Ps, lady, come over: 19 tips on how to meet girls on the street

The streets are not the best place to meet girls. Most people have a neutral-negative attitude mixed with mistrust towards strangers on the street. This is due to the fact that for some time only problems and troubles could be found on the streets of cities in Russia and the CIS countries.

Therefore, you need to know how to meet a girl on the street when all the circumstances are against it. The chance of a successful outcome of such an acquaintance is small, but it still exists.

So that she herself reaches out to you.

Still from the movie “White Chicks”

Just recently it seemed that the problem had been solved: the Internet had taken over people’s lives, social networks, dating sites, Tinder and similar applications appeared, and everyone thought that now they could finally forget about the problem “How to meet a girl on the street?” .

And then, out of nowhere, on your way from the store around the corner to your own bachelor pad, She appears. The dream of your whole life, the girl you imagined in your erotic and not so erotic dreams, is walking right in front of you, she is getting closer and closer, and... it turns out that you have forgotten how to do it in real life.

The only thing you can do is frantically take out your phone and once again bury yourself in it, disconnecting from this cruel reality. We tell you how to behave correctly in such cases in order to meet girls on the street and really make them like you.

I met. What's next?

Say directly that you liked the girl and you want to see her again. And to make an appointment, you need her phone number. Girls are often afraid to give out their number because they worry that the man will be too persistent and start calling or constantly texting. Therefore, immediately indicate that you are a busy person and will call her only tomorrow.

There are 5 rules for how to quickly and easily get a girl’s phone number. Read about them in this analysis article.

And good luck with your dating, friend!

Always be ready

At any moment you can meet the love of your life

Every time you go out, be fully prepared. Even to the point of memorizing a couple of jokes before going out - if you don’t make her laugh, then at least touch her with your sincere desire to impress.

Fragment of the video Uncle David,

Don’t even think about telling dirty jokes, dirty jokes, or similar nonsense. Remember for the rest of your life - girls don’t like it, don’t understand such approaches and insult me ​​with it. Have in your arsenal a couple of simple, neutral jokes, preferably really funny ones.

Be vigilant

Pay attention to your surroundings: any conversation can be saved by a well-timed remark about the surroundings. And some situation that happened a meter away from you can give you an idea for a new topic of conversation.

Basic mistakes when dating

The man is not always to blame for the mistakes made, but since he initiates the acquaintance, it is the young man who suggests possible options for the development of events. Eliminate obviously unsuccessful options that will become a mistake:

  • the girl is busy - imposing attention in the presence of a young man is unacceptable;
  • sloppiness - expecting a date and a phone number while standing in front of a well-groomed girl in rubber flip-flops and socks is too presumptuous;
  • incorrectly chosen tactics of behavior - not everyone likes boors, so if you observe rejection, immediately ask for forgiveness, justifying your confusion in front of beauty, this can save the situation;
  • platitudes - well-known patterns are boring, uninteresting, and show a low level of humor and intelligence.

Dating a girl is a simple skill that requires practice. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out the first time because this is normal.

Clothes should reflect your personality

And if you put it in simple language, then “Dress normally, dude.”

Still from the sketch show “Give Youth”

1. If you're a slacker

, but put on
an expensive business suit
to specifically make some impression, then you are doomed to shame and failure. Don't underestimate girls: the gap between your real personality and the image you're trying to create will surface within a few minutes of conversation.

2. Leave these romantic stories about how you can’t judge a person’s personality by his appearance for the lower grades of a church school. In reality, if you go out into the street in a dirty shirt/jacket/pants, then you are either lazy or unkempt, and you are most likely unkempt in everything.

3. Million dollar secret: a woman most of the time looks at her shoes. So, if you have any money, it's better to buy a new pair.

To win a girl, think like a girl

If fate doesn’t smile on you often and you don’t meet dozens of dream girls every day, find out where they hang out so that you can accidentally appear there yourself. At the right time, as they say, in the right place.

Choose a pedestrian, crowded place


For example, a street with many restaurants, cafes, shops, a large park, a neighborhood of famous coffee shops.

The ideal option is to make “hikes” in the spring or summer, when a chance meeting can smoothly turn into an intimate conversation on the veranda of the establishment over a glass or glass of something.

Choose the right time

If it is morning or evening on a weekday, then it is very unlikely that you will meet a reciprocal desire to maintain a long dialogue with you or something more: everyone is rushing from work or to work, nervous, wants to eat and sleep (or kill). Choose weekends, more evening time, when everyone is relaxed and predisposed to making friends.

Look like you have something to do

(In addition to the desire to meet girls).

Video by David Lewandowski,

From those characters who call themselves pick-up artists and periodically take to the streets to “hunt females,” apparently confusing themselves with representatives of the animal world, it is always clear that this is their real goal for the day.

