100 ways to do it

Proposing marriage is never easy, no matter how much you want to get married. This is a kind of milestone that significantly changes relationships, and you need to decide on it. The moment is very significant - it is usually remembered forever, so careful preparation is necessary. How to propose to a girl in an original way? What points are especially important? We will discuss this exciting topic in more detail in the article.

Marriage proposal as a gift or surprise

Ring in a glass. Present your beloved with a glass of wine or champagne, at the bottom of which she will see an elegant ring. Without a doubt, such a surprise will delight her.

For dessert. You can pleasantly surprise your beloved with the sudden appearance of an engagement ring in a variety of ways. For example, during a romantic dinner, offer dessert in which she must find a ring. But be extremely careful and careful.

Telegram for you. Not so long ago, people informed each other about something important using a telegram. Why not resort to such a rare way in our time to say: “Be my wife.”

While walking. In the most unexpected place, get down on one knee just like that in the middle of a park or industrial area and confess your love.

A gentle surprise. Use rose petals to show your loved one the way to the box with the engagement ring. Such a proposal to a girl will not be very original, but incredibly romantic.

Kinder Surprise. Surprise your beloved - pack the ring in a kinder surprise.

Whose last name is better? Invite your friend for a walk, think over the route in advance and, passing by the registry office, just tell her: “Let's stop by for a couple of minutes. I don't like your current last name. Mine is better"

At the restaurant. You can surprise your beloved by hiding the ring in an intricately folded napkin or, alternatively, writing your proposal on the same napkin. Well, then watch your lover’s reaction when she unfolds the napkin to put it on her lap.

Photo of the bride. If your lover has no idea that you are going to propose to her, tell her that you are going to get married and show her a photo of your bride, but instead of a photo, hand her a mirror.

Box within a box. Hide your wedding ring with extreme care. You can pack it in a large, beautiful box or take several boxes of different sizes. Imagine the excitement and joy of your loved one when she opens the smallest box.

List of creative words

  1. Let's dance together at our wedding.
  2. You are the only one I want to share my life with.
  3. Our love story is just beginning. Let's give her a new round of development.
  4. There are many ways to find happiness in life, but all I really need is you.
  5. When I look into your eyes, I see a reflection of both of us and our happy life together.
  6. I am sure that without you my life is worthless.
  7. When I look into my heart, all I see is you. Let's spend the rest of our lives together.
  8. When you are in my thoughts, I begin to clearly understand that my heart belongs only to you.
  9. Life can bring many problems. But I know that they can all be overcome if you are nearby.
  10. I believe that if we are lucky enough to find each other, then we should stay together all our lives.
  11. When I met you, I immediately realized that you were my destiny. All we have to do is wait for this moment, and now it has come.
  12. My heart was a desert until you brought it to life. Let's spend the rest of our lives enjoying the flowers of our love.

Luxurious marriage proposals

Car with driver. To pleasantly surprise your chosen one, you can rent an expensive car with a driver. Don't forget about flowers, champagne and, of course, a ring.

A million roses. With the help of party organizers, decorate any room, for example, a hotel room, with fresh flowers. Invite your beloved there. Let her see a lot of fragrant white flowers and a small table with red roses, a note and a ring.

Ring in a shell. If your loved one has a weakness for seafood, treat her to oysters. There will be no limit to her delight if she suddenly discovers a wedding ring in one of the shells.

Confession from the sky. How to arrange a marriage proposal in front of everyone? Very simple. We need to launch a huge bunch of balloons into the sky with a poster: Will you marry me?

Banner with a romantic confession. A great way to show a girl your love. Contact an advertising agency to order a banner in which you ask your question.

On a yacht. Rent a yacht, spend a wonderful day together on the open sea, and after a romantic dinner, propose to your beloved in the sunset.

Engraved watch. Give your loved one a memorable and symbolic gift for a certain date or just because. In a jewelry workshop you can order an engraving with words of recognition.

Hotel room. To do this, you need to rent a room in a luxury hotel, carry your beloved across the threshold in your arms and ask her the main question.

Boxing Day. Arrange a pleasant shopping day for your loved one. Tell her that today you are choosing five gifts for her. The fifth gift, completely unexpected for her, may be an engagement ring.

