What can gestures tell us? 75 Signs of Body Language

Each person during a conversation uses nonverbal signals with which he subconsciously complements or refute what was said. Such signals are involuntary, but with proper training you can learn to control them and recognize the facial expressions of other people.

The psychology of human gestures and facial expressions studies the features of using gestures, various combinations, and the possibility of preventing an emotional reaction. By understanding the main types of reactions and learning to distinguish them, a person will be able to determine whether his interlocutor is telling the truth, his real emotions.

The meaning of gestures

In the human psyche, the meaning of non-verbal signals - gestures and facial expressions - lies in the sphere of the unconscious. People may not pay attention to their own and others' attempts to convey information, but they subconsciously recognize them. To read messages more accurately, it is necessary to study their meaning in accordance with the cultural environment to which the interlocutors belong.

Despite the common meaning of most facial reactions, in some cultures common gestures may have the opposite meaning. Thus, nodding your head usually means agreement, but in some cultures it means denial.

Body language varies depending on the speaker's gender, age, social status and other personal characteristics. Communication using gestures is limited: movements can only convey basic emotions, but it is impossible to show the subtleties of attitude. Therefore, body language is used to complement and enhance the emotional coloring of speech. The conscious use of gestures and control of facial expressions is the result of a volitional effort, aimed mainly at the desire to hide a lie.

Body language and sign language should not be confused. Unlike unconscious muscle reactions, sign language is a full-fledged linguistic unit used for normal communication. The use of sign language allows people with hearing and speech impairments to communicate and socialize successfully.

Examples of nonverbal communication

  • If a girl, showing off her wrist, communicates with a member of the opposite sex, she lets him know that she is ready to get closer to him. And if he also paints his lips with bright lipstick, then he has truly become the object of her passion.

Read more: How to know that a girl likes you - 14 signs

  • There is a common method of establishing contact with new acquaintances: you should copy his gestures and postures. If the interlocutor crossed his arms, you can repeat this body movement. This manipulation promotes non-verbal unity. There is a whole set of such small tricks.

To grasp the true meaning, you need to pay close attention to the position of the interlocutor's hands and feet.

Mainly gestures and postures emphasize the truth, and sometimes contradict what was said.

It is difficult to believe a person with crossed limbs convincing another of good intentions. It is unlikely that he will fulfill his promise. Surely he uses the location and trust of his partners for his personal interests.

Through gestures and posture you can hide some information from your opponents. Despite the casualness and ease of communication, the posture makes it clear that the owner does not intend to share important information with anyone.

Scientific research

Representatives of Ancient Rome already possessed the study of body language and the desire to characterize gestures. The science formed on the basis of the observations of researchers was called kenesics. The greatest contribution to its development was made by:

  1. J. Balwer. He created a fundamental work devoted to gestures, in particular, hand movements.
  2. I. F. Lavater. He studied physiognomy and conducted a comparative analysis of emotions and gestures.
  3. G. K. Lichtenberg. He published several works in which he examined Lavater’s ideas in detail, calling them superficial and far from reality.
  4. C. Bell. He studied the nervous system, studied the correspondence of facial features to the emotions experienced. He deduced a pattern between emotional reaction and muscular activity.
  5. C. Darwin. Studied the correspondence of facial expression to emotional reaction.
  6. F. Bacon. I came to the conclusion that there is a special body language that is understood by all peoples of the world.
  7. F. Lowen. In his book on the psychology of the body, he outlined the basics of psychosomatic problems

Psychologists and sociologists believe that body language can become a universal means of communication between people of different social groups.

Main body segments

When assessing the meaning of posture and movements, you need to pay attention to the segment of the body that gives signals. Each department is responsible for a specific issue:

  • eyes - an expression of fear associated with personal relationships;
  • mouth - difficulties in communication, fear of rejection;
  • neck - negative emotions, anger, aggression;
  • chest - suppression of emotional reactions, restraint, self-control;
  • diaphragm - social anxiety, volitional efforts, feeling of satisfaction;
  • stomach area - feeling of danger, external threat;
  • pelvis and groin area - true feelings, intimate interest.

When assessing the reaction of individual body segments, it is always necessary to compare the movements as a whole. Warning should be caused by desynchronization of movements of different departments: a person cannot control his body and it betrays his deception.

Gestures of closedness, isolation

For a full psychological assessment of a person based on body movements and gestures, it is necessary to distinguish between shyness and purposeful secrecy. He speaks about reluctance to communicate, fear and hostility:

  1. Crossing your arms over your chest. While sitting, a person can also cross their legs with their knee forward. This indicates a desire to fence off with armor, to be as far as possible from the interlocutor, distrust and hostility.
  2. Tightness, hands on knees. A defensive posture, the desire to quickly end the conversation.
  3. Stomping, tapping fingers, throwing objects from hand to hand. The desire to divert attention from oneself, to avoid a negative reaction.

For many people, secretive postures are comfortable, and they unconsciously adopt them when talking with trusted people. But during business communication they should be avoided so as not to cause misunderstanding.

