Let's figure out what to write to a guy you like, who you need to interest and please him.

Many girls, looking back at the sad experience of one of the heroines of the well-known work of A. S. Pushkin, continue to believe that initiative is punishable. And in vain! Observations show that it is precisely those ladies who are not afraid to take the first step, even through virtual communication, who have a great chance of a pleasant continuation of their acquaintance.

What to write to a guy you like

Before you make a prince fall in love with you, you need to know what to write to the guy you like. Basically, the goal is the same - to make a guy fall in love. During the correspondence process, it is recommended to communicate only from the heart, showing your naturalness, because young men are good at feeling uncertainty and panic. There are many topics about what you can write to a guy, but in order not to ruin the conversation, the girl must react to the situation correctly.

To get him interested

Most guys like to talk about topics that they are passionate about. It is much better when there are common interests, because in the future there will be an opportunity to support the conversation with your own statements and advice.

To interest a guy, a girl needs:

  1. Go to your lover's page and see what he is interested in.
  2. You can review audio recordings, groups, photographs and posts.
  3. After the analysis, you need to think and decide what to write to the guy to interest him.

First impressions matter

For him to answer

In order for a girl to stand out from her competitors, she needs to be creative and friendly when it comes to texting a guy when meeting her.

If you look deeper, there are several types of guys.

  • For some, it’s enough to write “Hello!” with a smiley face, and they are ready to reciprocate, after which a dialogue begins;
  • other guys are more arrogant, so after banal greetings they can ignore the girl.

When the question arises of what to write to a guy so that he will answer, the young lady must use cunning. It is this method that prevails over the stronger sex. You can write about how he looks like your friend's brother. Or ask if he has a sister who studies at a certain school. The guy will definitely fall for it, and active correspondence will begin quite quickly.

To make him feel good

Boys love to be praised for their talent or achievements. Pleasant words play a huge role not only at the beginning of acquaintance, but throughout the entire relationship.

When a female person thinks about what to write to a guy to make him feel good, it is not necessary to spend months learning about his hobbies and awards. To make a guy feel pleasure, look for opportunities to praise him:

  • if you look at the avatar, you can write something nice to the guy, for example about his appearance;
  • provided that the young man listens to popular music, it is recommended to note his modernity;
  • posts with various interesting information show a broad outlook and curiosity.

To make him smile

Some people claim that women laugh much more often than men, but this is not true. It all depends on the person’s character and emotional state. It was also noted that men are considered more successful comedians and perform more often at entertainment events.

Making a guy laugh will not be difficult for young beauties who have long studied the character of their partner. When you come across a stranger, you need to come up with creative phrases with a sense of humor.

When you're thinking about what to write to a guy to make him smile, you shouldn't overexert yourself and come up with ridiculous jokes.

You can get a smile from a stranger in different ways:

  1. Support him: “You are strong like a lion, you have no barriers in life!”
  2. Give a compliment: “Your body is stronger than a wall, but you can drown in your eyes, help me emerge!”
  3. Make a joke: send a funny picture or life story.
  4. Flirt: “If you behave well, a gift awaits you in the evening!”

To get him excited

Enjoying passionate texting is part of a loving relationship.
A girl who has long studied the desires of her other half will know what to write to a guy to make him excited. When you first meet, you shouldn’t become casual and build up a storm of emotions, because your partner will think that you are of easy virtue. The following methods are suitable for seduction:

  1. Send an intimate photo.
  2. Write that you need him: “I can’t wait to be alone with you.”
  3. Tender words serve as a confident start: “your arms are so strong, but a hug would be the most tender.”

To make him fall in love

There is definitely no magic word. Only after a week of communication can one come to a conclusion.

If you need to write to a guy to make him fall in love, then it is recommended to use simple tips:

  1. Show the girl's value. Sometimes it is worth hinting to your partner that he has competitors.
  2. Cheerfulness. Many people love open and optimistic girls.
  3. Information about your lover. It is necessary to learn more about the interests of boys towards girls.

Boys prefer girls who have their own secret or riddle. Try to intrigue your other half by sometimes not responding to messages or interrupting them at an interesting moment.

How to respond to being ignored by a young man

If he ignores, be calm. In this situation, do not impose. There has never been a single case in human history where annoying behavior attracted other people.

