Recognizing a female psychopath is difficult, but possible: two key differences from men

Psychopathy (also called personality disorders) is a chronic mental illness that affects the emotional-volitional sphere; in the vast majority of patients, the intellect is completely preserved. Depending on the clinical picture, several forms of pathology are distinguished, and each of them requires an individual approach. According to statistics, psychopathy is more common in women than in the stronger sex, and it is more severe. But the specialists of the specialized clinic “Leto” manage to find an approach to each patient, select the right treatment tactics and achieve a positive result.

Definition of the concept

Psychopathy in women is a mental disorder in which certain personality traits are expressed too sharply, while others are not expressed at all. That is, personality development occurs chaotically, with a bias in one direction. This leads to maladaptation, frequent conflicts, problems at work and in personal life. The specifics of a person’s thinking and behavior, as well as the area in which the features are most noticeable, differ depending on the type of psychopathy.

This is interesting! Psychopathy is diagnosed in 2% of the world's population.


Prevention of symptoms is, first of all, aimed at changing the social components of the individual: taking educational measures in the family, in educational institutions, helping to establish strong connections with people, employment that corresponds to the intellectual and mental level of the patient.

The pathology diagnosed by a specialist, in addition to social influence, also includes psychotherapeutic methods of treatment: hypnosis, family therapy, group therapy, auto-training. Medicinal forms of treatment are also actively used, in which patients are prescribed psychotropic drugs and antidepressants.

The prescriber takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient, the degree and type of mental disorder.

Psychopathy is not a disease in the usual sense, but this does not mean that this form of mental disorder does not require medical supervision and intervention. Therefore, you should refuse self-medication and entrust your mental health to a psychiatrist certified in your field.

Signs of female psychopathy

You can often hear unflattering comments about women from men: “hysterical”, “bitch”. And the stereotype about vulnerability and weakness is firmly entrenched in the entire female gender. However, not all girls are “roarers”, “hysterics”, “actresses”, etc. Probably, those men who think this way have encountered psychopathic women.


By what symptoms and signs in behavior can one recognize and identify a female psychopath? The main difference between female and male psychopathy is that girls apply psychological pressure, not physical pressure. They masterfully manipulate people, especially men. They take it by cunning. These are smart, calculating people about whom other people say: “On their own minds.”

Women with psychopathy are often good leaders, but not for their subordinates. Female psychopaths make cruel and authoritarian rulers. The fate of the entire company also depends on the woman’s personal goals. If it is beneficial for her to destroy production, she will do so. And appealing to her conscience or compassion will be useless.

10 signs of a female psychopath:

  • increased emotionality;
  • rudeness and coldness;
  • reluctance to have children;
  • a pronounced desire to build a career;
  • need for passions;
  • tendency to create scandals and hysterics;
  • inability to compromise;
  • propensity for risk and adventure;
  • inability to love;
  • rancor and a tendency to offend others.

Other signs of psychopathy in women:

  • intolerance to rules and restrictions;
  • demanding of others;
  • the habit of criticizing everyone and everything;
  • jealousy;
  • suspicion;
  • isolation;
  • lack of close friends.

All psychopaths are united by their denial of social norms. But if for some women this takes on shades of feminism, the rejection of stereotypes of femininity (heels, makeup, lightness and coquetry), then for others it takes the form of promiscuity. These features of psychopathy in women are also noticeable in external signs: a complete lack of makeup and discreet clothing or, conversely, bright makeup and provocative outfits. Representatives of the latter type know how to attract a man's attention. However, they are promiscuous and are not capable of close, long-term relationships.

Signs of psychopathy in women in behavior, examples:

  • makes a scandal over an unwashed cup, and the next day, regarding the same thing, he says with a smile: “Okay, I’ll wash it myself”;
  • in a shopping center he disdainfully tells the mother of a crying child: “Woman, shut up your offspring”;
  • sees that a man has liked someone on a social network and starts a scandal (mega level: creates a fake page, lures the man in, and then starts a scandal).

Important! If a psychopathic woman needs to pretend to be tender, caring, feminine, then she will do it. She can even give birth to a child, but she will not take care of it - she will give it to her mother or nanny. If a child remains with a psychopathic mother, then he will inevitably develop mental disorders.