Interesting Facts

Not even facts, just a few things you need to know. Or interesting to know if you want to familiarize yourself with sign language.

  1. Sign language varies from country to country. There is an international sign language, but it is little used.
  2. Deaf people read lips, so it is important for them to see your lips as they pronounce words. Don't be closed off and speak clearly so that they can understand you.
  3. Sign language uses different grammar and word order. For example, question words are placed at the end of sentences.
  4. SL has its own linguistic features, structure and grammar. It cannot be said that this is simply a copy of ordinary language transferred to gestures.
  5. In New Zealand, sign language is the third official language.

Films, TV series, songs and performances are adapted for people with hearing problems. All these materials can be found on the Internet, in particular on YouTube.

Learning sign language is not only useful, but also interesting. You can discover a lot of new things, look at the world a little differently, and help a stranger in a difficult situation.

Gestures to help recognize lies

The main thing that any student of body language strives for is the ability to detect lies in the speech of the interlocutor. They say about dishonesty:

  1. Frequently touching the face, scratching the forehead and nose, covering the mouth with the hand. A person literally tries to stop himself from telling a lie, to cover his face, avoiding a direct condemning gaze.
  2. Stroking, scratching the neck. Talks about lies caused by fear or misunderstanding. Such gestures are often demonstrated by subordinates when talking with their boss.
  3. Touching the earlobe. During communication, touching the ears means that the person does not believe in the information he heard, but tries not to show it.
  4. Quick, frequent smiles, licking lips. It means excitement, a desire to hide deception.

The discrepancy between gestures and spoken words indicates a lie, but individual characteristics must be taken into account. Perhaps the dissonance is caused by anatomical features and is a consequence of the disease. Also characteristic is the discrepancy between movement and words among foreigners who do not know the language well and try to supplement words with gestures.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is the process of transmitting thoughts without the use of speech - the second signaling system. It absorbs 60–80% of veiled information.

Each of us, when communicating with an opponent who competently sets out the essence of the matter and argues with facts, often feels some kind of catch in his words. But, despite the reliability and veracity of the information, intuition suggests that you should not rely entirely on this person. And with further communication, discomfort is felt, the person is looking for something to complain about.

And, indeed, the interlocutor is betrayed by changes in facial expressions, posture and gestures that contradict his smooth presentation. A certain inconsistency appears and serious concerns arise that he is not acting in your interests at all.

The ability to correctly read the secret language of gestures will help you avoid unpleasant situations. For example, HR specialists cannot do without knowledge about the hidden intentions of potential employees.

It is difficult for a person to hold back emotions for a long time; they must find a way out. But due to circumstances, rules of decency and norms of society, we are not free to surrender to the will of feelings and express them by changing posture, facial expressions and gestures. Often this behavior becomes the norm and turns into a habit.

Gestures warning of aggression

It is important to recognize gestures of aggression and threats in a timely manner - this makes it possible to prevent a conflict in time and get away from the direct line of attack of the interlocutor. An aggressive attitude manifests itself:

  1. Clenching your fists. The interlocutor speaks in a calm tone, his posture is relaxed, but his hands are constantly clenched into fists - a clear signal of pent-up anger.
  2. Fists resting on the surface of the table, hips or pressed to the waist - a direct threat, readiness to attack.
  3. Hands hidden behind back. The person is literally trying to control himself and not show aggression.
  4. Pursed lips, tightly clenched jaws. They express contempt and dissatisfaction with the interlocutor.
  5. Scratching the back of the neck and the back of the head. Anticipation of attack, demonstration of readiness for defense.

If during a conversation a person twitches his upper lip, flares his nostrils, squints his eyes, he is ready for open confrontation, demonstrates superiority over his opponent, and threatens.

Information without words

Article on the topic Deaf language in pictures: how to say “thank you”, “sorry” and “love”
We all constantly, and perhaps without knowing it, convey to others and perceive from them a lot of information through gestures, facial expressions, and certain postures. Often this happens on a subconscious level.

For example, seeing someone you know and like from a distance, you smile and wave your hand in greeting. Or, on the contrary, you instinctively stretch your arms forward when something threatens you. And there are many similar examples. But it turns out that with the help of facial expressions and gestures you can purposefully influence other people or protect yourself from their influence.

Advice from psychologists

An experienced psychologist is able to read the gestures and facial expressions of even a very secretive person and assess his emotional state regardless of verbal information. For people unfamiliar with the subtleties of nonverbal cues, it can be difficult at first to monitor two channels of information simultaneously. You can start with the following techniques:

  • note the movements that a person reproduces most often and compare them with spoken words;
  • ask your interlocutor leading and clarifying questions, ask the same information several times;
  • do not look directly at the interlocutor, look away so as not to arouse suspicion;
  • having caught a person in a lie, do not immediately express complaints, do not interrupt the story - perhaps the first conclusions will turn out to be incorrect;
  • develop observation skills, learn to compare information.

