that his heart speaks about me, so that his feet obediently carry me to me. When he comes to me, he won’t knock, but will come right in. Yes, let everything be as I said. Amen."

In general, there are many similar conspiracies on the Internet, and if you believe in the power of such rituals, then you can use one of them.

Conspiracy for reciprocity and love of a man

There is a lot of information on this topic. One very remarkable ritual is popular among some women. First you need to buy an apple, cut it and take out the core, in its place you should put a small piece of paper. On this small piece you need to write the name of your lover and draw a heart pierced by an arrow. After this, connect the two halves of the fruit (the paper should remain inside it). Place the apple in the sun (on a windowsill, on a balcony, etc.). Now all you have to do is wait. According to experienced conspirators, as the fruit changes, the chosen one will increasingly be overcome by thoughts of you.

Periodically approach the apple and say the following words:

“As my apple will dry, so the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name) will dry for me, the Servant of God (your name).”

Prayers for the return of a loved one

Some women sincerely believe in the power of prayer, thanks to which you can return your lover. The Internet is replete with such conspiracies, and you can easily find the one that appeals to you the most.

However, many are skeptical about such methods of returning relationships and finding personal happiness. As a rule, in order to keep your loved one close, you first need to work on yourself and your relationship.

Give only positive emotions

Everyone has problems in life. But some girls are too fond of loading their friends with them. Not all men are ready to help for any reason. And no one likes to listen to endless whining about a bad life.

Instead of regularly appearing before your gentleman with a dissatisfied expression on your face, you should give your loved one positive emotions as often as possible. Humor in a relationship brings people together no less than sex.

Guys love funny girls. With them, they are not averse to spending time in the company of friends at a noisy party or watching a movie alone. Just don’t try to “trick” a man: they hate it when girls surpass them in “male” areas. And in terms of humor, representatives of the stronger sex are usually recognized as the soul of the company.

Become indispensable to him

Guys love praise and flattery, often veiled ones. Praise the guy for his actions and achievements, and often emphasize the fact that you also share his interests.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to sign up for an extreme sports section, or to become interested in biology and physics - just talk about what attracts you to it.

But moderation is important everywhere, so don’t admire your loved one every minute, don’t look at the object of your adoration as an idol.

Although men always enjoy female attention, they cannot stand idealization. Sooner or later, any person begins to be strained by the situation when they try to “fashion” an ideal out of him, which he actually is not. Guys run away from such relationships quickly and without looking back.

Remain a mystery

For a man to be interested in a relationship with a woman, she must appear before him in the form of a mysterious beauty. We are talking about small secrets that should not be disclosed to your chosen one even after the third glass of wine.

Does your guy like the way you drive? Let him think that at one time he had to hire a private instructor, and not steal his father’s old Lada during his stormy youth.

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Does a man admire knowledge in areas that are interesting only to him? Of course, it's all about having a broad outlook. And this has nothing to do with the fact that before the meeting you “accidentally” spent 2 hours studying his page on social networks.

If you want to arouse interest, you should not try to appear in an image that is fundamentally different from reality. In the end, the secret will be revealed, and disappointment from the discrepancy between the “picture” and real life can scare away the chosen one forever.

How to answer? ↑

And now you've finally got your time. The guy asks you to meet. And what should I answer him? How can you avoid making yourself appear insincere, funny, or intrusive?

  • There is no need to prepare an answer in advance; most likely it will not be suitable for the current situation, or you will completely forget everything you wanted to say when you hear your cherished statement.
  • You may not answer him directly “yes” or “come on.” Be a little flirty, but so that the guy understands that your answer is positive.
  • You can hug him or invite him for a walk.

Here are some recommendations on how to behave in order for a guy to ask you out. And this is not a complete list of female tricks that will help you quietly win the heart of any guy.

Be confident in your own abilities

The times when the tremulous sight of a stranger losing consciousness at the mere glance of a gentleman aroused the admiration of men are long gone. Nowadays guys are more interested in strong, confident girls.

