How to impress a girl? 7 rules for a first date

How to impress a girl?

  • You need to make an appointment in advance. Therefore, choose the most optimal time and place and tell the girl about it. Don’t suggest: “Let’s go,” no. Just say: “I want to see you. At 19:00 near …” This will show your interest in the meeting and your busyness in life.
  • Don't forget that she may have plans too. So decide on a couple of evenings when you can meet. There's no need to give her a choice. Offer one time at once, and if it doesn’t work, another.
  • A man should always arrive on a date a little earlier or exactly on time, but his companion can be 5 minutes late. Don't let yourself wait a shitload of time for her. This is already disrespect, better go eat something tasty. More benefits.
  • It's better not to bring bouquets to your first date. But there is a small caveat: if you met online and corresponded for a while, then you can easily bring up the topic of flowers. For example, “I’m choosing flowers for a colleague for a birthday party, which ones would you choose?” In this case, you can bring her favorite flowers.

    If before this your communication was reduced to: “Hello. You're cool. Give me the number,” then it’s better without a broom. She may have a simple allergy.

  • Naturally, all the moments: opening the door, holding your elbow on the steps, helping you take off your coat must be performed impeccably. You are not only the main man at this evening, but also very courteous. Your gestures are always smooth, and your gaze is confident.
  • Important: put your phone on silent mode. A couple of hours will not make a difference in important matters, especially in the evening, and the girl may feel uncomfortable from your constant conversations on the phone.

First meeting

If you have always been tormented by the question of how to invite a girl for a walk for the first time, then the answer is banal. You need to call/write and call. In a conversation, you must show that you are aiming for something. So that the girl understands that this is a walk, etc.

Anton Inozemtsev on how to call a girl:

So, the meeting has been scheduled, the girl has arrived and she needs to be greeted as warmly as possible, since later in the communication process you will touch her, caress her, and move on to personal topics. Having met with warmth, you prepare her in advance for what will happen during your meeting.


“Hello,” he took your hand and she twirled around you.

Another option:

“Hello, you are unusual today. The energy comes straight from you... Let me hug you and recharge.”

The greeting must be original and memorable)

I’ll explain it logically, the girl needs to understand what’s going on here.
When we specifically give the reason for our actions, she will calm down and there will be fewer objections. She understands that you are not just a concerned person who wants a hug, but a person who understands people's energy. We’ll skip the detailed story about how to invite a girl on a date, since he called and invited.

Ideas for a romantic date in winter

  • Visit a thrift store or thrift store. For what? And to look for the funniest and ugliest Christmas sweaters. Of course, not for the purpose of buying, but to try on for fun.
  • Start making chocolate fondue. In the winter cold it is so nice to be at home and not go anywhere. It’s not difficult at all - melt a chocolate bar in a saucepan, and enjoying this dessert together is pure happiness.

  • A date at the skating rink sounds very romantic. Don't be afraid that you will look funny: you rarely see professional figure skaters on an ordinary ice rink. The best thing is to roll around holding hands and laugh at your ridiculous movements.
  • A great excuse for a winter walk is to go admire the ice sculptures . Their appearance is mesmerizing, and in the evening light they look simply fabulous.
  • A hockey match between local or student teams is a must see. Choose who you will root for and immerse yourself in the gameplay.
  • Another winter entertainment is sledding from the mountains . Remember how difficult it was for your mother to take you home from the slide when you were a child? Today is a great reason to experience nostalgic feelings.
  • Sometimes a short weekend trip can bring more pleasant experiences than a foreign tour. Make a plan for a joint vacation with your partner. Naturally, it will depend on the weather in your area. The main thing here is not the distance, but the choice of a place where you both have not been before.
  • Come up with a new holiday for your couple , remembering some interesting event from the beginning of your acquaintance, and send invitations to your friends.
  • Another idea for a romantic date for two at home is to build a tent or hut right in the room and stay in it to sleep. A change of environment will help awaken passionate fantasies and desires.
  • You can spend a wonderful winter day hiking. Of course, more preparation is required in winter, but don't plan a long route - just ski for a few hours, taking a thermos of hot tea and pies with you.
  • Get ready for the New Year together. Buy a live Christmas tree or bring an artificial one from the pantry. Hang balloons and garlands, helping each other. Perhaps in the future this will become your family tradition.
  • The collaborative creative process inspires and strengthens connections. Choose an activity that you can do together or teach a partner. For example, a girl can teach knitting, and a man can teach wood burning.
  • A winter evening by the fireplace is not an option for a romantic date at home for a man and a woman? Don’t worry, an electric fireplace is also suitable, the main thing is to place comfortable chairs near it and prepare some mulled wine. You can read aloud an exciting novel or detective story.
  • Any outdoor entertainment is suitable for active couples. Haven't you thrown snowballs or built a snow fort in a while? Wait for the real snowfall and go ahead. You can also invite your friends.
  • Make your partner a cup of hot chocolate. It's not difficult at all and much tastier than store-bought. And if you serve it with his favorite cookies, it will be even better!
  • How do you like the idea of ​​making a snow woman or several, gathering a group of friends, and organizing a competition? Fun is guaranteed.
  • ideas for a romantic date related to creativity as you like. For example, come up with a design for your greeting card, in different versions. Your relatives and friends will be glad to receive individual congratulations.
  • Do a good deed — give something to a needy person or collect a gift for a child from a low-income family. Noble actions make us better people.

