The first stage of a relationship as a springboard for a strong union

In this article we will tell you:
  1. All the delights of the first stage of a relationship
  2. Rules of conduct at the first stage of a relationship
  3. Pros and cons of rapid development of relationships already at the first stage
  4. 10 common mistakes women make in the first stage of a relationship
  5. 4 types of men with whom you need to break up already at the first stage of a relationship

The first stage of a relationship can be either the beginning of a long journey together or its sudden end. It is at this stage that the foundation of your union is laid. Often during this period a person comes to the conclusion that the events of the past are somehow similar to the present. They seem to develop in a circle and repeat themselves again.

In general, this cyclical nature is typical for any healthy relationship. People must go through all stages to achieve true love. We will tell you how this happens in our article.

All the delights of the first stage of a relationship

The first stage of a relationship may precede a long and happy union, or it may be very short and without continuation. During this period, lovers are fascinated by each other, they do not notice their partner’s shortcomings, they see him as the embodiment of their dreams. With every call or message in the messenger from your chosen one, your heart is ready to jump out of your chest, your cheeks glow, your eyes glow with happiness, you want to meet quickly and walk endlessly, holding hands. And if your lover doesn’t call or write for a long time, time begins to creep slowly and painfully.

During this period, a man behaves like a real hero and knight, ready to throw the whole world at the feet of his beautiful lady. It is common for a girl to believe in just such an idealized image of her chosen one, and this is natural. If you have not yet gotten to know a person properly, have not seen what he is like in everyday situations or in the event of a conflict, it is easier to create an imaginary portrait with the qualities that you would really like to see in a partner.

Each date at the first stage of a relationship is prepared for a long time and carefully, as if it were the most important meeting in life. Lovers seem to feel wings behind their backs, they want to tell the whole world about their feelings, often in poetic form, they never tire of admiring their state of mind and the person because of whom all this is happening. No matter how much a guy and a girl communicate, they still miss each other if they have to separate even for a short time. Such relationships, if they are terminated at this stage, will forever remain in memory as ideal.

Don't forget about your friends

It often happens that as soon as one of your friends becomes unpleasant to your man, you immediately turn away from this friend, stopping all communication with him. As a rule, this behavior is explained by the fact that an insecure man is trying to completely control his companion. Often, to do this, he tries to isolate you from close friends. This may not strengthen the relationship between you, but in difficult times in your life you will have no one to turn to for advice and support, and you will be left alone.

Rules of conduct at the first stage of a relationship

When a relationship just begins, it is always accompanied by bright and exciting emotions, passionate feelings, and fresh impressions. But at the first stage, the partners do not know each other well, so there is no strong connection between them. Quite often, romantic stories are beautiful, but do not last long.

It is unlikely that anyone will show their shortcomings when meeting someone - everyone wants to leave a good impression of themselves. There is no hypocrisy in this, everything is logical: both men and women strive for positive emotions in a romantic relationship. The more people like each other at the very beginning, the more likely it is that the continuation will be successful. The success of girls at the first stage largely depends on their optimistic attitude, openness, ease, smiling and positive.

Gestures and facial expressions are of great importance when communicating. You need to try not to frown, not to show dissatisfaction, to avoid closed poses - all this repels the interlocutor, even if he likes you. A man may interpret an unfriendly facial expression as a sign that he is unpleasant to you and end the conversation, not wanting to be intrusive. To prevent this from happening, you need to show with a smile, gestures, and glance that you like communicating with this person.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

Remember the fabulously clever and beautiful Scheherazade, who managed to cope with a seemingly impossible task - to stay alive from the cruel misogynist Sultan? After his wife’s betrayal, every day he executed a new concubine with whom he had spent the previous night. Scheherazade of her own free will went to the palace to the treacherous ruler to stop the killing of girls. She managed to capture the Sultan's attention by telling him exciting stories at night.

The trick was that Scheherazade's tales were coming to an end just in the morning, and in order to find out the denouement, the cruel monarch had to save the life of the skillful storyteller until the next night. But as soon as one story ended, another, no less exciting, immediately began, and was also interrupted at dawn, forcing the listener to look forward to the next night.

The unsurpassed storyteller intrigued the Sultan for a thousand nights, and by the time the last tale came to an end, the ruler had fallen madly in love with Scheherazade and, of course, was no longer going to execute her.

And even though the wise beauty is a fictional image, her techniques can be used in real life. After all, a woman should not only be an object of sexual desire, it is important that she has something to talk about. To become a worthy conversationalist for a man, you need to be interested in current life topics, read books, go to exhibitions, theaters, museums, etc.

As a rule, for a guy and a girl who consider each other an ideal couple, the first stage of the relationship quickly develops into the next. But this does not mean that they will now be together for the rest of their lives.