Fireworks over the river. Give the girl a fabulous fireworks display in her honor. Book a fire show on the river bank and your recognition will forever remain in your memory as a vivid impression.

Action plan

Find out about your girlfriend's intentions

Before you propose to a girl, you should understand her attitude towards marriage.

Make sure that the desire to get married is mutual, and that your friend is not only ready for family ties, but also wants children.

You should casually bring up the topic of family relationships in a conversation with a girl, thus finding out what thoughts fill her mind on this matter.


Despite the discussion of attitudes towards marriage, the proposal to the girl should be a surprise for her.

Prepare your speech

The phrase “Marry me!” is a very simple question, but even such a small thing can play a cruel joke on you if you have not rehearsed it in advance.

Therefore, be sure to practice by saying these words out loud several times, bringing them to automaticity.

Choose an engagement ring

The engagement ring will be on your chosen one’s finger for many weekends, so be very careful in choosing it.

To help you choose an engagement ring, you can involve your sister, friend or mother of your girlfriend.

In order not to miscalculate the size of the ring, either take some analogue of your beloved without asking, or try it on your finger, remembering the size.

Decide on a location

Think about your favorite romantic places and choose the one that suits you best.

This could be something as simple as your apartment or something more extravagant like a hotel room in Paris.

Various ideas will be discussed below.


At the planning stage of this wonderful event, use your imagination, and also take into account the characteristics of your other half and your relationship as a whole.

Read: Happy birthday greetings to a woman

Make the proposal unique and memorable. You are, after all, a man.

Take a knee

Time does not stand still, and everything around changes, but some things must remain the same.

In any case, this gesture will add romance and show the girl the level of importance of the present moment.

Don't limit yourself to one phrase

“Marry me” is a good classic way to express your desire, but it will be better if you tell your chosen one why you decided to marry her.

Now, more than ever, is a great opportunity to tell your girlfriend how much she means to you, how wonderful your family life will be, and what goals await you in the future.

You could say, for example: “Only after meeting you did my life shine with new colors. You have made me more inspired, sincere and happy. I can't imagine the rest of my life without you, and I'm sure we'll make it work. Marry me!"

Ask the girl's parents for her hand in marriage

Prehistoric times are behind us, and today’s society is on the verge of a digital revolution, but it is possible that your values ​​or the traditions of your girlfriend’s family suggest the need to tick this box.

Whether you should ask the girl’s hand in marriage from her parents or not is a purely personal decision.

Marriage proposals in a special setting

If you think it’s too difficult to prepare a spectacular marriage proposal on your own, you should contact an event planning agency. You will be happy to be offered different options on how to win the heart of your chosen one. Non-standard recreation options, master classes, lessons and performances are ideal for this.

Organize a holiday together. Ask the girl to organize a declaration of love for your friend. Maintain the intrigue for as long as possible, because only at the end will she understand that she herself is the main heroine of the holiday.

During the party. Does your beloved love fun parties? Give her a holiday! In the midst of a fun party, propose.

Sand drawings. You can order a beautiful and unexpected performance from a sand painting master. On the big screen he will depict a love story in which you will recognize yourself and your chosen one.

Order a confession-inscription. With the help of modern printers, you can make a proposal in the form of a cherished phrase, for example, on rose petals or on a T-shirt with your photo.

Romance of medieval castles. Offer your beloved an excursion to an ancient castle, prepare a beautiful dress for her. After a ride in a carriage with a coachman, bring her to the castle, where you can make an unforgettable marriage proposal.

Cooking master class. This could be the art of chocolate products, baked goods, caramel masterpieces. You do everything together, but at the end you add your own special touch - a beautiful dessert design with a marriage proposal.

Tea ceremony . The ancient oriental tradition has its own charm and will captivate both of you. Try cookies with fortune notes. Maybe the girl will find your recognition there and say “yes.”

Photoshoot. Give your loved one a beautiful photo session with a professional. Think about the place and images. Let the photographer capture on film both your sincere confession and her emotions after the proposal. You will be doubly happy if you also receive an unforgettable gift to remember this moment.