  • Offer your loved one an idea for a winter photo shoot . Ideally, you will be photographed by a good photographer friend. In winter, you can take wonderful pictures in the park or just in the yard. The purity and whiteness of the snow sparkling in the sun, the blue sky and the two of you - sheer romance! And then posting your pictures on Instagram to the envy of your friends and subscribers is a sacred thing.
  • “My climber has become affectionate!” The rock climbing option is not suitable for everyone, even if you do it in a special gym. But you can still have a great time on such a date.

15 minute walk

Make it seem like you already know each other

Now, you’ve met her, don’t run to a cafe or restaurant. Ideally, you need to walk 15-20 minutes to a cafe/restaurant and chat about social topics. And if you don’t know any global topics and generally what to talk about with a girl on a walk, then ask banal things about how she got there, how work went, whether she was very tired, whether there are any plans after your meeting - these are banal questions that can help start a dialogue.

Then, when you reach the cafe/restaurant and go there, the girl will think that this is not your first meeting, but your second/third, since you changed your geolocation and communicated on social media. topics, now in another location (cafe/restaurant) you can talk about personal topics. Many Western experts in pickup and psychology write about this in their books.

Mini trip2

“It wasn't an 'official' date. Although it could well be considered as such. We had fun all night. We explored an unfamiliar city, ate street food, watched a movie, walked along the pier, sightseeing, visited an amusement park, played games, rode the Ferris wheel, bowled, and sang karaoke. Remember when you were a little girl and you dreamed about all the things you wanted to do on a date? That night we accomplished every item on my list! And it wasn't even planned! Everything was so good. I will always remember him fondly for this,” Reddit user lottahermes.

What did the guy in this story do? He managed to create an atmosphere in which his companion felt warm, calm and comfortable. They had a very extensive program, but they did not collapse. They enjoyed the evening. If you decide to plan such a large-scale operation, make sure that the girl has time for this. Don't turn completing the items on your list into a marathon. Let everything take its course.


As many people say, the place should be quiet in order to properly communicate with the girl, without prying eyes, etc. Everything is the same here. We need a cozy place where you will feel comfortable. As I did and do, I have a favorite place on Arbat - LUNCH-BUFFET. I feel comfortable there because I know what and where it is, and I know the employees.

How often do you have a FIRST date?

You too, find a good place and, if possible, have dates there. You shouldn’t think that the team will see you with different girls and you’re an asshole - no, no one thinks that, except maybe a little envy. Ideally, the establishment should have sofas and more or less dim lighting. Again, the most important thing is your comfort!

Video about how to meet Anton Inozemtsev (+ date with the same girl):

Picnic with hot dogs5

"College. The guy picked me up, we bought hot dogs, took a blanket and went to the park. We settled down on a hill. We ate hot dogs and watched a baseball game. It was a wonderful evening and we had so much fun together,” pudgewazovski.

As you can see, no fancy restaurants again. Hot dogs, a blanket and a park. Money is great. They provide much more opportunities for romantic maneuvers. But if a connection is not established between you, you will not see romance. Even with fabulous money.