A young person can ignore for three reasons:

  1. He's not interested in you. This can be determined if he communicates with you without interest. In this case, you should not continue the relationship with him. Love must be mutual.
  2. The guy is selling himself. Text him a couple of times. If he doesn't respond to this at all, wait. If he wants to start a relationship with you, he will write, no matter what self-esteem he has.
  3. The person you like is very busy. If he doesn’t answer today, he’ll write tomorrow. If it's important to him.

Follow these recommendations and the guy will be yours. In conclusion, I’ll give you some more advice. Choose a young man who will suit your soul. For a permanent relationship, you should not seduce a guy who you liked spontaneously.

Examples of cute messages on VKontakte

There are times in life when you need to show concern, apologize, or simply introduce yourself.

If a girl doesn’t know what nice thing to write to a guy, then you can come up with a message expressing maximum sincerity and care. A man immediately recognizes a banal pattern that he could receive from other girls.

Let's consider what you can write to a guy on VK to achieve what you want.

To get acquainted

Many girls think about what to write to a guy they like on VKontakte, but don’t know where to start.
All gentlemen love creative and unusual women. When you decide what to write to a guy to get to know him, you need to surprise him.

A few examples of how to generate interest:

  1. “Yesterday in my dream I saw a guy who looked like you. Only he was on a white horse. Can you tell me who this is?”
  2. “I have rarely met people with such a gentle look. I am surprised."
  3. “I think you were in a movie...”

If he ignores and does not write himself

There are many reasons why a guy doesn’t write or ignores him, such as being busy, sick, or tired. The lover also ignores if he is not interested in communication or is tired of it.

If you need to write to a guy when he ignores you, you need to directly find out the essence of the problem:

  • “Today is another morning, and I miss you so much, why are you silent?”
  • “I have long noticed that you ignore me, but why?”

When you don’t know what to write to a guy, if he doesn’t write, then you need to remember his favorite topics of conversation and take the initiative.

If he's offended

Sometimes girls manage to hurt the feelings of a young man, which is why many breakups occur. If you need to write to a guy when he is offended, then it is recommended to put aside all pride and take the first step towards restoring harmony between lovers.

You need to follow short instructions:

  1. Admit your guilt to the person.
  2. Apologize for rudeness or ugly actions.

When writing, you need to be creative, for example: “I didn’t know how dear you were to me. Sorry, I realized everything.”

To make peace after a quarrel

A guy will be able to forgive if his significant other helps with this. When a girl wants to write to a guy after a quarrel, she needs to express her thoughts as briefly and sincerely as possible. You need to promise that this won’t happen again and at the end ask if the guy forgives her.

An example of what to write to a guy to make peace:

  • "I'm sorry. I promise not to do this again. Will you forgive me?
  • “I really regret that I behaved this way. A day without you is like a big wound on my soul. You don’t hold much grudge against me, do you?”

How to keep your attention

Leave the guy the right to choose. Let him choose the topic of conversation. You may not like the topic, but you don't have to show it. Ask questions about this topic. Even if they are very superficial.

Ask the guy to help with something. So Benjamin Franklin managed to make friends with a man who previously disliked Franklin. He asked him for a book, thanked him, and then they began to communicate closer. Anyone who has done good for a person once is inclined to do something more useful.

Use light flirting. Wish the young man good morning or good mood. It is advisable to support the message with a photograph. It shouldn't be vulgar. Take a photo of yourself blowing a kiss.

Add songs and funny pictures to your messages. Try to send tracks that hint at a relationship. Do not overuse such messages.

Smart girls are the best at keeping a guy's attention. Men are attracted when a girl has a rich outlook and can reason soberly.

Advice! Call the guy by name and don't criticize him.

Good examples of text for your loved one in your own words

The message should be as sincere and real as possible.
Therefore, the girl needs to write something nice to the guy in her own words, so that it reflects all the care and love for her soulmate. Young guys love most of all when they are praised or caressed. A few suggestions that your loved one will appreciate:

  • “Kitty, every day I remember the days when we were together, and it makes me happy.”
  • “Today my sun was on fire! You tried so hard for so long and it paid off. I was going through"

SMS options

Nothing smart comes to mind, but you want to communicate, use our tips:

To start

  • "Hello! Are you busy now. Let's talk";
  • “Sorry if I’m interrupting you from the matter. Can you help me with my chemistry problem?”;
  • "Good evening. I saw your photo and wanted to meet you. You do not mind?".

Try to end your first letter with a question sentence. There will be a better chance of getting a response.

Let's continue the conversation

  • “You have a good hairdresser. You look great!”;
  • “You have a great figure. Tell me where you are studying”;
  • “I saw your drawings. This is cool!"