A woman's confidence should be expressed in herself. An upright posture, a smart appearance, a thoughtful image with her head held high can distinguish not the most attractive woman from the crowd of girls who are fussing and looking at their feet.

Whatever a girl starts, she must show the guy that success awaits her. Let it be a less than perfect cake, a slightly crooked dress, or a smeared manicure. The main thing is to present everything with a sense of accomplishment and obvious pleasure from the process.

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But you shouldn’t praise yourself and your achievements too much, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Men cannot stand arrogant people, even if they look like top models.

Learn to listen

The ability to hear a person will be useful to you more than once in your future life. A guy who is of interest to you not only as a friend should always feel female support. Listen and empathize, try to help, but do it sincerely, without hypocrisy or falsehood.

Your task is to achieve openness on his part, to help him feel confident and calm in your company. Only under such conditions will a man be able to trust and open up to a girl, talk about his feelings and invite her to date.

Don't become his shadow

Sometimes you can hear a strange phrase from guys who were previously crazy about their chosen one: “We broke up because she lost herself in the relationship.” Alas, dissolving in your own partner and his life, contrary to your dreams, is the fate of many women. But this path will never lead to success in winning the sympathy of a guy.

Yes, it’s nice if he loves football, and you can visit the stadium together. But if such trips bring absolutely no pleasure, such communication can be called a one-sided game. Men also notice if a girl tries with all her might to feign sympathy or interest in his hobby. And this may turn them off.

It's nice to have common interests, develop and communicate on related topics. But there is nothing wrong with paying attention to any yoga 2 times a week, and not to the fitness center where the young man goes. A guy will appreciate the interest of a girl who is also interested in something new and unexplored for him. And it is likely that he will want to do yoga a couple of times instead of doing another set in the gym.

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Getting closer to your lover

To understand how to get a guy you like, you need to find common ground: some common hobbies and interests. It’s easy to find out about a “boy’s” hobbies if you study or work with him in the same team. You can simply ask other people and find out the information you need. This will help you keep the conversation going and get closer to your crush. When communicating, you should use the following tips:

  • Try to call the guy by his name as often as possible.

  • Give compliments, but don't descend into outright flattery. She is unlikely to please anyone except self-centered men.
  • There is no need to constantly criticize your interlocutor or put him in a bad light.
  • Keep the conversation going, try not to be banal and boring.

You can also ask the guy for help in any matter that requires strength and skill. Men like to feel superior. If they refuse you, then don’t worry. It would be best to create a situation in which your lover himself would offer you his help.

If you feel that a guy has started to have a strong interest in you, then you can start ignoring him. However, do it in such a way that the person will not be offended. Just refuse the next date and be cold towards him. This will quickly force him to take action. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with this behavior, because other people are not toys.

Don't read his personal messages

The temptation to find out who your lover has been texting for 20 minutes during a date is very great. But the guy is unlikely to appreciate the girl’s desire to take possession of his mobile phone password, even if only temporarily.

The ability to value everyone's personal space is extremely important in a relationship. Especially if the girl only pretends to become more than just a friend. You cannot get into correspondence, photos, emails and other personal files unless the man himself suggested it or personally showed what his social networks are hiding.

Of course, there is a risk that a guy can date 2 or more girls at the same time. Or he simply regularly sends sharp jokes to his childhood friend, who is not averse to fooling around with his new passion. Or it may turn out that the chosen one is simply very attached to his mother. Therefore, every step is conveyed in correspondence via SMS.

In the process of direct communication, all each other’s secrets become more accessible. And what the man tried to hide may turn out to be a harmless hobby that he still did not want to reveal.

There's nothing worse than meeting his gaze while trying to unlock your phone while he's in the shower. Such an act will, at best, lead to resentment on the part of the man. And it can serve as a break in communication even in a friendly format.

