Who are Baiguzhan women and how do they teach girls to forcefully win the attention of men on the street?

If you asked the question “what is a pickup truck?” a hundred years ago, you would have heard a story about the shape of the car’s body, but now it is a whole set of skills aimed at attracting the attention of the opposite sex. For some it is a lifestyle, for others it is a philosophy, and some people define it as a tool for achieving certain goals. In any case, this is a complex skill, to master which you need to have certain qualities and knowledge.

Pickup is

The word “pickup” came to us from the English language; in our case, it literally means “to pick up.” For many, such a definition may seem rude towards a person, so this concept can be described more delicately.


– these are ways and methods of communication and seduction of representatives of the opposite sex.

The methods and methods are also varied, they start from the appearance of the pick-up artist and manner of speaking, and end with complex seduction schemes. Most often, guys resort to it, and their goal is approximately the same - quick acquaintance, a minimum of communication, financial expenses and the shortest possible path to intimacy. This is why psychology is so important; seduction often comes down to psychological manipulation aimed at the object of seduction.

To achieve success in this craft, entire schools are being created in which men and women are taught the manners of a real pick-up artist, and are taught the trick schemes and special tricks for dating.

Relationships are like in a video game

In addition to the dominant economic model, pick-up artists are also revising the liberal model of rationality, according to which people are subjects aware of their desires and able to speak about them. Pick-up gurus claim that women's words should not be taken literally at all, but can only be treated as signals indicating hidden emotions. And it’s these secret currents that the pick-up artist must manipulate.

The mechanics of these manipulations are very much reminiscent of the principles of another great genre of our time - video games. The game suspends the normal laws of reality: all “people” can be controlled, killed and revived. The emotionality of contacts is reduced to a minimum: as in games, the pickup involves not people with their feelings and desires, but figures on the screen. As the famous Mystery writes, “press the reset button and start the game over again.” However, the pickup artists themselves do not consider their behavior inhumane. On the contrary, they emphasize their honesty: there is no need to disguise sexual interest under words about love to the grave or a serious relationship. In other words, although the pickup truck relies on tricks and manipulative techniques, its fans are confident in their frankness and honesty, in the freedom to express their desires.

Another feature that makes pickup trucks similar to video games is the use of an avatar, a virtual image of a person. An avatar allows the player to select his most striking and advantageous traits, to literally make himself a new person with a new name. So Neil Strauss became Style, and Eric von Markovic became Mystery. The new self of pick-up artists is based on the idea of ​​the alpha male, taken from popular books on psychology and evolutionary theory. The alpha male is powerful and charismatic, he easily assembles a “harem” of females clinging to him.

However, geeks compensate for the lack of biological properties of an alpha male (broad shoulders, pumped up muscles) through special practices: gestures, gait, timbre of voice, facial expressions... “I watched “Rebel Without a Cause” and “A Streetcar Named Desire” to adopt gestures and the appearance of James Dean and Marlon Brando. I studied Brad Pitt in Meet Joe Black, Mickey Rourke in Wild Orchid. Jack Nicholson in The Witches of Eastwick and Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

Finally, peacocking became another tool for one’s own upgrade to an alpha male, instead of demonstrating powerful muscles. Pick-up artists dress in bright and catchy clothes: hats, scarves, jewelry. That is, pickup gurus offer alternative and geek-friendly means of increasing erotic capital, and these means are based on a game - but not a computer game, but an acting one. Alpha males in makeup, so to speak.

Who are pick-up artists and pick-up girls (pick-up master)

Pickup artist

– a person who uses seduction skills on members of the opposite sex. More often this person is a representative of the stronger sex, but some women are also interested in this way of making acquaintances.

Pick-up artists are guys who are just beginning their thorny path to seducing ladies. In most cases, shy guys who are deprived of female attention resort to learning this craft. It is difficult for them to start relationships using solely their charm, so a pickup truck is a means for them to find an approach to any girl. Pick-up artists meet in clubs, bars, on the street, wherever it’s easy to start a conversation with a stranger. They have the right phrases, psychological tricks, a charming smile and other means to help attract a girl’s attention.

Female pickup is not such a common occurrence. If the guys' goal is clear and most often it is intimacy, women invest much more into it. For ladies, the main goal of seduction is a long-term relationship, therefore the means of achieving this goal are different. Women rarely attend special courses; they draw knowledge to seduce the stronger sex from literature, the Internet, and the experience of friends. The girl will never admit that she is learning to pick up; often in society this concept is given a negative connotation.