Manifestations of psychopathy

Psychology identifies several manifesting types of psychopathy.

Paranoid woman

Women of this type have pronounced egoism, inflated demands on others and a high degree of emotionality. They know what they want from life and clearly follow their goals, even if other people may suffer. The disorder in question in the paranoid type of people is expressed in social maladaptation and inability to build relationships in the family. Therefore, they are most often lonely and unsettled in their personal lives, which they deny in every possible way.

Subject to mental disorders, they impose their only true opinion on others and, if it is not accepted, they are ready to defend their truth to the last. Extremely vindictive and vindictive. In relation to a man who has accepted the responsibility of walking with such a woman through life, they are jealous and suspicious. Manic moods haunt them throughout their lives.

Hysterical psychopathy

Hysterics of this type are endowed by nature with acting skills and talent, which they do not hesitate to use in any situation. Like paranoid women, unable to control their emotions, they first take actions, and only then the thought process starts in their minds. They need constant attention and admiration and must always be at the center of any events. Infantile and capricious. They skillfully manipulate others, for this they can resort to false suicide attempts. They love drama, intrigue and outbursts of passion that should rage around their persons.

The life partner of such a woman must be ready for everyday theatrical performances, with her beloved in the leading role. He's definitely not in danger of dying from boredom.

Manifestations of schizoid psychopathy

Representatives of this form of the disorder differ from other types in their isolation and immersion in their own world. They are indifferent to what is happening, apathetic and prefer not to share their experiences, but to keep them to themselves. The peculiarity of melancholic women is that they are not characterized by traits that are characteristic of the female sex in general. And this sets them apart from other types of women in psychopathy.

Psychasthenic woman

Indecisive, insecure psychasthenics are complex and perceive criticism addressed to them extremely painfully. They are unable to defend their position and do not have their own point of view. They are highly valued by management at work, as they are unable to say “no” and refuse additional workloads.

Asthenic psychopathy

Distinctive signs of this type of psychopathy are commitment to family and loved ones, sensitivity to other people's experiences, altruism and complete dedication, without demands to receive anything in return. The other negative side is suggestibility, painful attachment to the object of one’s love, and dependence on other people’s opinions. This type of woman is characterized by low ability to work and reluctance to bother going to work every day.

Timid and shy, such women in the future make ideal wives, ready to unquestioningly obey their man and follow him even into exile.

Manifestations of excitable psychopathy

The excitable form of pathology is accompanied by short temper, increased aggression, and an unstable emotional background. Symptoms of the disorder include abnormal behavior and the need to conflict with others. This makes it difficult to create family relationships, work and social adaptation. But among women of this type there are those who get along well with the team, arrange their personal lives and raise children.

Unstable psychopathy

The emotional lability of this type of mental disorder is harmoniously combined with lack of will and inability to control one’s behavior. Women with an unstable form of psychopathy exhibit antisocial and immoral behavior, sexual liberation, criminal tendencies and substance abuse. Men are ready to be carried away by such a lady and have a couple of adventures, but they prefer to bind themselves with obligations and give their hand and heart to mentally balanced representatives of the fair half of humanity.


Psychopathy can be congenital or acquired in early childhood. In the second case, their development is determined by the costs of family upbringing: authoritarianism, overprotection, permissiveness, connivance and neglect.

Other negative factors in the development of psychopathy in a girl:

  • family dysfunction (alcoholism, tyranny, asociality, poverty);
  • injuries and infections suffered during fetal development or in the first years of life;
  • congenital abnormalities in brain function.

Is it possible to get rid of this problem

Only a professional can treat a personality disorder; no self-medication is even suggested. It’s bad if a girl doesn’t recognize her condition and considers those around her, who are trying to help, to be her worst enemies.

Attention! Psychopathy is studied and treated by psychotherapists and psychiatrists. Sometimes, when the acquisition of a mental disorder is a consequence of a traumatic brain injury, the help of surgeons and neurologists is required.

Therapy is based on group or individual sessions to promote deep understanding of the diagnosis and self-acceptance in order to facilitate the healing process. In cases where a visit to a psychiatrist does not bring the desired result, or the case is particularly severe, medicinal effects on the body are used, using prescription drugs belonging to the group of antidepressants or psychotropic drugs.

