The science of seduction: how to seduce a man. Just 7 steps

Seducing a man is a whole science that Japanese geishas mastered to perfection. Most women will roll their eyes pathetically and snort contemptuously: “Science? Yes, we will seduce any man in three times!” This is followed by clear evidence that the “art of seduction” is in girls’ blood. Most often these include: stupid antics, short skirts, vulgar jokes and “shooting” flirtatious eyes.

Usually, this is where the set of seductive qualities ends and women are left with broken expectations, reassuring themselves with the banal phrase: “If I didn’t fall for it, it means it’s not for me!” But, after all, seduction lessons give stunning success and revive in the ordinary, average citizen, the image of the charming Cleopatra. By the way, the latter was not considered a beauty. Cleopatra had irrepressible charm and the ability to charm any man she desired.


A seductive woman is, first of all, a neat woman. She wears clean, ironed clothes, mostly made of light fabrics. Candid, translucent blouses and dresses, short, tight skirts are best put aside. The girl should be seductive, but not vulgar or overly frank.

Women often confuse the appearance of a temptress with the image of a Moulin Rouge girl. They assume that showing off a woman's charms automatically makes her sexy and seductive to men. A lady should look attractive, seductive, but dignified.

Words and voice

When a woman knows how to behave in the presence of a man, it’s time to talk. It is at this stage that the entire created effect can be destroyed. Therefore, in order to maintain your position and seduce your chosen one, you need to adhere to specific tricks.

Secret 5: voice tone

According to research, men find a velvety, deep female voice most attractive. By no means a bass or a smoky, hoarse baritone. A woman's voice should sound like the purring of a cat, not the cawing of a crow.

The same goes for excessively high-pitched female voices. Previously, it was believed that a thin, ringing voice was the most attractive, as it was associated with youth and freshness. In fact, this is so if the voice is moderately high and not shrill. Such voices are suitable for seduction, but not seduction.

Gestures of seduction2

Demeanor is the main trump card in seduction lessons. The smooth movements of the hands, the swaying gait of the hips and the grace of the queen will not leave the stronger sex indifferent. Gait is far from an unimportant fact. It should be feminine, smooth, interesting.

Strong, modern women are accustomed to rushing somewhere, striding and waving their arms, like Napoleon in front of the garrison. Not every man can boast of such a firm and decisive walk with which most girls move.

Playing with curls3

Working on gestures when communicating with a man will help a woman present her image as a soft, seductive cat that you just want to pet.

When a woman is next to a man, her hands “contain magic”, with the help of which she can attract and bewitch, or repel and disgust her interlocutor. Seduction lessons place a huge emphasis on manners. The struggle for male attention includes the maximum “artillery”: hair, facial expressions, lips, body, wrists, legs. Not a single man can resist such an arsenal if it is used correctly.

Hair is a serious weapon for girls. The length of the hair is not as important as its cleanliness, condition and smell. One of the seductive techniques dictates the following: sitting opposite a man, a woman should relax and play with her fingers along the ends of her hair.

The hand moves slowly, fingering the strands, and the fascinated guy watches this picture, frozen in mid-sentence. A careless gesture of straightening your hair will help bring it back to normal. Are the man's interested eyes following the movement of his hand? Great! You can move on to the next “procedure”.

Acoustic data.

You can charm a man with your vocal abilities, but you don’t have to sing at all. But the voice itself, the ability to control it, volume, timbre, pauses, even breathing are extremely important in the art of seduction.

You don’t have to radically change your usual tone or parody anyone. On the contrary, it is wrong. The falsehood is felt almost immediately, and it’s also easy to forget about voice production and speak in an undesirable tone. Therefore, the sound can only be slightly adjusted, but it is better not to try to completely change it.

Voice and tone.

Many guys are intrigued by the chesty, velvety voice of women with a slight “purring” effect. However, this does not mean that they like sounds that are too low, harsh or raspy. Softness in tone is welcome.

If a girl has a high, thin voice, she also has a chance to charm a young man with it. But in this case, it is better for her to monitor the volume of her speech. If the sound is loud in itself, it is advisable to speak slightly quieter than usual. But a dry voice can be given sonority, but, naturally, it does not turn into a scream.


Pauses in speech allow you to check how carefully the guy is listening to the story of his interlocutor. If this is the case, he will show slight impatience - he will ask to continue the story, lean forward, concentrate his gaze even more, etc. But that's not all the benefits of breaks. They intrigue and make facial or gestural movements more noticeable.

However, you can’t use pauses often or just like that, otherwise everything will look ridiculous and strange. You can pause to sigh languidly, smile at the most fascinating moment of the story for the sake of intrigue, take a sip of a drink, tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, or look straight into the eyes. The duration of the cool-down is no longer than 3-4 seconds.


