How to test a man's feelings. 7 signs of true love

Often a girl cannot understand how her lover really feels about her. Does he feel sincere sympathy, or is she just another trophy in his collection? Therefore, ladies try to test a man’s feelings, especially at the very beginning of the romance. There are several surefire ways to do this.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why do girls test men's feelings?
  • How to understand that a man is faithful to you?
  • What verification methods should you avoid?
  • What to do if a guy lies to you?
  • How do you know if a relationship has a future?

Why give a man a check at all?

According to sociological surveys, women more often doubt the love of their chosen ones. They regularly think about how to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings. Young people rarely think about this topic. This happens for the reason that males by nature are more confident in themselves, they are males, conquerors. In some cases, girls question their partner’s sympathy if:

  • a woman is not confident in herself, she is constantly looking for confirmation of love;
  • the affair continues for a couple of years, but the guy does not take decisive action;
  • a woman doubts her man’s feelings and wants to find out whether there is any point in wasting her time;
  • the beloved behaves contradictorily: he does not show much affection and does not stop meeting.

The eyes of a man in love “burn.” At the beginning of a relationship, partners look at each other through rose-colored glasses. After the end of the candy-bouquet period, a moment comes when a woman thinks about how to test a man’s true feelings. After all, most men are not used to expressing their emotions as openly as women.

How to check the feelings of a man you met online

Online dating is one of the most common ways of communication. Social networks have given us the opportunity to find not only like-minded people with similar interests, but also to meet our soulmate. It's hard to understand how serious someone is when you're separated by a computer screen. But how can you check a man’s feelings by correspondence?

Review your correspondence with your new friend. If this young man really likes you, he will immediately respond to your messages. If he is online but ignores your question, then it is likely that he is flirting with another girl.

Analyze his questions. Is your life interesting to him? He asked about your favorite books, about your cherished dreams. Of course, not every man will decide on such questions. So start asking them first. A guy who immediately sets up a date should make you wary. This means you need to think about how to check the feelings of such a man.

If you have known each other for less than a week, and his messages are full of love poems and compliments, then we are not talking about real sympathy here. Try a little experiment: register under a new name and get to know it. With a 99% probability, he will start writing you the same messages as before.

Involve your friend in the correspondence. Write to the guy at the same time as her and watch what he responds to her. He will make an appointment with your assistant or ignore you. Who will he answer first: you or another woman? If you are in a long-term correspondence and are passionate about each other, then there is no need to ask your friend to get acquainted with him. He may discover your scam and be offended.

There is another way to check the sincerity of a young man. Send him your phone number. Will he respond in kind? Will he call you back right away or not? This way you will understand how serious his intentions are.

Don't know how to test a man's feelings? Disappear from his field of vision for a short period of time. Try not to contact him for several days, do not respond to him on social networks, ignore phone calls. After this, watch his reaction. If a young man is not indifferent to you, he will sound the alarm and look for you. In this case, prepare a plausible story. You'll have to explain to him why you disappeared.

If you're having trouble at work or have a cold, be sure to share it with your boyfriend. The manifestation of care and attention on his part is evidence of sincere feelings. The man who cares about you will find a way to help and comfort you.

A young man is active only if he is in love and is truly interested in communicating with a girl. You won't have to decide how to test a man's feelings from a distance if he sends messages and calls first. A guy can delight you with funny stories throughout the day and constantly wish you good dreams. This means that he likes you. Men will rarely tell you openly about their feelings. This is their nature, and nothing can be done about it. But it is these seemingly insignificant little things that make up the picture of his real attitude towards you.

Mood and going out

Sincere feelings or not can be determined by observing a man’s reaction to the mood of his chosen one. If he is happy when his woman is doing well, then he really has deep affection for her. When he gets irritated, if his lady is not in the mood, then there can be no talk of a healthy and strong relationship. A guy in love will do everything to make his chosen one feel happy.

A man in love will always take a girl with him to all kinds of events and parties, meetings with friends. This is the simplest answer to the question: “How can you tell whether he has sincere feelings or not?” If a man likes to appear in a circle of friends and acquaintances, accompanied by his chosen one, this only says one thing: this girl is not just another temporary hobby.