Laser show or shadow theater. Are you still tormented by the question of how to effectively propose marriage? The bright play of light and colors will not leave even the most selective bride indifferent. And the culmination of the holiday will be the question “Will you become my wife?”

Argentine tango lesson. Such events are often held right on the streets of the city; you just need to sign up with teachers, prepare an individual master class, and propose after the first dance together.

Roses from strangers. The more people participate in the event, the more spectacular the finale. Ask your friends to wait for the girl on her way home from work. For greater mystery, they will all be wearing masks, and each will silently give her one rose and quickly leave without explanation. You will present the last rose, taking off your mask as you go and offering your hand and heart.

In fairness, it is worth saying that it is not so important which option you are going to implement - dedicate your beloved victory at a sports competition, compose a song in her honor, or discover a new star. For a woman, it is not the details that are important, but the strength of your feelings and the fact that you are capable of much for the sake of love. And, as they say, advice and love!

What not to do

You shouldn't always propose to a girl in public.

Not all girls like it when a wedding proposal takes place surrounded by hundreds of people.

Perhaps in your case you should do it in a quiet and secluded environment.

A ring hidden in food is not the best option.

Undoubtedly, this idea is working, and there is nothing criminal in it, but in itself it has already become trivial, and does not have the freshness of a creative approach.

Don't propose during a sports match

Much, of course, depends on your girlfriend and the nature of your relationship, but sporting events are not the best place to get down on your knees in front of your beloved.

Sports grounds are crowded, noisy and cannot become a source of romantic context, which is so necessary at this crucial moment.

A proposal in front of family members... Is it necessary?

Proposing in front of relatives can increase your already existing stress levels. And in general, their presence is not obligatory.

Don't worry, you can let everyone know a little later.

Do not overdo it

Of course, it will be commendable if you try to be creative and unique, but do not forget about the most important thing - a direct marriage proposal.

If you can't focus on what's important because you're worried about whether the limousine you ordered will arrive on time after your hot air balloon ride, then you're overdoing it.

Don't rush to propose to a girl

If your relationship has just begun, you may be caught up in the incredible rush of love and rush into making premature decisions.

Before you exchange vows, make sure you know each other well enough, and also find out what exactly each of you wants to get out of married life.

Waiting and showing stability in your relationship will only strengthen your marriage, so have some patience.

A pet

Or maybe a girl has long dreamed of a British fold or a Yorkshire terrier? Then you can give her a pet , presenting it as a new member of the future family. Joint care for a furry friend will instantly turn just a couple into a full-fledged family.

Puppy as a gift

Party with friends

If your friends know about your plans and want to see your girlfriend's reaction to the proposal, invite them to an online house party. Create an online conference, wait for those closest to you to be online, and give a ceremonial speech in their presence. This option is suitable for those couples who are far from each other due to coronavirus. Another way to propose to a girl with the help of friends is to ask them to post a photo on social networks with hints that you are ready to get married. And when the girl begins to suspect your intentions, openly ask her: “Will you become my wife?”

The most original ways

  1. Hide a note in a Chinese fortune cookie. You can write it like this: “Will you marry the person sitting opposite you?”
  2. In the evening, post your secret question on the asphalt with the help of candles. Ask your loved one to look out the window while your creation burns. Just make sure the weather is calm.
  3. If you and your beloved like to visit the skating rink, then while skating, leave for a few minutes and use the speakerphone to inform her throughout the arena about your desire to connect your life with her. Return to the ice with a ring and a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
  4. Invite your beloved to the place of your first date and ask for her hand right there.
  5. In a diary format, describe your love story, indicating dates and attaching pictures, and then present your creation to your chosen one in some romantic place. Under the date that coincides with the one on which you present the diary, you should write: “Today I asked her to marry.” After the girl reads this, you can get down to business.

Other jewelry

Who said that an engagement ring should be given as a gift? Every girl has personal preferences in choosing jewelry. Perhaps a necklace, a pair of earrings or a bracelet will be more desirable for the bride-to-be. Any piece of jewelry can carry the meaning of an engagement ring and symbolize the beginning of something more than just a romance.

Gift for your girlfriend

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