Special books from which you can glean theoretical information and constant practice will help you learn to understand body language. To learn to read different people, you should constantly train your ability to study emotional reactions, movements, and other nonverbal signals. It is important to compare signals and identify a common series of symbolic gestures. This will help you recognize body signals without thinking in the future.

Origin story

It is not known for certain who created sign language; it has existed for many centuries. But only in the 18th century did they begin to systematize it.

During the industrialization of European cities, groups of deaf people who needed training were concentrated in them.

The Italian doctor J. Cardano was the first to volunteer to teach deaf and mute children using gestures. The languages ​​of the deaf and mute with national characteristics were used as a basis. They became the basis for the foundation of gestural interpretation.

In the modern world, sign language is developing, transforming and popularizing. More and more people want to learn sign language to communicate with colleagues, friends or relatives.

There is an international sign language - zestuno, which is used during international events.

How to recognize gestures?

To get a complete picture of the correspondence of gestures and facial expressions to a person’s words, you need to evaluate the meaning of all movements:

  1. Gait. By the way the interlocutor enters the room, you can assess the degree of confidence and self-esteem: a long step, a confident gait - purposefulness and ambition, a shuffling gait - lack of will and aspirations, a slow, imposing gait - narcissism and demonstrativeness.
  2. Hand position while moving and sitting. Elbows pressed to the body indicate isolation, unsociability; broad gestures, waving your arms when talking - openness, sociability. Touching your interlocutor is a desire to enter the zone of closest trust, a desire to subjugate.
  3. Direction of view. The position of the eyes shows how interested the interlocutor is in the conversation and the desire to defend his point of view. A downward gaze means the person is telling the truth; an upward gaze means he makes it up as he goes along.
  4. Posture. A straightened neck and a raised chin indicate a person’s general confidence; a bowed head is a sign of humility and timidity.
  5. Body direction. A body leaning forward means interest in the conversation, sympathy for the interlocutor, a desire to reduce the emotional distance, and gain trust.

If a person often changes position during a conversation, his opinion is unstable. He is ready to accept someone else's point of view and submit to his interlocutor.

Features of posture

When studying the psychology of the human body, you should pay attention to posture:

  • An even but relaxed posture is a sign of openness to the world around you and good receptivity to everything new, the ability to quickly accumulate internal energy, unconditional trust in others, self-confidence, a sense of comfort and security.
  • Fixed, tense posture - self-defense and detachment, a feeling of awkwardness in a particular situation, shyness and closedness, avoidance of contact with others, focus on internal problems, sensitivity and impressionability, rejection of criticism.
  • A tense and rigid posture is sensitivity hidden under the guise of self-confidence.
  • Lethargic posture is a sign of mental and emotional decline.
  • Stooped posture - humility, desire to please and obey, submissiveness.

Male and female gestures

During a conversation, women tend to gesticulate more often if the subject of discussion is pleasant to them. When discussing unpleasant things or talking with an unpleasant interlocutor, women instinctively strive to move away, shrink, and become smaller. They press their hands, bow their heads, turn away. Expressing interest, women try to come closer, their gestures are open, their palms are turned towards the interlocutor.

Men are less likely to express irritation through gestures. It’s easier to assess their mood through their posture: a relaxed posture speaks of trust, openness, and a desire to continue the conversation. Hunching, squeezing your shoulders, putting your hands in front of you is forming a kind of barrier from an unpleasant interlocutor.

Expressing affection using gestures

By studying body language and gestures, a person can easily understand interest in intimate and romantic relationships. The body movements of women who attract the attention of men are actively expressed:

  • demonstration of the wrists, turning the inside of the palms up;
  • shaking hair, twirling a curl on a finger;
  • licking, biting lips;
  • touching the thighs, ankles;
  • pointing the toes of the shoes towards the man.

A man, showing interest in a relationship with a woman, subconsciously tries to demonstrate his best qualities:

  • stretches up, straightens his shoulders;
  • constantly adjusts his tie, cuffs and shirt collar;
  • runs his hands over his thighs and knees.

In representatives of both sexes, interest in intimate relationships is revealed by a searching gaze. It glides along the figure of the attractive person from top to bottom, lingering at the neckline and hip level.

Types of handshakes

In the business world (and just in everyday communication), knowledge of psychology is very helpful. In body language, a handshake plays a significant role as the first contact, from which, in most cases, contact begins. Here's how you can decipher this gesture:

  • An elbow-girth handshake is a sign of friendliness, a desire to communicate and establish close contact.
  • Extending your hand with your palm down is a symbol that the person is trying to dominate you.
  • Extending your hand with your palm up means that the person gives the initiative into your hands and is ready to obey your decision.
  • The second hand on the shoulder during a handshake is a demonstration of a good attitude towards the interlocutor and a desire for close contact.
  • Placing your other hand on top of a handshake is a demonstration of dominance.
  • The vertical placement of the palms is a demonstration of equality and mutual respect.
  • A handshake with a wrist girth is a demonstration of the joy of meeting and the desire for close friendship.
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