How to know if a man is faithful to you

If a guy remains faithful to you, this indicates his sincere feelings. There are many factors that allow you to calculate betrayal:

  • Communication style has changed

The man began to use new words in his vocabulary. His gaze has become distracted, and he looks depressed. Previously, he always gave flowers, but now he only gives “duty” bouquets for March 8th and birthdays. Or maybe, on the contrary, he showers you with gifts, thereby trying to make amends? Such a drastic change in behavior is a wake-up call! You need to be wary and think about how to check a man’s true feelings.

  • The young man avoids communicating with you.

Just recently you spent every free minute in each other’s company, but now your lover prefers the company of friends. Finds constant excuses not to meet with you. He began to devote a lot of time to work; force majeure constantly arises for him or his relatives. This is not yet a sign of betrayal; it is likely that he actually has an emergency at work or his car constantly breaks down. But it’s worth thinking about how to test a man’s feelings.

  • I closed in on myself.

He goes to talk on the phone in another room. Changed passwords on all social networks. He often gets calls from hidden numbers. Your loved one may disappear for a day, and the switched off phone may be attributed to a dead battery. Think about how true such excuses are.

  • New hobbies have appeared.

Your boyfriend bought a membership to a fitness club, updated his wardrobe, changed his eau de toilette, and began to more carefully monitor his physical shape. He became interested in things that he had not paid any attention to before. For example, I became interested in vegetarianism or painting. His playlist has been replenished with new music that previously left him indifferent. It is likely that his new passion is interested in the same thing.

  • Constant criticism directed at you.

If you hear constant reproaches and criticism from your boyfriend, then with a high degree of probability he has someone to compare with. Perhaps he has not yet crossed the line, and there has been no betrayal. But this is a clear signal that feelings have cooled down.

  • Additional expenses.

Dating with another woman entails unnecessary expenses. A randomly found receipt from a lingerie store or a bill from a restaurant should make you suspicious.

  • Lack of intimacy.

Your lover doesn't want sex at all or prefers to do everything in the dark. You stopped exciting him. In this case, you need to think about how to tactfully test a man’s feelings so as not to hurt his pride.

  • Constant lies.

Have you noticed that the young man is deceiving? Even minor inconsistencies in his story should alert you.

  • Changing the timbre of your voice.

Is it possible to tell if your loved one is cheating? How to check a man's feelings from a distance? Just listen to his voice. Increased tone, trembling, prolonged pauses are clear signs of excitement. Well, decide for yourself what caused this.

  • Traces of another woman.

The aroma of someone else's perfume, a trace of lipstick on a shirt - this is a classic of the genre. It seems that the man does not care about your feelings at all and does not seek to hide his mistress. Even if such obvious signs of a rival are not observed, look around to see if your friends are looking at you with a sympathetic gaze.

Money, love and sex

You should also not be fooled by how much money a man spends on his lady. This is the most common female mistake that everyone needs to be warned about: if a man spends a lot of money on his companion, this does not mean that he has sincere feelings, love and affection for her. The law is simply that if a man has money, then he simply likes to spend it to show others that he is wealthy. And there is not even a hint of high and pure feelings. There has never been and never will be a connection between finance and love. If a guy gives expensive gifts, it just shows that he has money and wants to spend it. There is no need to confuse consistency with sincerity.

Intimate relationships play an important role in the lives of lovers. Of course, everyone has long known that to satisfy their sexual hunger, guys can start short-term relationships with girls and later leave them without regret. If a man in a relationship is only interested in sex, do not deceive yourself - this is not love at all. After all, love is not only intimacy. Anyone who really has sincere feelings for a girl will wait patiently until his beloved is ready to spend the night with him.

How to increase self-esteem?

Let's use men as an example. How can a man improve his self-esteem? For example, if a man grows in his career and business, then his self-esteem also grows. He becomes more courageous, more self-confident. Why? Because he understands that the more successful he is, the more valuable he is, in principle, to many people. And his condition changes because of this.

Many girls also resort to this when pursuing a career or business. But it is important to understand, yes, self-esteem from a career or business can also grow higher, but this is not a woman’s self-esteem, this is a person’s self-esteem. And often a woman can be confident in work, in business, but often nonsense happens in life. And often there is such a dissonance that she is successful in her career and business, but not in relationships. It's different for women. A woman's self-esteem greatly depends on the quality of her relationships with men.