Psychopathy is, first of all, a disease that the patient himself is not able to overcome. Often treatment does not bring any results. Although the percentage of such people is small, there is still a risk of encountering them in life. Don't feel obligated to help. In this situation, it is more rational to save yourself and your environment.


Symptoms of psychopathy in women:

  • lack of empathy;
  • tendency to conflict;
  • the desire to shift responsibility for one’s actions;
  • passion for pleasure and zealous desire to satisfy one's needs;
  • inability to build constructive relationships;
  • undeveloped instinct of self-preservation;
  • denial of social norms and rules;
  • aggression and outbursts of rage.

The destructive influence of a woman is not as noticeable as the influence of a psychopathic man. This is what makes it more dangerous. For many years, none of your loved ones or colleagues may even realize that they are dealing with a psychopath. Most female psychopaths, due to the natural plasticity of the brain, adapt well to society.

Obsessive-compulsive and anxious psychopathy in women

The symptoms of these forms of the disease are very similar. This:

  • self-doubt, indecision;
  • concern and desire for manic compliance with all rules and regulations, hypertrophied conscientiousness, scrupulousness;
  • panic fear of becoming an object of ridicule;
  • increased impressionability, patients often believe in various signs, resort to the services of fortune-tellers, psychics, “sorcerers”;
  • constant anxious premonitions, and the patient constantly finds a reason for strong, but groundless anxiety;
  • fear of having to make decisions on your own and, accordingly, the desire to shift responsibility to others.

Types of psychopathy in women

The following types of psychopathy occur among women:

  1. Hysterical. Such a woman turns life into a game and constantly attracts attention to her person. It doesn’t matter to her in what light and by what principle she will be remembered, the main thing is that they talk about her. A hysterical woman, like no one else, needs emotions, admiration, and constant nourishment from other people. If this is not the case, then she becomes furious.
  2. Paranoid. An arrogant and stubborn woman who does not recognize other people's opinions. In order to achieve her goals, she is ready to go over her head. Has a keen sense of justice. A paranoid woman does not trust people and often finds herself at the center of scandals. Characterized by jealousy, rancor, suspiciousness, and vindictiveness. I'm sure there are many enemies around her.
  3. Schizoid. The most reserved type. Nobody knows what's going on in her head. Unsociable, loves solitude and fantasy. She is prone to despotism, but she zealously defends her personal boundaries. If someone tries to invade her world, a schizoid woman reacts to this very painfully.
  4. Excitable. Such a woman is prone to outbursts of aggression. Moreover, it is impossible to make a list of common irritating factors and predict her reactions and behavior. She gets excited for any reason, and if there are no real reasons, then she invents them. The outbursts quickly pass, the woman smiles, becomes affectionate and behaves as if nothing had happened. He's not going to apologize. He loves to argue for the sake of arguing; he defends his opinion by hook or by crook.
  5. Asthenic. The most vulnerable, weak type. He cannot do anything without the help of strangers, pretends to be a victim, blames others for his troubles, does not know how to make decisions, and constantly asks for advice. This is an anxious type who does not take criticism well and is prone to passive aggression. Everyone around her suffers from chronic feelings of guilt and anxiety. Anyone who tries to help an asthenic woman always turns out to be wrong and guilty. And she will stubbornly remind you of this.
  6. Affective. This type has two opposing subtypes: hypothymic and hyperthymic psychopathy. In the first case, a person is distinguished by isolation, silence, and a pessimistic vision of the world. A hypothymic woman constantly complains and infects others with her pessimism. A hyperthymic woman, on the contrary, is distinguished by nauseating, irrational optimism, excessive sociability, intrusiveness, hyperactivity and self-confidence. He often takes on things that he cannot handle, deceives, and does not keep promises.
  7. Unstable. Such a woman has no opinion and is characterized by weak willpower. It is easy to convince her, lead her away, change her. She is always under someone's influence. Most often, we are talking about addictions, fraud, antisocial and illegal acts, etc. Likes to spend money and live to the fullest, but does not like to study, work, or make plans. Lives one day at a time. A woman with unstable psychopathy is like a poorly raised child.