For coins

You can force a guy to propose to you with the help of coins. They are placed on a table covered with a tablecloth and covered with salt. They stir the coins in the salt and say:

The coins are taken to the temple and distributed to the poor people sitting on the porch. Each coin is placed individually in the palm of the person asking, and they whisper: “This is payment.”

Give thanks for any action

Recognition is important for everyone. Men especially appreciate it when a girl admires their achievements. It is not necessary to require the gentleman to set a world record or jump with a parachute. It’s enough to say “thank you” and give him a sweet kiss on the cheek if he helped you carry heavy bags from the store or gave you a ride to work in the morning.

There is no point in praising something that is not at all related to his merits. Too obvious flattery is inappropriate and can cause doubts like: “I wonder what she wants from me if she sucks up like that?”

Then it will be difficult to prove that such manifestations of gratitude are an example of obvious sympathy. A man will look for a catch in every compliment. Or he will even begin to react negatively to any kind word addressed to him.

What to do to get a guy to ask you to date?

In the age of high technology and total feminism, many girls still want to feel like the weaker sex.

Femininity requires conquest, a man must take the first step himself, but... how to push him to this? If you want to find out for sure how to put a guy on the right path and get him to ask you to date him, this article will be extremely useful for you. Read carefully and remember.

So, you met Him, the man of your dreams. He is ideal, smart, he is Apollo, the one and only.

But how can you make this attractive creature not only attract attention, but also make him be with you? You can, of course, arm yourself with standard techniques that have been used for centuries by women all over the world. Be attractive and cook deliciously.

So, you're pretty and your pies are delicious, that enough for a really good guy to want to spend months, or even years, with you? Cute cooks are a dime a dozen, the choice is great.

So, there is a set of unshakable rules, following which, you have every chance that the guy you like will ask you to date him.

  • Men love with their eyes. Your appearance should be attractive. Nature does not always reward us with ideal parameters, face and skin. But these troubles can be overcome with the help of self-care, well-chosen clothes and hairstyle. A woman who takes care of herself and loves herself will definitely not be left without attention.
  • Find out how he lives? If you are already a fan of computer games or football, you will not have any problems. If not, you should make inquiries about his tastes and carefully study the objects of his love. An understanding interlocutor is priceless. And if the interlocutor is still batting his long eyelashes and he is you, then the guy will have no chance to escape from you.
  • Men also love with their ears, yes yes. It’s not for nothing that sailors still have legends about sweet-voiced sirens. Compliments and admiration for his courage, intelligence and even beauty will add points to you in his eyes. The guy will come to you time after time to feel like a handsome prince again, even if this is not true.
  • Many guys are attentive to the opinions of their friends. Therefore, it is better if you evoke positive emotions in his company. It’s even better if you take care of this issue in advance, and only then begin the rest of the tactical moves to capture the handsome guy.
  • Don’t even think about imposing your communication. A girl hanging on a guy’s neck only evokes pity, but not a desire to be with her. The following model of behavior will work much better: try to properly interest him, attract attention, even show sympathy, and then suddenly disappear. The guy, already spoiled by your attention, will fall into a slight semblance of panic and will persistently seek contact with you. The main thing is to control yourself, take your mind off him for hobbies, study and other important activities.
  • You are on the path to success and feel the approach of victory - he is passionate about you and very soon will invite you to be together. It’s a fatal mistake to start being capricious or offended by him without any special reason. Even if you have a difficult character, but you have chosen the image of a sweet and airy fairy, you will have to remain one in the future. Otherwise, the prince will quickly disappear from the horizon.

All of these tips look pretty simple.

Don't forget one simple thing: if the guy is not right for you from the beginning, and there is no chemistry between you, your plan is unlikely to succeed.

What to do if you are 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years old?

Modern girls grow up very early. If you are in school and you like a classmate, you are quite capable of attracting his attention using the same techniques. The only difference is that you see each other almost every day, and this is a big bonus for you.