A pickup master is someone who has already achieved success in seduction. He is popular with women, it is difficult to refuse him and he is interesting to listen to. He has his own tricks, but often he only has his own charm and a charming smile in his arsenal. It is these people who create courses on seduction, they teach future pick-up artists how to communicate with the opposite sex, and conduct classes where they teach special manners and tricks.

A pick-up artist can be called any person who studies methods of seduction, which more and more young people are now resorting to.

What do they teach in a pickup truck?

Let's look at the basic skills that are developed in pickup training.

What phrases to start getting acquainted with

Often men get very fixated on what is the best thing to say to a girl when approaching her.

To approach a girl, you will be instructed on what phrases to start your acquaintance with. Maybe they will tell you that the best phrase at the moment of approach will be the phrase that comes to your mind at that moment.

Over time, you will understand that phrases by themselves do not have fundamental meaning.

How to approach a girl and get to know her

The fear of approaching an unfamiliar girl with the aim of getting to know each other, especially in a place not intended for acquaintance, is similar to the fear of public speaking. In short, for most men it’s a total ambush.

But it's one thing to make a successful approach, and another to walk away after being rejected. The fear of rejection is inextricably linked with the fear of approach.

But in general, the problem is the lack of experience that pickup training will force you to gain.

Perhaps you will be told that there is nothing terrible in approaching girls (and this is true), that you should not look at a girl solely as an object of attraction, but should look at her as an ordinary person, for example, as a cleaner who sweeps the street broom

You will understand everything, nod your head and agree, but when the moment comes to approach and meet a girl on the street, you will be overcome by jitters.

Imagine that you decide to bungee jump from a bridge. It seemed to you that the preparatory stage would last forever, when suddenly, turning to you, the instructor shouted “Jump,” but for some reason your legs did not obey. You are not even an inch closer to the cliff.

Therefore, sometimes you need a person nearby who will push you forward when your whole nature demands to stay in place in your usual comfort zone.

And when you jump from the bridge and fall down, you will be overcome by indescribably strong emotions. Perhaps you will experience wild horror.

But at that moment, when the elastic band stretches and you rush upward, your fear in an instant, as if by magic, transforms into delight. You will have an amazing experience.

When you make attempts to meet people on the street as part of pick-up training, there will be a support nearby - a pick-up trainer who will make sure that you get the magic kick and don’t give up on what you originally planned.

And after making several approaches to girls, something inside you will break. You will never be the same again.

How to get a girl's phone number

One of the reasons for your approach to the girl will be the further development of your acquaintance, for which you, of course, will have to exchange contacts with her.

How to talk to a girl on the phone

To ask a girl out on a date, you will have to call her and communicate audiotually.

They will tell you when to call a girl, what to tell her, and also, perhaps, they will share ways to create intrigue and ignite a woman’s desire to meet you through correspondence in instant messengers even before making a phone call.

How to have a date

The preparatory stages are over, and you are already very close to the climax.

Therefore, you will be taught:

  • Where to invite a girl on a date.
  • How to have a date with a girl.
  • What to talk about with a girl on a date.
  • How to touch a girl on a date.
  • How to invite a girl home on the first date.
Is it worth taking pickup training?

You can learn to seduce women on your own and without pick-up training.

Benefits of completing pickup training:

  1. Learning happens faster.
  2. By paying money, you will be more responsible about the tasks assigned.
  3. There will always be a support next to you, so there will be no space.

In other words, if you don’t mind the money or have problems with willpower, it may be better to sign up for pickup training.

However, it should be borne in mind that almost all pickup schools lead away from the real state of affairs in the field of seduction, some of them tolerably, others very significantly. Sometimes, learning to pick up in general can, with its techniques, aggravate the already not the best state of the love life of its adherents, discouraging any desire to get acquainted with girls.

And even the American school RSD, respected by the author of this article, which really stands out from other directions, is not without sin, since it strives, by participating in the pursuit of the commercial component, to hook guys on a new dose of pickup courses.

What does pickup mean?

