What is the harmony of human life and how to achieve it

Have you ever had restless or anxious thoughts? We are sure that this has happened to every person more than once. And most often in such situations, a person wants to have the ability to control his mind, mood and reactions to events happening around him. This ability can be acquired if you come to inner harmony. This is what we will talk about today. But, looking ahead, we note that internal harmony is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, we recommend that you take our “Healthy Lifestyle” course, where you will form your own healthy lifestyle system and learn how to maintain your mental health. So…

What it is

Harmony is an equal combination of all spheres of an individual’s life. This is an internal state accompanied by sensations of events independent of surrounding people and external circumstances.

In ancient times, thinkers and philosophers thought about the concept of harmony, among whom was Pythagoras, who put forward the idea of ​​​​the harmony of the spheres, which became the basis of idealism, which still exists today in the philosophy of Kepler, Leibniz, Giordano Bruno and Shaftesbury.

Human harmony is the merging of individual components of one personality into a single whole. We can talk about it when all areas of life are balanced. We can say about a harmonious person that he is happy.

Why is life harmony needed? The answer is determined by the following basic provisions:

  • this is a way to feel complete inner peace;
  • the opportunity to make your path easier on the way to achieving your goal;
  • better understanding of your needs and the essence of your partner;
  • the opportunity to improve personal qualities and relationships;
  • the ability to feel inner freedom.


Translated from Latin, the word harmonia means “connection, correspondence, consonance.” It is also in the ancient Greek language: ἁρμονία is translated as “order, coherence.” This term first appeared in philosophy and denoted the harmonization of heterogeneous or contradictory elements.

The concept of harmony is found in many areas. For example:

  • in music it is a pleasant coherence of sounds or a combination of different voices;
  • in art and aesthetics, harmony means proportionality, integrity and aesthetic coherence of all elements of the composition, which evokes sensual positive reactions.

The word “harmony” is found in the works of the ancient Greek poet Homer and philosopher Heraclitus. In the treatise “On the World,” created in the 1st century BC, harmony is mentioned as the agreement of opposites in all natural entities, in human activity and the Universe itself.

Much later, in a somewhat transformed form, the idea of ​​harmony was used in new philosophy by the English Enlightenment figure Anthony Shaftesbury, the German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler, the Italian monk Giordano Bruno, and the German scientist Wilhelm Leibniz.

The writer and thinker Goethe was convinced that the most important thing is to educate a harmonious, free person, whose abilities develop in balance. He called nature a large organism, where harmony of boundaries and forces, freedom and measure, advantages and disadvantages prevails.

Why does it disappear

Everyday problems do not allow you to feel harmony in life.
Not every person can boast of absolute well-being, the presence of cloudless thoughts, and complete faith in upcoming success. People can be depressed, grumpy, whiny, and short-tempered. While suffering, a person can withdraw into himself, conflict with his loved ones, thereby aggravating his situation. In most cases, harmony is destroyed at turning points in life, when a person is in an uncomfortable situation:

  • adolescence, retirement, midlife crisis;
  • sudden loss of material assets (for example, fire in the house, dismissal from work);
  • interpersonal conflicts (unfair attitude of superiors, tarnished reputation, unhappy love);
  • unbearable living conditions (an antisocial partner, sick parents who need care, a problem child, poverty);
  • serious physical illnesses (less often mental), injuries;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • unrealization.

Very often, disharmony is the result of the accumulation of small problems that remain unsolved, lie as a heavy burden on a person, and put pressure on his subconscious.

Body and emotions

Have you ever noticed what a depressed person looks like? He walks slowly, hardly using his arms. In this case, the torso practically does not move up and down, mainly movements from side to side predominate. Also, people suffering from a depressive disorder stoop and lean forward when walking.

It is easy to conclude that the mental state affects the body. Surprisingly, research has shown that this is a two-way process: the body also influences our thoughts and emotions.

How does harmony manifest itself?

A person may not experience pleasure in his life. And all because there is no spiritual harmony in her. Let's look at what manifestations may indicate a harmonious personality.

  1. Trying on his essence. Such an individual will not be oppressed by feelings of guilt for previously committed mistakes. He analyzes them and becomes wiser.
  2. A harmonious personality accepts all its shortcomings and corrects what is possible. He makes peace with the others. Concentrates on his strengths.
  3. Such a person has no problems with self-esteem. He is confident in his abilities.
  4. He has a harmonious relationship with the world that surrounds him.
  5. Harmonious people are not vindictive. They forgive insults.
  6. Such an individual knows how negative information affects the psyche. He does not communicate with people who can poison his life.
  7. To be in harmony is to do good to people, knowing that it will come back to you.
  8. To achieve harmony, an individual monitors his body and health. He will not start diseases, hoping that everything will go away.

A person who has found harmony in his life has four main spheres balanced: material, spiritual, physical and social.

Signs of harmony in women:

  • skillfully combines external and internal beauty;
  • has flexibility, she can easily adapt to the situation;
  • is able to surround herself with order, the care of loved ones, their love;
  • knows how to create and create.