This is how the world works. This does not mean that you should bow down to someone or try. No. This means that you must first establish a relationship with yourself. These are the most important relationships you need to establish. And when you establish them, your relationships with men will also improve. Until you have established a relationship with yourself, you want to manipulate, you want to pretend to be someone you are not, and you attract the same men who pretend to be someone they are not. And you and each other have hard sex in the brain.

If you are satisfied with this, then continue in the same spirit, if you are not satisfied with this, ask yourself more often the question: what is my plan, what do I really want and what am I doing or not doing for this. Am I moving exactly towards my goals and desires or am I marking time.

Do you want to know what a man needs to make you happy? Sign up for a free online course Man: honest instructions.

Everything is simpler than it seems

Photo by Ron Lach: Pexels
All bicycles, or many of them, have long been invented in the practical psychology of relations between opposite sexes. While you are puzzled and mentally guess with a daisy: loves, does not love. Experts have already found the answers.

No matter how ironic you are about the ability of psychologists to make a verdict based on body language, facial expressions, the “mask” on the face that you are so in love with, words, random phrases, how passionate a man is about you, here any skepticism is inappropriate.

Just like you, your new or mysteriously expressionless old gentleman (we are not talking about age now) involuntarily reveals himself every second and every day. Take into account the signs that have already been verified to the nuances, you will understand everything without his words and confessions. Are you ready? Then we begin to “guess” and “conjure”.

Lies are an indicator of relationships

Honesty is an unconditional indicator of the sincere emotions of your chosen one. Analyze his attitude and draw a conclusion.

  • Constant lies.

It is very difficult to catch a male representative in a lie. Especially if we are talking about a girl in love. But if a guy understands that you easily believe his excuses, he will stop taking you into account. Moreover, if he had such experience in a previous novel.

A loving man always keeps his promises. If he promised to pick you up at six, he will do it. He won't stay late for no reason. He is a man, which means he must keep his word. In a strong relationship, you should warn each other about force majeure circumstances. If a guy doesn’t even try to justify his behavior, then he values ​​freedom more than the woman he loves.

  • He forgets what exactly he lied about.

A man who regularly goes “to the left” comes up with an alibi for himself, but over time he may get confused in his testimony. He may tell you that he was late at work on Saturday, and a week later it turns out that he was visiting his mother. How to check a man’s feelings in this case? You can catch him on such little things. Be patient. Soon he will screw up on some nonsense, and you won’t have to listen to new excuses. Check back in a couple of weeks. If another version appears, then you can safely call the liar to account.

  • Your lover does not make plans together.

Your lover doesn't want to plan your vacation, a visit to your parents, or even a trip to the theater? Most likely, he is not going to continue your relationship. Before you think about how to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings, think about whether they remain at all. If he has another girl in his head and heart, then there is no way you can save this romance.

  • He's trying to manipulate.

If a man understands that he has been driven into a corner, he will try to avoid answering. He will begin to evoke pity: “You don’t believe me? How can you not love me like that?!”

  • Strong gestures.

We can control our speech, but body language gives us away completely. Observe your lover's gestures. When your interlocutor lies, his blood pressure rises, and he may complain about lack of air, he becomes hot.

A person remembers only important information

Pay attention to the little things, sometimes they help to create a more complete picture of what is happening. When something is important to us, we try to remember it or write it down so as not to forget. Whether it's an unmissable event or a phone number.

The same situation is with the young man. Remember, does he always congratulate you on your birthday, does he remember when your mother’s anniversary is? Or he regularly misses these events.

Of course, circumstances are different, and this is far from an indicator of an indifferent attitude if he forgot to wish you a happy birthday. There could be important things to do - work or study, or I was tired. There is no need to sound the alarm. But such events still leave an imprint and form a certain opinion in his direction.

How not to test a man's feelings

Do not test the feelings of your boyfriend using obviously unsuccessful methods.

  • Risky checks

There is no need to set frankly stupid tasks. For example, if you swim across this river, then you love me. Leave this youthful maximalism! It’s better to think carefully about how to test a man’s feelings without risking his life.

  • Cause jealousy

This is not the best way to test whether a man has feelings. A guy who is jealous of his girlfriend does not do it out of great love. He is driven by a feeling of wounded pride and hurt pride. Don't provoke your lover to jealousy. You risk not only offending, but also angering your chosen one.