The principle is generally similar to that used with voice. A chesty laugh attracts, a squeak-squeal-falsetto repels. Insincerity in this regard is even more noticeable than in tone, so giggling stupidly is not advisable. The volume will have to be controlled, since loud laughter is a sign of bad taste and bad manners.

Guys also read women's articles. Just out of curiosity. So they are clearly aware of the “laugh at all his jokes” advice. Noticing this behavior, the interlocutor may be offended. If you want to encourage your friend's sense of humor, sometimes just a smile is enough, not constant laughter.

Mirror of the Soul4

The languid gaze of a relaxed tigress will have a huge effect on Tarzan, who is sitting close. Relaxed upper eyelids, hiding brilliant, deeply open eyes, the look of which invites you to plunge headlong into them. A great effect on men is obtained with the help of a flutter of eyelashes raised to the top of the eyes.

In front of a mirror, a girl should practice looking like a goddess. Squinting her eyelids and languidly flapping her eyelashes, she gradually learns to look seductively.

When communicating with a man, you should not be afraid to look at him and look deeply into his eyes. The main thing is that it is the gaze of a seductress, and not the caustic, inquisitive gaze of Inspector Zhuva.

The lips enter. A slightly open mouth, with soft, semi-moist lips, combined with a relaxed look, are an explosive mixture. A cheeky wet tongue, slowly and naturally licking your lips, will perfectly complement the picture. Don't overdo it. A tongue endlessly wandering around the mouth looks stupid and funny.

How to understand a man’s logic that 99% of women do not understand? Let's show it with a specific example.

At the beginning of your relationship, when you call a man or write an SMS just to hear his voice for a minute, he answers you with warmth, gentleness and reciprocity, even if he is at work or at a meeting, for example. And all is well.

But at some point the man answered you rudely, he even seemed to yell at you, although you just wanted to hear his voice. How did you feel at that moment? Pain. You felt terrible resentment; it was a shock for you. You start to overthink: what was wrong, and how dare he...

And from that moment some kind of resentment and misunderstanding began to accumulate.

Write this down right now, how to understand the logic of a man: A man’s brain and heart do not function at the same time.

When a man is at work, in business - at these moments the man does not love you! This is normal, and it is important to understand! He cannot be both effective at work and be affectionate, attentive, gentle, loving, bored and endlessly thinking about you. It just needs to be accepted as a fact.

And this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you in principle. Loves. Only when he is at work and busy with business does he work with his brain, not his heart.

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Grace of the Panther5

Seduction lessons include eloquent body language. A seductive woman should combine everything: clothes, image, gestures, body movements. If a woman stumbles into the room like a collective farmer after milking, falling heavily onto a chair, her back slouched, her image will not be saved by a silk dress or a flutter of eyelashes with plump lips.

The temptress sits straight, crossing her legs. In her movements one can feel languor, relaxation, but not fatigue and a desire to rest.

Bracelets and wristwatches sliding on slender wrists beckon and attract the eyes of the stronger sex. The girl should show her wrists unobtrusively.

When she is next to a guy, she touches his cheek, shoulders or neck. This should be done gently and unobtrusively.

Velvet notes6

A woman should talk to a man softly, tenderly and bewitchingly, like a cat. Don't cluck like a chicken, filling the dialogue with continuous chatter, don't squawk like a crow, but "purr" like a furry pet.

Obscene and rude words must be removed from the speech of a seductive lady. The flow of phrases should flow like a stream, melodic, interesting, enticing.

If a girl is in a close relationship with a guy, she can conquer his words that describe her feelings and emotions. They sound something like this:

  • “You give me shivers.”
  • “I want to feel your touch.”
  • “Your look excites me.”
  • “The sight of your body turns me on.”
  • “When I look at you, everything inside me burns.”

When addressing a man, be sure to use the following phrases:

  • "You're so sexy"
  • "My tender".
  • "Dear boy."
  • "My love".

Women's tricks of seduction

To seduce a man, it’s not enough to be gentle and sexy, you need to constantly work on yourself:

