How to become smarter: 10 Easy and Effective ways to improve intellectual performance

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about personal effectiveness. Have you noticed that as you age, it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate, study large amounts of information, calculate options for the development of events, etc.? But in Forex there is no way without this. And not only in Forex, but also in everyday life. The 21st century is the information age.
How to become smarter? How to remove or at least reduce the “dullness” that manifests itself during long work?

I will not force you to solve logic problems, mentally toss balls with numbers, etc. I will share with you ten simple and effective ways to increase mental performance , and you can implement them today. Without really straining.

10 easy ways to become smarter

I myself put the following tips into practice. And they really help. This may not be suitable for everyone, but these methods really work. Tested for myself.

Start your day with physical activity

This is the most difficult of the tips presented here to implement. But it works. Remember that day a few years ago when you finally forced yourself to go for a run. Remember: how did you feel? With what ease things were done during the day, how clear my head was, and how tired there seemed to be.

That’s right: physical activity in the morning, on an empty stomach, helps circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body. As a result, you have clarity in your thoughts throughout the day, it’s easier for you to concentrate, and your work goes easier.

What types of activities? At your discretion. I practice yoga in a light form; for some, running is suitable, for others, swimming; for others, physical exercise is suitable. exercise, even a short walk will do if you are in poor health. The main condition is that the duration of your “warm-up” should be at least 15-20 minutes.

Signs of Wisdom

Gaining wisdom is considered a great achievement. After all, not every individual can boast of these achievements. The considered property of the human mind often comes with the passing of years. However, age does not guarantee the presence of wisdom.

Wise people always pursue only a creative goal. They love, easily perceive and gladly use the acquired constructive knowledge, information, techniques, technologies, and experience.

How to become a wise person? This means starting to competently apply knowledge, solve various problems, relying on experience, both personal and others.

Below are typical signs of wise people:

– always strive for new knowledge, listen to interlocutors talking about something new, and are happy to share acquired knowledge;

– clearly and clearly express thoughts, give arguments, indicating accurate sources of information;

– are able to admit their own mistakes, feel guilty for mistakes, are self-critical;

- honest;

– attentive, able to listen and understand interlocutors;

– know how to listen, isolating the most important thing from a jumble of phrases and intonations;

– respect each individual as an individual and do not impose their own opinion;

– know how to find the real cause of a problem, as well as solve it;

– they are free from envy;

- brave;

– are able to unfeignedly rejoice in the achievements of others and admire them;

- they speak, strictly adhering to the facts, especially when they are of a positive nature, but they can also skip non-essential details that can offend or spoil the mood;

– respect the rights of freedom and property;

- finish what they started;

– strive for self-improvement so as not to repeat the mistakes of others and their own;

– prone to self-education;

– they know how to keep secrets, do not bother with unsolicited advice, and express their own views only if they are interested in them;

– they calmly perceive existence, not trying to transform it into an ideal fairy-tale reality, because they understand that not everything in life goes according to a predetermined plan;

– wisdom is often associated with loneliness, but this does not indicate the asociality of wise people; rather, it speaks of their pickiness; they bring only the most reliable and faithful closer to them.

Make a list of all your to-dos

Make a list of ABSOLUTELY all your to-dos. Not only about work, but also plans such as: going somewhere, buying something, going on vacation in the summer, changing spark plugs from an iron friend, getting a long-standing debt out of a neighbor, reading the book “Think and Grow Rich”... In a word, absolutely ALL things .

Someone will say: “I already remember everything!” No doubt. I also have a good memory. But just try it – it takes about fifteen minutes to make a to-do list. But when you transfer all your affairs from your head to paper, or even better to a computer (at least in Word), you will feel a huge relief. Your life will become easier, your head will clear, and you will end up doing more things.

Secrets of Wisdom

A property of the mind of a human individual, characterized by the level of assimilation of knowledge and mastery of subconscious experience, expressed in the ability to use it appropriately in society in a specific situation, is wisdom.

So how do you become wise? First of all, a wise person ignores everything unnecessary and controls only what he can. Each individual has probably tried at least a hundred times to take control of events or things beyond his control, not noticing that all attempts are pointless. Therefore, when any problem or anxiety arises that keeps you in constant tension, it is necessary to understand whether there is an objective opportunity to correct the situation or whether it does not exist. If such a chance is present, then you should take steps to implement it; if not, then there is no point in worrying.

