How to change your habits: matrix of human behavior patterns

Behavior Matrix

To understand all the above-mentioned technologies and learn how to use them correctly in real life, Nir Eyal, a psychologist, writer and consultant, developed a matrix of human behavior models, each of which corresponds to specific methods for changing habits.

To construct the matrix, the following criteria were used: the degree of self-control (low or high) and the involuntary reaction (to relieve pain or seek pleasure) of a person to the events happening to him.

Etiquette for women

Representatives of the fair sex have their own general rules of behavior. A woman should be able to present herself. This skill means maintaining a feminine manner of behavior and communication, and the ability to dress beautifully and tastefully.

She must be able to build a dialogue, show tact and respect for others. A woman should maintain an even posture and be able to walk gracefully. She must be able to properly show signs of attention to men.

Frivolous behavior is not characteristic of a well-mannered woman: open flirtation and intrusiveness will be inappropriate in communication with men and can cause a negative reaction.

When communicating with a man, a woman needs to be polite and tactful, but at the same time keep her distance and know her rights. She has the right to refuse intrusive advances and let the man know that he is crossing acceptable boundaries.

Women who are prone to violent expressions of emotions must be able to restrain them at the right moment and hide their negative attitude towards something: do not use obscene language or a raised tone in conversation. In some cases, a strong manifestation of joyful emotions is also considered bad form.

Rules for women:

  1. It is not recommended to wear mittens and a hat indoors, but gloves and a hat are allowed.
  2. Bright and provocative make-up should only be applied when going to a party.
  3. An important point is the correct use of perfume: if a woman smells her perfume, this means that there is a lot of it.
  4. You should select and combine jewelry wisely. Rings may not be worn over gloves, but a bracelet may be worn. The largest number of decorations (including decorative buttons) should be no more than 13 items.

What behavior pattern are you changing?

How to change habits using the behavior pattern matrix? Imagine that you want to change some behavior of your client. First you need to understand what kind of behavior pattern you will have to deal with, and only then select the appropriate techniques and techniques.

So, let's look at each of the behavioral models in more detail.


Nir Eyal calls lovers people whose actions are aimed at quickly obtaining pleasure at a relatively low cost of willpower. The habits of Amateurs almost completely repeat actions that are part of the daily routine of most of us: morning shower, breakfast, walk, checking mail, etc.

To change the habits of Amateurs, standard methods of influencing human behavior are suitable. We are talking about various kinds of external stimuli. This could be an alarm clock, an audible reminder, or even a specific object such as strategically placed dental floss. :)

After a while, when a person develops a new habit, the need to use external triggers disappears.

It should be noted that the “Amateur” model is the starting point for the formation of the remaining types of behavior: An Amateur can easily turn into an Expert or a Regular, as well as into a Dependent (Addict).

For example, a person who has no experience working with a computer first learns the simplest algorithms and combinations (Amateur), and over time, putting more and more effort, improves his skills to the level of an Expert. But at the same time, a former Amateur may develop an unhealthy addiction to computer games, and he will very quickly turn into an Addict.

The Amateur Behavior Change Model includes the following methods:

  1. Baby steps method (small actions that help achieve your goals).
  2. Planning and control.
  3. Using external triggers.

Ineffective methods:

  1. The requirement to strictly follow instructions.
  2. Competition.
  3. Feelings of guilt and punishment.
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The Expert behavior model requires a high degree of self-control from a person. All the Expert’s actions are brought to almost automaticity. This behavior model is characteristic of professional tennis players, chess players, computer engineers, highly qualified surgeons, musicians, etc.

Becoming an Expert requires hard, long-term practice. A person must train his body and mind to react with lightning speed to current events and make quick, informed decisions. To acquire the skills necessary to complete assigned tasks at the Expert level, you need to set specific goals and determine deadlines for achieving them.

Since the development of professional skills requires a high degree of self-control, the transition from the “Amateur” to the “Expert” behavior model most often occurs in the presence of external motivators. In this case, the most powerful influence on a person will be a coach, a boss, or even one of the family members.

Methods for developing habits inherent in the Expert behavior model:

  1. "Deliberate Practice"
  2. Mentoring.
  3. Error analysis.
  4. Competition.

Ineffective methods:

  1. Development of professional skills at the “muscle memory” level.
  2. Improving skills that no longer require extreme concentration and attention from a person.
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To re-experience a state of bliss, the Addict must inhale, swallow or inject a drug that develops drug addiction. Often, in pursuit of the next dose of pleasure, drug addicts do not hesitate to resort to the most inhumane methods.

Many studies of the process of addiction to narcotic substances have shown that when the drug is seen, the brain of the addicted person is subjected to severe stress. Therefore, an unhealthy behavior pattern becomes the only possible way to get rid of this kind of experience.

Since drug use destroys both a person’s mental and physical health, the appearance and behavior of an “experienced” drug addict has several visible signs: a distant look, slurred speech, poor coordination of movements, increased irritability and rudeness.

It is possible to change a drug addict's behavior pattern only if he himself wants it. Without a person’s awareness of the seriousness of this problem and the desire to get rid of it, none of the methods listed below will bring any results.