  • Offer "forbidden fruit"

Asking your friend to flirt with her boyfriend to find out his feelings is not a good idea. You may be left alone and without a friend. It is inherent in nature that every young man loves to conquer a woman, to conquer her. Another target in the form of your girlfriend can greatly excite him.

In order not to build a cunning plan on how to test a man’s feelings, trust the natural female intuition. The eyes of a loving guy never lie.

  • Constant phone calls

It happens that a girl’s uncertainty about her chosen one takes over her mind. To establish complete control over the man, she begins to call him a hundred times a day. These can be the most harmless calls with questions like “How are you doing?” But there is a limit to everything, and even more so to male patience. Don't try to control your lover's every move. You will only cause irritation and a desire to run away from you.

  • Involvement of third parties

If you don’t know how to properly check a man’s feelings, then you shouldn’t find out information about the object of your adoration from his relatives or friends. Even the most neutral questions will put a guy in an awkward position. He will be ashamed of your behavior. And hoping for honest answers from his friends is simply stupid. They'll most likely confirm his alibi. The strength of male friendship will not collapse under the onslaught of your questions!

Differences between love and passion

  1. The main difference between passion and love is the depth of feelings and emotions. Passion, as a rule, is characterized by intemperance, power, and a riot of colors, while love is a quiet haven where tenderness and calm reign.

  2. In a fit of passion, we think little about the needs and feelings of our partner; the priority is personal desires that overshadow our reason. In a relationship based on love, everything is different: the partner is interested in learning as much as possible about his chosen one, it is important for him not to harm him and to make him absolutely happy. In addition, when we experience sincere feelings, we often do not notice the shortcomings in our passions or simply accept them as they are.
  3. Passion often manifests itself as a painful addiction. We can talk about it if, in the presence of the object of passion, you feel physical discomfort (for example, trembling in the body), confusion of thoughts and other signs that cannot be controlled. Alas, this is a clear confirmation of your painful addiction. Love is so deep that there can be no talk of any possible harm to your loved one; you are comfortable with him as with yourself.

Is there a chance for relationships that haven't been tested?

In every novel there is a period of quarrels and misunderstandings. One of the partners at least once asked himself the question: “What is the future of this novel?” Some couples vigorously sort things out, while others keep everything to themselves and play “silently.” But in both cases, if measures are not taken in time, the matter may end in separation. To save a couple, you need to talk honestly and openly about your grievances, and analyze the reasons for dissatisfaction with each other. If we are not talking about treason and betrayal, then all troubles can be overcome together.

But is such a relationship worth saving? There are several signs that indicate that a couple needs to break up:

Sick atmosphere in relationships.

Such a relationship without a future can drag on for years. Each of the partners understands that this relationship is futile, but no one risks taking the first step towards separation. It may be a matter of habit. Find the strength within yourself and break this union. Otherwise, you risk missing out on your destiny.

Feeling of inner devastation.

What could be more beautiful than falling in love? Every meeting is a holiday, and parting is simply unbearable. You can’t get enough of communication, your thoughts are busy with each other. The first kiss, a night together, a quarrel - it’s all exciting and exciting. If after the next date you experience spiritual emptiness, then this relationship has outlived its usefulness. Even negative emotions are better than no emotions at all. Indifference is a sure sign of a relationship without a future.

Making claims out of habit.

You decide to test a man’s true feelings only because you want to create a scandal once again. You are just used to sorting things out all the time: who loves more, on whose side is the truth. You make claims not to find out the truth, but to start a quarrel. Your couple is used to existing in the “attack-defense” mode. Each of the partners in such an alliance shifts responsibility to the other. But do not forget that harmony in a couple depends on both.

The desire to keep everything under control.

In a couple where there are no deep feelings, the relationship is based on possessiveness. One of the partners is trying to break the will of the other and subjugate him. Begins to control every step and word. Tries to change everything about an unloved person: habits, clothing style, hairstyle. If a lady is constantly thinking about how to test a man for the sincerity of her feelings, maybe she just needs another person? If you suppress your partner, then there is no place for love and trust in your relationship.

Low self-esteem.

Harmony in a couple is possible between equal people. If one of the lovers is not confident in himself, then he begins to be biased towards the achievements of the other person. Injured pride will not allow you to be happy for your other half. This can lead to a person with low self-esteem beginning to assert himself by humiliating his partner.

