Why a girl doesn’t text first: 8 possible reasons (too early to panic)

The girl shows no initiative

In fact, there are many reasons for this behavior, for example, the lady is afraid of seeming intrusive or she has no desire to communicate with you. Let's try to figure out the reasons for women's silence. A few examples of why a girl doesn’t write:

  • He believes that it is the man who should write first, a fairly common stereotype among women.
  • The desire to nullify communication. A girl may be frightened by excessive male activity and such a desire to communicate.
  • Wants to get your attention in this way. She thinks the more she ignores you or keeps you at a distance, the more interest you will develop in her.
  • There just isn't enough time for social media. Perhaps the girl is very busy with school or work, and based on this, she simply does not have enough time for the Internet.

Such reasons usually occur during recent acquaintance; as a rule, after a long period of time, the dialogue appears on its own.


Another fear is to be intrusive, sticky, annoying. Wouldn't you think that about her if she wrote first? Is it convenient for you to receive her SMS so early in the morning? Or will it be distracting during working hours? Won't you be annoyed?

If a girl doesn’t respond to messages at all, then I recommend reading why in my article (opens in a new window). If she responds quite actively and constantly, then you can exhale - she really likes you and she gives you the green light.

Should a girl text first?

In general, if a girl is interested enough in you, then she may well write herself. She may also take this step if you are a fairly popular person. It may be that you simply don’t know each other yet, but she knows something about you in absentia, and she is attracted to it - in this case, she may also be the first to show interest.

Of course, when communication between interlocutors proceeds in a normal manner, it does not matter which of them initiates the conversation. If the girl is not sure that you are waiting for her message, then she is unlikely to send it to you.

You are too aggressive5

Aggression in this case refers to a person’s lack of understanding of the concept of social cues. This mostly applies to women, because women tend to perceive and read the emotions of their interlocutor more easily than men. That is, when a girl answers with one word, this is most likely a sign that she does not feel comfortable and interested in talking with you.

If you obviously haven't got the girl hooked, but you're still constantly blowing up her phone every hour of the hour, sending your monologue in five separate text messages at the same time along with a bunch of inappropriate emojis, you're wrong, no wonder the girl stopped responding.

Instead of coming across as a calm, collected, confident person, you look like a twelve-year-old girl who wants attention every second.

She sits on VKontakte and does not write

It also contains several reasons, before you draw conclusions, let’s look at them:

  • Many young people, noticing that a lady is going on social media. The network and being there for some time, does not respond, they conclude that she has another object of sympathy. And often this is exactly the case.
  • She does not use contact for communication. Not always being “Online” means that the girl is corresponding with someone. Perhaps she watches movies or just listens to music there, and uses other network applications to communicate.

We have presented to you in this article several different options for this behavior of a girl, but do not make hasty conclusions, in any case, if this situation bothers you, write yourself and try to find out what is the reason for her silence, even if she tells you that you she is no longer interested, this will of course be unpleasant, but at least you will know the truth and will not rack your brains and wait for an SMS from her.

Too caught up in what's going on in her life2

This is the girl you probably don't want to be in a serious relationship with because she's too busy to give you time. It’s worth giving her time to sort out her life so that she can take her mind off everything that’s happening around her and stop discussing the latest fashion trends and her boss’s new haircut with her friends.

If she still hasn’t noticed you in the huge information flow around her, most likely you should stop trying to attract attention with messages and calls.

Should a guy text a girl first?

If you don't know each other, to interest her

Of course, if you want to get to know the person you like, and hope to arouse reciprocal interest on her part, then it is quite natural to write first. Some guys, wanting to attract the attention of a person, simply like her photo or simply add her as a “friend”. They sincerely believe that they have taken the “first step”, and now it’s up to the potential interlocutor. However, the vast majority of girls have a completely different opinion on this matter. Sure, it's possible that your photo or special information on your page "speaks for itself," but often that's not the case.

If your acquaintance did not attract her

Here you need to look at the situation. If you were not able to immediately interest the lady sufficiently, then, most likely, subsequent attempts should still be postponed for some time - from several days to several months. It is obvious that today you do not arouse her interest, and if you absolutely want to win the favor of this particular girl, you should show her that some changes are taking place in your life that, in your opinion, will interest her. Seeing this, most likely, she will get in touch herself or will be more willing to respond to your next message after a while.

After the first meeting

Of course, after such a meeting you should write to the girl or call. Moreover, this is usually what women expect. They need confirmation that everything went well, that they met expectations, and if the guy is silent after the meeting, this can cause anxiety in the young lady. However, sometimes this anxiety can play into your hands. And yet, situations are different, if you have a goal to hook a girl who has not yet shown strong and obvious interest, then write to her not immediately after the meeting. But if your chosen one sincerely likes you, and she openly demonstrates this, then show reciprocal attention and, if possible, show your interest.

The girl stopped writing, what should I do?

To begin with, it is important to determine why this happened. If the girl “stopped” writing first, then it means that she used to do this, at least periodically. So what factors could change this?

She "took the first step"

For many girls, writing first is a rather serious step in dating or relationships. By writing to you, she thereby demonstrated her interest in your person and made it clear that she was willing to communicate. Now, in her understanding, you have made certain conclusions, and nothing prevents you from taking reciprocal steps.

She became interested in someone else

Perhaps the young lady wrote to you first only until she met another young man she was interested in. If she is committed to building relationships, she will probably focus on the most promising option and will not be scattered in several directions at once. Apparently, for some reason, the choice was not made in your favor.

She's tired of taking the initiative herself

For a period of time, she always or almost always wrote to you first, and one day she simply got tired of it. Perhaps she decided that she takes the initiative too often, and this is not entirely correct. She could also assume that since she regularly has to initiate dialogue, then you yourself are not too interested in this. This state of affairs could offend or upset her, so in the end she simply decided not to write anymore herself. In this case, most likely, she will react positively to your initiative - for her this will be confirmation that, after all, you were not answering her out of politeness, but were really interested.

She was told something unpleasant about you6

Girls constantly discuss young people, if a couple of days ago you wrote to ten of her other friends, rest assured, she already knows about it, and if she stopped responding, most likely she was not impressed by your promiscuity.

If she knows your ex, this is the biggest setback, especially if you broke up on a bad note. Most likely, they have already washed your bones and considered you unworthy.

Don't despair. This situation can always be corrected by the same conversations with mutual friends.

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