It is stupid and useless to endlessly eat yourself from the inside, depleting the psyche, undermining self-esteem. There are many things in life that are more pleasant to the body and soul.

To become wise, you need to accept that much in life does not depend on the human subject. There are things that just happen, which is quite normal for life. Acceptance of this postulate will allow you to get rid of heavy oppression. After all, people often put too much on their own shoulders.

You need to allow yourself to float serenely in the endlessly changing flow of life events, accept them without being clouded by the inability to control them. The best thing will happen when a person learns to pacify control. Therefore, we must learn to accept and stop denying.

The secret of how to become wise and calm lies in realizing a simple truth - the human individual is responsible for his own existence, his actions independently. You should not shift the blame for a failed life onto anyone.

Often, adult children tend to blame their own parents for their failures, scold the state, oligarchs, colleagues and just passers-by.

The habit of looking back at the past and lamenting what happened does not bring anything positive to people. This is only an excuse for human passivity, so that, when faced with difficulties, it is possible to evade.

However, an adult individual always has the opportunity to deviate from the direction set by his parents and choose his own path, since it is he who is responsible for his own existence.

Constant control, constant denial and constant blaming of others bring nothing but misery into human existence.

Take a break every hour

The human brain is designed in such a way that within about 20 minutes it accelerates and tunes in to the task. At the 30th minute it reaches a peak of activity, and then there is a decline. After 40-50 minutes of intellectual work, the body needs rest.

You have probably noticed yourself how, an hour after starting work, “stupidness” sets in. This is a sure sign that you need to take a break. So, don’t let your body overexert yourself, take a break every hour. 10 minutes is enough to recover and return to work. During your downtime, you can relax on the couch, play a simple game like Tetris on your phone, or do some physical exercise.

True Understanding

It turns out that a person perceives reality and comes to understand things with the help of two instruments of consciousness. With the help of the mind when it thinks and with the help of intuition, insight or true inner understanding coming from the core of our consciousness. The second tool really decides everything. It is more important, true and much more important than thinking. And it arises when, on the contrary, we stop thinking. Everyone has heard what intuition is. But few people understand what it is and how it really works.

When we think, we go through a chain of some knowledge, associations from our memory, looking for an answer to the question posed. When performing mental work, we act according to a certain algorithm, program. All computing technology and computers operate on this principle. But in reality this is not enough. Real understanding is not built on this.

Do you know why robots will never become alive and will never come close to truly thinking and understanding like humans. They do not have real awareness, that core of our being, which is often called the human soul. This is where intuition, insight, instant understanding and knowledge of all things reside. It is with this awareness that a person, first of all, interacts with the world around him, understands it, feels it. Yes, you can tell this is a sensory interaction with some kind of inner feeling. But it will be an unmistakable, correct, true understanding of reality. And for this you don’t need the mind.

When the mind turns off and intuition turns on, we understand better and make fewer mistakes. Knowledge seems to come from within. We feel confident that we are right and act without a shadow of a doubt. In difficult, stressful situations, intuition is the only thing that saves us. At such moments there is simply no time to think. If we think, we simply won’t make it in time, we’ll die, we’ll make mistakes. Understanding bypasses the mind; the mind does not work in such cases. “Don’t think, act,” said the ancient sages. In the east, during training in martial techniques, the teacher forced one to turn off the mind so that the body could act on its own based on internal knowledge.

All great discoveries were actually made through intuition, when the mind was no longer working on the question at hand. Remember how Mendeleev dreamed about the table of elements. Yes, you yourself can remember how the solution to a problem or some task usually came after you were distracted, doing something else, without thinking about it.

Any creativity, art, writing music, paintings is based not on the mind, but on higher manifestations of consciousness. Love, compassion, and understanding of a person without words live there. Any love impulse is done bypassing the mind.

All these facts indicate that, in addition to the mind, a person has a better, more important tool for understanding reality, which decides everything in our lives. Without it, a person turns into a soulless robot, looking at the world inadequately.

Indeed, someone who begins to develop his mind very strongly, forgetting about intuition and wisdom, literally becomes an inadequate person. A highly inflated mind intimidates intuition, leading to inadequacy. This is easy to see in any human activity, in any professional field.