On the other hand, you should be extremely careful: one wrong step, or an unscrupulous guy - and the whole school will know about your feelings and manipulations. It's another matter if the guy is much older than you.

Even a difference of several years can play a cruel joke on you. Girls in general often like older guys. And older guys are not stupid at all and are able to take advantage of it.

Seeing increased attention from younger girls, a guy may simply take advantage of you. So be as careful as possible.

Proposal to meet by correspondence

In recent years, the popularity of virtual communication has increased tenfold. The Internet makes communication easier; arranging a meeting is a matter of a couple of minutes. At a distance, you can build a relationship, confess your love, even propose.

You yourself can start communicating with the guy you like, because writing an SMS or a message on a social network is much easier than doing the same, but looking the guy in the eyes.

To properly hook a guy and give him an incentive to propose a date, all you need to do is follow simple rules and know a few tricks:

  • More compliments. The guy focuses only on your photos and text messages, so the best tactic is to have as many pleasant moments as possible that he will want to return to.
  • If you have already spent time together, be sure to write to him about the pleasant impressions you received at the meeting. This will emphasize your special attitude, but will not oblige you to unnecessary confessions.
  • Exchange songs, photos, films with your boyfriend. This way you will definitely find out how similar your tastes are, and also let him know that his assessment matters to you.
  • And now, a little trick that gave incentive to hundreds of guys. As if by chance, write him something like “Sorry, Sasha, but I love someone else.” Next, your task is to completely create the impression of embarrassment: you didn’t want to write this to him at all, you feel regret and even shame for the mistake. And he will have the opportunity to think hard about who your chosen one is.

Correspondence is one of the easiest ways to start a relationship that in the future will develop into something more than just online communication. In addition, the guy will also feel less embarrassed when interacting with you than in an actual meeting, which will give you both a chance to become a couple.

Women of all ages often turn to love spells. If you love a guy so much that you want to use magic, remember, the choice is a responsible one. And it's not just that magic always has consequences or may not work.

By turning to a love spell, you admit your defeat as a girl.

Are you really so bad that you are not able to attract a guy on your own and push him to propose to date you? It would be optimal to turn to a fortune teller, of whom there are countless numbers in any city in Russia.

A lot has been said about what actions will lead the right guy to ask you to date. But correct actions do not exclude mistakes that you should try not to make.

  • Appearance is not the most important thing, he must love your soul. Yes, a rich inner world is wonderful, but a man appreciates beauty; in order for him to want to know your soul, he must be attracted to your body.
  • Men smell self-doubt like dogs smell fear. If you are pressed, you doubt whether you have the right to His attention, he will turn away and leave.
  • Too revealing clothes and provocative behavior also scare off the vast majority of guys. The exception is if you are content to become a girl for one night.
  • You can look attractive but act awkward. The Snow Queen is lonely even in fairy tales, think about it.
  • Don't rush to reveal your bad habits to your guy. It is absolutely not necessary to refuse them, but you shouldn’t loom before his eyes with a burning cigarette in your hands. Men strive to get healthy offspring on a subconscious level in any situation, so girls with bad habits are not popular in serious relationships.
  • Don't overdo it with makeup and accessories. You are not a Christmas tree; moderation must take place in your appearance. Try to learn makeup and the right combination of clothes, since there are thousands of lessons on a similar topic on the Internet.
  • Sexuality is beautiful, it is a terrible weapon against male stability. But only when it is hidden under the image of an impregnable fortress that must be taken by storm. An overly aggressive sexual attack is quite capable of making a guy retreat.


I want to date a guy from my classmate at school

Useful tips from a psychologist

Psychologists recommend being a little more frank with the guy you like. Male psychology is much more straightforward than female psychology; often a guy does not understand hints.

If you have already tried many ways to attract a guy, then it is likely that he simply did not understand you, and it is worth making your relationship as transparent as possible.

There is also a negative side to this guy's behavior.