What is the beginning of a relationship in a couple - what may be characteristic of the candy-bouquet period

Ideally, the beginning of a relationship is felt (both physically and emotionally) at least as mild euphoria and inspiration, at most as something super-powerful and crazy. The second scenario of events perfectly reflects a powerful internal response, internal transformation in the energetic sense of the word. Different temperaments and destinies, I can say that there are no absolutely identical algorithms for living feelings, but the general global scenarios for all couples are identical. It's like going out into the forest from a crowded city and taking a deep breath of fresh air. Always at the beginning both are very attentive and sensitive towards each other. Physiology also plays an important role, butterflies...

The woman walks around all glowing and radiant, a little immersed in herself. It was at this time that her friends begin to understand that matters of the heart are beginning to take over her head. A man also glows in his own way, although a little less noticeably than his girlfriend, he often forgets where and why he went and why he did something, forgets things. When talking to his girlfriend, he gets confused in his words, that is, his tongue gets slurred when talking. Dear ladies, don’t think that he is drunk. Well, kind of drunk, but not from wine. These are endorphins and a cocktail of hormones raging in his body. If you want to know, love and infatuation as a condition in official medicine is recognized as a disease. Apparently such a cunning genetic disease conceived for the purpose of procreation.

Drunken perception, a sky full of diamonds and statements like “I’ll get you a star from the sky.” In a word, romance. It is at this time that a man wants, can and somehow finds money even while in a financial hole for beautiful flowers and gifts, he can run away from work for a date. In general, he behaves like an ordinary, unusual man in love. And if this is the case in your situation, then congratulations. Don’t break his wings with unnecessary criticism, let the situation go.

The beginning of a relationship is considered to be a certain point in time from which the couple began to consider themselves a couple. That is, the format of the relationship has grown from familiar and friendly to close. Ideally, the man himself should want to take them to a new level.

Pros and cons of rapid development of relationships already at the first stage

According to psychologists, there is no need for haste in relationships; they should be built step by step, without skipping a single step. The first stage of development is characterized by uncertainty: in order to get closer, people must get to know each other at least a little. If this does not happen, the couple may subsequently miss something important in the relationship. And too rapid a transition from the first stage to the second may even jeopardize the remaining stages. In total, psychologists identify five of them.

Disadvantages of rapidly developing relationships:

  • People don't have time to get to know each other properly. Even from ourselves, we sometimes cannot fully understand, let alone others. It takes a lot of time to get to know your partner better (sometimes it takes many years). The general impression of a person is made up of diverse information: about his past, current hobbies, relationships with loved ones, etc. Sometimes the slightest unsightly detail, which is suddenly made public, is enough to spoil the overall picture.

Will the ex come back or how to understand that the ex-boyfriend wants to come back

Who knows whether the ex will return or whether the ex will not return. I write articles strictly at the request of possible readers, not without humor, but to lift the mood and release positive energy. Question from the category: “Is there life on Mars?” Seriously, the question itself smacks a little of fear, or fear of loss mixed with the desire to get it back. Or vice versa - the fear of returning, as they say, well, I wouldn’t want to, is read between the lines. In a good way, be that as it may, parting itself symbolizes completion or interruption.

If there are no problems with personal boundaries, then after some time a kind of INFLATION of the former relationship occurs. That is, it should not matter whether they return. And any transformational requests to return or not return indirectly indicate that the girl herself is not over yet and there are some voids. It is quite possible that there is an internal dialogue going on, that is, she herself has not yet let go of this relationship. Here, every girl should understand herself independently, in her own interests. 8-)

How a girl should behave at the beginning of a relationship - a simple formula for love

The simplest and most difficult thing at the same time is to simply remember that this is ONLY THE BEGINNING OF A RELATIONSHIP. This is not yet seven children on the windowsill, he is already and still far from being your HUSBAND. This means there is no need to set particularly high demands. This in turn means that you give him freedom of choice. As well as for myself, and so it should be until both in the couple decide that yes, we are suitable for each other, and I can take on more responsibility. And this even gives me pleasure. That is, always give time for decision-making and awareness. In general, build relationships so that both in a couple literally grow before our eyes. At the moment, according to my observations, there are two types of people:

The first are those who change the space around from the inside. They have a powerful inner core and principle and many other qualities. And those who are literally kicked by external space: laws, religion, the system, that is, space shapes them and such individuals are at the end of the line in all areas of development. What I mean is that if you are the leader in a couple, and the macho guy doesn’t do anything, it’s better to remain just acquaintances. This may be a harsh example, but if an alcoholic does not want to stop being an alcoholic, he will undergo a course of treatment, but after discharge he will start all over again. In this type of relationship there will be no equal exchange; this is eternal vampirism. In a healthy relationship there should always be equal exchange.

I don’t say goodbye to this, there are still many different informational articles ahead, there is no such thing as too much knowledge. You can leave comments, or suggest a topic for future articles, it would be great. You can find out how and where you can leave a suggestion about the topic of the article, or sign up for a TAROT consultation by reading the sections in the table of contents of the site.

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