Invite a girl to the park. Take care of food and blanket yourself. The atmosphere should be cozy - the city center is not here at the height of a noisy holiday.

Order or what to take

First of all, you need to take the initiative into your own hands, and only then everything else.

Many people get lost when they come to a cafe with a girl, and then the annoying waiter, who looks down at them with a pretentious face, says: “What do you want?” Relax, under no circumstances should you feel discomfort or awkwardness.


Waiter - “Hello. What do you want?" You - “Hi, your establishment is great. Leave the menu and come to take your order in 5 minutes.” Waiter - “Okay.” He's leaving.

Then you tell the girl - “What kind of juice will you like?” (it’s summer now) Girl - “Well, orange juice.” You - “Great, I’ll take a non-alcoholic mojito.”

This way, we know in advance that there will be a girl, and when the waiter arrives, you place an order. IT IS YOU, this is how we show that you are in charge here.

And it’s easier this way, as practice shows, when a guy and a girl come to a cafe, the girl takes what she wants, but the guy is not ready to pay and he becomes embarrassed. With this technique we kill two birds with one stone.

What do women want7

And now to the facts, lovingly collected by brainy and curious research scientists.

Here's what women dream (and fear) on a first date:

  • 79% of women say that the most important thing for them on a first date is a comfortable environment;
  • 94% of women want to hear compliments on their appearance;
  • Only one in ten women think it's normal for a man to constantly check his phone on a date;
  • 80% of women believe that you should not order more than two drinks on a first date;
  • 82% of women want a man to hug them;
  • 71% would like to receive a kiss on the cheek;
  • Most women find it disgusting when a man is rude to the wait staff;
  • 58% are against a man asking them to share their food or drink;
  • The vast majority of ladies believe that being more than fifteen minutes late is a so-so start to a date.

Topics for conversation

So you placed an order, they brought it to you and you are already communicating. There are certain topics that will help and ensure a successful and interesting conversation with a girl. Here below I will write the themes and how they work:

  • Do you do any sports?
  • What are your plans after graduation?
  • Do you like work? If not, why not?
  • How often do you like to take a break from Moscow?
  • How do you usually spend your free time, honestly?)

Ordering or what to take First of all, you need to take the initiative into your own hands, and only then everything else.

Many people get lost when they come to a cafe with a girl, and then the annoying waiter, who looks down at them with a pretentious face, says: “What do you want?” Relax, under no circumstances should you feel discomfort or awkwardness.


Waiter - “Hello. What do you want?" You - “Hi, your establishment is great. Leave the menu and come to take your order in 5 minutes.” Waiter - “Okay.” He's leaving.

Then you tell the girl - “What kind of juice will you like?” (it’s summer now) Girl - “Well, orange juice.” You - “Great, I’ll take a non-alcoholic mojito.”

This way, we know in advance that there will be a girl, and when the waiter arrives, you place an order. IT IS YOU, this is how we show that you are in charge here.

And it’s easier this way, as practice shows, when a guy and a girl come to a cafe, the girl takes what she wants, but the guy is not ready to pay and he becomes embarrassed. With this technique we kill two birds with one stone.

Creating Trust

A little trick - how to make a person trust us. A stranger, as quickly as possible. Very simple! We can start telling some details about ourselves, those details that you cannot tell to a stranger. Trust is automatically formed - if we trust her, she begins to trust us.

Have you ever heard from a girl or maybe felt it yourself - it’s like we’ve known you for a thousand years, although we’ve only had a few meetings.

Imagine that the first meeting is not an acquaintance. You just haven’t seen each other for a long time, this is your friend and you’re going to have a great time. With practice this feeling comes. It’s like for people who work with clients - they gradually develop the feeling as if they are contacting the same person. Communication is no longer an acquaintance and acquaintance, but a meeting with the same person. It's the same here.

When you start meeting people more often, going to meetings more often, this feeling will be acquired, so in most situations, men have problems from lack of experience and negative reinforcement. That is, a man rarely makes acquaintances, he doesn’t really know how to make acquaintances, when he tries, it doesn’t work, it turns out badly, then he doesn’t meet again, then once again he wanted to, but it turned out negative. As a result, a person develops real problems. Now friends, write in the comments specific questions about what kind of practical release you would like to receive, what recommendations regarding the first meetings.