Guys are no less susceptible to compliments than girls. As they say: “A kind word pleases a cat.” Just write from the heart.

Turn on your imagination

  • “I look at the night sky now and think, what’s there behind the stars. Infinity, what is it?”;
  • “And you have an incredible, crazy dream. I want to learn how to skydive”;
  • “I wonder what will happen on earth in a thousand years? Let's figure it out together. Get started..."

A little humor

  • “Don’t be afraid of your own desires - beware of mine”;
  • “Dear, leave my thoughts - you’re stopping me from thinking”;
  • “I understood why we are together! We are united by our love for me.”

A sense of humor and a rich imagination are always valuable. They will help defuse the situation, change the subject, and avoid awkward questions.

We share the interests of our loved one

This does not mean that you always have to agree on everything. And assent. It's boring and doesn't touch the heart. Express your own opinion, argue, get angry (a little). The trick is that the topic for discussion should be close and understandable to the partner.

What messages are best to send before going to bed at night?

At any stage of a relationship, pleasant messages before bed play an important role. A caring girl can write a nice good night message to a guy to show her tenderness and care. Before going to bed, the chosen ones often dream and like to imagine their beloved, so the words should express love.

A few examples that are recommended to write to guys before bed:

  • “I would climb into your dreams to make them more beautiful and pleasant”
  • “I can’t sleep because of the moon and thoughts of my beloved”

In the morning you need to be cheerful and write to your chosen one in a good mood. To begin with, to write to a guy in the morning, a simple and good phrase “Good morning!” will do. It is recommended to add a guy's nickname or nickname that will be associated specifically with you.

Dating goals

It would seem, what could be the purpose of dating on the Internet? Of course, find your future husband. But it is not so! The purposes of online communication are quite varied and here are the main ones:

  • Serious relationships are undoubtedly the most important goal of dating on specialized services. Becoming the happy owner of an engagement ring and a noble prince to boot is the dream of every girl, and dating sites will help make it come true.
  • Friendship and communication - oddly enough, this goal also has a place on dating services. After all, love is not the only joy; sometimes you just want to communicate with a like-minded person, and it’s not always easy to find such a person among your friends.
  • Finding a sponsor - whoever said “You can’t forbid living beautifully” was absolutely right, and some girls know how to make dreams of a luxurious life come true. To search for generous men who are capable of fulfilling any desires of the fair sex, there are plenty of sites on the Internet with sponsors and kept women.
  • Intimate relationships - where would we be without them? It is not always only men who need such communication. Girls also want affection and tenderness in strong male hands. Starting a serious relationship only because of a lack of sexual satisfaction is simply stupid, because it is much easier to find a companion for the night online.

Having set your goals correctly, you can immediately cut off all unnecessary services that do not intersect with your plans and narrow your search by registering on only a few sites with the desired audience.

What to talk about with a guy

A lover is not only a soul mate, but also a good friend.
The girl should intrigue you, so you need to write to the guy you like on VKontakte after you have studied the range of interests of the young man. The world is full of colors and entertainment, so often conversation arises out of nowhere. Before writing a pleasant SMS to a guy, it is recommended to think about light and interesting topics. Examples of different ideas about what you can write to the guy you like:

  • about nature;
  • about studies;
  • about parents;
  • about hobbies;
  • about health.

Why it’s important to write first: the benefits of initiative

Writing first on dating sites, contrary to the stereotype “the man should make the first step,” is a commercially profitable event. Firstly, there are few girls who “write first”, and the attitude towards them is appropriate - the same reverent attitude as towards rare precious metals. Secondly, you gain the opportunity to choose among EVERYONE, and not among those who wrote to you (admit it, more than 90% of those who wrote are guys of low social demand). Thirdly, this is a useful skill in every sense - to take, and not wait. Once you become skilled at dating sites, you can use them everywhere.

Best topics to talk about

To make a relationship special, you need to highlight certain themes that show feelings and care for the young man. Sometimes it's worth writing to your favorite guy to talk about his interests. The chosen ones love to tell anyone about their hobbies, as long as they listen attentively and support them. It is also necessary to maintain passion in the relationship and be sure to write about love to your beloved guy.

In total, there are 2 mandatory topics that are needed to maintain strong love:

  • talk about his hobbies;
  • remind him that you love and appreciate him.