Important! All types have a common feature - they spare no one on the path to personal happiness. If necessary, they will destroy and break even a loved one.

Treatment of psychopathy

For the correct selection of medications, the advice of a psychiatrist is important. The surrounding background plays an important role in a psychopath. With the right upbringing and social influence, psychopathic traits are softened. It is important for a psychopath to find a job, because social significance always refrains from impartial actions. Psychotherapy has a very good effect on psychopaths. It will help a psychopath understand himself, decide on his life goals and discard many of the inadequacies in his character. Also, such individuals are affected by transactional analysis, which helps the individual determine his ego state.

If drug treatment is unavoidable, it is used depending on the type of psychopathic personality. Triftazin 2.5-5 mg/day, Aminazine 0.3-0.6 g/day for hysterical reactions, preferably in minimally effective dosages for hysterical manifestations. If the patient is angry, then Haloperidol 0.5-2 mg/day and Tizercin 0.025-0.1 g/day. In case of inappropriate behavior, Sonapax helps well - 25 mg/day.

Rules of conduct with a female psychopath

Psychopathy is not a character trait, but a serious problem. It is better not to have any relationship with such girls. However, some men choose them for affairs because psychopathic women behave provocatively and offer passionate relationships.

How should men behave with such women so as not to die? You must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not go into details of your personal life. You can safely invent stories about yourself, the main thing is not to talk about your most precious and secret things, and not to introduce them to your loved ones.
  2. Not only psychologically, but also legally protect yourself. This rule is especially true for wealthy men. Female psychopaths are often on the lookout for someone they can rip off.
  3. Never argue, never try to appeal to conscience or rationalism. Psychopaths are okay with the latter, but only personal interests are important to them.

Important! Due to the abnormal functioning of the frontal lobes of the brain, a psychopathic woman cannot control her behavior or become more humane through an effort of will. Therefore, you should not expect much from this relationship, play the rescuer or hope that everything will work out on its own.

Hidden psychopaths

This is what happens outside the prison. It has been proven that one in a hundred people fits the description of the behavior of a psychopath. And it’s not a fact that this person is not a woman. Unlike men, who are much more likely to show aggression and demonstrate psychopathic tendencies, representatives of the fairer sex often behave rather reservedly. They can hold any position, be your neighbors or relatives, dress normally and behave calmly. But at the same time, they remain no less dangerous to others than men or other mentally ill people.

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Diagnosis and treatment

Only a psychotherapist can cure psychopathy. Self-medication is not appropriate here. Moreover, no one and nothing will help a psychopathic woman if she herself does not want it. To heal the client, psychologists use sessions of individual and group psychotherapy and hypnosis. As an auxiliary treatment, medications (antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics) are prescribed for a short period.

Sad statistics

We didn't talk much about female psychopaths. The exceptions are: Kathy Bates in Misery, Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction and Amy Dean in Gone Girl. In the literature, images of ladies of similar behavior are also rarely considered. However, according to research, more than 17% of women in prison meet the criteria for psychopathy (in contrast, men in this category are 30%). Agree that this is a fairly large number, equal to almost a fifth of all women imprisoned.

What is psychopathy

Psychopathic disorder is a painful variant of human behavior, often a sociopath, expressed in the excessive manifestation of negative character traits.
Most often he stands out:

  • Heartlessness, rudeness, rudeness.
  • A complete lack of sensitivity to other people's problems and pain.
  • Reluctance to consider the opinions of others.
  • Antisocial behavior with violent tendencies.
  • The feeling of being right in situations where there is clear evidence to the contrary.

In the opposite type of disorder, painfully excessive:

  • Anxiety.
  • Indecisiveness.
  • Closedness.
  • Impressionability and self-deprecation.

In psychiatry, this type of behavior is not considered a disease in the literal sense. It is rather a social deviation with painful traits that requires specific correction. At the same time, psychiatrists have to deal with complex cases of this disorder.