Characteristics of a harmonious man:

  • confidence in the actions taken;
  • the ability to be grateful and sincere;
  • has respect for the opinions of others, their preferences and tastes;
  • has good relationships with loved ones;
  • restrained in his emotions;
  • has a solid, persistent character;
  • stress-resistant;
  • patient with his wife and child.

Do it well or not do it at all

Here it is worth immediately warning against such a phenomenon as perfectionism. Perfectionism is a constant desire for perfection, which often leads to the fact that work is either postponed, delayed, or not done at all. Therefore, in the principle of “doing it well or not doing it at all,” it is also important to avoid extremes. There is a very fine line here between a responsible attitude towards completing tasks and an excuse, like, since I can’t do anything well, I won’t do anything at all. This is a very harmful position.

Each of us has some talents and some opportunities. And here the question is not about bringing what is being done to an ideal state, but the question is about maximum efficiency. That is, having set a task for yourself, you should make every effort,

but avoiding self-flagellation about the task being completed may not be ideal.

The issue of energy availability is also important here. If you feel that you don’t have enough energy to complete a particular task yet, perhaps you should postpone it. But it is important again to avoid extremes; if procrastination has become chronic, then we are already dealing with banal laziness or procrastination.

Thus, when completing a task, you should give your best. The issue of motivation is important here - if you are not ready to spend all your energy on completing a task, then it is worth asking yourself whether you really need to do what you planned. Invest your energy only in what truly inspires you. And then the quality of execution itself will be high.

Steps to finding it

It is important to be able to determine the problem area and replenish it.
To achieve harmony, balance is required in four main areas:

  • bodily - physical components of life, health, sports, intimacy;
  • spiritual – dreams, plans, fantasies, creativity;
  • social - contacts with friends and relatives, surrounding people;
  • material – everything related to money, work, hobbies.

If an individual has a deficiency in one of his areas, there can be no question of a harmonious personality. To determine the balance of spheres, psychologists suggest using a piece of paper on which you need to draw a circle, divide it into four parts corresponding to each sphere. Next, you need to determine for yourself how full each of them is. This should be done intuitively, without thinking for a long time. When problem areas are identified, you need to work on them:

  • if there are problems with the material sphere, it may be necessary to change jobs;
  • if it’s physical, give yourself a day off more often, accompanied by a visit to the gym, massage or sauna;
  • if it’s spiritual, it would be nice to develop your creative potential, start writing, drawing or sculpting;
  • if socially, spend more time with loved ones and make new acquaintances.

Changing lives

What is happiness?

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Do you think that happiness is an expensive car, a bank account or a high position? No, this is far from true. The feeling of happiness is completely unrelated to these factors. How many rich people are actually very unhappy, they give up their business and go to live far away in the outback. Or some tramp who walks through the park in simple and inexpensive clothes may feel like the happiest person in the entire Universe.

Therefore, the main thing is how to change yourself from the inside. It is impossible to become happy if you simply move to another city or change your occupation, since your old problems will not go away. This will continue until you want and begin to change, until you feel harmony and joy within yourself.

What to change in yourself if there is no harmony

  1. Quitting bad habits. For example, if a person sleeps little, goes to bed late, eats before bed or smokes, abuses alcohol, destroys himself from the inside.
  2. Stop focusing on your shortcomings. Focus on the strengths.
  3. If there are those nearby who are worse off than you, help them. Be able to sympathize with other people.
  4. Limit communication with individuals who complain about their lives.
  5. Don't expect anything in return from the people you give your love to.
  6. Find time for physical activity.
  7. Expand your horizons, read books, listen to different music, attend exhibitions.
  8. Learn to resolve conflicts and avoid them.
  9. Receive as much positive information as possible and share it with others. Avoid watching news and films with scenes of violence.
  10. Decide on a hobby and devote your free time to it.

Now you know the definition of such a thing as harmony. As you can see, a harmonious life makes a person happy, and happy people achieve more, their health is stronger, their nerves are intact. Strive to find harmony in your life, do everything necessary for this.

Causes of internal disharmony

Often, discord in the soul arises due to false beliefs and a distorted perception of the world. For example, it may seem that the beloved is not paying attention, and a feeling of loneliness and uselessness arises. Single girls become depressed in the absence of a reliable life partner. This is female psychology.

READ How to find yourself: effective psychological techniques

Some people lose their zest for life, having high, unsatisfied ambitions. Financial problems, debts, pressure from loved ones, routine - the list of reasons for loss of harmony can be continued endlessly. Often it all starts with minor everyday troubles. But with a negative attitude, they begin to accumulate and turn into a snowball. In an effort to cope with a depressed state, people resort to the following rituals:


Modern people are accustomed to comparing themselves with others, evaluating them and constantly engaging in competition, in which there are certainly worse and better, their own and others. However, this is a bad habit. The tendency to judge others and oneself this way can lead to endless self-flagellation, fear of rejection, or a feeling of being surrounded by enemies.

You need to learn to look at others more kindly. To feel your connection with them, do a “friendly” meditation.

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