Resentment and humiliation of each other.

Before you check whether a man has feelings, think about what you feel for him. If your union has no future, you may begin to offend and humiliate each other for no apparent reason. It's all due to faded emotions or their absence. If you increasingly turn to raised voices and mutual insults, then it’s time to put an end to the romance.

Emotional swing.

If doubts arise between lovers about each other’s feelings and they wonder what awaits them ahead, then this is the beginning of the end. The situation is aggravated by sudden mood swings. You are either ready to kiss each other, or switch to mutual insults. This picture looks deplorable.

Drama lover.

If one of the lovers goes from one extreme to another, may burst into laughter, and then cry bitterly a minute later, this indicates problems in the relationship. It is also common practice to block a phone number and add it to a “black list” on social networks. Such behavior will have a detrimental effect on any union. The reason for this may be a minor disagreement. You just don't want to look for a way out.

Lack of common interests.

You imagine your future completely differently. Your interests and outlook on life do not coincide. If lovers do not complement each other, but want to impose their own life principles, then it will not be easy for them to reach a compromise.

You are tired of each other's company.

If you find yourself thinking that you more often prefer the company of friends than the company of your loved one, then you clearly have problems in your relationship. A loving person always strives to be with his other half. Nobody says that you need to be together every minute. But a man in love would rather spend a free evening in the company of his lady than in a nightclub.

Negative attitude.

A special negative aura is created over a couple where there are no feelings. Partners begin to oppress each other. You destroy not only your relationships with endless quarrels and insults. You suppress your own desires and dreams. Living in constant stress is difficult mentally and physically. In every person’s soul, resentment accumulates, which will later be reflected as a heavy burden on the heart. Subconsciously, you will carry the negative experience of this relationship throughout your life. You will look at all people through a distorted prism, attributing to them qualities that did not suit you in your ex-lover.

What distinguishes loving people from couples where everything is not so smooth? In the latter case, a woman increasingly thinks about how to test a man’s true feelings. Doubts and jealousy constantly ring in her head. Do not enter into a relationship that is obviously doomed to failure. Don't waste your time and your partner's time. If you understand that every day you are moving further away from each other and the chances of finding common ground are decreasing, then it is better to let the person go. Otherwise, you will doom yourself to mental discomfort that will poison your life.

As a rule, a woman is afraid to be the first to put an end to it for fear of loneliness. The guy is kept in such relationships by habit. He's just comfortable with this girl. He already knows her inside and out. He is especially pleased that she tolerates all his infidelities. But someone must be stronger and wiser. If you have found a way to test a man’s feelings, but all your attempts to revive the relationship have failed, then let each other go. And a truly loving person will take the free place in your soul.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

Hidden love4

Psychologists and sexologists agree on one thing: most men try to hide their feelings. The famous psychology magazine twice published the result of a sociological survey: 74% of guys deliberately hide their feelings. Of these, only 21% decide to take the first step in the next couple of weeks.

Everyone else either drags out the story endlessly, cherishes their fears and old grievances, or decides to step away. It is noteworthy that 9% of those surveyed decide to give up the relationship without even knowing whether the chosen one is attracted to him.

It is difficult even for a professional psychologist to predict the actions of a lover. Lyrical outbursts, passionate compliments, sudden conversations about art. Men are even worse at controlling mood swings when falling in love than girls.

He strives to be there in every possible way. Does your chosen one like sports? This means that instead of drinking beer in front of the TV, he will sign up for the same fitness center. Does she like to run in the morning? Go for a run at the same time. To help a man means to show his interest. He will help you carry bags, hang a picture, fix your computer.

How to understand that a guy likes you? After reading our article, this question will no longer arise.

The guy is ready to compromise, even to the detriment of his own interests, only for the one for whom he has strong feelings and interest. Makes concessions, agrees with opposing opinions, supports her views on any issue. He does not pretend to be an authoritative expert, but rather listens attentively and nods.

Boris, 19 years old

“When I fell in love with Tanya, I couldn’t refuse her anything at all. I bought everything I wanted, did any things. I understood that he was taking advantage of me, but I couldn’t help myself. We broke up three months later, as soon as I analyzed the relationship and refused to buy her a tablet."

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