How can a man and woman become psychologically and morally stronger?

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In today's world there is very little room for humanism and mutual assistance. Alas, the principle “Survival of the fittest” works much more often. And those who are internally weak very quickly become a victim of natural selection - they are simply “eaten up.” Inner strength is what separates a potential winner from a potential victim. You can see it in your eyes, in your gait, and in your tone of voice. Women are drawn to the owners of this inner core, as if spellbound.

Do you want to stand on a par with those who have made success their life position? Then you must learn how to become stronger mentally and psychologically.

Don't give in to difficulties

Life is always ready to surprise us and, alas, these surprises are not always pleasant. The difference between a weak and a strong person is that the weak, being knocked down by some kind of life collision, falls into a stupor and becomes unprepared for active action for a long time. A strong person immediately mobilizes all resources to restore his position or, if this is impossible, to adapt to the new “rules of the game” with minimal losses.

Don’t waste time complaining, gather yourself together, draw the necessary conclusions and continue moving along your vector, otherwise you will quickly be thrown to the sidelines!

Fear of change

We love to be in our comfort zone. We thrive when we live in this special “zone.” However, this does not mean that you should avoid change.

Avoiding change will prevent you from becoming a mentally strong person. And this does not depend on whether you are seeking changes in your personal or professional life.

Why? Everything is very simple! Of course, you can thrive in your comfort zone. But you won't reach your full potential if you struggle with new problems.

Quit that old, boring job and leave that unhealthy relationship. If, of course, you need it.

Be confident to explore new territories.

In the eyes of fear

Fear is a normal reaction of any person to something that threatens his life or well-being. But a morally strong person will never allow fear to control him or influence important decisions. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of fears. The best way to do this is to face your fears. Do again and again what you were afraid to do before, and then fear will give in and will no longer have control over you. Let fear into your thoughts more often, analyze it, break it down into its components. Any phobia is irrational and therefore does not tolerate clear analysis, releasing its “carrier” to freedom.

My experience

Once upon a time I couldn’t stand up for myself, didn’t accept myself, didn’t know how to say “no” and was afraid to express my opinion. The maximum that I could do was to push him away with my rudeness, aggressiveness and unpleasant appearance even before meeting a person. This is how my defense mechanism worked.

One day I decided that it was time to fight my problems, and not run away from them. I can no longer remember exactly when and how it started. But I remember exactly how my transformation from a victim into a strong person took place. It all started with the fact that I drew up a portrait of the person I want to be. Moreover, this concerned both internal qualities and appearance and behavior.

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At the same time, I made a list of what I need to get rid of and what to fight: character traits, habits, beliefs and attitudes. My list included working through grievances and accepting the past, getting rid of complexes and accepting oneself, and a complete restructuring of thinking. The hardest thing was to say goodbye to the idea that you need to endure any discomfort, not dream and not desire more than you have.

Currently, I have managed to cope with many psychological problems and change my character. It got to the point where other people wouldn't recognize me and would comment on how much I had changed. But, in my opinion, this is only the beginning of the journey. I have laid a new foundation for my personality, all that remains is to build a “house” and regularly maintain it in good condition.

Note! It is not enough to become a person who is strong morally and psychologically. It is necessary to maintain this strength and constantly develop. One day of rest and “doing nothing” will not do any harm, but if you stop for at least a week, you will begin to degrade.

Tomorrow has already come

Our perception does not know the word “tomorrow”. Every person lives today, at this hour and this minute. Therefore, the words “I’ll put it off until tomorrow” are very often synonymous with “I’ll never do it.” This applies not only to your career, it applies to all areas of life - recreation, hobbies, sports. How do you want to become morally and psychologically stronger if you put off “until tomorrow” the opportunity to approach the woman you like? Live and enjoy the present moment, discarding the past and without fear of the future!

Strong human character: what is it?

Before you try to become a strong person, look at what qualities are inherent in a strong character.

Strength of will

Usually this quality manifests itself in moments when it is necessary to overcome oneself. Examples: quit smoking, don't call your ex-partner, switch to proper nutrition, finish training. A person who has managed to become strong in spirit can more easily cope with desires that lead to problems.


One of the key qualities in the character of a person striving to become a strong personality. Without a sense of responsibility, harmonious families cannot be created, long-term career success, strong friendships and long-term partnerships are impossible.


Not everyone is able to organize their day and follow the prescribed plan. Distractions include children, TV series, chatting with friends, watching the news feed on the Internet and other moments. If you want to become a strong personality, develop organization in yourself. Plan the coming day or week, set aside time to resolve force majeure, immediately designate a “window” for rest, and strictly follow the plan. Subsequently, recordings will not be needed: you will get used to the established daily routine.

Communication skills

The ability to build a dialogue with any person is a good impetus for development, allowing you to make useful contacts, resolve conflict situations, and find ways to resolve problems.

The combination of the mentioned qualities guarantees the presence of a strong character. Develop these traits every day - improve yourself. This will come in handy on the way to high goals.

The world is not perfect

Some things are beyond human ability to change and you have to put up with them. You're not trying to persuade a volcano to stop erupting, are you? So you shouldn’t waste time on people whose attitudes and principles differ from yours, trying to convince them that you are right. In this way, you put yourself in a position of justification, and in the end it may turn out quite the opposite - you will accept a set of attitudes that is alien to you. If someone simply annoys you, learn to be forgiving of other people's weaknesses. Forgiveness and forbearance are a sign of strength.