If he does not react in any way to your flirting and tricks, there are three possible reasons for this:

  • he is too shy and cannot dare to propose becoming a couple.
  • He's just not interested in you. Here you should stop abruptly and stop imposing yourself, humiliating yourself in front of him and yourself.
  • he already has a girlfriend and he is interested in you as a friend, or he is just a “womanizer”. The behavior in this option is similar to the previous one.

It is impossible to start dating a guy without first going on a date. And even in this matter, a man often needs a push from you.

There are three main methods for encouraging a guy to ask you out.

  1. Method 1. Let him realize that you are interested in him and even like him. Here, sign language, flirting, and a large amount of communication on general topics will come to the rescue.
  2. Method 2. Tell him what to do. Perhaps you like the same band, or you both would like to see a new movie. This will give him the opportunity to invite you to an event that interests both of you. It would be nice for him to know your schedule and free time when you can agree to his invitation.

Possible mistakes girls make in this matter

Do not under any circumstances do the following things:

  • You can't get into the friend zone. Common interests are great, but you must clearly feel the line between yourself - a beautiful fairy who is fond of football, and your favorite guy with whom you can go to a match and drink beer in the evening.
  • He shouldn't be sure that you yourself are eager to date him. So the game of cat and mouse will turn into nothing, his hunting passion will come to naught.
  • Don't tell him that you're always free in the evenings or on weekends. He should think that he got into your schedule only by miracle, but not that you are just waiting for him.
  • If a guy doesn’t respond to your hints and doesn’t ask you out on a date, just forget about him. You're either not his type or he's not the smartest guy in the world.

And here it is, the long-awaited and clearly planned moment: he invites you to meet with him. What to do? Of course, answer with enthusiastic agreement! The author hopes that you will not inflate your self-esteem at the expense of the seduced guy, because this is unfair to him. However, then you are free to dispose of your newly found boyfriend at your own discretion, because the goal has been achieved.

Source: //

Be attractive to other men

Jealousy is a dangerous but effective catalyst for many relationships. Guys don't like to miss out on what others like. Therefore, getting a girl who is attractive to the men he knows may soon become the goal of the chosen one.

To do this, it is enough to always monitor your appearance, be cheerful and friendly. You can’t give hope to everyone, but you shouldn’t pretend to be a snow queen either. A little flirting in a company where there is an object of adoration in the person of a guy is the best way to interest. You should gradually pay more attention to his person. This will allow you to get closer and strengthen your acquaintance.

A guy may regard constant equal communication with all the men of the evening as frivolous behavior. Therefore, you need to slightly distinguish him from the crowd, but not show too obvious signs of interest.

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How to interest a person

Before you start taking any active actions, you need to make sure that the guy is really interested in you . There are the following signs by which mutual sympathy can be determined:

  • if, while walking in a group, you constantly catch a guy’s eye on you, then perhaps he likes you;
  • tries to talk specifically with you: he is constantly interested in your life and tries to cheer you up;
  • rejoices at every chance meeting.

If it seems to you that the guy considers you only a friend, then do not be upset. In any case, this makes it possible to get to know the person better. And if after this your love does not disappear, then you can confess your feelings or try to cause jealousy.

If you are absolutely sure that the young man loves you, then try to kiss him, and then he himself will move on to active actions.

Male psychology

80% of men are sure that it’s easy to earn a girl’s love by using a few beautiful gestures. Romantic conversations about the future won’t hurt either, because women, as you know, love with their ears. But the opposite situation is even more likely. You can get the attention and sympathy of a young man if you know the tricks of male psychology:

  • appearance is not indicative of building strong relationships, the feeling that a guy experiences when he is next to a girl is much more important,
  • sexual desire and arousal at the sight of a girl is a mandatory criterion that is taken into account,
  • Regardless of age and upbringing, no man will make an available girl his.

Knowing the fundamental principles, try to consistently influence the object of your sympathy so that the guy falls in love. This should be done gradually, without overdoing it, so as not to frighten you with excessive activity.

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