Online flirting with a man by correspondence - Top phrases

Flirting is the art of evoking emotions in a person

To become a true master of flirting, you need to learn how to manage a man’s emotional state. This is what we will learn in this article. Let's start with the basics!

The first rule of successful online flirting is avoiding templates

Banal and boring SMS do not evoke any emotions. "Hi, how are you?" "Hi what are you doing?" — These are examples of template messages that do not bring you closer to a man.

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Second rule - Correspondence should evoke emotions (Any)

Game of desire in Truth or Dare

A person has 6 basic emotions (Joy, surprise, anger, disgust, sadness, fear)

Evoking any emotions is good for flirting, but it’s bad when a person doesn’t experience anything when communicating with you! The easiest way is to evoke negative emotions in a person, but you need to be careful with them and not overdo it. Learning to manage people's negativity is an art.

Unpleasant Fact: Historically, people react more strongly to negativity.

Examples of messages that evoke emotions:

“I know something about you” causes surprise, and in some cases, fear

“I had a better opinion of you” - causes anger or disgust, and maybe sadness

“I liked one thing about you” - intrigue + joy

When flirting, you take a person on a carousel of emotions, and he remembers you. But everything needs to be done correctly and consistently. Let's start from the very beginning, namely from the first message stage.

I also recommend reading: What can you ask a guy via text - TOP 25 catchy questions (Opens in a new tab)

Question answer

How to get a guy to text more often?

Often girls take the position of an offended interlocutor. They begin to ask questions like: “Why didn’t you write?”, “Where did you go?” This behavior is very off-putting. Instead of a complaint, use positive emotions: “So glad to see you!”, “How are you doing, I miss you,” etc. Then the man will be happy to log into the messenger.

How to increase interest if correspondence has become boring?

Modern communications allow you to connect photos and videos to correspondence. It’s one thing to write “Good morning!”, another to attach a photo where you smile broadly, wishing a man a good day. Short positive videos and congratulations also evoke much more emotions than text.

The man doesn’t answer, doesn’t write first, what should I do?

There could be several reasons for this. The guy perceives you as a friend, is afraid of seeming intrusive, or is simply not interested in communication. The latter, unfortunately, is the most likely. A frank conversation will help bring clarity.

Psychological techniques in correspondence

  1. Make him feel emotions, show your interest . Guys are also attracted to girls who are not afraid to be funny and cheerful and show their true feelings.
  2. Don’t be afraid to lift your man’s spirits by sending a simple message : “I’m very interested in you” or “Today I remembered you :).” He will be hooked and will end up thinking about you all day.
  3. Don't let yourself be humiliated . If a man suddenly starts writing vulgarities and hints that he wants to meet for one night, playfully but confidently put him in his place. If a guy is interested, he will continue communication in a different format.
  4. Leave room for your interlocutor to act. Write a little less, answer a little less often. Go offline sometimes. The agonizing wait will only brighten up the next communication.
  5. Create a psychological swing. After you have disappeared from the network, be sure to surprise the man and give him positive emotions. Send him a compliment, a good morning wish, share a funny story. This way he will notice the contrast - it’s fun and good with you, but boring and lonely without you.

What questions can and should be asked, and what not?

To understand as much as possible about a person, you can talk:

  • about studies, future goals for study;
  • about hobbies and interests;
  • About work;
  • views on future life, family, whether the guy even wants to start a serious relationship;
  • about family, parents, brothers and sisters, relationships within this family;
  • what kind of girls a man likes, what he looks for in his chosen one;
  • what type of vacation does a man prefer? If you like to travel and don’t sit in one place, then being a homebody won’t suit you.

However, it is better to avoid some topics, especially at the initial stage of acquaintance:

  • ex-partners, relationships;
  • sexual themes;
  • political and religious views;
  • man's income.

Secrets of proper development of dialogue via SMS and social media. networks and live

You need to learn how to conduct a conversation with the opposite sex; practice will help.

The effective secrets of communication are as follows:

  1. Interest. Dialogue cannot be built in the absence of mutual interest between people. The coldness of the partner will displease the interlocutor.
  2. Observation. Starting a conversation will be easier if you have a minimal idea about the person; it is better to study your partner’s page before the meeting.
  3. Showing emotions. The interlocutor becomes more interesting if he communicates emotionally.
  4. Search for commonalities. The dialogue will reach a new level if people begin to recognize each other’s interests and find the same passion.
  5. The right questions. There is no need to ask something to which a person will give the same type of answer. The partner needs to be involved in the conversation so that the person has the opportunity to answer in detail.
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