  1. Open up to people. Men always choose the one to whom their soul is drawn, and it is drawn only to honest, natural, benevolent women.
  2. Develop emotional intelligence. A woman can be an ace in the world of numbers or an excellent political scientist, but if she does not know how to feel a man, capture his mood, empathize, and psychologically adapt to possible situations, she is unlikely to be able to win his heart. To do this, listen to your inner feelings, body language, notice your own reactions to a given situation, and give vent to your feelings more often.
  3. Work on your self-esteem. You've probably noticed that confident girls always have a lot of fans. To do this, review your wardrobe, work on your appearance, praise, pamper and surprise yourself!
  4. To seduce a man faster, he must always remain a little unsatisfied. This intrigues, excites, and fuels the desire to see the woman as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid to interrupt the conversation at the most interesting point, exciting tactile contact or a passionate kiss.
  5. Know how to be straightforward. If you are already at home, then beating around the bush will be inappropriate to seduce a man. Say some things frankly, sometimes such tactics kill you on the spot.
  6. If you are at the stage of dating or establishing a relationship, in addition to understanding and listening, it is important to let the man know that you are ready to share interests, hobbies, and interests with him. "Do you play guitar? Teach me, I’ve dreamed of mastering it since childhood!”, “I fell in love with rock music when I first saw the festival 6 years ago. We must visit it in person!”, “Do you have a dog? I love them with all my heart!”
  7. Increase your sexuality. Don't be afraid of being misunderstood, used or abandoned. If a woman is constantly fixated on her behavior and shows caution in everything, she is intuitively feared and shunned. Show your advantages to the object of seduction (long legs, thin wrists, beautiful neck, elastic forms), do it involuntarily and boldly! Sensually stroke his tie, tuck an unruly strand of hair behind his ear. If you're in a cafe, order yourself an ice cream and eat dessert so that your companion's jaw drops!
  8. To seduce a specific man, you need to be able to adapt to his individual characteristics: for a weak boy, become a self-sufficient, confident lady who knows exactly her desires. For a strong guy, transform into a fragile and meek individual who requires patronage and protection. Feel the man’s temperament, but don’t lose yourself!
  9. Be unexpected. Surprise is the best ally in flirting. Men love extraordinary girls, so play this game. For example, during a meeting/lecture, lean over and quietly say, “I almost left the house without underwear today,” then continue to sit with a straight face. Or, during a humorous conversation, suddenly say with a serious face: “I would eat you if you were made of shortcrust pastry.” It is discouraging, seductive, makes the heart beat faster!

And yet, the most important secret in the art of seduction is awareness of one’s own motives. A woman must clearly understand what she is doing, why and what final result she wants to achieve. This is necessary not only in order to choose the right tactics of behavior, but also in order not to fall into your own trap. You can't play adult games if you're not ready to fulfill the conditions!

Feel the pull7

Seduction lessons are successful only if they are reproduced by a talented student. To attract the interest of the opposite sex, behavior alone is not enough. A woman should emanate powerful sexual energy, awakening in men an indomitable desire to unravel, conquer and master. For a woman to give off the right vibes, she must be open to her sexuality.

To reveal sexual energy, a pleasant and somewhat unusual exercise is used. The girl must introduce some man from her acquaintances. She mentally undresses him, admiring and imagining every bare piece of his body.

Fantasizing, a woman visually touches the naked flesh, mentally imagining what the skin feels like, listening to personal sensations. When meeting with an “imaginary lover,” a woman will emanate streams of such sexual energy that a man cannot help but feel.

Femininity on display

Some girls believe that in order to attract a man’s attention, she must be “on the board,” but this opinion is false. This way you can only make friends with him. Every man wants to see a sophisticated, well-groomed lady next to him, so you need to focus on femininity.

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Men love with their eyes, so a woman should always be impeccable. With unwashed hair, bitten nails and worn-out jeans, you won’t be able to charm anyone. Before meeting him, be sure to do light makeup, hair styling and a beautiful manicure. In addition, it is important to always take care of your body. Don't forget to use lotions and creams to keep your skin looking well-groomed. As for the figure, it must be fit, so we must not forget about sports. It should be noted that even with extra pounds you can look attractive, the main thing is to choose the right clothes.

You also need to dress more femininely. You don’t have to wear dresses exclusively; you can also wear jeans and a T-shirt, but they should sit beautifully on your figure, emphasizing all your advantages. It is worth wearing shoes with heels from time to time, because... it makes the image more sophisticated and the gait seductive. It is worth adding a few red items to your wardrobe - this color always attracts the attention of men.

A woman should smell good, so before going out for a walk you should definitely use perfume. The aroma should be light and pleasant, preferably with floral or sweet notes. Before meeting the man you want to win, it is advisable to use the same perfume, so that in the future this particular scent or its notes will be associated with you.

Touching a man8

It is unacceptable for a seductress to behave vulgarly and easily accessible. She is characterized by a slight eroticism, a mystery, a hint of possible intimacy. Under no circumstances should you sit on a guy’s lap, climb up to him with hugs, or spank his firm butt. Touching a man should be light and gentle.

You can inadvertently brush a speck of dust off his shoulder, or take his hand at the elbow when talking. When handing over an object, you may accidentally touch the palm of your hand.