Increased irritability in women: pathological factors

As the site found out, a woman never becomes aggressive without reason. If you suddenly begin to get angry for any reason, if every little thing throws you off balance, most likely, some bad process is taking place inside your body, robbing you of your vitality. Emotional swings can appear when:

  • Any chronic diseases of internal organs. An indolent infection does not cause any special symptoms or pain. However, it undermines the body’s immune system, takes away strength, causes lethargy, lethargy, and tearfulness. Due to constant fatigue, a woman becomes aggressive, everything irritates her. In such a situation, it is useless to take sedatives; it is necessary to treat the disease that caused the loss of strength.
  • Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins can cause malfunctions in almost all body systems. A deficiency of vitamins B, E, ascorbic acid, and D has a particularly bad effect on the state of the nervous system. When the body lacks vitamins and minerals, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted. Neurons lose their ability to transmit signals, which affects the functioning of the brain. Vitamin deficiency causes lethargy, nervousness, and tearfulness. The causes of vitamin deficiency can be prolonged overwork, an infectious disease, poor nutrition, diseases of the digestive organs, and diet. To eliminate nervousness due to vitamin deficiency, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.
  • Mental disorders. Nervousness, depression and other pathologies of the nervous system are manifested precisely by increased irritability. Women suffering from such diseases often break down into hysterics. In such situations, it will be impossible to get rid of the problem without special treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Disorders that affect the functioning of the nervous system must be treated, otherwise it will lead to serious consequences. Irritability is only the first symptom, followed by insomnia, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Nervousness may have psychological causes. Increased irritability does not necessarily indicate illness. Sometimes it indicates that something is bothering the woman.

Types of psychopathy, signs and symptoms, stages

Precursors of a psychopathic state - personality accentuations - occur on average in 10% of the population. It is these individuals who most often become psycho-sociopaths. The percentage of patients suffering from this disorder among all people is quite high. According to statistics, it is within 1-2%. Individuals with aggressive types of the disorder pose a danger to society.

The main signs of this type of psychopathy:

  • Extreme degree of egocentrism.
  • Cruelty reaching the point of sadism.
  • Unceremoniousness and unwillingness to take into account someone's opinion.
  • Despotism, a painful desire for power and control of other people.
  • A sharp decrease or absence of emotional experiences.

It is this psychotype that is most often associated with crime. Men are more prone to physical forms of expression of psychopathic deviations, while among women psychological ones dominate. The psycho-social treatment of such persons is a particularly responsible matter.


The examination stage requires some time from the doctors of our clinic.

To make an accurate diagnosis, they use:

  • A conversation in the form of a dialogue, during which all the nuances of the person being examined are gradually clarified.
  • Conversation with relatives.
  • Dynamic monitoring of the patient.

A psychologist is involved in the diagnostic process, supplementing medical data with test methods and a special PSL-R questionnaire. He also makes additional recommendations for treatment.

When diagnosing, it is important not only to establish the psychopathic type, but also the stage of the process:

  • Compensated.
  • Subcompensated.
  • Decompensated.

These data must be taken into account when prescribing treatment.

Types of psychopathy

Modern views on the problem have led to the formation of multiple classifications. Let's consider the most applicable one in domestic practice. It is based on the theoretical views and practical developments of Russian scientists, followers of P.B Gannushkin.

In the clinic of psychopathy, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Asthenic – with characteristic fearfulness, psychophysical weakness, vegetative disorders. Mimosa type.
  • Psychasthenic – manifested by excessive indecision, introspection, anxiety and fear of responsibility.
  • Schizoid. The bearer of this psychopathic portrait is closed, self-absorbed, prone to intellectual activities, striving to direct all his talents to self-satisfaction. Knowing his worth, absolutely indifferent to others, capable of self-destruction and unemotional harm to other people.
  • Paranoid. The patient is a stuck, stubborn and touchy bearer of overvalued ideas, often of a destructive nature, who pursues their implementation to the end.
  • Epileptoid. Has excitability, rage and anger of extreme strength. Doesn't forgive anyone's mistakes and is vengeful. The idea of ​​vengeance can be carried around for decades unnoticed by others.
  • Hysterical. Actor type. Obsessed with himself and demands the attention of others. He often lies to please himself and to get what he wants. Prone to taking psychoactive substances.
  • Cycloid. A client with a sharply changing emotional background. From depression with depression he falls into the status of hyperthymic. In both cases there is a tendency towards socially pathological behavior.
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