Picking up means seducing and charming a member of the opposite sex. This rarely happens spontaneously; more often the pick-up artist deliberately chooses the field of his action and looks out for the “victim” in advance. The field can vary from nightclubs to social media. With live communication, picking up is much easier; there is eye contact, the ability to seduce with the help of gestures and facial expressions.

Pickup artists often pursue one ultimate goal - intimacy. Beginning pickup artists are content with a phone number. Often things don’t go further, and the man doesn’t call his “prey” back, perceiving a conversation with a representative of the opposite sex as training and honing his seduction skills.

The pickup truck has its own stages leading to the final goal


  • Defining the goal
    . The first thing a master of seduction does is look for a target. He chooses a stranger based on his intentions: to hone the knowledge gained in training, or to get closer to the girl and develop a relationship.
  • To attract attention
    . Then the man uses all his knowledge and skills. Everyone will work in the way that works best for them. This could be a special look, a phrase or a certain action towards the object of seduction.
  • Acquaintance
    . As soon as attention is focused on him, the man tries by all means to get the stranger’s phone number, using improvisation, charm or pre-prepared phrases.
  • Rapprochement
    . You need to get to know the girl better, this will be useful in building further relationships. Pick-up artists ask personal questions and try to listen carefully.
  • Relationships or intimacy
    . Often everything ends with intimacy, but some men pursue another goal and start a serious relationship.

The main thing in a pickup truck is the tools of seduction. They determine success or failure; their selection depends on the specific person and the pickup artist’s goals. Some representatives of the fairer sex love courtship; for others, a man’s appearance or the way he speaks plays a big role, so it is important for each pick-up artist to choose his own method and style with which he can seduce a girl.

Pros and cons of a pickup truck

Pros of a pickup truck
  1. Your problem with the lack of love affairs in your life disappears, at least in theory. In practice, a lot depends on you.
  2. You can find the best candidate for the role of a girl for a serious relationship if you develop the necessary pickup skills.
  3. It becomes much easier for you to get along with people, and not just women.
  4. You become better and more confident in yourself, having gotten rid of many complexes, if the pickup itself as a whole does not contradict your nature. Otherwise, a backlash may occur.
  5. You learn to create circumstances, and not be their hostage.
Cons of a pickup truck
  1. You can start to have a consumerist attitude towards women, because the value of a woman in your eyes is falling.
  2. The girls start to look the same.
  3. The thought may arise: “What if I can find something even better,” which makes it difficult for you to stop your choice and start a relationship.
  4. It is possible that if you do not receive the expected result, a negative aftertaste will arise. In many cases this is what happens.

Types of pickup truck

Both men and women resort to seduction at least once in their lives. The difference lies in the awareness of the pickup: for some it is obvious and based on training and self-study, while for others they act according to circumstances and do not prepare for the acquaintance in advance.


The men's pickup truck is designed for quick acquaintance using a minimum of resources. Most often, his goal is intimate intimacy, only in rare cases does he hide the desire for a serious relationship.

The inner workings of pick-up artists can shock many representatives of the fair sex; they have specific terminology, special schemes and tricks for women.

Here are some of them


  • Tfn
    is a typical frustrated loser. One of the terms used in trainings refers to a young person who has problems with the opposite sex. Often guys come to classes with exactly this characteristic.
  • The field
    is the place where the pickup artist “hunts.” Often these are cafes, bars, subways, those places where there is a large concentration of girls. Beginning pick-up artists hone their skills on ladies, often under the close attention of a coach.
  • B-D
    - closer and further. A popular technique in which they show interest in a stranger and then pretend that he is not interested in her. This method of seduction is repeated several times, as if “swinging” the girl’s emotional state.
  • Kryshesnos
    . The method of seduction with an original name means a special way of spending time that makes a lasting impression on a girl. One of the main weapons in the hands of an experienced master.
  • BG
    - this term of real pickup artists stands for “delusion generator” and means incessant chatter. The main thing in this method of seduction is not to give the lady a break and fill all the pauses with conversations.

Male pickup is a whole science, with its own terms, rules and laws, aimed at attention and sympathy from women.


Many people believe that pickup is an exclusively male domain and women do not study the art of seduction. In fact, the fair sex also learns techniques for attracting the attention of the stronger sex, but their means and goals differ from those of men.

Women's attention is focused on a long-term union; they rarely look for a partner for a short-term relationship. Girls can also go to courses and trainings on seduction, but they do not use the term “picker”.