Any profession, if you immerse yourself heavily in it and become a professional in your field, leads to a distortion of consciousness. For example, doctors, teachers or representatives of other professions have a certain way of looking at things. Bosses, for example, begin to look down on people. If a person is deeply immersed in science, he is usually a layman in everyday affairs. A military man does not understand things that an artist understands. A programmer, when dealing with programs, forces his mind to work in a similar way, completely intimidating his intuition, which is often reflected in everyday inadequacy. Of course, I'm not talking about everyone. But it is precisely the one who forgets about intuition, about wisdom, who falls into the power of the mind and comes to this state of affairs.

The whole point is that the mind cannot really and adequately reflect reality, no matter how strange it may sound. Reality is actually a very complex thing and to truly understand it, the mind alone is not enough. Something else is needed. The mind will only help, making its important contribution to this matter. Life is complex and illogical. The mind works only with logic.

Reality consists of a billion components, and it is impossible to grasp such a large volume with our minds at once, even if we look at a selected part of reality. Even the most powerful computer in the world will spend a long time going through all these options, trying to build some kind of picture from them. Our mind also works. It isolates some elements, following the commands of some program embedded in us. He goes through them, building his own small world out of the big reality. And people live in their own little world.

Intuition works differently. Articles about quantum physics said that there were two worlds. Dense decohered and thin recohered world. So the mind works with the decohered world. And intuition refers to subtle manifestations of consciousness.

When intuition turns on, it cognizes reality in its entirety at once. This is not a sequential sorting through of chains of information, as during thinking. This is volumetric, instantaneous cognition. It is unmistakable because it reflects reality or a part of reality with which we are now interacting in its entirety at once. And such knowledge is possible only through the highest recohered manifestations of consciousness. In a recohered world, an object, firstly, can be in several places at the same time. And secondly, there is a connection in which objects merge into one whole. During intuition, our consciousness simply merges with the object of reality that we are aware of. With such interaction, real cognition occurs, a correct, adequate view of things, bypassing thinking with the mind.

Comprehension with the mind alone leads to a one-sided, fragmented vision of the world. Our mind is contradictory, seeing only one side of the coin, rejecting the other, leading to duality. Submitting to the mind alone, one cannot behave wisely.

True common sense does not rest on the mind alone. Analytically, you can prove any absurdity, justify any atrocity, but all this will not reflect the true reality. That is why, being in the power of the mind, we make mistakes in life, changing our destiny for the worse. To be simply smart means to be a soulless robot, obeying only the programs programmed in your head.

Being wise does not mean just being smart.

Drink water every 2 hours

Continuing the topic of the functioning of our brain, it is worth mentioning that it needs moisture for normal functioning. Insufficient supply of water to the brain is another cause of “dullness.” Don’t let your head dry out - drink a glass of clean water every 2 hours. Not coffee, not tea, but plain water. If you like soda, let the gases come out, otherwise the rumbling in your stomach will distract you.

Formula 33 genes for the mind or how to become a very smart person

Unfortunately, autism is a very common disease related to the pathology of the nervous system. According to the latest information, every sixty-eighth child is susceptible to autism. The main symptoms of the disease are unsociability, problems with learning and communication. At the same time, it is very difficult to consider autism a typical disease - if you choose the right approach, you can completely adapt a child with autism to the environment.

Some time ago, scientists were able to discover 33 new genes that are related to the development of the disease. As it turned out, each gene is the result of a painstaking analysis, which included processing more than 10 thousand DNA from children with autism, their parents, and healthy children.

According to media reports, the 33 genes studied are directly related to the DNA component of the development of pathology. The occurrence of the disease occurs not only due to genetics, but also due to some influence of the internal and external environment. Now experts are working to link each gene with individual processes. This will likely lead to a significant reduction in the incidence of the disorder, and will also lead to new evidence about how genetics can be used to improve an individual's mental abilities.

Light music without words

Light music without words (to avoid distractions) helps you concentrate on the task. I think everyone has heard about hundreds of studies on the beneficial effects of classical music (“The Mozart Effect”), watched documentaries, read in magazines, etc. In addition to classics (calm), you can listen to light electronics. For example, I love ambient music. This is very calm music that helps you concentrate. You can listen to ambient music on the free Internet radio

Spells and potions to become smart

The use of magical rituals to improve intellectual abilities is a peculiar and controversial way. From a scientific point of view, it is unlikely to give results, but you can try, it won’t make it worse.