Topics for conversation

So you placed an order, they brought it to you and you are already communicating. There are certain topics that will help and ensure a successful and interesting conversation with a girl. Here below I will write the themes and how they work:

  • Do you do any sports?
  • What are your plans after graduation?
  • Do you like work? If not, why not?
  • How often do you like to take a break from Moscow?
  • How do you usually spend your free time, honestly?)

[caption id=»attachment_248″> Talk, you can’t be silent)
There can be any social topics here. THE MAIN THING WHEN CONVERSING WHEN YOU ASK A QUESTION IS SINCERE! Ask and be interested sincerely, if you are not interested in who her great-grandmother was, then you should not ask about it, much less talk about it. And when you asked a question about sports, and she answered: “I go to the gym,” then you need to immediately say: “Cool, how long ago?” This is what I call clarifying questions - in this way, we show that we are really interested in the topic, and did not just ask so as to maintain the dialogue, so to speak.

A wise man in psychology, Dale Carnegie, said:

There are few people who know how to listen correctly, learn to listen correctly and you will find the key to any person.

Just remember how often you say something and are interrupted, saying: “Stop! I’ll interrupt you - I have a more interesting topic.” Or, when you talk enthusiastically, they simply ignore you/get distracted by their phone. So in our business and at this stage you need to concentrate and listen to the girl as carefully as possible and ask clarifying questions!


There is often a situation when you are all inside yourself, experiencing any emotions other than positive ones. And he went on a date, experiencing fear, stiffness, panic, fear of not being liked, of being uninteresting, whatever. Naturally, the girl begins to adopt this, and the date will not end the way you wanted and wanted.

If there is a pause, it's not a big deal. Understand, you have to outplay her and be in a position on top. There is no need to immediately dump out all the information about yourself, let it be dosed, let her have something to ask about you. And if there is a pause, at this moment in time just say: “Tell me about the most boring date of your life!” As an option. Well, maybe you’ll laugh at what she’ll tell you, no one asked her about it. It is necessary to avoid the most banal topics of communication, i.e. communication with you should stand out. Moreover, when you come “charged with positivity”, this already accompanies a successful person, and if you are so sad, then conclusions suggest themselves. Then she told you about her most boring date, then you told you how you went on a date with a girl and she ate 4 servings of noodles and something else. It already brings such a positive vibe to your conversation.


This is a special kinesthetic technique in which you seem to entangle the girl in a network of almost random fleeting touches. You often touch her in different places without holding your hands. Touch her hand, then touch her neck, then her leg, then accidentally touch her butt - and all this quite often, quickly, instantly.

The main thing is not to overdo it))

Do this during a conversation, justifying touching with appropriate speech situations.
A ring on your finger is a reason to touch your palm. The inscription on the jeans is a reason to touch your feet. A request is a reason to touch her shoulder, etc. and so on. Touches create special trust between people, and if the girl gets used to your hands, consider that you have achieved what you wanted.

The game is our everything

Do you want, as I say, to “irritate” the beauty? Play the game “closer-further” with her. This is the most common technique for shaking emotions. The only thing it doesn't allow is to remain neutral. By the way, it works in both directions, that is, if the girls still “put” on the ban and secretly entered our gazebo and sit “warming” their cute ears. Do you think the guys and I are against it? God forbid!

So, the main idea is that it’s like a contract shower, only not physical, but emotional. “You have great taste in choosing dresses and shoes! Oh, if I were a girl, I would be jealous of you! But here’s your handbag... please tell me that it was just given to you, and you had no other choice but to accept it!” Oh, how many emotions you will evoke in her with such a phrase. Plus a carload of questions and new topics for conversation and discussion of her tastes.

“I was hooked by your voice, even on the phone, when we agreed on our date! He is so feminine and exciting... You definitely need to be an actress, a crowd of fans is guaranteed. But your look when we first met... Wow, how it alarmed me! … It felt like I already owed you two ice creams and a charter flight to Haiti!”

Rave? Yes! But do you really think that she won’t start asking what’s wrong with her look? I would bet against this opinion.

In general, the essence is: you praise and envy one thing, deny the other, joke about it, find out.

A rough example of the “Stone Age” stage of your life: you protect the girl you like from the attacks of your classmates, but at the same time, during recess, you grab her pencil case and run away so that she can run after you, taking it away. Romance, huh...

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