Whatever they call it, they also have their own tricks and life hacks that promise a successful acquaintance


  • Don't get acquainted with your friend
    . Going “hunting” with a girlfriend can end in nothing, as well-known trainers for dating men believe. It’s better to prefer solitude and read a book at a table in a cafe, so there’s a greater chance that the man will “take the bait.”
  • Work with your eyes
    . Guys do not like an openly inviting look; many may regard this as accessibility.
  • Don't hang on to your boyfriend
    . If the object of seduction is chosen, you should pay little more attention to him than to other people in the company. A man must be sure that he himself conquers you.
  • Learn to touch correctly
    . Touching a potential partner should be light and unobtrusive; they excite much more than a deep neckline.
  • Give signals
    . A man should think that he is the one who initiated the acquaintance, so the signals should be subtle and not intrusive.

Girls can also pick up guys, but the purpose of their pickup often comes down to creating a serious relationship, so their methods of achieving what they want are slightly different.

Seducing communities

What is a pickup truck? These are not just techniques or skills - this is a whole direction, with its own textbooks, teachers and students, self-help groups and trainings, where they reveal the secrets of conquering women. The beginning of this movement dates back to the seventies, when Eric Weber published the book “How to Meet Girls.” In the 1980s, Ross Jeffries developed a seduction technique based on the quasi-hypnotic method of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). He pioneered pickup seminars and founded the first Usenet conference, alt.seduction.fast, which was followed by numerous online forums.

It was also there that pickup guru Mystery first appeared, who developed the technique of practical seminars, when pickup artists in a group go to bars or nightclubs to practice their skills. In the 2000s, he wrote many books, hosted a TV show on VH1, and founded an entire company dedicated to pickup art, which he calls Venusian art, after the goddess of love. Then came the last great pickup guru: Neil Strauss, author of the bestselling book The Rules of the Game. It is from the books and speeches of these “masters” that one can get an idea of ​​the principles and techniques of pickup.

How to quickly pick up a girl or guy

In order to attract the attention of the person you like, it is not at all necessary to attend expensive trainings. It is enough to know some phrases and techniques to help attract attention. The main thing in a fast pickup truck is originality, lightness and lack of vulgarity.

Seduction gurus advise keeping a few phrases ready that can be used in a certain situation and capture the attention of the person you like.


  • To meet people on the street, guys can use a similar phrase: “I’m conducting a social experiment, would you mind answering a few questions? What is your name? What is your favorite fruit? Your phone number?"
  • In rainy weather, young people can approach a wet girl without an umbrella and shelter her from the weather. And if you don’t have an umbrella, you can dive under the umbrella of the person you like.
  • For both boys and girls, you can try to veiledly ask for a phone number: “Girl (young man), do you have paper and pen? I’ll write down your number, I wouldn’t want to lose you.”
  • In most cases, you can capture the attention of the object you like with eloquence, seasoned with a dose of humor: “See that guy? His name is Petya, he is my best friend. The fact is that we argued with him, and the subject of the dispute is you. He claims that you are beautiful, I disagree with him and convince him that you are stunningly beautiful. Resolve our dispute and tell me who is wrong?
  • Girls can manipulate men with their unexpected persistence. All you have to do is go up to the guy you like and say: “Hey, handsome, what are you doing tonight?” A phrase said with a smile will discourage any young man, and he will only be glad to accompany you this evening.
  • Girls should take note of the love of the opposite sex to help weak ladies. Help can be needed anywhere, in a store you can ask a tall guy to get that jar of peas, on the street it’s enough to ask for help with heavy bags or a flat car tire. In between, ask for a phone number and say you know whose strong arms will help you next time.
  • Both the stronger and weaker sex like it when they are praised. Be it outstanding external data, personality traits, intelligence, courage, beautiful voice. Follow the person you like, choose his most outstanding feature and tell him how amazed you are by his eyes, gait, eloquence, smile.

Attracting a person of the opposite sex is not so difficult, and it is easiest for girls to do this: men like brave ladies, the first step from a girl is discouraging and the guy has no reason not to continue communication. Guys can easily achieve success, the main thing is to approach dating in an original way, with a sense of humor and the most charming smile.