Spells must be cast on the waning moon, and you must sincerely believe in every word. This can be done by a woman or a man. Say the following over a glass of spring water: “The water is clear and clean! Fast streams brought you! Penetrate inside (...), saturate with new knowledge! Let your thoughts (husband, daughter, son...) become clear, your mind quick. Let everything be easy for him! Let him begin to deal with everything quickly!”

Give the liquid to someone who needs magical help to drink.

If a teenager or adult has the ability to learn, but does not want to learn or is lazy, the following spell can be cast over a burning candle: “Burn, flame, flare up! Sway from my breath! So that the servant of God also burns for knowledge (...). Amen!"

After reading, the candle flame must be blown out.

To add wisdom and intelligence to yourself, you need to say the following words: “Great Lord! Send me the grace of Your Holy Spirit, giving us a bright mind and thoughts! So that, by listening to the science taught to us, we may be admonished for the glory of the Creator, for the joy of our loved ones, for the benefit of the church and the Fatherland! May your will be done in this! May Your Name be glorified! Amen!"

Whether to resort to potions and spells or not, everyone decides for himself. However, the time you spend on magic is better used for self-development (reading, brain exercises, etc.). These methods are proven and will definitely bring results.

To work – 4 hours a day

This may sound like an excuse for one’s own laziness, but studies have been conducted in which scientists have found that a person can work PRODUCTIVELY intellectually for no more than 4 hours a day. This refers to pure working time, minus breaks and interruptions. Of course, a person can work for a longer period of time, but after 4 hours the productivity and quality of intellectual activity drops significantly.

Therefore, if possible, try to work less time, but more productive in results.

Tips for women

Many beautiful women would dream of being born with a ready-made life experience, but this is impossible, so they have to move along the road of existence, studying its lessons and making mistakes on a pile of mistakes.

After all, the life values ​​of maturity cannot be compared with the ideals of serene youth.

Below are tips on how to become a wise woman:

– learn to accept changes;

– live in the present moment;

– put aside laziness;

– do not impose your help on others, engage in solving your own problems;

– develop intuition;

– spend a sufficient amount of time in the “embraces of Morpheus”;

– understand that what is important in friends is not their quantity, but quality;

– ignore inappropriate people;

– give up envy by increasing self-esteem;

– gain an understanding that only by loving one’s own person can one realize the significance of mutual love;

– forget about the events of the past, there is only today;

– not to be afraid of adequate risk;

– constantly develop and engage in self-education;

– understand that the morning is still wiser than the evening;

- everything passes.

It is very important for a woman to gain wisdom, because the climate of family relationships with her beloved and the weather in the house depend on the daughters of Eve. After all, a woman in one person needs to be a reasonable adviser, a strict but gentle mentor, a faithful comrade, a gentle wife, a good housewife, a seductive heterosexual and a passionate lover to her husband.

That is why it is important for every young beauty to know how to become wise in relationships. First of all, it is necessary to understand and accept that ideals do not exist, but at the same time, each person has only his own “set” of qualities, his own advantages, advantageous features, and disadvantages. You need to learn to appreciate your loved one for the totality of his positive qualities and despite his shortcomings.

A wise woman does not live for the approval of others; she loves, respects and values ​​her own personality, and therefore does not build relationships only on emotional outbursts. There is no need to waste your own time on marginalized people, abusers, married men. Living with an alcoholic or drug addict is not the duty of a good Samaritan, it is not supporting your beloved spouse, it is disrespect and dislike for yourself.

A partner must be worthy, and a wise woman must value her own time. If the chosen one is immature, lazy, or rude, then you should not waste a second of time on him.

A wise woman is aware of her own “role” in a marriage relationship, so she will never try on male functions. She also trusts her partner and does not stoop to total control. Marriage does not mean deprivation of freedom and obtaining exclusive rights to own each other. Any mature person needs his own free space. There is no need for your loved one to “clip his wings.” He will repay trust and freedom threefold with love and care for his wise wife.

Daytime naps are beneficial

It’s not for nothing that children in kindergarten are put to bed after lunch. Daytime sleep is very beneficial for the body. Google offices even have special capsules where employees can take a nap for an hour.

If possible, try to give yourself an hour after lunch to sleep. Once you wake up, you will get a lot more done than if you worked without a break.