Methods to become stronger in spirit

Do you want to become a strong personality? The strong in spirit do not have unnecessary suffering, dramatic attachments to the past, hesitation and affairs abandoned halfway. A strong person realizes what he wants and strives for it. He does not look for excuses or excuses, but brings what he starts to the desired result.

If you do not have these characteristics, strengthen your fortitude.

Why is it important:

  • a strong person is attractive, he is respected, his opinion is taken into account;
  • he controls his life, overcomes obstacles, does not bend to circumstances;
  • copes with adverse conditions without stooping to questionable or dishonest actions;
  • achieves success, does not waste time on nonsense, does not pay attention to trifles.

There are many other reasons that make you want to become mentally strong. Have you decided to strengthen your inner core? What has been done for this?

How to gain mental strength

Some people gain inner strength from birth, while others have to develop it.

Psychologists recommend following simple recommendations for those who are thinking about how to become a strong personality:

  • Don't be afraid in advance
    . Fear hinders development and ruins many endeavors in the bud. Are you haunted by negative, depressing thoughts? Get rid of them, don't be influenced by them. Fight your fears - distinguish reasonable worries from empty ones.
  • Don't feel sorry for yourself
    . You need to love yourself, but there is destructive pity. Make responsible decisions, do not vainly blame others. Only you are responsible for what happens in your life.
  • Live in the present, minimize thinking about the past
    . Focus on the current state, realize your current situation, feel it. Live today - neither in the past nor in the future.
  • Don't ignore your inner desires
    . Do as you see fit, as long as it does not fundamentally conflict with ethics and the criminal code.
  • You cannot become a strong person if you do not appreciate all the good things that happen in life
    . Appreciate the actions done for you, the support, the pleasant moments.
  • Don't worry about what is beyond your control
    . If you cannot change the situation, do not worsen your situation by wasting energy. Let go of events, do what is under your control.
  • Accept failures with grace
    . Look at missteps and unfulfilled hopes from a different perspective: it's a chance to try again and a lesson that gives you experience and extra strength.

Accept the inevitable

There are things, often unpleasant ones, that a person cannot change, no matter what internal psychological and moral strength he possesses. These include illnesses, congenital physical disabilities, and the death of loved ones. To be a strong person means to be able to accept what we cannot change and begin to build a life taking into account new circumstances and conditions. Complaining about circumstances, wringing your hands and falling into inactivity under the influence of external factors is the lot of the weak. A morally strong person quickly realizes the difference between what he can influence and what is a priori stronger than him. Draws conclusions and moves on.

It remains to add that moral and psychological strength should not be confused with “walking on corpses.” Ruthlessness is the lot of a weak person who indulges his complexes at the expense of those who are even weaker than himself. A strong person is not only purposeful and collected, he is kind and generous!

© Author of the article: your reliable friend - the magician Fose (Boris Shabrin): practicing psychologist, psychic.

I want to become a strong person

Do you want to become a strong personality?

Pay attention to these simple recommendations:

  1. Do some self-reflection
    . Think about your preferences and desires. Take several personality tests and answer unexpected questions from them. You probably still don’t understand what kind of person you are - figure it out.
  2. Achieve your goals

    , both small and significant. With every task completed, self-esteem will grow.

  3. Play sports

    . A person who strives to become strong in spirit must not forget about the strength of the body.

  4. Improve your speaking skills

    , work on developing eye contact. When talking, look into the eyes of your interlocutor for so long that you can at least determine the color of his eyes.

  5. Have your own opinion

    , don't give in to pressure. Don't go to extremes: be confident, but not cocky. Advice from wise people is appropriate, but think with your own head, do not follow public opinion.

  6. Don't be superficial

    . Go deeper into the study of issues that are relevant to you, draw conclusions after fully studying the information.

  7. Remember your inner strength, remind yourself of it

    . Mentally say: “I am strong”, “I can cope with any problem”, “I will overcome obstacles”, “I will succeed.”

Emotional intellect

Psychological strength is determined by emotional intelligence. You cannot be a psychologically strong person if you do not understand negative emotions, do not know how to manage them and achieve a productive result in spite of everything. The moments in which your psychological strength is tested also test your emotional intelligence. This is a flexible skill that you can develop through conscious effort. All the most successful people have high emotional intelligence. It is relatively rare: only thirty-six percent of people are able to recognize what emotions they are experiencing.

Focus on positive information.

Read motivating books, visit Internet sites dedicated to self-development and personal growth. The right information will help you feel better. You can find solutions to many problems in books and articles. It is not for nothing that they say that a person gets what he deserves in life. Psychological attitudes determine how we perceive the outside world. Ultimately, our real life depends on them. And, as thinking beings, we always have the right to choose what kind of information to fill our minds with to create the necessary attitudes.

Forget about the past

Absolutely every person can completely change their life in just one moment, without the need to make superhuman efforts for this. We must constantly remember this and never remember mistakes made or missed opportunities. It is necessary to stop looking back into the past , scrolling through various missed moments. What has already happened cannot be changed; you should not be afraid to make mistakes; every mistake only makes a person stronger. We need to move on.

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