Who are pick-up artists

Who are pick-up artists? The opinion of ordinary people from the outside
  • A pick-up artist is a man who collects girls' phone numbers.
  • He pesters girls on the streets.
  • He's trying to make light of things.
  • An insecure guy who clumsily tries to pass himself off as a real man.
  • Scoundrel.
  • Womanizer.
  • He has problems with women.
  • He doesn't value women.
  • He is driven only by the realization of men's needs.
  • Interesting, cheerful personality.
  • Not serious.
Who are pick-up artists? Opinion from inside
  • A successful pick-up artist is a man who has decided to become successful with women.
  • He strives for personal development.
  • He loves women.
  • He knows how to seduce women.
  • He overcame his fear of approaching a woman, or, more precisely, reduced the level of its impact on himself.
  • He doesn't bother with refusals.
  • He knows how to initiate communication and develop it in the right direction.
  • He enjoys the dating process, if he is not yet tired of the pickup itself.
  • A pickup artist with successful experience actually has a lot of women.
  • He knows what he wants.
  • The pick-up artist does not reason, but acts.
  • Most often, he is an open, cheerful and positive person.

In general, just as each social sphere includes people with completely different levels of culture, education, moral principles and personal characteristics, pickup artists are similarly different.

And if a person, so to speak, is not a very good person, then in a pickup truck he will behave accordingly.

What goals does the pickup artist pursue?
  1. Seduce a girl.
  2. Find a worthy girl for a relationship.
  3. Improving communication skills.
  4. Personal development.
  5. Have a fun and interesting time.
  6. Anything else that's on his mind.

Pickup lessons for beginners

If you decide to learn pickup here and now, but the trainings and expensive lessons of a pickup guru are not for you, you can take an express course for a beginning pickup artist on your own. This will help by studying the behavior of the seducer, special tricks and entire schemes that will help you get the girl or guy of your dreams.

Pickup phrases

Many people believe that you can get any girl with one phrase. It often happens that some ladies are greedy for compliments, and some will be turned by a non-standard approach to communication.

All that is required of you is to always keep such phrases ready and be able to use them at the right time


  • “Are you a fashion model?” A phrase that works wonders consists of just two words and can immediately win a girl over to you. Remember to pretend that you are truly confused and dazzled by her beauty.
  • “If we were in a luxury restaurant, the waiter would already be on my way with a bottle of wine for you.” Such a phrase will tell you about the seriousness of your intentions, because you have already hinted in it about going to a restaurant.
  • "I think you're stalking me." Such an appeal will leave the lady speechless, and while she is refuting this statement, you can invite her to discuss this in a more pleasant place, for example, in a restaurant.
  • “Your eyes are incredible! I drowned in them/saw the sea/found my universe.” It is extremely advantageous to mention the features of a girl’s appearance in your seduction phrases. Of course, this must be done within reasonable limits and point to certain parts of the body. The phrase “what outstanding ears you have” is not suitable for this.

Try to generate your own phrases and don’t forget how important it is to hone your skills in front of real people, this is the only way your pick-up phrases will sound convincing.

Pickup artist tricks

Pick-up artists have special tricks that allow them to keep the attention of their “victim”. They help guys seduce a lady, and girls, knowing these techniques, will be able to immediately recognize a pick-up artist.

The most popular tricks


  • Doesn't call for a long time
    . Seduction gurus believe that you should not call girls right away and advise doing this three days after meeting them. This allows the girl to worry, and lets the guy know that he is a free bird and does not curry favor with the lady.
  • Confidence
    . Pick-up artists exude incredible confidence, this makes a great impression on girls and makes a man a real macho.
  • Switching attention
    . Male seducers do not push ahead; they often use an old trick that irritates women so much. Pick-up artists flirt with other girls in front of the lady they like, and all in order to attract the attention of that same one.
  • Talkativeness and promises
    . The seducer loves to talk, he promises everything possible and impossible, his goal is to charm and create a fairy tale for a woman.
  • Aura of mystery
    . Pick-up artists know how mystery attracts girls, and they take advantage of it with pleasure. Seducers ask the girl a bunch of questions, but they try to keep their personality in the shadows, and answer all counter questions with a mysterious smile.

These tricks help men charm in cases where even original phrases do not help win the girl they like.

Pick-up artist manners

The way a man behaves and looks largely determines the success of seduction.