Learn a foreign language

Andrea Macelli, a doctor of neuroscience at the University of London, shows that people who speak several foreign languages ​​find it easier to switch between different mental tasks.
An additional impetus for the development of your brain will be given by a new way of learning obscure foreign words. ■ For example, learning a language using parallel translations. On the site you will find books on the pages of which English and Russian texts are simultaneously posted. Essentially, these are the same credits with which you love to watch the latest TV series.

■ Slovak web developer Wojtek Rinik believes that words should be learned before they appear in a book. Surprised by his advice, you should feed the unfamiliar text to the service, in response it will generate a list of the most commonly used words and invite you to mark the unfamiliar ones in it. If desired, you can print them out with a translation, memorize them, and then attack unsuspecting literature fully armed.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a tree whose leaves have wonderful properties: it increases the body’s energy capabilities, slows down aging, improves blood supply to the brain, and is a powerful stimulator of memory, logical thinking, and concentration in people of different age groups. And a bunch of other useful properties. If anyone is interested, you can read it on Google.

But the main property of this plant is to improve brain function, concentration and memory. The course of administration is 1 month, 1 tablet per day. A pack of 40 tablets is inexpensive. One package every six months - and your brain will work much better. I drink it myself, and I advise you to. You can buy it here.

How to become smarter in 1 day

There's an exam tomorrow, but your head is empty? Alas, you can become smarter in one day or night only if you have a phenomenal memory. In this case, you will have time to memorize the textbook. But every student must know a few tricks:

  • Often the teacher overlooks the little things. For example, a bacteriologist himself does not remember the names of all microbes in Latin. Therefore, the more confidently you speak, the less chance that he will recognize the forgery;
  • Each profession has its own answer patterns. For example, in medicine it is customary to talk about the definition of a disease, its causes, prevalence, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Knowing the outline, you can learn the material many times faster - you just need to read only the most important things;
  • If you intend to study the whole night before an exam, then take into account the “working schedule” of the brain - from 5.00 to 7.00 it rests. Therefore, it is better to give these hours to sleep.

From school, we are familiar with another way of diffusely absorbing information - you just need to put a textbook under your pillow. There is no scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of this method, but it has been used for several generations.

If you want to become smarter in one day in order to impress your chosen one, then you won’t have to cram anything. There are several ways to appear smarter:

  • Take a stupid girlfriend with you - compared to her you will look like a real erudite;
  • Avoid topics in which you are obviously weak. Talk about subjects that you know well;
  • Don't know the meaning of a word? Ask for an explanation. After all, inquisitiveness and curiosity are characteristic only of smart people;
  • Repeat phrases of famous people. This always indicates erudition;
  • Be silent more, agree with your partner’s arguments. We all like to feel smart. Therefore, by providing such an opportunity to another, you yourself grow in his eyes.

And one more important fact. Smart people are characterized by restraint. Therefore, if you want to appear more reasonable, you should not show emotions too violently: laugh like a horse, publicly sob and wring your hands.


In the course of research, it was revealed that people who walked 1-2 km a day on foot worked much better than those who neglected walking.

Richard Bach, a famous esoteric writer, also mentions the “Walking Fairy” in one of his books. As you know, ideas often come while walking, Bach personified their appearance in the form of a Fairy who gives you new thoughts as you walk along the street.

Books to help you become smarter

1) Isaac Adizes, “Reflections on Personal Development”

In his book, the author, who is one of the world's most famous experts in management and business, has a fascinating conversation with the reader, raising the topic of the meaning of life and global changes in it, talking about proper nutrition, family relationships, business and self-development.

2) Doug Lemov, Katie Ezzi, Erica Woolway, “From Knowledge to Skills”

This book can be called a kind of mental simulator, with the help of which you can acquire useful skills. The authors suggest familiarizing yourself with a list of rules that will increase the efficiency of performing household chores, help you cope with professional tasks faster, and so on.

3) Richard Branson, “My Rules”

The author is ready to share a list of rules thanks to which he was able to achieve success. There is a lot of humor and interesting revelations on the pages of this unique manual. Note that Branson was once a troubled teenager who dropped out of school, but this did not stop him from becoming a famous billionaire. The businessman is ready to share his success story with everyone.

4) Jack Lewis, Adrian Webster, The Brain: A Brief Guide

According to the authors of the book, any person, even as an adult, can radically change their own thinking and help the brain work in a completely different direction. Of course, this will subsequently give a significant impetus to personal and mental development.