This will immediately turn off any self-respecting girl, you can be sure. Therefore, create at least the appearance that you were walking and walking about your urgent matters, and, literally risking your career, stopped to get to know her. There are a couple of lifehacks:

God! You're lost...

Poor, poor man! You were on your way to Starbucks, you know that it’s somewhere nearby, but your phone is dead, and anyway, you’re from the Stone Age and don’t know the word “navigator.” Ask the girl you want to meet how to get to this coffee shop.

After all, you are not deliberately located five minutes from her, but she, the infection, seems to have deliberately disappeared from view. Only a girl can save you.

Invite her with you

If the girl with whom you started the dialogue is predisposed towards you, then invite her to go with you to where you were going. To the grocery store, to the shopping center, to the coffee shop - the main thing is that you go there yourself, and on your way (sort of) meet her.

This is sincere, does not oblige you to anything, and should not frighten her: you are without a car, you look normal and you don’t seem to have any special ambitions.

Invasion of personal space

Any contact with a stranger in the middle of the street will almost always be unwelcome. A girl may be in a hurry about her business, her thoughts may be busy with her own problems, she may not be in the mood for making acquaintances. Moreover, some girls are even afraid of this type of dating.

It is important to understand that trying to talk to her will be an invasion of personal space and will cause an automatic negative reaction. Even if the guy is cute, the girl will still answer him “No” if he rudely bursts into her inner world.

In order for the conversation to start successfully, this violation of the boundaries of a person’s personal space should be smoothed out as much as possible. Simple naturalness and ease in communication help with this.

You need to realize that there are no universal phrases, techniques, actions and gestures that guarantee success. Such “ready-made solutions” are a product of “pick-up artists”, which they sell either to not the smartest or to very desperate men. They have never worked and are unlikely to earn money.

Part two. Let's move on to action

You have thoroughly prepared and learned some facts about how you can meet a girl on the street. So you met her.

Try to make eye contact

Try to quickly look into the eyes and smile at the girl who caught your attention as you walk past her. Don't stare for too long and then look away for a few seconds to give her a chance to look at you if she's interested too.

Fragment of the video Uncle David,

Look back to see if she looked back

This point was best described by Maxim Leonidov in his song:

"I looked back to see if she had looked back

To see if I looked back"

If you see that she is interested, she is also smiling and turned in your direction, do not be embarrassed and approach her, because she is already disposed towards you, and start a dialogue. Say something sincere, pleasant and funny - you don’t have to immediately give a banal compliment.

If the girl turned around, but turned away and continued walking, let her go and don’t even think about catching up. When meeting

Tips and tricks

to charm a girl within a few minutes . You need to tell something about yourself, your work and hobbies. It also wouldn’t hurt to ask the girl about her hobbies or work.

Do not forget that you need to behave very carefully with a representative of the fair sex. A positive attitude, a smile, emotions - all this is necessary to attract attention. But rudely grabbing a lady is under no circumstances allowed. She may take such a young man as an inadequate person.

What to do if the girl you like is not alone, but in the company of a friend? In this situation, you can politely say: “Can I talk to your friend for a couple of minutes?” If no one objects, you can proceed according to the chosen plan.

And one more piece of advice for insecure guys. Sports and self-development will help develop self-confidence. Reading books, increasing your level of education - all this makes communication with a guy interesting. It will be difficult to refuse a well-read, witty guy.

And finally, don’t worry about being rejected. There is no need to withdraw into yourself and stop trying. After all, the most important thing in this matter is practice.


Approach a girl from behind

You'll scare her, because the friendliest people appear from behind, especially if it's dark outside.

If you cross this rule, be prepared to get punched in the face or in the groin.

Touch a girl

Why on earth does a stranger have the right to even touch her elbow with the tip of his little finger? None - respect the girl’s personal boundaries;

Chase her

Don’t go, and especially don’t run after her - this will also frighten her and push her away, and you won’t get any acquaintance later.

Appearance of a young man

This is a very important aspect. You don't have to wear branded items. Clothes should be clean, neat, preferably chosen with taste. All this will give you self-confidence and increase the chance of a successful acquaintance. It is also worth paying attention to details:

  • shoes must be clean;
  • perfume - pleasant and unobtrusive.

We should not forget about hygiene procedures. If a guy stinks of sweat, it’s unlikely that a girl will communicate with him. It is better to go hunting after taking a shower.

Facial hair should not be overlooked. The beard or stubble should be neat and stylish. If you can’t achieve this yourself, you can contact a barbershop.

Signs that indicate you need to leave a girl behind:

1. As we have already said, even if the girl looked back at you, but then moved on, this is a sign that she does not want to get to know you;

2. She quickened her pace;

3. She took out the phone and started calling someone;

4. She took out the phone and simply lowered her head to the screen, turning on something;

5. Don’t follow her, and even more so, don’t go where she goes;

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