Methods for changing the behavior of drug addicts:

  1. Gradually reducing the dose of the drug taken (detoxification of the body).
  2. Participation in social projects, attending meetings of anonymous drug addicts.
  3. Substitution maintenance therapy (a form of medical care based on the use of a similar or identical substance in the treatment of addiction).
  4. Setting strict goals and determining deadlines for completing assigned tasks.

Ineffective methods:

  1. Punishment.
  2. Reminding the patient about his current condition.
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Although the word “habit” most often has a negative connotation, the “Regular” model has a slightly different connotation.

This type of behavior can have both beneficial and detrimental effects: it all depends on what habits we are talking about. For example, the habit of running in the morning is regarded by most of us as useful. The peculiarity of the behavior of the Regular is that he treats this ritual as his duty, while the Amateur runs for his own pleasure.

Please note that some of the techniques used for the Hobbyist and Expert behavior patterns are not effective for the Addict and Regular behavior patterns. For example, the “carrot and stick” method that motivates the Amateur and Expert to move towards their goal will have the opposite effect in the case of a Regular or Addict.

To change the habits of a Regular, it is necessary to use methods that level out the feeling of discomfort that may arise if a person’s desires are not fulfilled. These include:

  1. Increasing emotional and volitional stability.
  2. Increased pain threshold.
  3. Sports activities.
  4. Meditation.
  5. Self-acceptance (a person’s satisfaction with his current level of individual development).

Ineffective methods:

  1. Evaluation of the results obtained.
  2. Reward and punishment.

Rules of good manners for men

An intelligent man should be dressed tastefully and appropriately for the occasion. His communication with the female sex is accompanied by calm speech without rudeness or harsh tone. He is always ready to help a woman, regardless of whether she is close to him or not. It is not difficult for him to give a woman or girl his hand when exiting a vehicle, to help a neighbor carry heavy bags to the door, to open the door for her when entering a room, etc.

A man needs to be attentive to a woman's needs. But even when communicating with other men, he must be polite, not show his superiority and not praise himself. He must resolve all controversial issues delicately, avoiding conflict situations.

He has an innate sense of justice towards all people, regardless of rank and status in society. He values ​​the work, time and effort of other people, he has a sense of self-esteem and a respectful attitude towards others.

The main rules that a man must follow:

  1. By inviting someone to a cafe or restaurant, a man implies that he is ready to bear all the expenses himself.
  2. When walking with a woman, the man should walk to her left. Only those who are military may be on the right to be able to salute if the need arises.
  3. The woman should always enter the room first, and the man should let her go first.
  4. After getting out of the car, the man is obliged to open the door to the woman and give her his hand.
  5. A man should help a woman put on her outerwear before leaving the room and hold her handbag if necessary.

Strict adherence by a person to established norms of behavior characterizes him as a conscious and responsible individual.

Characteristics of the concept

Scientists involved in various social sciences believe that the social behavior of an individual is a characteristic of the mutual processes of individuals, with mutual communicative relationships manifested in a certain environment and setting, and depending on the conditions of the current situation and the environment. At the same time, depending on different factors, an individual’s behavior can differ radically.

For example, an outwardly calm and phlegmatic person in conditions of increased danger is capable of radically changing, becoming collected, active and caring. Or again: workers came to work shifts, some of them are interested in the quality of their products, while others, without much desire, perform their duties because it is necessary, otherwise you will not receive a salary. The former want not only to receive remuneration, but also to benefit society; the latter are not interested in the fate of the product being produced; they want much more to receive money for working hours.

People behave differently during mass meetings and rallies. Some walk calmly, without disturbing the column and order, while others try with all their might to cause discord, to show their deviations and negative opinion of what is happening. Each of the people in society is a participant in socio-political events, but behaves purely individually, according to their worldview, views, interests and needs.

The behavior of society is especially pronounced when two or more individuals interact and depends on economic, political and cultural factors. The scientific concept of behavior in society includes a combination of processes associated with satisfying the physical, material and spiritual needs of the individual, expressed as a reaction to the environment. Therefore, the subjects (actors) of social behavior will always be not only an individual, but also a group of people (small or large), with their own attitudes, preferences and actions, depending on the level of socialization of the structure of society.

Social behavior is always characterized by a norm - a generally established rule that an individual must follow. The norm fully justifies the status expectations of subjects and helps direct people’s actions in the right (by the standards of a given society) direction. With the help of norms, individuals undergo socialization and are determined by the role they will perform in society.

An individual's status expectations help him develop certain tactics of action in relationships with other people, which will be expressed in a behavioral model. A conscious, intellectually developed person is able to coordinate his own behavior, depending on the age group. In childhood and adolescence, people’s behavior is influenced by agents (parents, educators, teachers, coaches); in adulthood and old age, people rely on acquired knowledge, life psychology, established beliefs and worldview.

Therefore, social behavior, consisting of actions that change under different conditions, is calculated to exert a certain influence of one individual on another. The older generation is able to set an example of their own attitude to ongoing social processes and guide the younger generation to choose a social role, using the example of their own model, life experience and accepted norms.

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