Talk to yourself

Many people consider self-talk a sign of an unstable mental state, but it has recently been shown to stimulate brain activity in many ways M. Buschkuehl, J. Jonides, WJ Perrig. Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory. .

When you talk to yourself, you learn to organize and simplify information, which often helps you solve problems more effectively. Of course, it will be better if you still don’t talk to yourself in some public places, but at home it’s quite possible.

How to do it

Read aloud, recite tongue twisters, memorize poems or sing songs. If you are trying to remember something, then try to retell it to yourself as if you were trying to explain an incomprehensible thing to a stranger. Present information in different ways: as if you were talking to a colleague, or as if you were communicating with a child. This technique allows you to better assimilate and understand information.

Play mind games

Absolutely any games can be educational - from bloodthirsty shooters on consoles to the well-known Monopoly. However, we must understand that monopoly still occupies a higher position on the scale of thoughtfulness than a game where you have to shoot zombie heads.

If you manage to replace entertaining games with more intellectual ones, this will have the most positive effect on your level of intelligence.

By the way, in a good company of people from the second point, the spirit of competition will awaken in you, which will spur you on to more outstanding results at the end of the game.

Boost your brain

If you ignored all our advice, and tomorrow is the championship final “What? Where? When?" League of classmates, there is another way to shake out the fat on the brain convolutions.

■ Neurometabolic stimulants, also known as nootropics, are drugs that have an activating effect on memory and mental activity. Mind you, completely legal. The words to search in a pharmacy are: phenotropil, allertek, deprenil. You can also try phenibut, but, unlike previous drugs, it is taken in a course of 2-3 weeks; a one-time use will not give the desired result. And it should be like this: lack of desire to drop everything and go to sleep, increased reaction speed, slight irritability and the feeling that you are smarter than everyone around. There is, however, a small problem. “The effect of nootropics on the brain has not yet been fully studied,” says Konstantin Anokhin, head of the laboratory of memory neurobiology at the Institute of Normal Physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. And one more thing: do not confuse nootropics with dietary supplements. These will also make you smarter for a while, but they act differently, and their effect is weaker. These are, say, ginkgo biloba, guarana, eleutherococcus and ginseng root.

Watch interesting documentaries and listen to audio content

In addition to books for the mind, there is a lot of other content that can increase your intellectual level. These include educational documentaries from both streaming services and major TV channels, as well as from numerous YouTube channels that create independent content.

Special attention should also be paid to various podcasts, which can be devoted to art, politics, history, business and other areas of human activity.

Search for your content and always filter it so as not to clutter your head with information junk that can have a destructive effect on your cognitive abilities.

10. Be sure to get enough sleep

Healthy sleep is a physiologically integral process, just like nutrition and exercise. Every person needs proper rest for the normal functioning of all his systems. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to sleep.

As we've said many times in many of our articles, you need between seven and nine hours of sleep (somewhere in that range). If you devote less time to sleep, the body may begin to malfunction, which can have a detrimental effect on a person’s cognitive abilities.

So you shouldn’t stay up late reading literature, learning foreign languages ​​and playing intellectual games. Don't forget about regeneration.

  • Author: Dmitry Petrosyants

Learn to formulate thoughts briefly

This is where social networks can come to the rescue. For example, on the social network Twitter, you can only leave an entry that consists of no more than 140 characters. It turns out that using Twitter, we learn to organize information and express our thoughts clearly and concisely.

If you don’t want to share your thoughts on social networks, then you can simply take a piece of paper, draw a figure on it and write down your thoughts without going beyond its boundaries.

How to do it

Create an account on Twitter, find a piece of paper or open notes on your phone, decide what boundaries you will set for yourself, and start writing. You can do this at any convenient time to take a little break.

Smile at difficulties!

This sounds contradictory.
They don’t expect difficulties at all, much less smile at them. But it is worth agreeing that one can also derive benefit from difficulties - in the form of a lesson, developed qualities, such as perseverance, devotion, courage. There is “benefit” from difficulties.
There is another “benefit” from difficulties, which is expressed in the wise saying - “A friend is known in adversity.” In other words, difficulties will save you from false friends and flatterers. It’s not very pleasant when those who were called friends are not, but it will free you from illusions and make you more selective in choosing your social circle.

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