Pick-up artists have their own rules about what a man should look like when he goes “hunting” and how he should behave with the opposite sex


  • Appearance
    . The calling card of any guy is his appearance. Before you say your first phrase, they will already have time to evaluate you, and if the girl doesn’t like you for some reason, no tackle will help. Therefore, in addition to preparing phrases and tricks, you need to work on your appearance. Neat clothes, well-groomed hands, hair, pleasant perfume - this distinguishes a seducer from an ordinary man.
  • Touching
    . An ordinary guy will not touch a lady in the first minutes of meeting her, but for a pick-up artist this is more of a challenge. The seducer reads fortunes on the girl’s hand, straightens a stray strand of hair, hugs her around the waist, in general, does everything to be closer to the “victim.”
  • Mirroring
    . If a person takes the same pose as ours, or repeats the end of our phrases, we subconsciously accept him as “our own.” This is what pick-up artists achieve, so they often repeat the “victim’s” folded arms, posture, and gestures.
  • Fishing for information
    . The guy needs information about the girl in order to convince her of kindred spirits. Therefore, pick-up artists try to ask more questions so that on the second date they can enthusiastically talk about how much they love Titanic or playing the piano.
  • Control of the situation
    . Pick-up artists should always be the leaders in a relationship; they never bend to the girl’s opinion and do not buy into checks from them. Being an “alpha male” is the main credo of any seducer.

True pickup gurus must have certain manners that help them manipulate a girl. Perseverance, self-confidence and a little ego are the defining traits of any pickup truck builder.

Tackling schemes

The most daring tackles are called “roof blowers” ​​by pick-up artists.

The name is not accidental; such schemes to seduce a lady are discouraging, so for pick-up artists they are one of the main weapons


  • Date on the roof
    . It's no secret that girls love romance and their hearts literally melt at the sight of candles in a cozy, secluded place. For such a tackle you will need the open roof of a tall house, wine, fruit, a blanket and candles. No girl can resist such a tackle.
  • Unexpected meeting
    . It is necessary to find out in advance when the girl finishes work or school and make a small ambush. It is advisable to take the girl’s favorite food or a bouquet of flowers with you and make sure that she has no plans for the evening, then the unexpected meeting on the street can continue in a more pleasant place.
  • The inscription on the asphalt
    . To some, such a tackle may seem ancient, but girls really love it. The best tool to use is candles, which you can use to lay out a message on the asphalt in front of her house. It is not at all necessary to confess your love, you can simply write “Masha, you are beautiful!” or “Sveta, I’m waiting for you!” Make sure that the girl has no plans and invite her to dinner, after such a romantic act she will not be able to refuse.

The main rule of a tackle is to surprise. The effect of surprise works well; besides, girls love attention and surprises. There are a lot of other ideas for this: a hot air balloon flight, an unexpected trip to a picnic, a bouquet ordered to her home, in general, everything that can win over the girl.

Pickup is a whole science in which some people achieve success and others fail. However, sometimes you don't need to be a pickup artist to attract the attention of a pretty girl or a nice guy. It is important not to be shy, to show originality and creativity in communication, and success with the opposite sex will be guaranteed.

Pickup as a homosocial space

And one last important point. Pickup is not practiced alone. Pick-up artists are a relatively close-knit community; they help each other based on the principles of male solidarity. For example, a pickup artist's partner is called a wingman: this is a word from the jargon of military pilots. This is the “wingman” - the person who covers the leader’s fighter while it attacks the target. The partner can distract the girl’s friends (she, again, in military terms, is called the “target”), with whom the pick-up artist is talking in the meantime. Wingman should also compliment the “chief” and assent to him. The pickup artist, in turn, is called upon to respect his partner, consider his feelings more important than the feelings of any girl, always represent him in the company, and so on (as Mystery writes).

This emphasis on male brotherhood points to what scientists call "homosociality" - a social order in which men's relationships with each other are more important than their relationships with women. It is no coincidence that Strauss writes that he likes the process of seduction itself less than telling his friends about it!

Even competition between men does not break the homosocial order. In any case, it is based on the fact that only the stronger sex matters, and a woman is a prize, a target, a commodity, and so on. The only thing in which the pickup culture is democratic is in the recoding of erotic capital from an integral property of the elite, true macho men, into an ordinary product that every stooping and stuttering “nerd” can purchase!

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