What you should not do when seducing guys9

A few tips will save women from stupid things that can become a hindrance when seducing the stronger sex:

  • Nice yawn. Yes, it's nice to yawn. Yes, the woman had a difficult, stressful day, and the pleasant atmosphere of the evening is conducive to relaxation, the woman relaxed and yawned widely. The charm has faded. Such actions for lady seductresses are strictly prohibited.
  • Crossing arms. When a person clasps his hands in front of his chest, he systematically dissociates himself from those around him. This gesture seems to announce: “Leave me alone.”
  • Scratch your ear, nose. It's not just about aesthetics. Scratching your nose is a non-verbal sign that indicates that a person is lying, while rubbing your ear indicates boredom. A man must be sure that a woman is comfortable and happy in his company.
  • Laugh loudly and harshly. Firstly, it’s scary, and secondly, such a reaction to jokes is more suitable for a real man, but not for a charming girl.

  • Frank conversations. Sharing youthful dreams or funny memories with a man is one thing, but listing a number of everyday problems, trials experienced and illnesses suffered is a complete taboo when talking with a man.

Examples of light flirting

Today there are many examples of how a girl can flirt with a guy, and this number is growing every day, as modern society expands the boundaries of acceptable topics and rules of behavior. The main goal of communication in this way is to make it clear to the opposite sex that he is communicating with a girl or woman, using accompanying gestures, facial expressions and other mechanisms.

Light flirting on the part of a woman implies gentleness and ease of behavior in everything. Win-win details of behavior are careless gestures to straighten your hair or your clothes, emphasis on the lips, which can be slightly parted, as if in anticipation of a kiss, as well as a measured gait, which allows the man to become interested and catch up with the girl.

Many women consider it unacceptable to use the image of a fool. However, it is precisely this pattern of behavior, when a girl laughs, widens her eyes in surprise, and acquires playful behavior traits, that in the understanding of most men is a symbol of a relaxed and liberated girl. Accordingly, such behavior is ideal for flirting.

Flirting between a woman and a man is a way to improve relationships with possible developments, to which the girl herself must agree. The period from flirting to the next step can take several days or a year - this is an individual decision. In general terms, coquetry on the part of a girl involves open behavior, an easy and positive attitude, as well as interest in the interlocutor.

How to seduce difficult men10

Seduction lessons are a wise tactic that can win over any type of man, depending on character, temperament and religious upbringing. Each “merchant” has his own “product”.

There are different types of men: rude people, “snow queens”, “Don Juans”, and you can find an approach to each of them.

  • Rude people are one of the most unpleasant representatives of the stronger sex. They always show leadership over women and do not hesitate to be rude and humiliate. If a woman decides to conquer such a guy, she needs to remember a few rules: do not pay attention to rudeness (pretending to be deaf for a while), try to be as sweet as possible, ask various questions.
  • “Snow queens” are men full of equanimity and “coldness”. His gaze does not express any emotion. When communicating with this type, you should take the initiative, but also not be intrusive. You can ask him a difficult question that will interest him and make him want to communicate.

  • “Don Juans” are big fans of flattery and compliments. Seeing a person in a skirt, they charge themselves with the maximum amount of noodles, which they happily hang on the girls’ ears. He needs to respond in kind, making it clear that his weapon “does not hit the target.”
  • When seducing any man, it is worth remembering about male weaknesses. Guys love compliments when they are admired and praised. Even a rude person becomes flexible if you speak to him in a soft and gentle voice, with admiration and sincere interest.

Working with the face: facial expressions.

Facial expression is not just an indicator of mood, but also a method of seduction. If a young lady always has a frowning forehead, a bored look, and drawn-in cheeks, it is unlikely that this will impress the guy. In a good way, anyway.

There are two parts of the face that have the greatest effect - the eyes and lips. This is important to consider when choosing makeup. Foundations, concealers, bronzers, primers, powder, blush in makeup do not play the same role as correctly applied mascara, eye shadow/eyeliner and gloss/lipstick.


The look plays one of the most important roles. Moreover, it is important not only how a girl looks at a man, but also a wink and a flirtatious batting of her eyelashes. The last nuances are easy to work out on your own in front of the mirror. How else to attract a man?

  • Look at him from under half-lowered eyelids. However, you will have to rehearse everything at home first, because a very similar look expresses arrogance and disdain.
  • Lower your eyes down, blink and, opening your eyelids, immediately look at the man. Ideally, slightly lower your head down.
  • Turn your head slightly to the side, looking forward, blink slowly and fix your gaze on the guy without turning your head.

There is also a subconscious signal a la “I like you”: look the gentleman from head to toe and back, and then smile softly. The look is as quick as possible, top-down-bottom-up, not a drop of negativity or skeptical assessment on the face, otherwise such a trick will offend any interlocutor.


A sweet, sincere smile will be a decoration for any girl. And yet this is not the only seduction technique. Biting, licking, stroking lips also attracts attention. However, it is advisable to do this only occasionally, without going overboard with frequency and intensity. Otherwise, such movements will look strange or vulgar, and absolutely not erotic.

As for the makeup of this area, a matte red/burgundy lipstick or a translucent gloss in a natural shade that creates the effect of moisturized lips is better. It is better to avoid sparkles and unnatural tones.

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